Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Shipping Program Project


Description of the Program:

Write a program that displays the total amount (including shipping) a customer owes to an online company. The user enters the total amount due before shipping. The amount for shipping is based on the customer’s membership which can be Premium or Standard. The shipping charges are the following:


Amount before shipping              



0- $1,000             


Over $1,000  



0- $500 


Over $500           


The program should use 2 program-defined functions. One to determine the shipping charges for the Premium membership and one for the Standard membership.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. COSC 1436 Houston Community Word Separator in a Pig Latin Python Program


1. Word Separator

Write a program that accepts as input a sentence in which all of the words are run together
but the first character of each word is uppercase. Convert the sentence to a string in which
the words are separated by spaces and only the first word starts with an uppercase letter.
For example the string “StopAndSmellTheRoses.” would be converted to “Stop and smell
the roses.”

2. Pig Latin
Write a program that accepts a sentence as input and converts each word to “Pig Latin.” In
one version, to convert a word to Pig Latin you remove the first letter and place that letter
at the end of the word. Then you append the string “ay” to the word. Here is an example:

3. Vowels and Consonants
Write a program with a function that accepts a string as an argument and returns the
number of vowels that the string contains. The application should have another function that accepts a string as an argument and returns the number of consonants that the string
contains. The application should let the user enter a string and should display the number
of vowels and the number of consonants it contains.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. simple R studio assignmennt


Need give 4 different scripts.

here is the instruction

You can nudge your final grade up by a couple points by becoming a qelp contributor.

Visit the project here:

Pick a function from the list that I haven’t yet written a qelp doc about (the checkbox will not be checked). Write a description of the function, its basic usage, explain the arguments it takes, and write an example that shows a number of different ways the function can be used. Look at ?qelp::qplot for an example of each of these.

To make a submission, create an account at Visit the folder of docs I’ve written here: and click the button that says Add File, and select Create New File. Follow the format for the others I’ve written. When you’re done, hit “Propose new file” and I’ll be prompted to look at what you’ve done and add your new file to my project.

If someone else makes a submission for the same function before you can submit yours, you will not be awarded the extra credit. You can e-mail me when you’ve picked out the functions you’d like to do to make sure no one has done them. Also, if your documentation is sub-par and rushed, full points will not be awarded.

Don’t need to create new account and submit, I will do these parts, only choose FOUR different subjects (do not choose geom_point , can feely choose all rest). And give a R scripts of all four subjects.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CIS 22B De Anza College Fundamentals of Database Systems Project



You will extend your lab 1 to work with the whole book information, not just the title. Your program will use the same input file, but this time you will define a structure to receive the title, author and genre. You can use the same method that you learned to strip the book title to get the other parts. Instead of just a vector of strings (title), you will now need a vector of structures. Each element in the vector will have the book’s title, author and genre. Your program needs to be able to sort the vector by title, author or genre.

Detailed specifications:

  • Define a structure with fields to store each part of the book information: title, author and genre. The structure can be defined in the global scope as it is not a variable. A structure is a type.
  • Declare a variable, whose type is the structure, to receive the book info, and also a vector of structures that will store all the books. Remember that variables should not be global.
  • Read the each line of the file the same way you did before, making it a string stream, but now you will need to call getline on the stringstream repeatedly to get each part following the title. After populating the structure variable with the book info, push it into the vector.
  • Design an interface to let the user of your program choose which field they want to see the books sorted by (title, author or genre). Therefore you will need to define three different compare functions to pass to sort. Here are examples of how you would call sort with different compare functions:

sort (books.begin(), books.end(), compareByTitle);

sort (books.begin(), books.end(), compareByAuthor);

sort (books.begin(), books.end(), compareByGenre);

sort will use the function that you provide to sort the data.

This is how function compareByTitle should look like, assuming Book is the name of your structure:

bool compareByTitle(Book book1, Book book2) { return book1.title < book2.title) }

Display the books sorted by the field that the user chooses. You should display ALL fields no matter how the data is sorted.

I expect that you split your program in several functions, instead of having one big main function. Define separate functions to:

  • Read the data from the file and populate the vector. Notice that vectors are not arrays and need to be passed by reference.
  • Have an interface with the user asking which fields should be used for sorting and call sort with the appropriate compare function.
  • Print the book info. Vectors should be passed by reference to avoid unnecessary copying. Pass it as a const reference since it does not need to be changed inside this function.


All labs should have a comment at the beginning of each source code (.cpp and .h files) that looks like this:

Write the description of program here (this is not the lab instructions!)
Lab Group #
Partners names:

Each function should have a comment above that looks like this:

Describe what the function does
Parameters: explain
Return value: explain or write none


Use the same file you used on lab 1 to test your lab 2.


This is how the output should look like if the user chooses to sort by. Here is an example of an output if the user chooses to sort by genre:

Replay, Ken Grimwood, fantasy

One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, fiction

Ashes, Kenzo Kitakana, fiction

The Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follett, historical fiction

Fall of Giants, Ken Follet, historical fiction

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck, psychology

The Dark Forest, Liu Cixin, science fiction

Starting out with c++, Tony Gaddis, technical

Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmarsi & Navathe, technical

The C++ Programming Language, Bjarne Stroustrup, technical

Take a screenshot of the output your program generates and upload it with your source code.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Data Structures class Java Question


Hello, this is for my Data Structures class. I will be including a .java file that will be used for the assignment. There is also a folder with files that will be needed for the assignment.

Also including the textbook being used for this class. This is based on Chapter 5.4 – 5.5 if need needed.

Java File:…


Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CISS 110 Rutgers University Newark Java Debugging a Code


I’m stuck on a Java question and need an explanation.


save as and debug the errors. There are three possibilities.

You can get a burger with fries, a burger without fries, or nothing –

you can’t just get fries. Use compound blocks where necessary.


public class d31


public static void main(String[] args)


char userschoice;

double bill = 0.0;

System.out.print(“Do you want a burger? “);

System.out.print(“Enter y or n: “);

userschoice =;;

if(usersChoice = ‘y’)

bill += 2.59;

System.out.print(“Fries with that burger? “);

System.out.print(“Enter y or n: “);

userschoice =;;

if (userschoice = ‘y’)

bill += .89;

System.out.printf(“Bill is %.2fn”, bill);



Programming Homework Help