Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. ART 201 East Los Angeles College Jacket Drawing

  • For the drawing, use 18″x24″ paper with a 15″x20″ window drawn in pencil.
  • You may use either vine charcoal OR graphite OR micron pens. (only one medium please)
  • Make sure that the jacket does not appear flat. It is required that folds are incorporated into this composition.
  • Compose your drawing to include the entire jacket in your drawing.
  • The ONLY part of your drawing that will be left white is the highlights
  • Please include photo of jacket that was drawn
  • examples are shown below

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. LV Distribution Facts and Business Analysis Presentation

Dear, I will send you a piece of news and I need you to analyse it and explain why it’s a good or bad strategy regarding the distribution side in LV, always talk about distribution in LV, so talk about how is this really interesting that Louis Vuitton went for this step and how is it gonna affect the brand positively and negatively (on distribution only focus on the distribution of LV) the good side and the bad side of this LV distribution step. I need a PowerPoint presentation 3 slides with pics and their notes for me to read please. Can you also please add the references. Thanks!

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Essex County College Chapter 2 & 4 The Armenian Genocide Analysis Paper

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 2, 4
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

See additional required resources within the option instructions.

For this assignment, select one of the following options:

Option 1: Imperialism
The exploitation of colonial resources and indigenous labor was one of the key elements in the success of imperialism. Such exploitation was a result of the prevalent ethnocentrism of the time and was justified by the unscientific concept of social Darwinism, which praised the characteristics of white Europeans and inaccurately ascribed negative characteristics to indigenous peoples. A famous poem of the time by Rudyard Kipling, “White Man’s Burden,” called on imperial powers, and particularly the U.S., at whom the poem was directed, to take up the mission of civilizing these “savage” peoples.

Read the poem at the following link:

After reading the poem, address the following in a case study analysis:

  • Select a specific part of the world (a country), and examine imperialism in that country. What was the relationship between the invading country and the native people? You can select from these examples or choose your own:
    • Belgium & Africa
    • Britain & India
    • Germany & Africa
    • France & Africa
  • Apply social Darwinism to this specific case.
  • Analyze the motivations of the invading country?
  • How did ethnocentrism manifest in their interactions?
  • How does Kipling’s poem apply to your specific example? You can quote lines for comparison.

Option 2: The Armenian Genocide
Ethnic hatred is not new to the human race and ethnic hatred also goes hand in hand with some of the causes of World War 1 that we have discussed this week, namely nationalism and imperialism. In nationalism, the people not only believe their countrymen (those who look, talk, sound, and believe like them) are not only “better” than people of certain other countries but they also have the right and possibly even the responsibility to conquer areas with those inferior to them and take whatever resources they feel they need. Add to this the need for the leader of a country to be able to blame a certain ethnic group within that country for their problems. Such was the case in the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Turks launched a winter offensive into the mountains of southern Russia early in the war and suffered a severe defeat, both at the hands of the Russian army and the terrible weather they encountered. The Sultan needed a scapegoat to blame the loss on, so he picked an unpopular ethnic minority, the Armenians. Since the people seemed to believe the story, the Ottoman military rounded up as many Armenians as they could and marched them away to their fate.

Watch the following videos on the Armenian genocide:

After viewing the videos, conduct research on the topic and develop a case study based on the following questions:

  • How did the Armenian genocide play on the root causes of World War I, including nationalism, imperialism, social Darwinism, ethnic hatred, and the gullibility of the Turkish people who allowed this to happen and often even supported it.
  • What were the main motivations of the Ottoman rulers who decided to try and eliminate an entire ethnic minority within their country?
  • What was the process the Ottomans went through to round up the Armenians and march them to their deaths? Describe the process of the march and eventual genocide of the Armenians.
  • Why do terrible crimes against humanity always seem to happen during a war?
  • How do foreign governments recognize and deal with this event in their relationship with Turkey?

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UMT Senior Computer Systems Engineer Position Question

Help me study for my Job Applications class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

What was a recent challenge in which you were involved and how did you go about solving it? Please include a description of the context for the challenge (project, broken system, etc.) Please define the objective that was to be achieved. Please describe the steps taken and the goals of each step. Please describe why this particular case was chosen and the results of the effort. Please feel free to add any other information that you believe to be important in relating this.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Miami Dade College Life Educational Decisions Essay

When writing your essay, you may include but not be limited to topics such as they pertain to you: • How was your decision made to return to school? • What is your motivation for choosing your current field of study? • Who or what has been most influential in your life/educational decisions? • How will you use your education to it’s best advantage? • What are you passionate about in your chosen field? • What steps or plans are you making to assure the completion of all courses to graduate?

if you can rewrite the personal statement with 500 words and more into those questions. I apologize :/

my passion is to promote social justice and become a social work once I finish my bachelors and masters in the FIU program and help children with not reliable housing

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CMST 301 University of Maryland Global Campus Company Analysis of Netflix Paper





The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the following course concepts:

1. How companies use digital and social media to effectively communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal.

2. How digital media has transformed the communication of an idea, information, and arguments in society.

Project Description

The use of digital media has transformed how companies communicate with their customers. The use of the websites, YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and blogs has shaped current day communication strategies.

Project 1 Consists of:

1. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover)

2. Paper Requirements (content organization)

3. Submission Requirements (how to submit your assignment)

4. APA Resources (how to cite and select sources)

5. Due Date Information and Late Policy

Project Requirements

Select a company that utilizes digital or social media to communicate with customers to complete Section 1.

NOTE 1: You are required to complete ALL THREE SECTIONS of this project (Sections 1, 2, and 3).


Provide the following information about the company you select:

Item 1: What is the name of the company?

Item 2: What year was the company established?

Item 3: What is the company’s goal or mission?

Item 4: What products and services does the company offer or provide?

Item 5: Provide the company website address (URL).

Item 6: How many employees does the company employ?

Item 7: Where is the company’s headquarters located?

Item 8: What are the company’s most recent earnings?

Section 1 Source: Include at least one source for Section 1. Include this source as an in-paper citation and on your Reference page.

Section 1 Example: The Henkel Company

To help you with completing Section 1, an example is provided below:

“…Henkel was founded in 1876. People around the world trust Henkel’s innovations, brands, and technologies. In the fiscal year 2016, the company reported sales of approx. 18.7 billion euros and an operating profit of around 3.2 billion euros (adjusted for one-time gains/charges and restructuring charges). The DAX-30 company has its headquarters in Düsseldorf, Germany. Henkel employs more than 50,000 people worldwide, over 80 percent of whom work outside of Germany. Henkel is thus one of the most international German companies…”

Henkel. (2019). Company Profile. In Company Profile. Retrieved 1/15/19, from https://www.henkel.com/press-and-media/facts-and-f…

NOTE 2: You cannot use the Henkel Company in your project.


How does the company use Digital and Social Media to communicate with their customers?

Item 1: List all of the digital and social media platforms the company uses to communicate with customers (including websites, YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and blogs).

Item 2: Describe how the company uses EACH digital and social media listed in Item 1 above to achieve its goals or mission.

Section 2 Source: Include at least one source for Section 2. Include this source as an in-paper citation and on your References page.


Provide an example of how the company uses digital and/or social media to accomplish an objective (e.g. to address a serious public relations issue, promote a cause, market a product, achieve a strategic advantage by using Big Data, or promote an event).

Item 1: Describe the situation or example in detail.

Item 2: How successful was the company in accomplishing the objective? Support your answer with reference (s).

Item 3: List one thing the company could have done better to accomplish their objective. Be sure to focus on the use of digital or social media here.

Item 4: If you decide to discuss the company’s use of Big Data to achieve a strategic advantage, does their use of Big Data concern you as a potential customer? Why or why not?

To help you with completing Section 3, we have provided two sample topics below:

Section 3 Example 1: Target’s Data Breach

Target’s December 2013 data breach was a public relations nightmare, but the company responded swiftly over social media, posting safety guidelines on Twitter and keeping an open dialog with its aggrieved customers.

Section 3 Example 2: Target’s Use of Big Data

Target is renowned in the industry for its data collection practices. Target maintains a customer relationship management database which includes information from in-store purchases (they link all of your purchases to a unique customer identifier) and data they collect externally (e.g. data from Facebook and other sources). Combine the two data streams and Target can predict, with a high degree of certainty, what your gender is, where you live, how far you travel to work, your relationship status, and they can even tell if you are pregnant and if so when you are due. The amount of money spent each year on pregnancy-related purchases is tremendous. In efforts to win the market share in this profit area, Target has hired a team of statisticians to perform predictive analysis. The goal, in this particular situation, is to predict which women are expecting (or soon to be), without asking them directly, by analyzing their purchasing behavior (e.g. cribs, baby clothes, prenatal vitamins, etc.). This way Target can “target” this particular demographic (with coupons, discounts, and other offers) very early, thus getting a jump on the competition.

Section 3 Sources: Include at least two sources for Section 3. Include the two sources as in-paper citations and on your References page. At least one source should be professional or scholarly.

NOTE 3: You cannot use Target in your project or any company we discussed in class (e.g. Google).

Paper Requirements

1. Your paper must follow APA format guidelines throughout.

(A sample APA template for you to use is attached to the bottom of this page). Be sure to use the the sample template.

a. Double-spaced

b. 1-inch Margins

c. 12-point size professional font (e.g. Times New Roman)

d. Header

e. Automatic Page numbers

f. Title page

g. Reference page

2. Length: Minimum of 1,000; Maximum of 1,500 words.

(Title page, Reference page, and direct quotes do not count toward the total word count).

NOTE 4: Going over 1,500 words is fine, but if you are under 1,000 you will be penalized (10% or one letter grade) if you have under 900 words.

3. Include one Image.

Include at least one table, graph, or image of an appropriate size that is relevant and supports the information provided in your paper. Feel free to create the image if you like.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Long Beach City College Formal Methods of Validation Questions


In your own words explain why there is a need for formal methods of evaluating arguments versus simply using the informal methods discussed in Chapter 1.Think about the computers and technology that you use on a daily basis.When you made choices about which technologies to use or incorporate into your life, think about some of the factors or arguments that led you to make those choices? (For example: friend’s recommendation, commercials on TV, social media postings, etc.)Write an argument for choosing a specific technology. Include what that specific technology is and why a person would want to purchase or use it. (This might require you to do a bit of research to learn more about the technology piece you are writing about.) Use the standard argument format for your argument.Which formal method of evaluating an argument (we’ve discussed two) should be used to determine if your argument above is valid? Explain why would this method work best? Here’s the portion where you examine the language you used to determine which of the two methods would be used to determine if your argument is valid.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Marketing Strategies Healthcare Center Marketing Budget Discussion

Even the most brilliant information campaign will fail if there is no funding to support it. Like every department, marketing must compete for finite resources. Unlike other departments that see patients and, therefore, generate revenue (and, therefore, measurable ROI), marketing is not a revenue-generating business unit. The rationale for and allocation of funds must be compelling and precise.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Develop a prototype budget for a marketing project.


  • Textbook: Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach

Background Information

The value of marketing to an organization is often not obvious. While the sale of consumer products can be boosted via discounts, advertising, and developing brand identity, healthcare is influenced by far vaster and more complex factors. You have seen how healthcare marketing can influence multiple stakeholder groups, regulators, and benefactors. Yet it is impossible to address every one of these groups through every available channel. Practical experience tells us there is never enough money to do everything we wish.

This assignment uses an exercise from the textbook to evaluate the factors that compete for marketing resources. Here, you create a hypothetical budget that prioritizes various communications and outreach modalities to build an effective marketing effort.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. In the textbook Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach:
    1. Read Chapter 13: Budgeting Basics.
    2. Answer Chapter Exercise 2 at the end of the chapter.
  3. Develop your answer as a two-page budget submission based on the example of Exhibit 13.2 in the textbook.
    1. Assume an overall funding line of $750,000.
    2. Rather than research the cost of specific items (for example, advertisement development, website hosting, etc.), allocate resources to indicate the relative importance of each item.
    3. Remember that the focus of the question is to maximize social networking capabilities. Based on the examples already reviewed in the workshops, what should be the predominant focus, the item(s) that receive the most funding? Why?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Social Media Discussion

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Ephesians 4:29 (New International Version)


  • Bible


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Ephesians 4:29 in your Bible.
  3. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following questions:
    1. Re-read the scripture, then think about social media and its influence, both positive and negative, in our communities.
      1. What are two or three positive influences of social media in our communities?
      2. What are two or three negative influences of social media in our communities?
    2. How does your Christian faith inform you about the use of social media and other communication channels in the healthcare industry? Explain?

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