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Other Homework Help. COM 263 Grand Canyon University Common Symbols of Buddhism Discussion

Matthew 28:18-20 says: “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.'”

In response to this call, Christian churches send missionaries to other cultures to spread the gospel, plant churches, and disciple people in those cultures. In this process, missionaries communicate important rituals and symbols of the Christian faith as well as learn about non-Judeo-Christian religious symbols from the cultures they are evangelizing. As a result, it’s important to understand the meaning of these religious symbols when conveying the gospel message and forming discipleship relationships.

For this assignment, you will research the symbols and rituals of a non-Judeo-Christian religious organization or culture.
Then, in 500-750 words, compare the symbols and rituals they use with those of mainstream Christianity. How are the two sets of symbols and rituals similar? What makes them different? How could someone apply this knowledge to accurately convey the gospel, aid missionaries in teaching other cultures to obey all that Christ has commanded, and avoid theological misunderstandings that may be expressed in that cultures symbols and rituals?

In addition to your textbook, you should use two to three reputable and authoritative sources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency and professional standard:

BA in Communication

2.1: Interpret cultural symbols.

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Other Homework Help. ACCT 301 SEU Production Data and Manufacturing Costs Worksheet

Books name: Eldenburg, L. G., & Wolcott, S. K. (2011). Cost management: Measuring, monitoring, and motivating performance (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0470-76942-3.

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Other Homework Help. MKT CB574 UOP Marketing Social Mobile and Analytics Reflection Activity Essay

Assignment Content

retrieved from:



This reflection activity is comprised of three sections, collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts.

Market Data

Consider a segment of the fast-food industry, such as pizza (Domino’s, Papa Johns), burgers (McDonald’s, Wendys), or fried chicken, and so on. To ground your thinking, list the names of 5 companies from the segment you choose. Respond to the following:

  • What type of market data can these companies collect?
  • How might this data be used in a marketing plan?

Brand Equity

Consider a product with which you are familiar. Analyze its brand equity in the following areas:

  • Brand awareness
  • Brand loyalty
  • Perceived quality
  • Brand associations
  • Brand assets

Ethical and Legal Considerations in Social Media Marketing

Find a current news article in which ethical or legal concerns have been raised regarding social media marketing.

Describe and analyze the issue and the impact it may have on current and future marketing strategies. Consider the following questions.

  • What impact might the issue have on children who use social media?
  • How does social media meet legal requirements for data sharing?
  • How does social media police ethical and legal issues?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Appliance for Less Local Appliance Store Question

Appliance for Less is a local appliance store. It costs this store $28.62 per unit annually for storage, insurance, etc., to hold microwave in their inventory. Sales this year are anticipated to be 481 units. Each order costs $71. The company is using Economic Order Quantity model in placing the orders.

What is the average inventory held during the year including safety stock if the store insists on a 5 days safety stock (assume 365 days a year)?

(Round the answer to the whole number)

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Other Homework Help. Ohio University Psychology & Communication Questions & Answers

I’m stuck on a Job Applications question and need an explanation.

1. How can we communicate more effectively?

2. What is intelligence (and why should we care)?

3. What does it mean to be self-actualized?

4. How does the mind-body connection affect our emotions?

5. Which is more important, nature or nurture?

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Other Homework Help. NUR 690 GCU Phoenix VA Healthcare System Communication Plan Paper

For this part of the project, you will develop a project communication plan that details how decisions will be communicated to the stakeholders (internal and external). Write an essay (500–750 words) addressing the following:

  1. Discuss what project information needs to be communicated to stakeholders.
  2. Describe the resources available for communicating project information.
  3. Discuss the communication requirements for the stakeholders.
  4. Describe how the project information will be communicated to stakeholders.
  5. Discuss the frequency of the communication.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. American InterContinental University Impact of Management Styles on Teams Discussion


Teams are often times identified as a group of individuals who have worked together over time, such as the HR Benefits team or the HR Data Analytics team. Teams can also be a group of individuals that have been grouped together to complete a specific short-term task. Working with teams in either situation within the workplace affects the management and motivation efforts in the workforce.

  • Identify 2 management styles, and discuss how each style will impact members of a team that work over time or teams working together to complete an assigned task.

Review and consider the management styles presented by your peers. One approach to replying to your peers is to share your thoughts on 2 of you peers’ responses and address additional reasons on the importance of the topics presented. Another approach is to expand on the discussion by providing your perspective through the introduction of examples and possible outcomes.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Discussion Board Reminders: 

  • Must have three posts:  A main post and two replies to peers.
    • First post: Either your main post or a reply to others must be posted before midnight CT (Central time) on Friday of each week.
    • Second and third post: Must be posted on a different day from the first post.
  • Connect to content: At least one post must refer to course learning materials. See the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards for help with connecting to the content.
  • Engaging in class discussions: For more information on making the most of your class dialog, review the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards

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Other Homework Help. Ashford University Global Market Environment Discussion

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 2: The Global Marketing Environment, and pay close attention to the main types of economic systems and the stages of market development. The economic environment is a major determinant of global market potential and opportunity. A country’s economic environment has a bearing on how a business will function. Global companies depend on the economic environment for inputs and to sell their finished goods. Keegan and Green (2017) state that “traditionally, economists identified four main types of economic systems: market capitalism, centrally planned socialism, centrally planned capitalism, and market socialism” (p. 43).

In your initial post,

  • Choose a global company and a single market in which it operates.
  • Discuss the factors that constitute the economic environment of this type of business.
  • Explain why it is important to understand when markets are at different stages of economic development.
  • Explain how the World Bank’s four-category classification system, which measures gross national income (GNI), adds value to an organization.

Your initial discussion post should be 250 words. Do not forget to cite your textbook and any other sources used to support your ideas.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CSUN Folded Geometry Cube and One Subtracted Geometry Cube Autocad Task

You will have to make one folded geometry cube and one subtracted geometry cube. I have attached an example of a folded geometry cube and a subtracted one. Please have them in two separate files. Please send it as an autocad link.  

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