Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. ESSP 200 University of North Dakota Primary Energy Consumption Ranges Questions


In class, we explore and discuss the concept of energy demand and energy supply, and how they relate to sustainability. In this assignment, you will examine spatial patterns of global energy consumption using maps and charts. Final energy consumption (composed in large part of oil, gas, coal, etc.), and renewable energy consumption (composed of biomass energy and modem renewable such as wind, solar hydro, etc.) will be compared among countries and related to energy reserves/production, national wealth (GDP), and human population.

This topic is of inherent interest to the studies of energy, global change and sustainability because today the economic transition of countries from less developed to more developed states, is often associated with a transition in the main sources of energy used by a society. This transition of dominant energy sources, in turn, leads to a number of potential environmental consequences, both positive and negative.


First, open the Our World in Data website by clicking on the link

If you are having a hard time finding the correct charts and maps, please use the following link ( The charts for Sections 1 and 2 should be found on this page. However, please follow the directions for Section 3 as these directions are correct.

Using the ‘Articles by Topic’ roll-down the menu and select Energy and Environment, then Energy.

Then click on ‘All our charts on Energy’ so you can scroll up and down a list of energy topics. If you click on one of those energy topics, a CHART, and possibly a MAP, of that topic overtime will appear in a visualization window. You can access one or the other by selecting CHART or MAP at the bottom of the visualization window.

CHART: Depending on the energy topic, you can choose to add or remove one or several countries from the chart. By sliding your mouse over the chart, you can get actual topic values.

MAP: When a topic has a MAP and a CHART representation, the map comes with a time-slide animation feature that you can access by clicking on the arrow on the map left corner. You can also select a specific year by manually moving the time cursor. Finally, you can zoom on different regions of the world by opening the roll-down menu under the ‘World’ box on the upper right corner of the map.

You can download and save charts and maps using the download button located at the bottom-right of the visualization window.

Tip: do not forget to read the topic description provided in the visualization window under the visualization title.

Use the charts and/or maps and lecture content to answer the following questions.

1.On Primary Energy Consumption

Question 1:

oSelect the topic Primary Energy Consumption. The map of the Primary Energy Consumption by country for 2018 will appear. Describe the map and explain what the color variations represent. What countries stand out in this map and why?

oUsing the CHART, how has the Primary Energy Consumption evolved through time for the United States, Europe, China, India and Africa? Just a reminder that you can add and remove countries to and from the chart. Looking at the map of Africa, what limitations do you see with the data?

oWhat do some of the high energy-consuming countries have in common?

Question 2:

oUsing the regional zoom functionality (i.e. the pull down menu on the map) of the Primary Energy Consumption map, list the countries that have a Primary Energy Consumption greater than 25,000 TWh in 2014. You can get the Primary Energy Consumption values by moving your mouse over each listed country.

oThen select the energy topic Energy Use per Capita from the Energy topics list. List the countries that have an Energy Use per Capita greater than 25,000 kWh.

oHow do the primary energy consumption and the energy use per capita maps differ in terms of shifts in the patterns of consumption?

2.Renewable energy consumption

Question 3:

oIn the energy topics list, open the Share of Final Energy Consumption from Renewable Sources topic map. Describe the map and explain the significance of the percentage of renewable energy use in a country’s Primary energy consumption, in term of fossil fuels vs. renewable energy fuels (modern renewable and biomass) use.

oCompare the Share of Final Energy Consumption from Renewable sources map with the Primary Energy Consumption map and briefly describe the major differences between fossil fuels and renewable energy consumption patterns between countries, with particular focus on global trends in their use, and the magnitude of energy gained from each source.

oIn counties that have a share of final energy consumption from renewable sources greater than 50%, what do you think is the dominant source of renewable energy, i.e., biomass or modern renewable energy? Briefly explain your answer.

oBased on what you know about fossil fuel as an energy source and renewable energy (here biomass), describe two possible environmental costs and two benefits of each energy type; i.e. fossil fuels and biomass energy (8 items total).

Question 4:

oWhich is higher in your country and its neighbors, fossil fuel or renewable per capita energy consumption? Is this what you would have expected? Speculate briefly about factors contributing to the energy consumption patterns in your country and the surrounding region.

3.Energy reserves

Question 5:

oUnder the ‘Articles by topics’ drop box (at the top of the website), select Energy and Environment then Fossil Fuels. Click on All our charts on Fossils Fuels, then open the Natural Gas Proved Reserves topic as a map. Find and name three countries with high natural gas reserves and low final energy consumption (use the Primary Energy Consumption topic) (Hint: Open a second window in your browser to view the two maps at the same time). What do you think might explain this? (The answer may be different for each country.)

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. ENS Electrical Potential Energy Electric Potential and Potential Difference Ques


I need someone to help solve test questions.

Study Guide:

Unit 1: Electricity

Distinguish between electrical potential energy, electric potential, and potential difference. Solve problems involving electrical energy and potential difference.

Relate capacitance to the storage of electrical potential energy in the form of separated charges.

Calculate the capacitance of various devices.

Calculate the energy stored in a capacitor.

Describe the basic properties of electric current, and solve problems relating to current, charge, and time.

Calculate resistance, current, and potential difference by using the definition of resistance.

Distinguish between ohmic and non-ohmic materials, and learn what factors affect resistance.

Calculate electric power and the cost of running electrical appliances.

Interpret and construct circuit diagrams. Identify circuits as open or closed.

Deduce the potential difference across the circuit load, given the potential difference across the battery’s terminals.

Calculate the equivalent resistance for a circuit of resistors in series, and find the current in and potential difference across each resistor in the circuit.

Calculate the equivalent resistance for a circuit of resistors in parallel, and find the current in and potential difference across each resistor in the circuit.

Calculate the equivalent resistance for a complex circuit involving both series and parallel portions.

Unit 2: Magnetism

For given situations, predict whether magnets will repel or attract each other.

Describe the magnetic field around a permanent magnet.

Describe the magnetic field produced by current in a straight conductor and in a solenoid.

Use the right-hand rule to determine the direction of the magnetic field in a current-carrying wire.

Given the force on a charge in a magnetic field, determine the strength of the magnetic field.

Use the right-hand rule to find the direction of the force on a charge moving through a magnetic field.

Determine the magnitude and direction of the force on a wire carrying current in a magnetic field.

Unit 3: Electromagnetic induction

Recognize that relative motion between a conductor and a the magnetic field induces an emf in the conductor.

Explain, how changing magnetic flux produce an induced emf?

Describe how the change in the number of magnetic field lines through a circuit loop affects the magnitude and direction of the induced electric current.

Apply Lenz’s law and Faraday’s law of induction to solve problems involving induced emf and current.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. University of California Los Angeles Organic Chemistry Analysis Paper


Hi, I have an organic chemistry assessment tomorrow (05/19/2021) at 11:50 am PST. The assessment is only one hour long. I will be uploading screenshots of the questions to you during the time frame. Topics being covered on the assessment are:

– Aldehydes and Ketones—Nucleophilic Addition

– Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives—Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution

– Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds at the a-Carbon )

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. ASU The Temperature Dependence of Enzyme Catalyzed Rates Article Discussion


I’m working on a biochemistry project and need support to help me understand better.

1) Type out full citation of the article, this time also include the title and authors of the article. (Example of a journal citation: Villafuerte, B.C., “Insulin Response Element Binding Protein 1”, J. Biol. Chem. 2004 Aug. 27;279(35):36650-9.)

2) List, in order of appearance, the sections of your article. (Just the headings, no content needed. These should include; discussion, references, methods, abstract, etc.)

3) List at least 5 topics or keywords contained in your article that we have discussed in class and their definition.

4) Summarize the key conclusions of the research in your article. Be sure to include the main objectives, results and conclusions of the research presented in this article. Then conclude this section with your personal comments/observations about the content of the article (may include your comments about this project). This summary alone should be at least 1 page of type-written content.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. MA 278 Rasmussen College Human Anatomy and Physiology Case Study Questions


Since childhood, Linda has always enjoyed the outdoors. She tries to spend as much time outside in the summer as she can because she lives in the Pacific Northwest, where summers are short. Now, Linda is 62 years old and is taking her grandchildren to the same lake house where she spent long days boating, swimming, and playing sports as a child.

Linda has noticed an itchy skin lesion on the superior portion of her right ear within the past two weeks. She is beginning to worry because it doesn’t seem to be healing. She packed a large-brimmed hat for her lake trip to keep her face and ears out of the sun. She wants to make sure she is helping protect her grandchildren from any potential skin damage, too.

If Linda’s lesion is a sign of cancer, which types of skin cancer do you think it could be? What other information would you need to know to make a more educated diagnosis?

1. Linda’s son thinks a biopsy might be necessary and urges her to follow-up with a dermatologist. In your own words, briefly describe the process of a skin biopsy.

2. In your own words, what is the difference between a benign and a malignant tumor?

3. Linda had a grandfather who was diagnosed with melanoma. She is now wondering if she inherited a gene that has caused her to have melanoma, too. Could this be true? Why or why not?

4. How has Linda’s exposure to sun throughout her life contributed to her possible melanoma? (Hint: think about what happens to the DNA of skin cells.)

5. How can Linda help protect her grandchildren when they are spending time outdoors? Be specific, use your own words, and include at least 3 ideas.

Craig works in a factory and is often exposed to extremely corrosive chemicals. He always follows the proper safety precautions when necessary. One day, his coworker tripped on a staircase and Craig rushed to see if he was okay. As he tried to help his coworker stand up, Craig’s hands and arms began to tingle and burn intensely.

He looked around and realized that the box his coworker was carrying had been filled with a corrosive material and had spilled on his bare hands and arms. Craig immediately ran to the sink and began running water over his skin, while his coworkers called 911. He was rushed to the hospital. While riding in the ambulance, he was in excruciating pain. He observed large blisters forming over his right arm, while his left hand seemed to hurt less than the right, but appeared to be more damaged.

The blisters forming on Craig’s right arm indicate that his burns are at LEAST which type?

  • Did Craig do the right thing by rushing to the sink to rinse his skin with running water? Why or why not?
  • Craig noticed that his left hand appeared to be the most damaged portion of his skin, but it didn’t hurt as intensely as the less damaged skin. In your own words, explain how this is possible.
  • Explain, in your own words, why a full-thickness skin graft may be a better choice for Craig’s wounds when compared to a split-thickness skin graft.
  • Research new types of burn care/treatment. Briefly describe a new burn treatment technique that has been developed in the past 5 years. (Rasmussen’s Library and journal databases are a great place to start your research.)

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge and Chelmsford Chemistry Questions


I’m working on a chemistry multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.

1. Why do atoms bond with one another

2. What are the two basic types of bonds?

3. Define covalent bonds:

4. The oxygen that we breathe (O2) exists as two oxygen atoms bonded together. What makes this bonding covalent?

5. Define ionic bonds:

6. How many electrons does sodium have in its outer (3rd) shell?

7. Why is table salt (NaCl) formed by ionic bonding instead of covalent? (think about their outer shells)

8. Remember the word polar? (Look it up if you need to) How is a molecule of NaCl polar?

Adress all the questions in a word document.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. AU Chronic Kidney Disease Research Paper



  1. Choose a disease that affects any system listed on syllabus “Topic Outlines”
  2. Research the topic.
  3. Write, in your own words (or properly cite your sources), a paper of at least 3 typed pages.
  4. Use additional diagrams, graphs, etc that you feel will enhance your paper
  5. Include a bibliography and cite your sources.
  6. See the rubric to earn maximum points.

Include the following:

  1. title
  2. introduction
  3. etiology –what is the cause of the disease
  4. diagnosis
    1. clinical signs and symptoms

symptoms = history from the patient (subjective change in body function, not apparent to an observer, such as pain or nausea)

signs = physical findings from examining a patient (objective evidence of disease, that can be observed and measured)

  1. lab findings
  2. imaging studies = x-rays, CT scan MRI etc
  3. differential diagnosis = what are other disease possibilities with the same signs and symptoms
  4. treatment

medical – if any

surgical – if any

  1. prognosis – what’s the usual course of the disease and the usual outcome
  2. Discuss the ethics and ethical implications involved in dealing with the disease/disorder that you have chosen to research. You may include any of the following:

treatment or forgoing treatment, euthanasia, stem cell research,

abortion, genetic engineering, use of experimental drugs, life

threatening surgery, or any other ethical issues that you may

want to consider.

  1. conclusion

your opinion/point of view


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1. be submitted in Microsoft Word
2. have the student banner ID # on every page (upper left corner)
3. double space the essay, using times new roman 12 font

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Care map maternity


Hello Femma this is a caremap. It constitutes the mother and child information plus some questions to answer afterwards. I will upload a rubric that you will follow and a template that you will use for the care map. Please make sure mom’s information is entered correctly as I would send you her whole profile.

Brief insight about the patient: Patient is 35y/o female who came to the hospital by ambulance in labour. Patient did not have any history of prenatal visits.

Please if you have any questions do not forget to reach out.


Science Homework Help