Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. BCC Esports DQ Discussion

TSM: LEGENDS “Balance” drops us into the North American League of Legends Championship from the perspective of North American esports organization Team SoloMid (2017 summer), prior to winning the championship.

This episode contains some explicit language.

This docuseries gives an inside look at what it’s like to be an esports athlete. As you watch the docuseries, focus on how the players and staff interact with each other (in and out of game). Pay specific attention to how they try to balance their play styles and communication. Note how their communication is affected by their individual personalities. The goal of this exercise is to help you visualize what it’s like in a “Tier 1” esports org. Do not worry about understanding certain terminologies and game play at this time. Make sure that you take notes.

In two to three paragraphs, discuss your thoughts on the episode. How is this episode of TSM Legends similar or different from the “Boston” episode. What were some of the reasons the players gave for their struggles? How would you personally approach difficult or tense situations with teammates?

The video to watch is the link

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0EjgNeqKXI (Links to an external site.)

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. B440 GEB 4220 Rasmussen College Managing Workplace Diversity Presentation

I’m working on a other presentation and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

  1. Competency

    Analyze the importance of managing a diverse workforce.

    Student Success Criteria

    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


    You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus on. You will be tasked with choosing from one of the diversity areas that are provided to you. Be sure to conduct research using the university library and other relevant sources.
    Diversity Area (You have selected Race as your diversity area. Continue to use it for all modules)


    As the Director of Human Resources, the CEO and other executive leaders have requested you to design a training session on “Best Practices” for managers on racial diversity in the workplace. You will need to create a presentation to be included in your company’s online training platform. In your training guidelines, you will want to address the following areas:

    1. Introduce racial diversity importance to managers.
    2. Assess some common mistakes or problems that may happen if the management of racial diversity is not used.
    3. Provide suggestions for best practices managers can take away from the training.
    4. Conclude your training.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. The History of Child Care in the US Questions

I’m working on a other discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The prevailing way of talking about children and families in the U.S. focuses on parents. Are they making the right choices? Are they really trying to do the right thing for their children? If parents only “knew better” or had the grit, discipline, and determination to make the right choices, their children would do better. But families don’t live in a bubble.

Answer the following questions:

Why are the early years so important for brain development? Where does the U.S. rank among rich nations in terms of child well-being? What do studies by economists tell us about investing in the early years?

Your initial post and response to one classmate must be posted by Sunday of this week. As with all written communication in this course, please be mindful of mechanics (grammar, spelling, and punctuation). Your response to classmates must be substantive and show evidence of reflection and thought. Feedback should add new information, or in some way enhance the learning of others in the course.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. North Lake College Current State of Political Elections in Texas Court System Response

1 classmate reaction posts. Must be a minimum of 250 words. You must use sources here only if you are refuting something a classmate has stated, based on research.

They MUST be thoughtful posts, with a full explanation, agreeing or disagreeing with a classmate. Simply agreeing or disagreeing is not helpful and will not earn any points. Pleasantries, telling a classmate “good job”, etc. do not count towards the minimum word count.

I want you to reply the below post.Faith Chipps
Professor Hitt
3 Nov 2021

Texas Partisan Election System

Texas is one of six states that requires judicial selection for all judicial offices by partisan elections. In the Texas Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, and the Court of Criminal Appeals, a judge must be a U.S. citizen, a Texas resident, 35-75 years old, licensed to practice law in Texas, and a practicing lawyer and/or judge for at least ten years. In district courts, a judge must be a U.S. citizen, a Texas resident, 25-75 years old, a practicing lawyer and/or judge for at least four years and a resident of his or her district for more than two years. In statutory and probate courts, judges must be at least 25 years old, a resident of his or her county for at least two years, and have practiced law for over four years before the election. Justice of the Peace Courts require judges to take a forty-hour course before the election and take twenty-hour courses each year they continue to serve. While the Texas Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and the Court of Criminal Appeals have 6-year term lengths, the district, statutory, probate, and Justice of the Peace courts have 4-year term lengths.

Law firms and special interest groups are likely donors for judicial campaigns in Texas. This suggests that people and businesses are willing to donate large sums of money to judicial campaigns so the judges “pay back” the donors by judging court cases in favor of the donor’s preferred outcome. In 1995, the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act attempted to reduce this problem by limiting individual judicial campaign donations to $5,000, and law firm donations to $30,000. However, biased judging caused by financial donations is still an ongoing issue in Texas courts.

Judicial bias is the leading cause prompting the idea of reform. Cases should be judged with impartiality, however, if citizens are voting for certain judges simply because of the judges’ political stances, and not by their fair and just practices, Texan courts will soon become solely political. There are political issues that could keep reform from occurring. Reform must win a two-thirds majority vote in both chambers to be enacted. In the past, many attempts for reform have been futile. Also, voters protest the reform, stating that reforming the judicial voting process is taking away their freedom of choice.

I believe limiting campaign contributions to judicial candidates can fix the perceived sales sign over the judicial branch of Texas. If Texan judges can be influenced with financial donations into falsely judging court cases, it can cause the innocent to suffer. The best option to prevent monetary influences is to further limit campaign contributions.

Lastly, I believe our judicial elections system needs reform. Currently, most people are voting for the judges within their own political party, instead of the most qualified and fair judges. If voters continue this trend, judges will be elected only because of their stance on politics. I also believe there needs to be stricter limitations on campaign contributions, limiting financial influence on Texan judges.

Works Cited

Plattoff, Emma. “State Leaders Again Want to Review How Texas Elects Judges. Will They End Partisan Judicial Elections?” texastribune.org, The Texas Tribune, 15 July 2019, texastribune.org/2019/07/15/texas-partisan-judicial-elections-reform-abbott-support/. Accessed 25 Oct 2021.

Staff, Signal. “In Texas, Is Justice Still for Sale?” texassignal.com, Texas Signal, 5 Oct 2020, texassignal.com/in-texas-is-justice-still-for-sale/. Accessed 25 Oct 2021.

Chammah, Maurice. “Judicial Donations Raise Questions of Partiality.” texastribune.org, The Texas Tribune, 26 Mar 2013, texastribune.org/2013/03/26/donations-judicial-campaigns-spur-ethics-worries/. Accessed 25 Oct 2021.

Liberato, Lynne et al., “Texas Commission on Judicial Selection Final Report.” txcourts.gov, Texas Judicial Branch, 29 Dec 2020, txcourts.gov/media/1450219/201230_tcjs-final-report_compressed.pdf. Accessed 25 Oct 2021.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HIMS 661 University of Maryland College Park Week 11 Web Portals Discussion

I’m working on a other discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Web portals are now becoming the norm as they are mandated under the “Meaningful Use” criteria for involving the patients in their healthcare decision making. Discuss the benefits that a patients could derive from these web portals and how HIM professionals can benefit simultaneously?

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. California State University San Marcos Value of Ethics Human Development Discussion

Provide a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs)

Provide a reflection on the video (your reaction, thoughts, observations, real life examples that connect to the topic: 2 paragraphs)

Discuss what you’ve learned about ethics from the course textbook reading and PowerPoint (1 paragraph)

Discuss how ethics is used in this study. How was the ethical part of the study disclosed to student participants? Was this experiment/study ethical? Why or why not? How will ethics play a role in your own research study? (3 paragraphs)

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. DV 4001 Walden University Evaluation Design and Types of Evaluation Powerpoint

Evaluation Design and Types of Evaluation

You have been tasked with evaluating a public health program that was planned and implemented by your organization. Specifically, you will be analyzing the public health program that you designed in the PP4001–PP4005 competencies. If you are not able to use the public health program that you designed previously, contact your faculty assessor immediately.

The first step in this evaluation process is to consider the purposes of evaluation and which might apply to the program. In addition, you must consider the types of evaluation and the evaluation design that would be most appropriate for this task. You will present your ideas to the task force that is charged with evaluating the program before moving on to the specifics of the program evaluation.

To prepare for this Assessment:

  • Review the CDC’s Framework for Program Evaluation. Reflect on the steps and standards related to evaluation design.
  • Review the six purposes of evaluation (from McKenzie et al., p. 355)
  • In PP4001–PP4005, you developed a public health program plan that you will use for the Course Project. If your plan is not available, contact your faculty assessor. Review your public health program plan and select at least one outcome goal, one impact goal, and two SMART objectives. You may choose to revise your goals and objectives based on assessor feedback.
  • Review “Selecting an Evaluation Design” and “Evaluation Designs” in Chapter 14 of the McKenzie et al. text. Select an evaluation design to use as a guide for conducting your program evaluation.
  • Review “Formative Evaluation” and “Summative Evaluation” in Chapter 14 of the McKenzie et al. text. With your goals and objectives in mind, select two types of evaluation that you could use as part of your evaluation plan.
  • Consider the strengths and limitations of the evaluation design and types of evaluation you selected.

Your PowerPoint presentation should comprise 13 slides that contain the following elements:

  • Title slide (1 slide)
  • Introduce your proposed program briefly with the program title, mission statement, target population, and location. (2 slides)
  • Identify the stakeholders for your program. Include at least one stakeholder from each category (those involved in program operations, those served or affected by the program, and the primary users of the evaluation results). (2 slides)
    • Explain what the different stakeholders might expect from the evaluation.
    • Identify how you might elicit input from program participants into the evaluation plans
  • Describe one outcome goal (long term), one impact goal (short term), and at least two SMART objectives for each goal from your public health program plan. (1 slide)
    • Refer to the Learning Resources on SMART objectives to ensure that your objectives are appropriately written.
  • Describe two types of evaluation that you could use to evaluate your public health program plan and explain why these are appropriate. (2 slides)
    • Refer to “Formative Evaluation” and “Summative Evaluation” in Chapter 14 of the McKenzie et al. text to review the types of evaluations.
  • Describe the strengths and limitations of your selected types of evaluation. (1 slide)
  • Explain which of the six purposes of evaluation apply to your program. (1 slide)
  • Describe the evaluation design that would be most appropriate to guide your program evaluation and explain why you would choose that design. (1 slide)
    • Refer to “Selecting an Evaluation Design” and “Evaluation Designs” in Chapter 14 of the McKenzie et al. text to review the types of evaluation designs.
  • Describe the strengths and limitations of your selected evaluation design. (1 slide)
  • References (1 or more slides, depending on needs)
    • Reference at least two appropriate scholarly resources.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. ISSA College of Exercise Science Different Type of Exercise Program Questions

I’m studying for my class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

In your own words, describe group exercise and the various exercise disciplines included within the ISSA Group Exercise Instructor course

.Discuss the role of the group exercise instructor. Include the topics of participant safety, the importance of creating a positive experience for the participants, and the code of ethics group exercise instructors must understand and adhere to as fitness professionals.

Participation in the various forms of structured exercise has numerous benefits for participants. Discuss the benefits of exercise and provide examples how participation in aerobic exercise can reduce various health risks.

Explain the principles of exercise training that must be applied to the development of a progressive and successful exercise program

Describe the three energy systems in the body, and how they are used for energy production.

As a group exercise instructor, it is your responsibility to design the classes you teach. Please design a muscle conditioning group exercise class. Describe in detail the components of the warm-up routine you will use to begin your class; list the exercises you will use in the workout routine, the equipment needed, and the number of repetitions of each exercise; explain the process of communicating to your students during the class, including specifics regarding the cueing of transitions; and describe the cool-down session you will use to close out your class.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. American InterContinental Unit 5 Professional Business Development Project Report

You have made a career plan, networked with professionals in that field, undergone experiences, and acquired skill sets that would apply to the career path you have chosen. For the last several weeks, you have conducted a job search that has involved creating a resume, searching for jobs via job posting sites, networking, and perhaps attending a job fair. Now, all of your work has paid off and you have an interview scheduled for an entry-level position in a manufacturing firm and an entry-level position in a retail firm.

  • Your instructor will pair you up with another student and create a small group for the two of you. You and the other student will role play. You and your partner will need to schedule an hour when both of you are available for a group live chat. Each person in the group will be the interviewer for one scenario and the interviewee for the other scenario.
    • The interviewer will create a list of 5 questions to ask the interviewee. Please do not share these questions with your partner ahead of time.
    • You should spend no more than half an hour on each scenario.
    • Write an assessment of your experience as the interviewee that addresses the following questions:
      • How do you feel you handled the interview?
      • Were you able to provide the information you wanted to provide?
      • Did you ask appropriate questions?
      • Were your responses to the interviewer’s questions appropriate and complete?
    • Write an assessment of your partner’s experience as the interviewee that addresses the following questions:
      • How do you feel he or she handled the interview?
      • Was he or she able to provide the information you wanted him or her to provide?
      • Did he or she ask appropriate questions?
      • Were his or her responses to your questions appropriate and complete?

Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Percentage
Deliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer’s message and intent are clear.

  • Questions asked as the interviewer
  • Questions answered as the interviewee
  • Evaluation of yourself as the interviewee
  • Evaluation of your partner as the interviewee


Critical thinking: Position is well-justified; logical flow; supported with examples


Structure: Includes introduction and conclusion; proper paragraph format and reads as a polished, academic paper or professional presentation, as appropriate for the required assignment deliverable


Mechanical: No spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors


APA: Deliverable is cited properly according to the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.)


Other Homework Help