Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University The Tumor Microenvironment A Scientific Brief Essay


The Virginia Academy of Science is requesting for scientific articles from experts in the field of oncology for their monthly scientific publication, following your reading of Chapter 16 from The Molecular Basis of Cancer textbook by Mendelsohn et al, write a descriptive essay on the topic “The Tumor Microenvironment – A Scientific Brief”. You should employ at least two additional peer-reviewed scientific sources/literature including review articles in your research on the topic and be sure to use the AMA writing format. There is a two (2) page length limit on this paper but it should be detailed, comprehensive, well organized and should have the appropriate language for scientific communication.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Chemical Catalytic Mechanisms Questionnaire


1. Which of the following is incorrect about waxes?


None; all the other choices are correct


They are made from a fatty acid and a very long alcohol


They function as waterproofing agents


2. Which of the following is incorrect about the Lineweaver-Burk plot?


None; all the other choices are correct


The y-axis is the reciprocal of the velocity


It has a linear shape


The x-axis is the reciprocal of [E]

3. Which of the following is incorrect about chymotrypsin, trypsin, and elastase?


They have similar substrate specificity


They have similar amino acid sequences


They have similar tertiary structures


They catalyze the same reaction (i.e. hydrolysis of peptide bond)

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Biology Cell Cell Communication & Homeostasis Multiple Choice Questions


The exam is 1 hour with 10-15 questions

most questions are multiple choice questions

The lessons are:

  • Cell cell communication
  • Nervous system – Action potential
  • Endocrine systems- Hormones actions and Target cells/ Insulin Glucagon
  • Immune system: Non specific and specific reactions.
  • Cell cycle
  • Mitosis and check points
  • Homeostasis

I attached the study guide bellow

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. CMC Optimal Foraging Theory and Measure Giving up Density Report


I’m studying for my Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Find two primary scientific literature articles that test a prediction of optimal foraging theory and/or measure giving up density (GUD) in their methods. For each paper, write the citation in and include a short synopsis of the article. In your synopsis, include the hypothesis(es) tested, the approach used to test the hypothesis(es), the main result(s) of the study, and major conclusion(s).

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. AINY Generation Time and The Rate of Population Growth Discussion


Please do me this discussion post.

I need answers to the 3 prompts / ALONG TO 5 PEER REPLIES.rompt 1— (Chapter 12) What is the relationship between generation time and the rate of population growth?

Prompt 2— (Chapter 12) Observe the S-shape curve of the logistic population growth model, and explain the different causes of slow population growth at low population sizes versus high population sizes. (Hint1: Think about the parameters in the logistic population growth model. Hint2: There is NO positive density dependence effect involved.)

Prompt 3— (Chapter 12) The following table for a species of plant that has four life stages was constructed from research done in the 1960s.

Age Class (x)

Survival Rate (sx)

Survivorship (lx)

Fecundity (bx)







Small adult



Large adult



Forty years later, biologists went back to the same site and determined the life table for the same population, shown in the following table. On account of changing climatic conditions, seed survival decreased from 30 percent to 10 percent. However, these changing climactic conditions also cause large adults to produce four times as many seeds, so that they now produce 200 seeds. All other survival rate & fecundity values stay the same. The Survivorship columns are created for you to help you calculate.

Age Class (x)

Survival Rate (sx)

Survivorship (lx)

Fecundity (bx)







Small adult



Large adult



Explain whether the change in climate is beneficial or harmful to this plant population based on these tables. Be sure to reference any relevant calculations you should make and explain the relative importance of the decreased seed survival and increased seed production.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. NVU Genetics & CAP Binding Site Gene Regulation and Mutation Worksheet


I’m working on a genetics multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.

I am working on a genetics assignment and I am confused. The overall topic of this assignment focuses gene regulation and mutation. The main topics for this assignment are Regulation of gene expression in bacteria, Gene regulation in eukaryotes, and Mutations and DNA Repair.

There are four questions to this assignment. I have uploaded pictures of each question.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 42 Wenatchee Valley Illustrate Sites of Unfavorable Weather Conditions Discussion


This is a short report, approximately the equivalent to 2 typed page (not including the illustration or extra credit work).

You will choose a native Californian plant species from your group’s ecosystem which is (BLACK OAK)

Find out and write about how long this plant usually lives, in which other ecosystems (if any) it is found in, what kind of environmental characteristics it seems to require (shade? sun? serpentine soil?), and what particular parts of California it is found in. What does it look like? Write a description of its leaves, its growth form, its flowers or other reproductive structures. If there are other interesting things about it (is it or has it been used medicinally? Is it poisonous? Is it endangered or rare or…?) include those too.

Make sure you put the report in your own words – I know this is harder for the descriptions part, but figure it out.

Find a photo/illustration that you can copy to include with your report (and make sure you list the source of the illustration in your references).

Cite your references. I like APA format.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. University of Florida Tumors Pathophysiology Cancer Case Study Presentation


Ppp on pathology of tumors. 1 describe tumors, describe pathology of benign and malignant, providing presenting signs and symptoms of each, and differentiating s/s.  use two case studies one on breast ca and pulmonary ca. include s/s of each.  I will be providing information for case studies and also pathology. Must be in apa style and include references. 

Science Homework Help