Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 1407 NAU Flowering Plant Reproduction Development & Dispersal Presentation


To complete this lab successfully you will need the following supplies:


  • Computer
    • It may be possible to complete this exercise on a smart device (e.g. tablet, ipad, iphone, android phone, etc.).
    • This lab will not work properly if opened in google drive.
  • Microsoft Powerpoint

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. ACU Distinguishes Bacteria Between Gram Positive and Gram Negative Discussion


1. Write the basic concept of the lab?

2. Write all the steps of the procedure ( you can incorporate steps from the lab book)

3. Discuss your understanding of the positive & negative results of each lab

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Differences Between Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Mycobacterium Leprae Discussion


1. Write the basic concept of the lab?

2. Write all the steps of the procedure ( you can incorporate steps from the lab book)

3. Discuss your understanding of the positive & negative results of each lab

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Aspen University The Qualities of A Nurse Leader Discussion


I’m working on a science multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Provide definitions of the Qualities of a nurse leader, history/background, and major concepts of chosen topic. Describe the topic’s function in nursing practice by examining at least three different nursing roles (for example, bedside nurse, public health nurse, CNO, unit manager, etc.). Discuss how the leadership topic can be used in your own practice. Discuss your personal growth in regard to your chosen leadership topic. Evaluate personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to your career advancement.

Then, discuss the top three traits you feel makes a good nurse leader. Support your statements with examples from your practice experience and scholarly sources.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. JSU Physics Worksheet


A good sized piece of cardboard or large book, a coin, a piece of paper, and a dry kitchen sponge that has an abrasive and non-abrasive side. You’ll also need a protractor. If you do not have one, you can print the image below or use the image from your phone.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Kenyatta University VSEPR Model Worksheets


Pleas find attached my worksheets for chapter 10 and chapter11 for my CHE class. Pleas provide a full correct answer for each question and show your work for each question. Hand writing is ok but must be clear and organized. Pleas submit each chapter in a file by it self .Thabks

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. PHYS 205 MBM College Intro to Physics Questions


  • While diving in Cancun, Mexico, where the seawater has a density of 1,015 kg/m3, Nana observed that her pressure meter device reading was 3.75 atm. The reading at sea level is the standard 1.0 atm. At what depth is she diving when the meter read 3.75atm?

2) (a) What is the rms-speed of the Nitrogen

molecules at 25 degrees Celsius?

= 32g/mol, = 28g/mol

(b) Calculate the average speed for Nitrogen at

25 degree Celsius.

(c) What is the average translational KE of a Nitrogen

molecule at 293 K?

3A) One (1) mole of an ideal gas receives an input of

360J of energy in the form of heat. The gas does

325J of work on its surroundings by expanding,

  • Find the change in its internal energy.
  • Using your answer from part a) calculate the


temperature change .

3B) An ideal gas is undergoing isothermal

processes. Constant temperature.

  • What amount of heat Q is added to the gas so that the Gas does 5,030 joules of work on the environment.
  • 0.5 moles of an ideal monatomic gas expands

adiabatically while doing 1,500 J of work on its surroundings. Calculate it temperature change.

4) (a) Calculate the work done by an ideal gas

undergoing an isobaric process. The pressure

of the gas is 4.8 x 10^5 Pa, The initial volume

is 4m^3. The final volume is 8m^3.

(b)What is the change in internal energy of

the gas if 4,000 kJ of energy is supplied?

5) An aluminum flagpole is 300 cm high.

(a) By how much does its length increase as the

temperature increases by 20 degree Celsius?

(b) What is the total length of the flagpole?

The coefficient of linear expansion for

aluminum is =

Alpha = 24 x 10^(-6)/degree Celsius.

6) 0.5 kg of hot water at 98.6 degree Celsius is

poured into a 0.18 kg glass bowl initially at 25

degrees Celsius. What will be the common final

temperature of the water and bowl when

equilibrium is reached?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Dixie State University Five Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change Biology Exam Study Guide


hello I have a exam study guide that I need help with I have included the instructions and questions down below.:

Use one to two pages to answer each objective. Responses must have a minimum of one paragraph and must be typewritten/word-processed except for the diagrams, which must be neatly drawn; essays can be single- or double-spaced. Using more than two pages for a response will result in a one point per extra page penalty. Answer at least ten objectives, but no more than twelve; a thirteenth essay will not be graded! Students must answer #2; if this question is not attempted, one point will be deducted from the total score.

1.) Compare and contrast hypotheses, theories, paradigms, and laws and give an example for each, including the paradigm for biology.

2.) Name and define the five mechanisms of evolutionary change. Provide an example of each mechanism. Compare one aspect of the evolutionary mechanisms, such as which are random or nonrandom (Required!).

3.) Describe stabilizing selection, directional selection, and disruptive selection, and identify which one(s) may be responsible for the long periods of stasis observed in the fossil record.

4.) Compare and contrast speciation by geographic isolation with speciation by polyploidy; give an example of each.

5.) Describe at least three mechanisms of DNA exchange in prokaryotes; identify which is most likely to spread antibiotic resistance and which ones are used in biotechnology.

6.) Compare and contrast Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryotes.

7.) Outline the classification system for the Eastern Gray Squirrel, beginning at the domain level and ending at the species level.

8.) Diagram or summarize how HIV infects host cells and indicate the steps of the process that can be attacked by current HIV treatments; include the names of the classes of drugs involved.

9.) Explain why the influenza virus’s complex envelope and ability to recombine necessitates the production of a new flu vaccine every year.

10.) Outline or diagram the classification system for prokaryotes.

11.) Compare and contrast gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including cell wall and flagella structure.

12.) Name ten diseases, five caused by viruses and five by bacteria, and identify the organism for each.

13.) Sketch a compound scope and a dissecting scope. Label at least ten features of each.

Science Homework Help