Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Aspen University Population Health Advocacy Paper


Start by reading and following these instructions:

Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

Consider the course discussions so far and any insights gained from it.

  1. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources if needed, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.
  2. Assignment:
  3. Population Health Advocacy
  4. Human trafficking, extreme poverty, preventable diseases, the opioid crisis and the lack of adequate low-income housing are a few current societal concerns worthy of social change. Nurses and healthcare leaders are in a good position to shape and influence health care policy.

Think of a cause you believe in strongly. Access the website of your elected officials either at the local, state, or federal level using the following link: or use the website of your choice. Explore some of the issues and committees your legislators are involved in and select at least one that interest you or align with your beliefs. You may also contact your legislator’s office and speak to his or her legislative assistant by calling the U.S. Capitol switchboard operator at (202) 224-3121 for the Senate and (202) 225-3121 for the House. Legislator assistants are very knowledgeable about the legislator’s agenda and can provide a wealth of information. 

This assignment will be at least 1500 words or more. This week reflect on advocacy, collaborative partnerships with other health care practitioners and stakeholders, and the policy making process and write a paper that addresses the following:

Describe the policy issue, policy problem of interest or a particular bill that your legislator has introduced

Elaborate on why the policy matters and what you can possibly do to strengthen the policy? 

Briefly define the role you would play as an advocate for the healthcare consumer and healthcare professionals.

Explain how the policy impacts the public at large or a particular population. 

What stakeholders would you collaborate with to promote the cause? 

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. VHS The Change to Renewable Energy Sources in Communities Essay


As with any new technology, social, ethical, legal, and economic issues must be taken into consideration. In the development of alternative energy technologies and the efficiency of industrial chemical reactions, there are numerous issues to explore. In this assignment, you will research and evaluate an issue related to energy change, then communicate your findings in the form of a research paper.


Your task is research and communicate your findings on an issue related to energy change. There are multiple parts to this assignment. It is strongly recommend that you complete each sequentially to ensure that your teacher has an opportunity to review and provide feedback on all components of your report.

Part I: Planning Your Research Paper

  1. Select a topic to research and evaluate as a part of this assignment. You may select any issue that relates to energy change. Possible topics are provided if you are having difficulty finding a topic.
  2. Create a plan or outline for your paper that includes your and the three main points you intend to present in support of your thesis.
  3. Submit a list of three resources you wish to use to write your paper. Ensure your resources are listed in APA style.
  4. Submit your completed research paper outline to the Dropbox. Your teacher will review and provide you feedback on how to proceed with your research paper

Possible Topics

  • The cooling of homes and commercial building in summer requires more energy than heating the same homes in the winter. Thus, brownouts are more likely to occur during hot summer months than the colder winter. However, new technologies use deep water cooling as an alternative to conventional air conditioning systems in office towers. This significantly reduces energy use and its environmental impact.
  • For many years, Indigenous communities in Northern Canada have relied on technologies that use fossil fuels. This has resulted in serious negative impacts on the environment and health of these communities. Recently, alternative energy technologies using wind and solar power have been used to reduce the dependence of these communities on fossil fuels. Wind turbines in the Ranking Inlet of Nunavut and solar walls like the one installed at a community centre in the Northwest Territories are examples of alternative energy projects being implemented in Indigenous communities.
  • Bleaches such as hydrogen peroxide and chlorine are used when fibres are processed into paper or textiles. Concentrations of these substances can harm the environment, but if enzymes are added to these processes as biocatalysts, fewer chemicals are needed, less energy is consumer, and there is less environmental impact.

Part II: Writing Your Research Paper

  1. Write your research paper, incorporating the feedback and direction from your teacher. Your research paper should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Typically, you would have one paragraph for each of your introduction and conclusion. The body of your research paper can have multiple paragraphs. The focus of the body of your paper should be the three main points you submitted to your your teacher in Part I.
  2. Include any relevant data you obtained from your research to support your main ideas. Ensure your data is obtained from a source.
  3. Use in-text citations to reference any information you wish to present that is not your own original idea, such as data and theories/opinions of others.
  4. Submit a reference list that includes all the sources you used in your research paper. Ensure that both your in-text citations and reference list are completed according to APA style.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Miami University Fossil Identification Project


For this activity you will need to watch the short video(s) for each fossil. You have been provided with key characteristics for each fossil in the fossil handout

. You will need to identify each fossil using your observations for each video and the information provided with them. You only need to indicate if the fossil is a brachiopod, bryozoan, cephalopod, trilobite, crinoid, mollusca, horn coral etc…Y You will need to create an excel table with the following columns in this order:

Sample Number and fossil name. You will be submitting this completed excel table

You will need to watch the short video(s) for each fossil. You will later have an assignment that will require you to identify each fossil using the Fossil Handout


Canvas Resource:

Fossil Vide

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Grossmont College Molecular Shapes and Molecular Polarity Questions


determine the structures of a variety of molecules and polyatomic ions. You will use an online molecular simulation to help build virtual 3D representations of each structure. This simulator should work in most common web-browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari…).

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Grossmont College Persons Illness Experience Patient Interview


Discussion: Patient Interview, Part 1: Describe Your Person’s Illness Experience 

2323 unread replies.2323 replies.

Post here once you complete your interview with a person who has/had a chronic or severe illness. 

Kindly attach your interview questions/answers.   

Then proceed to write here – overall, aim to have about 3 “meaty” paragraphs to give us a sense of what your person struggled with. 

Discussion Instructions

1) Briefly & succinctly describe your interviewee’s condition and experience with their illness. Who are they (no names please ! ) and what were the main challenges they faced ? 

Did they have to make any health habit changes to cope with their condition ?   

3) What did you learn about their condition  and its treatment ?  What did you personally notice was hard for them ? What did they cope with really well ? Did anything surprise you ?     man and a woman talking 

4) Did you notice any lifestyle improvements they might make or that they are struggling with – remembering to take medicine, changing diet, etc  ?  Based on what you have learned about habit change, what would you recommend to them to try  to aid their recovery ? 

5) What impact did the condition and its challenges have on them emotionally – were they scared, did they get down, did they find new, hidden strengths they did not know they had  ?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. PHYSICS 263 ABAC Wave Optics Lab Questions


read the instruction gas law which attached bellow:

then doing prelab as following instruction

Title of the experiment (0.5 pts)

a. Objective(s): write the purpose(s) of the experiment. (1 pts)

b. Theory: briefly describe the theory behind the experiment. Be sure to write down the working formula defining each variable and their units. (5 pts)

c. Apparatus: list all the apparatus that you will use in the experiment. Include a “hand drawn” diagram of the experimental set up with proper labels. (2 pts)

d. Sample graph: make a “hand drawn” diagram of the sample graph with labels and units on each axis (NOTE: this refers to what you expect the results graph(s) to look like). (2.5 pts)

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. G 12 ENS Electricity Magnetism & Electromagnetic Induction Questions


I need someone to help solve test questions.

Study Guide:

Unit 1: Electricity

Distinguish between electrical potential energy, electric potential,
and potential difference.
Solve problems involving electrical energy and potential

Relate capacitance to the storage of electrical potential energy in
the form of separated charges.

Calculate the capacitance of various devices.

Calculate the energy stored in a capacitor.

Describe the basic properties of electric current, and solve
problems relating to current, charge, and time.

Calculate resistance, current, and potential difference by using the
definition of resistance.

Distinguish between ohmic and non-ohmic materials, and learn
what factors affect resistance.

Calculate electric power and the cost of running electrical

Interpret and construct circuit diagrams.
Identify circuits as open or closed.

Deduce the potential difference across the circuit load, given the potential difference across the battery’s terminals.

Calculate the equivalent resistance for a circuit of resistors in
series, and find the current in and potential difference across each resistor in the circuit.

Calculate the equivalent resistance for a circuit of resistors in
parallel, and find the current in and potential difference across
each resistor in the circuit.

Calculate the equivalent resistance for a complex circuit involving
both series and parallel portions.

Unit 2: Magnetism

For given situations, predict whether magnets will repel or attract
each other.

Describe the magnetic field around a permanent magnet.

Describe the magnetic field produced by current in a straight
conductor and in a solenoid.

Use the right-hand rule to determine the direction of the magnetic
field in a current-carrying wire.

Given the force on a charge in a magnetic field, determine the
strength of the magnetic field.

Use the right-hand rule to find the direction of the force on a
charge moving through a magnetic field.

Determine the magnitude and direction of the force on a wire
carrying current in a magnetic field.

Unit 3: Electromagnetic induction

Recognize that relative motion between a conductor and a the magnetic field induces an emf in the conductor.

Explain, how changing magnetic flux produce an induced emf?

Describe how the change in the number of magnetic field lines
through a circuit loop affects the magnitude and direction of the
induced electric current.

Apply Lenz’s law and Faraday’s law of induction to solve
problems involving induced emf and current.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 340 Excelsior College Average Amount of Greenhouse Gases Discussion


You will see an estimate of your actual footprint in tons of carbon dioxide emitted by your household per year. You will also see an average of what other similar households in your area emit and also a percentage of how much your footprint is above or below that average. (Feel free to share these results in this discussion board if you would like.)

Next, run at least three different scenarios (for example where you make changes in the number of calories of the different food categories or reduce the car mileage while increasing public transportation mileage or how much you spend on cloths or appliances per month etc.). Note how your footprint changes and compares with similar households in your area.…

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. QU Astronomy Holistic View Discussion


Write a discussion about whether or not a science such as astronomy can be pursued in a “holistic” manner.

My online dictionary defines “holistic” as follows: characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole. (More specifically, in medicine, it is defined as follows: characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of the disease.)

You have almost certainly already encountered the word “holistic” in a familiar context such as medicine. The implications of the word will depend to some extent on one’s perspective, but in general it would seem very likely to most listeners that a holistic viewpoint would indeed have value. Most of us would accept that the well-being of a patient might directly benefit from a doctor’s attention to the individual’s personality, psychology and state of mind, even if the specific treatment is focused on some ailment with a standard well-defined clinical course of treatment that has been proven through past application.

In this discussion, considered thoughts about whether holistic approaches may be more insightful, valuable, and productive than those with a more focused technical and mathematical underpinning. We will ask you to frame these remarks in the specific context of astronomy (the subject of this course), but also invite you to speculate on how that may depend on the discipline in question.

Consider and reflect upon the relevance of “holistic” approaches to astronomy, but also (if you wish) to other sciences of various kinds: from the life sciences such as biology and ecology, through the more technical engineering and physical disciplines, to very abstract pursuits such as the aforementioned pure mathematics. Do you believe, and can you provide a justification, to the contention that all science disciplines are open to broadly holistic approaches? Or are some of them, innately and uniquely, simply not amenable to such perspectives? Where does astronomy fit in this spectrum?

Science Homework Help