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Other Homework Help. Texas Southern University Editing and Revising Article Discussion

Need help underlining and label known-knew contract, repetition, stress position, prepositional phrases, and sentences that need to revise. Attached is the article that needs revising. Everything that needs to fixed is on the top of the page

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Dublin City University Grand Canyon National Park Travel Poster Collage

Hello i need a travel poster collage done,One draft version then a final version. What i mean is you need to grab 4 different images,from a movie(s) and put them together to make a land mark from real life or from a movie.
Basically putting 4 pictures together to make it into a complete picture. i provided an example of what the draft should look.
once the draft is done which is the process of putting the images in place to make a full image, you then photoshop it more to make it look like a complete picture referencing to the landmark/place you’re trying to represent.

I will provide more information once i have an offer accepted.

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Other Homework Help. CMP 610 9040 Cybersecurity Background and Enterprise Security Essay

Project 1: Security Models
Step 1: Review the Assigned Organization

All four projects for this course will be completed from the vantage point of a specific industry and an organization assigned to you by the instructor. If you do not know your assigned organization, contact your instructor immediately. If you want to use another organization than the one assigned you or one not listed, contact your instructor as well.

Familiarize yourself with the organization and breach your instructor has assigned by reviewing the details at https://www.databreaches.net/. The descriptions include an overview and key information about the organization on the internet, as well as information about a breach or attempted breach. For the purposes of this course, you will assume this organization is your employer.

You may wish to briefly research your assigned organization to gather additional information about the organization and its security posture.

Step 2: Write a Cybersecurity Background Summary

In Step 1, you familiarized yourself with your assigned organization. Now, it is time to write a cybersecurity overview. Write a three-page background summary that includes a general overview of cybersecurity and a section on enterprise cybersecurity.

Include the following items in the general overview of cybersecurity:

Include the following items in the enterprise cybersecurity section:

  • List and discuss the major concepts of enterprise cybersecurity, including confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA)
  • Discuss the principles that underlie the development of an enterprise cybersecurity policy framework and implementation plan.
  • List the major types of cybersecurity threats that a modern enterprise might face.

You will attach this cybersecurity background summary to the security assessment in a later project step.

Submit the cybersecurity background summary for feedback.

Step 3: Analyze Security Weaknesses

After writing the cybersecurity background summary, you are ready to analyze the security weaknesses of your assigned organization. When analyzing cybersecurity weaknesses, there are several areas to consider.

Analyze the organization’s security from the following perspectives:

  1. a technology perspective
  2. a people perspective
  3. a policy perspective

You will include this information in the security assessment. In the next step, you will consider risk factors.

Step 4: Compile a Risk Summary

Step 5: Submit a Security Weakness Assessment

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Other Homework Help. CMP 610 9040 University of Maryland Global Campus Foundations in Cybersecurity Management Essay

Step 6: Begin a Security Models Summary

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA triad), as well as authentication and nonrepudiation, are fundamental security concepts that must be considered when assessing and developing security options. Cybersecurity models have been developed to address some or all of these security concepts.

While these models were generally created to address a specific business case, each of the models has attributes that could be used to assemble a custom security plan. In order to draft a custom security plan for your organization, you will need to understand basic security models. You will identify key features, weaknesses, and targeted sectors and/or infrastructures.

In this step and the following step, you will develop a short summary for each of the security models listed. These reports will serve as an Appendix A to the final memo and will document the security models and their attributes in advance of the memo that you will deliver with your recommended approach.

Each summary should include a descriptive and evaluative paragraph on the following attributes:

Include the origins of the model (who developed it, when was it developed, and the context under which it was developed), main characteristics of the model (details on the business, sector, industry for whom the model was developed), and key features of the model.

Write summaries for the following common models:

  • Bell-LaPadula
  • Biba’s Strict Integrity Policy
  • Clark-Wilson
  • Chinese Wall

When you have completed these summaries, continue to the next step, where you’ll write a summary for the next four security models

Project 1: Security Models
Step 7: Continue the Security Models Summary

Continue summarizing the various cybersecurity models, as in the previous step. Again, identify key features, weaknesses, and targeted sectors/infrastructures and develop a short summary for each of the security models listed below. These reports will be added to Appendix A for the final memo and will document the security models and their attributes in advance of the memo that you will deliver with your recommended approach.

Each summary should include a descriptive and evaluative paragraph on the following attributes:

Include the origins of the model (who developed it, when was it developed, and the context under which it was developed), main characteristics of the model (details on the business, sector, industry for whom the model was developed), and key features of the model. Write summaries for the following models:

  • Clinical Information Systems Security
  • Noninterference Security
  • Deducibility Security
  • Graham-Denning

When you have finished both steps and the Security Models Summary, submit Appendix A for feedback.

Step 8: Analyze the Security Models

Now that you are familiar with existing common security models, analyze each of the security models that you reviewed in the last two steps and their attributes against the needs of your organization as identified in the earlier steps. The information that you gather here will contribute to your security plan.

In the next step, you will look at features that will work for the organization.

Step 9: Identify Relevant Model Features

Next, identify features from the models that apply to your assigned organization’s security needs. Also include any security attributes that you believe are important for your organization but are not included in any of the models. The information that you gather here, along with the information gathered in the previous step, will contribute to the security plan.

When you are finished, in the next step you will put together a security plan for the organization.

Step 10: Design a Custom Security Plan

Having completed an assessment of your organization’s security posture and the analysis of security models, you will now design a custom security plan for the organization. The custom security plan should meet the following criteria:

  • The security plan should coincide with the organization’s IT vision, mission, and goals.
  • Include an information security program that aligns with business strategy.
  • Incorporate all internal and external business functions within the organization’s security programs.
  • Classify risks according to relevant criteria.
  • Prioritize threats from both internal and external sources.
  • Rank the most relevant security attributes for the organization and list them in priority order. This list will serve as Appendix B to your final assignment.

Submit Appendix B for feedback.

Step 11: Develop a Business Case for Your Organization

With the new security plan written, you will need to develop a business case for it to include in the memo to the CTO. Using your knowledge of the organization’s security posture from Step 1 and your understanding of applicable security model features, make the case for changes to the organization. Include the rationale for change and any impacts to the business.

Also include an implementation plan. Describe the present situation in the organization and the associated risks assumed given the security weaknesses.

The work you do in this step will become the first of three sections of the three-page memo in the last step of the project.

In the next step, you will work on another section of the memo, security models.

Step 12: Identify Security Model Attributes

Next, detail the security model attributes that best apply to the organization. Identify the model, if any, from which the attributes are derived and why the attribute applies to the organization.

The work you do in this step will become the second section of the memo in Step 14.

In the next step, you will look at how security in the organization could be improved, based on your recommendations.

Step 13: Assess Security Improvement Potential

Finally, give your best judgment on the potential to improve the security posture of the organization when your recommendations are implemented. You will need to evaluate the pros and cons of implementation in relation to CIA. Discuss the risks and impacts to include a high-level assessment of financials. Consider how business continuity and continued alignment will be maintained.

The work you do in this step will become the third section of the memo in the final step.

Project 1: Security Models
Step 14: Develop and Submit a Security Plan Recommendation Memorandum

Compile the analyses completed in the last three steps into a memorandum from you to your supervisor. This memo should be three pages, excluding Appendices A and B, and should clearly articulate the business case for adopting features from the reviewed security models. It should include the following:

  • a description of the security model attributes
  • an assessment of the weaknesses in the organization that the security features will address
  • your rationale for selecting the specific security attributes and your prognosis of success, noting risks and impacts to include a high-level assessment of financials
  • the policies and procedures that will need to be in place for the security plan to work
  • the infrastructure that will need to be in place for the security program to operate and to align with each entity within the organization
  • a plan for evaluating the security plan’s effectiveness

Update the appendices according to the feedback received. Submit the memorandum along with Appendices A and B

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Other Homework Help. Grossmont College Soccer Skills Portion Questions

I know you have been practicing the skills in our Soccer Skills portion of this class. Now you get a chance to show me your “skills.”

I want you to take a video of yourself completing one passing drill:

  • #26 5 yard dribble move at cone to slotted pass

Turn these video’s in to me in your skill assignment video #6. Please upload the video to your assignment when you hand it in to me. These videos can just be 10-15 seconds in length that show you completing the drill 1-2 times.

I want you to give me feedback on what you thought about these soccer footwork/ball handling drills. I would like you to cut and paste the questions below. You then will simply answer each question and hand it in with your short video.

How hard was this drill for you to complete?

Have you done soccer footwork/ball handling drill like this before? If so, what are the differences and similarities?

Were you able use your outside of the foot to move the ball? Were you able to pass with the inside of your foot? Why or why not?

How much practice (time) did you need to complete the drill at a level that you were satisfied?

To earn full credit for this Skill Assignment Video you must complete at least the following items:

  • Send a video of yourself completing the drills
  • Copy/Paste questions above and answer them

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Other Homework Help. Grossmont College Biceps Shoulders Triceps BST Weight Lifting Routine

Above is a biceps, shoulders, triceps (BST) weight lifting routine. Your assignment is to watch this video, complete the BST routine on your own and respond to me with feedback by answering the questions listed below. Describe how this BST routine makes you feel, distinguish the exercises that were easy for you to complete and the exercises that were more difficult.

If you do not have dumbbells, you can use water bottles, exercise tubes or exercise bands.

There are 6 exercises in this routine. 2 different bicep exercises, 2 different shoulder exercises and 2 different triceps exercises. The order for this BST routine is:

  • Bicep Curl
  • Shoulder Press
  • Triceps Extension
  • Bicep Hammer
  • Shoulder Front Lift & Lateral Lift
  • Triceps One Leg Floor

The number of repetitions that you complete per exercise depends on your fitness goals. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 8 to 12 repetitions for muscular strength and 10 to 15 reps for muscular endurance. For muscle tone, 15 repetitions is a good number to use per exercise. Make sure you are using the proper weight to complete your 15 repetitions. If the last few repetitions are easy, the amount of weight should be increased. However, if you are struggling on repetition number 8-12, the amount of weight should be decreased. Ideally, if you feel that your last 3 repetitions (#13-#15) are a little difficult (and you are still able to keep your form) you are using the proper weight.

Your assignment is to complete BST weight lifting routine this week. I want you to give me feedback on what you thought about this BST routine. Simply cut and paste these questions and attach your answers.

Please answer these questions in your response (make sure to explain):

  • Summarize how the BST weight lifting routine made you feel?
  • Describe in detail the different feelings (more than 1) you have gained from this BST weight lifting routine.
  • Explain which exercises were more difficult for you to complete? Why?
  • Explain which exercises did you like best to complete? Why?
  • Indicate if you wished the BST routine was longer or shorter? Explain why? How many times would you want to complete per workout?

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Other Homework Help. HMLS 416 University of Maryland Recovery Phase of Any Disaster Event Discussion

I’m studying for my class and need an explanation.

The recovery phase of any disaster event creates a huge requirement for manpower for cleanup, repair, and restoration. Traditionally, a sizable segment of the manpower pool is provided by volunteers from NGOs, churches, community organizations, schools, etc. What are the advantages to using volunteers? What are the disadvantages?

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Other Homework Help. Auburn University Montgomery Perspectives on Human Communication Summary

I’m working on a other question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Read though the Communication in Society article and answer the follow questions.

  • Can Communication Styles Predict Divorce?
  • Does the length of the relationship play a part?

Use, bold AND define 2 key terms from Ch. 2 in your answer.

  • 5 points for answering all questions in 5-7 sentences
  • 5 points for using 2 key terms, defining the terms and bolding termS

    Communication in Society

    Can Communication Styles Predict Divorce?

    The results of a national research project found that the patterns spouses use to communicate when a conflict arises may have a bearing not only on the quality of their relationship, but on whether the couple ends up divorcing early in the marriage.

    Everyone assumes that aggressive conflict behaviors like yelling and insulting the other party can lead to divorce. However, Dr. Kira Birditt, a professor at the University of Michigan, wanted to see if less dramatic conflict behaviors (e.g., keeping quiet, leaving the argument) and even constructive behaviors (e.g., calm discussion, listening) might cause a marriage to end in divorce.So she, along with a team of researchers, conducted a study examining the conflict communication patterns in the marriages of over 500 African American and White heterosexual couples over a period of 16 years. They asked the wives and husbands to describe their conflict behaviors during disagreements at different times during the 16 years. From time to time, the couples filled out questionnaires (separately) and were also interviewed by the researchers separately and together. The researchers also gathered divorce statistics on the couples.They found that, indeed, conflict behaviors have important implications for divorce. As expected, husbands and wives reporting greater constructive conflict behaviors had lower divorce rates and those who used more destructive behaviors (e.g. shouting, insulting the other) had higher divorce rates.However, they also found a particularly toxic pattern that, while seemingly less destructive, actually has damaging effects on the longevity of the marriage.That is, when one spouse deals with conflict constructively (e.g. calmly discussing the situation, listening to their partner’s point of view, or trying hard to find out what their partner is feeling) and other spouse withdraw—the end result is higher divorce rates. This is somewhat similar to the demand-withdrawal pattern described in this chapter.It seems that if one spouse attempts to solve relationship problems with constructive behaviors, such as finding solutions, but the other spouse prefers to solve problems by leaving the situation, the spouse who uses constructive behaviors may perceive their partner’s withdrawal as a lack of investment in the relationship and ultimately also loses interest.Birditt and her team also found that conflict behaviors had similar effects on divorce for both Black and White couples, and that over time, wives were less likely to use destructive strategies or withdraw, whereas husbands’ conflict behaviors remained stable. They speculate that it may be that relationships are more important to wives, who may realize over time that destructive and withdrawal behaviors are not good for the marriage, so they tend to accommodate and reduce their use of these unproductive behaviors.

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