Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Create a bootstrap website HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT


Hello, I need help with the following assignment using bootstrap to create a simple website. I honestly do not care how the website looks as long as it hits the requirements (keep it PG). you could copy and paste code from your other projects I don’t care, i just need to meet the requirements.


  • Create a website using Bootstrap with a minimum of three pages
    • Template/theme use is encouraged
  • If not automatically included in the template/theme, be sure to include each of the following Bootstrap capabilities.
    • Carousel
    • Navigation bar
    • Glyphicons or Font Awesome Icons
    • Tooltip or Popover
    • A form for users to contact person/business
    • Badge or label
  • Comments as necessary
  • The directory structure of the website must be in good form:
    • Parent folder of the website has the index.html file only
    • An html folder for all other pages of the site
    • A folder for all other resources based on their content
    • Pathing must be relative not absolute

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Non-Linear Story by reading a text file.



● File with story text

● Source code (cpp and header files) – it must compile or you will receive a 0

● Questions (in a separate text file)

Note – there are two versions of this assignment:

● One uses an array

project is to create a non-linear story engine programmed in C++ . It will be similar to the types of

stories you can find on NOTE: you are not to use to complete any part of this

assignment – It is noted here just to give you an idea of what an interactive story is.

Your project must have at least 10 story elements. In a non-linear story, some elements will move the story

forward, while others represent an alternate path. At each decision point, you can have any number of options,

but I suggest limiting to 3 for this assignment.

Here is an example of an interactive story- with five story elements – only 3 of the elements are listed here:

Story scene #1

A little girl is going through the woods with her red cape on the way to her grandmother’s house. It is a lovely

sunny day and she is singing and admitting the lush foliage in the forest. Suddenly she hears a movement behind

her and she sees a friendly wolf.

Should she:

Talk to the Wolf [goes to scene 2]

Give the basket to the Wolf and get out of there [goes to scene 3]

Story scene #2

The Wolf says, “Hello little girl, where are you going”. “To bring my sick grandmother some fresh eggs”, said the

little girl. “Can I help you carry all of those precious eggs so that they arrive safely”, the Wolf replied.

Should she:

Tell the Wolf she wants to visit Grandma herself [goes to scene 4]

Give the basket to the Wolf and get out of there [goes to scene 3]

Ask the Wolf to accompany her to her grandmother’s house [goes to scene 5]

Story scene #3

The Wolf says, “Hello little girl, where are you going”. “Hello sir”, she says sweetly. “I was going through the forest

to give my yummy eggs to someone and I think it should be you.”. The Wolf was pleased by the gesture and

distracted long enough for the little girl to slip away.

End of story

● Create your story

● Create the input file

● Create a class to store each “scene”

● Read the input file into a dynamic array of scenes

● Make it interactive: Create an engine to “run” a scene- i.e., display prompts and go correctly to

the next scene until you get to the end

Implementation Guidelines:

Read the story elements/scenes in from a file with the following format:

@s1 This is a description of a scene in the story.

It can span

several lines.

@p1 prompt for choice 1


@p2 prompt for choice 2


@p3 prompt for choice 3



@s1 beginning of a scene and also the scene number

@p first line is question to prompt user. Next line is scene to go to.

@0 terminating scene – it has text only. It may not be the last scene

In the example above, choice 1 will jump to the 4th scene.

For the story described above – here is the file to correspond to it. Note that this is NOT complete!

———————- Beginning of file ——————–

@s1 A little girl is going through the woods with her red cape on the way to her grandmother’s house. It is a lovely

sunny day and she is singing and admitting the lush foliage in the forest. Suddenly she hears a movement behind

her and she sees a friendly wolf.

@p1 Talk to the Wolf


@p2 Give the basket to the Wolf and get out of there


@s2 The Wolf says, “Hello little girl, where are you going”. “To bring my sick grandmother some fresh eggs”, said

the little girl. “Can I help you carry all of those precious eggs so that they arrive safely”, the Wolf replied.

@p1 Tell the Wolf she wants to visit Grandma herself


@p2 Give the basket to the Wolf and get out of there


@p3 Ask the Wolf to accompany her to her grandmother’s house


@s3 The Wolf says, “Hello little girl, where are you going”. “Hello sir”, she says sweetly. “I was going through the

forest to give my yummy eggs to someone and I think it should be you.”. The Wolf was pleased by the gesture

and distracted long enough for the little girl to slip away.


———————- ETC——————–

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CISS 243 ADE – Programming III


This assignment uses the linked list provided for the discussion and the class you created for the discussion. Overload the [ ] operator in the linked list so that it behaves like an array. If 0 is provided it gets the first element (data stored in list) in the list, if 1 is provided then it returns the second element in the list.

Create a class called BaseballPlayer which maintains the player’s stats and name.

The class will have data members for the following stats

  1. Number of hits
  2. Number of home runs
  3. Number of walks
  4. Number of strike outs

Provide methods

  1. Constructor with four parameters
  2. Accessors and mutators for the data members
  3. Overload any operators that are needed

The driver class will create several players and put them into an instance of the derived linked list class. The program will tell the user which player has the best stats based the scoring below and which player is the worst.

  • A hit is worth 1 point
  • A homerun is worth 4 points
  • A walk is worth 1 point
  • A strike out is worth -1 points
  • The total of the points will determine who has the higher and lower stats.

***According to the instructor, my answer is incomplete***

“please submit the entire project including the .vcproj and .sln files.”

***I have added a screenshot of what needs to be included***

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Northern Virginia Community College Create a Computer Program MySQL Coding Task


Option A – MS Access

Now that you’ve documented the existing Access DB, it’s time to start modifying it to add new tables and fields, as well as some basic UI (just forms for now).

You have been tasked with the following:

  1. Download and use the following, updated database (DO NOT USE THE DB YOU HAD FROM THE PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT)
  2. Schema changes:
    1. Add a quantity field to the bridge table that holds individual items for each sale. Use the proper data type (quantity is how many of an item were sold).
    2. Add a field called unit_capacity_per_day to the product table. This will hold the number of any particular type of cupcake that the business can produce per day–basically like an inventory amount, except that cupcakes are baked every day rather than manufactured and stored in a room or warehouse. Use the appropriate data type.
    3. Add a new table for event catering called event. It should have a PK field (autonumber, marked as PK), plus:
      1. customer_id
      2. order_id
      3. event_datetime
      4. bake_order_datetime
      5. description
      6. delivery_instructions
      7. notes
  3. User Interface:
    1. Create a new form for the customer table.
    2. Create a new form that includes the sale and sale_item tables.
      1. The master form should be for an individual sale, and the subform should be for related sale_items.
      2. Replace the customer_id FK input field with a new combo box that uses a query to get a list of customers (and stores the value in the customer_id field), with the following two columns:
        1. customer_id
        2. last_name & “, ” & first_name (put the expression with the ampersands into the field definition exactly as written)
    3. Spend at least half an hour playing around with the layout and customization/styling of the forms. It doesn’t have to look ‘pretty’, but I need to see that you tried to change the layout.

As always, try your best and demonstrate that you put in a good faith effort.

You must submit an Access DB (.accdb). This assignment will only accept a text entry for any explanation you would like to add-and a single .accdb file.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Tramigo App Questions (Links to an external site.)

What is Tramigo?

Tramigo is a social app for travelers to connect authentically and establish friendships through shared interests & experiences. Based in San Diego with a small team of creative, adventurous & well-traveled entrepreneurs.

Tramigo Vision:

We believe that there’s too much hate in the world, and social media is not doing its part to fix it. We combat hate by giving our community experiences to get them out of their comfort zone, connect them to like-minded people around the world, and ultimately provide the tools to help them develop genuine relationships. We facilitate true social connection where our community can learn, meet and grow through travel. 

Tramigo Mission:

To facilitate authentic worldwide relationships and connect people from all walks of life by eliminating the superficiality and negativity from social media, in addition to breaking down the mental barriers that hold people back from traveling.

Who is Tramigo for?

A Tramigo is adventurous, cultured, and resilient. 

  • A young adventurer, who wants to begin traveling but lacks the inventive or structure to make it happen. 
  • A young professional who wants to maximize their travel, but does not have much time because work and family get in the way.
  • A spontaneous extrovert who values authentic connection, but struggles to make plans and connect with like-minded people to do stuff with.

Click HERE


to learn more about Tramigo’s Story.

Their Need

For Tramigo to grow and follow its mission and vision they need help. They need help in validating their product, content, and delivery. They are excited to partner with you to find ways to best enhance and position their product.

How to Help

To help Tramigo enhances its users’ experience:

  1. Download the App – The App is in Beta version and can’t be downloaded directly from the AppStore. Please see the Tramigo (Links to an external site.) website and click on iOS or Android button (whichever applies to you) and follow the steps described to download the App.
  2. Navigate through the App as a user
  3. Evaluate your experience using the App
  4. Fill out the survey by providing answers to each question based on your evaluation of the Tramigo App.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Plano West Use of Categorical Encoding Techniques on Python Code Project










Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Cortiva Institute Features Help to Predict Golden Spent for Players in Match Discussion


choose a dataset satisfying the requirement and then write a proposal based on the dataset

Hi, so here is the requirementThere are two modalities for this project. You may choose one: • Choose at least one data set from any public source of your choice, a problem associated with that data set, and carry out an interesting analysis. Ultimately, the emphasis should be on prediction, so make sure you conduct your analysis in such a way that you can measure how accurate your forecasts are.  • Alternately, choose an active kaggle competition ( ). In this case, the problem and relevant data set(s) are provided at Kaggle site. Your focus is essentially in tackling the problem with a technique or  combination of techniques covered in this class. 

The first step in completing the project proposal is to decide on which modality you will work under and select your dataset and problem or a specific Kaggle competition. Remember that the dataset should be large (at least 400,000 observations and at least 15 naturally observed variables excluding response variables – note that if image or other encoded data are used then number of columns are likely to very high) and complexity of the project should be commensurate with the team’s size.Finally write up a short proposal and submit it. The structure of this proposal report document will be as follows: A. Cover Page: Provide Title and name of group participants. [DO NOT WRITE instructor’s name] B. Executive Summary: This will introduce the objective(s) of the project. C. Introduction: Briefly describes the problem, the dataset(s) and the first technique to be applied to develop predictive model. At this stage this section can be short. D. References: Use APA style for in-text citations and listing these cited all articles (books, journal articles, trade publications, and applicable web sites). Avoid citation of programmer or user written webpages or websites for technical content, instead refer to original source such as books or journal/ trade articles.  

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Python Question


This assignment will require you to import either a csv or json file about incidences of COVID-19 from the website

This assignment will require you to import either a csv or json file about incidences of COVID-19 from the website.

Read the assignment carefully as there are 2 parts.

In Part I, you are asked to plot covid data on a map similar to the earthquake example in Chapter 16.

In Part II, you are asked to graph covid data on a chart similar to the temperatures example in Chapter 16.

You are to put in Canvas:

  1. the link to your Colab with code,
  2. a copy of the covid_data dictionary that you used in the assignment, and
  3. a 3-paragraph paper explaining the significance of your two visualizations.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Python a Great Language for Many Applications Discussion


I’m stuck on a Python question and need an explanation.

We highlight in the lectures how Python is a great language for many applications, and undoubtedly the BEST for some. Search around on the internet and find a programming application where Python is NOT the best. 

Programming Homework Help