Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Biology Question


  1. Define what it means to be human from an anatomical perspective by discussing what you learned in the class.
  2. Define what it means to be human from a cultural perspective by discussing what you learned in the class.
  3. Choose one of the fossil species that is not designated as Homo sapiens and make a convincing argument as to why they should be thought of as the first genuinely human beings. You must refer to specific anatomical and/or cultural facts.
  4. Use Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), found on this DVC Library page, to find two (2) published articlesabout this species that discuss their anatomy and/or culture. Websites, encyclopedias, and other books are not acceptable references for this assignment.
  5. Provide evidence to support your argument by discussing the specific details of anatomy and/or culture that are detailed in these references.
  6. Paraphrase important points to demonstrate that you read and understood both references.
  7. Use correct APA-style in-text notes to cites references when you use them in the body of your essay. Click here for guidelines on APA style in-text notes.
  8. Provide an APA-style list of only the references that you cited in your essay at the end of the paper. Click here for guidelines on the APA style list of references.
  9. Write a minimum of 1500 words (about 3 pages single-spaced).

IMPORTANT: No form of academic dishonesty will be tolerated. This includes:

  • cutting and pasting words from anywhere without putting them in quotes, citing the source, and providing a reference
  • paraphrasing what you read somewhere without citing the source and providing a reference
  • attaching a bogus reference to a statement; claiming that your information came from a source it does not actually come from
  • having someone else write your paper

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Houston Community College Ohms Law Current vs Resistance Question


Can you help me understand this Physics question?

Do the experiment use i don’t any number (data) for the table, please do it fast, I  at work so I kind busy. please read the page 13-14 Experiment 3: Ohm’s Law do all the question  fill up the table graph, show calculation

Construct a graph of Current (vertical axis) vs Resistance.

? For each of your sets of data, calculate the ratio of Voltage/Resistance. Compare the values you calculate with the measured values of the current.

? From your graph, what is the mathematical relationship between Current and Resistance?

? Ohm’s Law states that current is given by the ratio of voltage/resistance. Does your data concur with this? 

? What were possible sources of experimental error in this lab? Would you expect each to make your results larger or to make them smaller?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Life on The Benthos and Lower Invertebrates Discussion Questions


I need an explanation for this Biology question to help me study.

Marine Bio Questions

Life on the Benthos I: Lower Invertebrates

  1. Describe how Cnidarians and Ctenophores are similar. How are they different?
  2. Sea anemones compete for space and this was covered in lecture. Describe how they ‘wage war’.
  3. Symbiotic relationships were discussed in the lecture. Define the term symbiosis. What are the 3 main types of symbiosis? Be sure to include an example for each.

4. Compare and contrast the worms in the Phylum Platyhelminthes and Phylum Nematoda.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Subalpine Coniferous Forests Questions


8Why is there such a short growing season in subalpine coniferous forests?

9multiple choice: What is the dominant vegetation type in SoCal mixed hardwood forests?

Cactuses and other succulents

Scrub oaks, poison ivy, manzanitas, and wildflowers

Palm trees and maple trees

Evergreen conifers

Dry deciduous trees and ferns

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State Difference Between Protogyny and Protoandy Natural History Question


4What geological features are general adjacent to deserts and how do they contribute to the climate and environment of deserts? Give an example of one of these features and how it affects a North American desert.

5Describe the difference between protogyny and protoandy. Give an example of each. How does the natural history of the two organisms you chose change over time?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Parallel Evolution and Convergent Evolution Discussion


1What is the zone of the ocean where there is enough light for photosynthesis to occur? To what depth does this zone occur (approximately, assuming you’re in the open ocean with good visibility)?

3Explain the difference between parallel evolution and convergent evolution. Give an example of each.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Suction Feeding Fish vs Biting Fish Question


28 Why did suction-feeding fish evolve at a much greater rate than biting fish?

Identify the labeled parts of the fish in Figure 2(attached): , , , and . try to identify this endemic California fish.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Invasive Amphibious Fishes Discussion Paper


26Define precocious and altricial in reference to animals and give an example of each.

Why is it important to study the amphibious natural history of invasive amphibious fishes? In answering your question, make sure to tie it back to management of these species.

Science Homework Help