Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Composition of the Pacific Chub Mackerel Fish Questions


10Based on just what you can see here(picture attached) (i.e., fin shape, body shape, coloration, mouth shape, etc.), infer the natural history of these 2 southern California fishes. In doing so, make sure to address where (you think) they live in the water column (i.e., top, middle/pelagic, on the bottom, etc.), their swimming habits (i.e., do you think it swims all day long through the ocean at high speeds, does it lie motionless on the bottom except for the occasional burst to move a few feet or escape a predator/ambush prey, etc.), their diet, and the habitats they live in (i.e., sand flats, rocky reef, kelp forest, etc). Explain your answers/why your are inferring the natural history that you wrote.

2nd question:

How are schools and shoals of fish different?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Subalpine Coniferous Forests Questions


8Why is there such a short growing season in subalpine coniferous forests?

9multiple choice: What is the dominant vegetation type in SoCal mixed hardwood forests?

Cactuses and other succulents

Scrub oaks, poison ivy, manzanitas, and wildflowers

Palm trees and maple trees

Evergreen conifers

Dry deciduous trees and ferns

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State Difference Between Protogyny and Protoandy Natural History Question


4What geological features are general adjacent to deserts and how do they contribute to the climate and environment of deserts? Give an example of one of these features and how it affects a North American desert.

5Describe the difference between protogyny and protoandy. Give an example of each. How does the natural history of the two organisms you chose change over time?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Parallel Evolution and Convergent Evolution Discussion


1What is the zone of the ocean where there is enough light for photosynthesis to occur? To what depth does this zone occur (approximately, assuming you’re in the open ocean with good visibility)?

3Explain the difference between parallel evolution and convergent evolution. Give an example of each.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Mixed Hardwood Forest Questions


Pick one Californian plant-animal community/habitat that we’ve discussed. You may pick either a mixed hardwood forest or a coniferous forest scrub. For it, name 3 animals and one plant species and describe how each are adapted to the habitat/biome of that plant-animal community.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Ecological Remediation with Plants Essay


Please see attached. Paper written MUST be truly exceptional. This is for a CANADIAN UNIVERSITY and must be written accordingly. This paper must BE EXCELLENT AND BE WRITTEN AT A HIGH QUALITY, SOMETHING YOU WOULD SEE IN A PRESTIGIOUS PEER-REVIEWED BOTANY JOURNAL. Follow the research proposal/annotated bibliography and review the professor’s comments. Do NOT change the topic, but be mindful of his suggestions. Rubric is attached too.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. CHEM 236 E1 vs. E2; Substitution vs. Elimination Alcohols Practice Exam


Topic covers: E1 vs. E2; Substitution vs. Elimination Alcohols, ethers, epoxides Nomenclature, properties, Preparation and reactions of alcohols, Dehydration of alcohols; carbocation rearrangements; conversions of alcohols to alkyl halides, Tosylate; reaction of ethers and epoxides; Alkenes preparation and reactions (addition, Markovnikov’s rule), Halogenation of alkenes; halohydrin formation; hydroboration Alkynes: nomenclature, physical properties, Alkyne: preparation and addition reactions, Halogenation, hydration, hydroboration oxidation, reaction of acetylide anions; synthesis oxidation and reduction reactions, Reduction of alkenes and alkynes; reduction of polar C-X bonds; oxidizing agents; epoxidation, Dihydroxylation; oxidative cleavage of alkenes; oxidation of alcohols; Sharpless Epoxidation

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Cancer Cell Signalling Biology Powerpoint


I have to do a presentation that is 10 min long summarizing your understanding of cancer biology based on your exposure so far in this course. Search for and consult review articles that have done some work on this in helping you come up with an intelligent construct of your thoughts. This is an opportunity for you to convince yourself and your instructor that you have a good grasp of the biomedical foundations of medicine. Your references should be in AMA format and should use at least 5 peer-reviewed scientific literature.

You will be graded based on the following:

Accuracy of content;

Clear communication of concepts;


i need the powerpoint slidess to be very detailed so it can be a 10 min presentation

Science Homework Help