Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. NYU Paired Sample T Test R Studio T Test & ANOVA Null & Alternative Hypothesis Worksheet


Data professionals use statistical methods, coupled with the R coding techniques, to find the intrinsic
information hidden in data sets and to translate that information into a language that may be
understood by non-data professionals, academics, and/or general readers. With this in mind, do the

  • Analyze at least one numerical variable in your course project dataset using z, t or p tests fortwo means or for paired data.
  • Analyze at least one numerical variable in your course project dataset using the F test for two
  • variances or ANOVA.

    Organize, document, and save your R code for this project checkpoint in a .R file. Submit your .R file to

    Ulearn. Write a one to two-page evaluation of your course project dataset based on this analysis. (plz add a paragraph in the paper that discusses how your analysis of data in this checkpoint benefits your real estate business and your clients).

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. Creating GUI Model in Matlab project


    Matlab Assignment With GUI

    This is Matlab project with creating GUI model: PLease read details carefully and include all requirements, please avoid plagirism and include works reference, you should deliver .m Matlab files and full report.

    please read the details of the project in the attachment below

    This assignment is created as for the fulfillment of the Criterion 7 of ABET accreditation criteria.Students should work ON HER / HIS OWN for the following requirements.1) Create a GUI model that will a.Take coefficients of PERIODIC SIGNALS and the range of time, and “n” values as “Arguments”. b. GENERATE PERIODIC SIGNAL BASED ON THE GIVEN Arguments for 3 n values. (such as n = 10,100, and 1000)c.Create 4 subplots – Signal vs. time with your first choice of n = 1, Signal vs. time with your second choice of n = 1, Signal vs. time with your third choice of n, and all 3 of them together. (Use different markers and “Legend” function for indication.)2) Everything should be typed!!! No handwritten, Photocopied, Camera-ed material is allowed.3) Use of online material (Not from Class Canvas) is STRICTLY LIMITEDto setting up the GUI model. CODE FOR SIGNAL GENERATION AND DISPLAY SHOULD BE YOUR OWN CREATION!4) DO NOT FORGET TO INCLUDE REFERECES – AND CITE THEM IN YOUR REPORT.… submission should include1)Cover Page with your name2)Objective and Expected Challenge3)Pseudocode 4)Your Script (.m file) 5)Demo Screen Shot.6)What you have learned on your own to complete this project.7)Reference

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. xsl & xml


    Learning Goal: I’m working on a html / css question and need support to help me learn.

    For all exercises please use: method=”xml”, indent and most importantly xsl 1.0.

    1. Given the input1.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to the format of output1.xml.

    2. Given the input2.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to the format of output2.xml. Don’t forget to add the total_quantity.

    3. Given the Countries.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to another XML, that will list all countries that speak English in a percentage smaller than 100.

    Sample of output:


    <country name=”Liberia”>

    <language percentage=”20″>English</language>


    <country name=”…”>

    <language percentage=”…”>English</language>



    4. Given the Countries.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to another XML that will list all courses that have “Computer” in the title and enrollment between 110 and 620. Retain the structure of Course elements from the original data.

    Sample of output:


    <Course Number=”CS107″ Enrollment=”500″>

    <Title>Computer Organization and Systems</Title>


    Introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer systems.













    The files will be provided when I accept the recommendation from a tutor.

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. Week 1 Programming


    1. In the Code Editor, enter the program from Figure 1-7 that computes the area of a rectangle.
    2. Press the Run button, and correct any errors that occur.
    3. Test the program with different inputs

    = int(input(33))

    height = int(input(22))

    area = width * height

    print (“The area is”, 726, “square units”)

    Please help my teacher isnt helping at all even thought i’ve emailed him twice now.

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. XML & XSL processing


    For all exercises please use: method=”xml”, indent and most importantly xsl 1.0.

    1. Given the input1.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to the format of output1.xml.

    2. Given the input2.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to the format of output2.xml. Don’t forget to add the total_quantity.

    3. Given the Countries.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to another XML, that will list all countries that speak English in a percentage smaller than 100.

    Sample of output:


    <country name=”Liberia”>

    <language percentage=”20″>English</language>


    <country name=”…”>

    <language percentage=”…”>English</language>



    4. Given the Countries.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to another XML that will list all courses that have “Computer” in the title and enrollment between 110 and 620. Retain the structure of Course elements from the original data.

    Sample of output:


    <Course Number=”CS107″ Enrollment=”500″>

    <Title>Computer Organization and Systems</Title>


    Introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer systems.













    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. ITS 410 CSUGC Database Management Performing an Advanced MySQL Query Worksheet


    Using the “classicmodelsdatabase you installed in Module 1, list the office codes, phone numbers, and addresses located in San Francisco, Paris, Sydney, and London. Sort your results by office code. Submit your query and query results in a text file.

    In your document, suggest another query where you list the same information cities other than San Francisco, Paris, Sydney, and London. Be sure to identify the literary sources you used to look up any SQL syntax you used to formulate your query.

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. TU Message Object Self Shift & Encrypted Text Message Python Programming Worksheet


    explain the following code in english and what they do…

    Message.__init__(self, text) 

    self.shift = shift

    self.encription_dict = self.build_shift_dict(shift)

    self.message_text_encrypted = self.apply_encryption_shift(shift)

    def get_shift(self):


    A getter function to return the shift


    # write your code here to perform the requirement

    return self.shift

    def get_encryption_dict(self):


    A getter fun

    ction to return a copy of the built_shift_dict


    # write your code here to perform the requirement

    return self.encryption_dict.copy()

    def get_encrypted_text(self):


    A getter function that returns the encrypted_text


    # write your code here to perform the requirement

    return self.message_text_encrypted

    def change_shift(self, shift):


    Reconstructs an EncryptMessage object. The text is the same but the shift is a new number

    Returns: nothing


    # write your code here to perform the requirement

    EncryptMessage.__init__(self, self.get_message_text, shift)

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. SU BFS(G,s) for Each Vertex U in G.V – {s} Java Programming Script Exercise



    1 for each vertex u in G.V – {s}

    2 u.color = white

    3 u.d = INF

    4 u.p = NIL

    5 s.color = green

    6 s.d = 0

    7 s.p = NIL

    8 Q = NULL

    9 ENQUEUE(Q,s)

    10 while Q != NULL

    11 u = DEQUEUE(Q)

    12 for each v in G.Adj[u]

    13 if v.color == white

    14 v.color = green

    15 v.d = u.d + 1

    16 v.p = u

    17 ENQUEUE(Q,v)

    18 u.color = black

    Program this in java.

    Programming Homework Help