Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. The Mayo Powerhouse Discussion

The Mayo Clinic is arguably the most widely recognized healthcare brand in the nation, and possibly in the world. This brand success stems from a deliberate and well-defined marketing program that can trace its roots to the founding Mayo brothers. This discussion examines the processes Mayo uses to maintain its market position. By understanding successful integration of marketing principles into healthcare management, you become better prepared to define the value of an institution and convey that value to its various constituencies.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Define and describe communications channels used in healthcare marketing.


  • Textbook: Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach
  • Website: 5 Reasons Why Mayo Clinic Dominates Social Media in Healthcare
  • Website: The Big Brand Theory: How the Mayo Clinic Became the Gold Standard for Social Media in Healthcare

Background Information

Founding Mayo brother Charles H. Mayo, M.D., said in 1931, “Today the only thing that is permanent is change.” Those words were prescient of today’s volatile healthcare market. Extensive regulation, increasing consumerism – driven by private insurances, the Affordable Care Act, social networking, and intense competition demand the understanding and application of marketing principles and techniques. If a healthcare entity cannot define its value, it will likely not survive.

The Mayo Clinic’s reputation for excellence is rooted in its orientation of each and every employee to the values, mission, and processes used by that health system. Mayo defines the use of its name, the beliefs that drive its people and services, and the values held across the health system. Every associate, from the system CEO to the most junior housekeeper, is provided with Mayo’s marketing guidelines. If there is such a thing as a premium brand in healthcare, Mayo is it.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. In Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach, read Chapter 10: ‘Communication’.
  3. Read these web pages:
    1. 5 Reasons Why Mayo Clinic Dominates Social Media in Healthcare:
    2. The Big Brand Theory: How the Mayo Clinic Became the Gold Standard for Social Media in Healthcare:
  4. Revisit the Mayo Clinic websites you visited in Workshop Two.
  5. Navigate to the discussion thread and answer the following questions:
    1. What communications channels does the Mayo Clinic employ? What value do they generate for the organization?
    2. One of the messages in the textbook is that everyone in a healthcare organization should be a marketer. How does the Mayo Clinic achieve this, or does it?
    3. What biblical principles are demonstrated in the Mayo Clinic’s communications?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. American Military University Effective Communication in Intimate Relationships Paper


Assignment 5: Effective Communication in Intimate Relationships

Imagine a scenario in which two partners are discussing getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In this scenario, the partners demonstrate through discussion their understanding of the symptoms of STIs, the methods used to test for STIs, and the way in which STIs are treated as well as their capacity to engage in effective communication with one another about this sensitive topic.

Write out a role-play conversation between the partners in which they make use of effective verbal and nonverbal communication strategies (including active listening, “I” statements, and emotional validation) to discuss getting tested for and the possibility of getting treated for STIs. At the end of your role play, produce a brief, 1-paragraph summary of how effective communication was used.

Your script must be at least 650 words long. Your script should demonstrate accurate knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases, and how to test for them as well as knowledge of communication strategies. Use at least 2 references to support your work.

If you would like, you may write a script for a couple that differs from your personal experience (culturally or in terms of orientation, for example) or even write a script detailing how you would convince two clients of yours to get tested.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which is a plagiarism checking tool. Any assignment receiving a score of 30% or better raises serious concerns about the originality of your work. An originality score should generally be no more than 20%. Assignments with originality scores between 20 and 50% will have points deducted. Any originality score over 50% after review will be graded with a 0. Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work.

Grading Rubric

Week 5: Conflict Resolution – Setting Ground Rules

Possible Points

Student Points

The script demonstrated an understanding of effective communication strategies. Paper includes a 1 paragraph summary of communication strategies used in the script.


The script demonstrated accurate knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases, and how to test for them.


At least two appropriate references are included and follows APA 6th ed. formatting style.

Citations are included in the body of the paper to show how and where the references are used.


Writing structure is consistent and clear. Spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar rules are followed.


The script meets the minimum 650-word count requirement.




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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. American Military University Wk 5 Learning Institutions on the Realities of Sex Essay

Read this article on sex education from National Public Radio. Were you encouraged to discuss issues of power in your own sex education? Do you agree or disagree with the interviewee’s perspective, and why?

Please review the Discussion Guidelines outlined in the Course Overview.

Important note: Posts are accepted only in the week in which they are due. Early or late posts to the discussion are not accepted for grading. While you may prepare a post ahead of time, you may only submit it during the actual week of the discussion.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Marketing Strategies Guidebook Presentation

Continue to build your Marketing Strategy Guidebook based on the learning concepts from this workshop. This section should address the communications plan, budgeting for marketing activities, and overarching strategy guidance.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Define and describe communications channels used in healthcare marketing.
  • Develop a prototype budget for a marketing project.
  • Demonstrate the components of an effective marketing plan.
  • Devise a biblically consistent approach to healthcare marketing.


  • Material used in previous workshop assignments

Background Information

This is the “how to” section of the Marketing Strategy Guidebook. The slides for this part will serve as checklists for future development of communications plans, resource allocation, and strategic marketing guidelines.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Review this workshop’s course material and your notes.
  3. Continue to develop your Marketing Strategy Guidebook. Create at least four to six more slides that include the following:
    1. Guidelines for creating effective communications plans and projects
    2. Budgeting considerations
    3. The balance between traditional media outlets (newspaper, billboards, television and radio advertisements) and social media
    4. The component of strategic marketing
    5. The biblical principles that guide these activities

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Liberty University Online Educational Theories of Learning Discussion

here is classmate #1- you should reply to- i will extend the timeline and give you classmate #2 when they submit it

In 1 Corinthians 12:12, it is written, “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ” (New International Version, 1978/2011). This verse is a wonderful example of how individuals are all different, yet in the body of Christ, we all come together as one. Each individual has gifts and talents that they are able to use to serve and to be a part of the church body. As an educator, our heart’s attitude should be to lead and shepherd all children without bias regarding the child’s physical or intellectual ability. The real world is made up of a diverse population, and the classroom should reflect what children will see in the world.

A fully inclusive classroom benefits all the participants. The child who is typically developed will have incredible opportunities to practice empathy, compassion, and what it looks like in real ways to be a good friend to people. The child with disabilities has the opportunity to interact with peers and to have peer role models. This fully inclusive classroom is an opportunity for all participants to learn from each other, which reflects how we learn from others in real life. “A critical part of every teacher’s role is to ensure that the equal opportunity we hold to be central to our nationhood is translated into equal opportunity in day-to-day life in the classroom” (Slavin & Schunk, 2020). Researchers have found that children with disabilities learn more and have higher self-esteem when placed in an inclusive classroom environment (Slavin & Schunk, 2020). I agree with Ruby’s parents that inclusion was the appropriate choice for their daughter. I appreciated the energy and effort that they have exerted in being an active advocate for their daughter and children with disabilities.


New International Version Bible. (2011). Zondervan. (Original work published 1978)

Slavin, R. E., & Schunk, D. H. (2020). Learning theories Educ 500 for Liberty University (3rd ed.). Pearson.

here is classmate #2

I found the section of the video that discussed what inclusion means not only to Ruby and her family, but to the neurotypical students in the classroom as well very meaningful. Most children do not have the opportunity to form meaningful relationships with children who have disabilities, and therefore are not exposed to the many differences that people live with. It is valuable for students to meet and bond with a diverse set of peers so as to grow up without judgement. Through personal experiences with family friends with a child who has grown up with ASD, the parents often talk about how their child has taught them to be so much more accepting and loving to everyone. They feel that it has especially impacted their other children who have grown up to be welcoming and live without judgement of others. This reflects the ideas represented within the scripture “love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34, NIV).

I wholeheartedly believe that inclusion is the right choice for Ruby. You can see throughout the video how much she enjoys and benefits from learning with her peers. Considering that her parents and teachers know her better than anyone else in regards to her social and educational development, I think it is important to listen to what they say about how Ruby has done in an inclusion classroom. In addition, it is important to acknowledge that children with mild disabilities who were taught in a general education classroom “learned more and had higher self-esteem” in comparison to similar students taught in a special education setting (Slavin & Schunk, 2021, p. 274). I feel this is evident by Ruby’s success in the general classroom which is clear by the improvement that her parents and teachers have witnessed.


John 13:34 – New International Version. Bible Gateway. (n.d.). https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+13%3A34&version=NIV.

Slavin, R. E. & Schunk, D. H. (2021). Learning Theories EDUC 500 for Liberty University. Pearson Education, Inc.



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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Evergreen Valley College Ocean Chemistry and Studies Discussion Paper

Internet Assignment 2: The Chemistry of Ocean Water

Part 1: Ocean Chemistry (20 points)

Although this assignment and the textbook chapter this week focuses on inorganic ocean chemistry the MarineBio Ocean Chemistry page draws the distinction between organic and inorganic ocean chemistry. Additionally, the MarinoBio summary addresses the relationship between ocean chemistry and water density variations associated with deep ocean circulation which we will be studying soon.

Read the short MarineBio Ocean Chemistry page and answer the following questions.https://marinebio.org/oceans/ocean-chemistry/
a) What is the difference between inorganic and organic chemistry in the ocean?
b) What is biochemistry?

c) What are salts?
d) Where do the chemical components that make up ocean salts come from? e) What is osmoregulation?

Part 2: Inorganic Ocean Chemistry: (80 points)

More than 70 chemical elements are dissolved ocean water, however; the following ten elements make up 99.9% of the ocean salts. Below is a list of the ten most abundant dissolved elements found in ocean water and the five most abundant dissolved, gases/compounds.

Logon to the interactive periodic table of elements:


Find and list the chemical symbol for the elements listed below (i.e., O, H,) or chemical formula for compounds (i.e., CO2). Also, find one interesting ocean-related fact or practical use for each element or compound (see: “uses and properties.” For example, one interesting fact included is “supply risk.”)

Please Note: This specific website to not required to complete this assignment. There are other excellent interactive periodic tables available online. Students are welcome to use other sources. It is best to include full references from other sources.

Calcium Magnesium

page1image1299524256 page1image1299524832

Sulfate (Sulphur or Sulfur)
Borate (Boron)
These are five other essential elements, gasses, and compounds found in ocean water Oxygen
Carbon Dioxide

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HC Geology of Lake National Park Question

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Eastern Gateway Community College Food Safety Plan Abstract Paper

A Food Safety Program is a ‘live document’ that outlines how a business will proactively identify and control food safety hazards when producing, manufacturing, or handling food. It’s designed and managed by a Food Safety Supervisor on behalf of a food business. 

Food Safety Plan (FSP)should include the following:

  • Identify all potential food safety hazards that may be reasonably expected to occur in the food business’ operations
  • Identify solutions for controlling these hazards
  • Include daily records that demonstrate regular measurement and observation for each of the controls
  • Provide procedures for corrective action when a hazard is found to not be under control
  • Provide for the regular review of the program by the food business to ensure its adequacy
  • Include a documented mechanism that outlines basic food safety procedures should the Food Safety Supervisor become absent

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Harvest of Empire The Untold Story of Latinos in America Documentary Discussion

I’m working on a internet research exercise and need a reference to help me learn.


Please find one news-based article, which agrees with, or refutes, the content and arguments provided in this documentary. *note: in case the link didn’t open you can search it on YouTube”harvest of empire the untold story of latinos in America”

Other Homework Help