Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. IHCC Reasons and Motivations for Pursuing a Nursing Degree Application Letter

A 2 page essay discussing the applicants reasons and motivations for wanting to pursue a nursing degree. The essay should be in a form of a letter addressed to the nursing admissions committee

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HSA 3215 Rasmussen College Cutomer Relationship Model Presentation

A customer relationship model attempts to enhance the relationship between the organization and the customer. The goal is to improve customer loyalty while identifying any potential opportunities.

In this week’s assignment, please find a local healthcare organization that specializes in treating specific patients (ex: cancer, pediatrics, catastrophic injuries) or illnesses. Research the organization, and build a Customer Relationship Model for the organization.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Texas A&M University Binge Drinking in the US and Portugal Article Summary

Journal Article on Personality and Motives of Binge Drinking College Students

It is important to remember that though called “summaries,” these assignments are not intended for you to simply copy, or re-word, the author(s)’ work. They should be in your own words and evidence of your ability to synthesize information (i.e., find meaning). Each JAS should be typed in 12-pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, approximately 2-3 pages in length, and in APA (7th ed.) format. An example of APA style can be found here. Each JAS should contain the following elements, with appropriate section headings for each:

*introduction to the general topic of the article 

*Content (e.g., descriptions of why/where/how the study was conducted; an emphasis should be on the results and the author(s)’ discussion) 

*Personal Reaction (e.g., How did you feel about the article/study? What did you think?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PSYCH 241 Isothermal Community College Early Childhood Discussion

Students are to reflect on how the information learned in this week’s material (Early Childhood) applies to their own life and developmental pathway (past, present, and future).  If students have children, younger siblings, or younger nieces and nephews how does what you have learned in this chapter apply to their life and developmental pathway (past, present, and future).

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. MBA 7302 Wilmington University Week 4 Crash Time Exercise

Week 4- Crash Time Exercise (Project Management Course)

Use the information contained in the chart and compress one time unit per move using the least cost method. Assume the total indirect cost for the project is $700 and there is a savings of $50 per time unit reduced. Record the total direct, indirect, and project costs for each duration. What is the optimum cost-time schedule for the project? What is the cost?


  • Textbook Exercise #5 (Ch 9) p.341 in edition 8e of the textbook.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Concordia University Nebraskia Special Education Case Study Discussion

Special education teachers must remain professional in all situations and are often required to make decisions that involve ethical issues. It is important that special education teachers be aware of the ethical and professional standards as well as special education law.

Review the “Case Study: Stephen.”

Detail the next steps to take regarding stakeholders that need to be involved in reviewing Stephen’s current LRE placement. Provide who specifically will be involved and describe their legal responsibility in the special education process.

  • Rationalize how your foundational knowledge of the special education process and issues within the case study led you to decide upon these next steps.
  • Identify and describe the ethical dilemma in providing Stephen an education that allows him to flourish, based on his case study. Discuss why moving LRE placements is not an option at this time due to the standard special education process.
  • Discuss how quality data and the lack of additional support in the classroom both play a factor in this decision.
  • Cite the “Special Education Professional Ethical Principles.”
  • Discuss how additional support in the classroom should be considered before a LRE placement is changed.
  • Discuss the possible involvement of paraeducators, tutors, volunteers, or related service providers. If paraeducators, tutors, or volunteers were brought into the classroom to assist Stephen, what guidance and direction would you provide to those stakeholders?
  • Discuss the legal, ethical, and quality requirements related to the management of confidential student information when working with paraeducators, tutors, or volunteers.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Learning Styles Discussion

Go to Big Dog’s Instructional System Design (ISD) page. This website is an excellent resource that describes all aspects of the ISD model. Click on “Learning” and scroll to the concept map or list of terms to the left of the map. Click on “Learning Styles” and take the Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) survey. What are the implications of your learning style for how you best learn? What type of learning environment is best suited for your style? Be as specific as possible.

Other Homework Help