Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Stamford Molecular Evidence Taxonomists to Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Science course and I need some help to understand this question.

Molecular evidence has led taxonomists to group bilaterally symmetrical animals in one of three clades: Deuterostomia, Lophototrochozoa, or Ecdysozoa. Give one distinguishing characteristic of these groups other than molecular differences. 


Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Aspen University Difference Between Being Assertive & Being Aggressive Discussion


Give an example of the difference between being assertive and being aggressive. What is the importance of this in communication? In leadership?

Give an example of passive aggressive communication.

What do you think of the statement, “assertiveness is unfeminine”?

What kind of advice would you give to be assertive? What role does being assertive play in handling criticism? In effective communication?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. as 102 Learning Activity 4-A


I need help with a Astronomy question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

This is the second LA for AS102OC – LA4. As with the first LA this assignment requires your group to make a choice between two options; LA4-A or LA4-B. I leave it up to the Group to decide on which option you select.

**All assignments must be submitted in .doc or .rtf format so that they can be checked for plagiarism. Failure to do this will result in an automatic grade one point reduction and a zero overall if the submission is not corrected after being informed of the improper format.**

Title your file LA4_lastname_student number. For example: LA4(A)or(B)_McDonald_123456789.doc and don’t forget to include the names of all of your group members who worked on the assignment within the submission and the level of involvement for each member (mostly I expect that each member will have contributed equally).


Imagine if you were able to sit down to have a cup of coffee with Edwin Hubble. What would you ask? What would you say? LA4-A involves doing some research on the 20th century astronomer Edwin Hubble in order to write him a letter. The letter should be at least 2000 words.

The purpose of the letter is to ensure that the facts about him and his research (and discoveries) are accurate as you have been asked to write a Wikipedia entry about him. Consequently, the letter must contain personal information about Dr. Hubble (a brief life story), the contributions he made to astronomy, their significance and the impact he had on the development of astronomy, and also what question(s) you would ask him. Accomplishing this as a group could be challenging as the letter must not be just a series of individual writings pieced together; rather, must be coherent demonstrating a single writing style. One person (different from previous LAs) should take responsibility as the writer, another for researching the personal history of the astronomer, another for pulling together the scientific contributions, etc. Begin by collaborating on the discussion board, I’m sure you’ll work it out.

Dr. Hubble was an academic so don’t forget to include references where needed and a full bibliography

We are only doing the LA4-A!

And my part it

1. the contributions he made to astronomy

2. what question(s) you would ask him

I will send you some online content when you confirm

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Miami University Chapter 8 Igneous Rocks Summary



50. Type the following coordinates into the search bar in Google Earth: 33 48 14.24  N 84 08 44.31 W. This is Stone Mountain, GA. Zoom in to an eye elevation of  ~2400 ft for a closer look. Based on the color, and assuming no color change has  occurred due to weathering at this location, what is the composition of rock? a. ultramafic b. mafic c. intermediate d. felsic 

51. Zoom out to an eye elevation of ~1500 ft so that you can see the entire mountain.  Click on the ruler icon to open up the ruler function. Select the Line tab, and  change the map length to kilometers. What is the longest length of exposed  portion of Stone Mountain? a. 3000 km b. 260 km c. 6 km d. 2.6 km

52. Based on your measurement of the longest dimension, Stone Mountain can be  classified as: a. a batholith b. a stock

53. Type the following coordinates into the search bar in Google Earth: 64 58 45.54  N 16 43 07.04 W. Zoom in to an eye elevation of ~12979 ft for a closer look.  Based on the color, what is the composition of this rock? a. ultramafic b. mafic c. intermediate d. felsic 

54. Zoom out to an eye elevation of 41,566 ft. Based on the proximity of the volcanic  crater (now containing a lake), the igneous rocks identified in question 53 are: a. extrusive b. intrusive

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Mesa Community College Endocrine Physiology Readings Questions



The effect of exercise on skeletal muscle glucose uptake in type 2 diabetes: An epigenetic perspective

Santos JM, Moreli ML, Tewari S, Benite-Ribeiro SA. 2015. The effect of exercise on skeletal muscle glucose uptake in type 2 diabetes: An epigenetic perspective. Metabolism. 64(12):1619–1628.


Question 1: Look at figure 2. What are the three major epigenetic mechanisms that regulate gene expression, and at which stage of transcription-translation do they act?

The first paragraph of section 3 reviews insulin cellular pathways, which we also discussed in detail earlier this semester. Answer the following 3 review questions about how this pathway works:

Question 2: What type of hormone receptor is the insulin receptor? How many insulin molecules must bind to it to activate the receptor?

Question 3: What do GLUT4 vesicles do?

Question 4: This section focuses on the short-term effects of insulin, but what was the long-term pathway we discussed previously?

Question 5: According to this review, what effect does exercise have on GLUT4 activity in skeletal muscle, and what is one proposed mechanism?

Question 6: Based on this reading and other material you have seen, how is exercise related to type 2 diabetes?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Countercurrent Heat Exchange of Dolphins and Sea Lions Questions


Watch this video and then answer the following questions:

  1. Name 4 challenges to life in the ocean for mammals
  2. List and describe the marine mammal traits (adaptations) that were shaped by each of the challenges you list.
  3. Match the 4 challenges with the traits that some (or all) marine mammals have that addresses the challenge. (The trait doesn’t have to be present in every class of marine mammals)
  4. Explain how each of the traits allows that class of marine mammals to deal with the challenge that the marine environment presents.


Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Eastleigh College Chemical Structure And Bonding Discussion Questions


Attached Document has all the questions, 7 in total. Some Short answers and some longer answers required.

There are seven questions to answer.

  1. Describe the structure of a compound made up of the bonding types below and draw a dot and cross diagram to illustrate it.
  1. Ionic bonded
  2. Covalent bonded
  3. Dative bonded
  1. What type(s) of bonding do these compounds display?
  1. NaCl
  2. CH4
  3. SiF4
  4. Na[AuCl4]
  5. NH4+
  6. K2S
  7. CO2
  1. Describe the four different types of solid structures and draw a diagram of each to illustrate them.
  1. Use your knowledge of structure and bonding to explain why sodium bromide has a melting point that is higher than that of sodium, and higher than that of sodium iodide.
  1. In a pure metallic element, the atoms are said to be metallically bonded.
  1. Describe the environment that atoms in a piece of sodium experience.
  2. Describe what has happened to the electrons in the outermost shell of the sodium atoms and explain what property this leads to.
  3. What happens to these bonds when the metal
  1. melts? ii) boils?
  1. Draw the structure and indicate the bond angle for the following molecules:
  1. CO2
  2. H2O
  3. BF3
  4. CH4
  5. NH3
  6. SF6
  1. With regards to BF3 and NH3 , explain why they display different structures despite both being a central atom with three more atoms bonded to it. Give examples of other atoms which despite similar bonding, display different structures. Explain how these are the result of electron repulsion theory.

Science Homework Help