Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Indiana University Human Population is the Environmental Problem Discussion


I’m working on a geology question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Review pages 28-30 in your textbook, the “Knowledge, Imagination, and Critical Thinking” discussion. Critical thinking is a means of evaluating and analyzing a situation or idea while using your knowledge and experiences as your intellectual guide. In Environmental Science, we must think critically to solve problems. We must apply our scientific understanding of the problem, our knowledge of possible solutions, and our experiences (as a geologist, perhaps) to determine the best course of action for a given problem. You critically think in your own discipline, too, when you apply your knowledge to new situations, questions, or problems.

For these assignments, I will ask you to think critically about a question or problem and apply your knowledge and research to answer that question or problem. Below are four different critical thinking questions. I would like you to choose ONE question, and prepare an essay response to the question. Your response should

be written as a 300-500 word essay, with a thesis statement, complete sentences and paragraphs, and a conclusion;

include at least one captioned and referenced image or diagram (Links to an external site.) that helps exemplify and support your response, and finally,

have the support of at least two primary sources cited in-text and in a Works Cited section in MLA format.You may choose ONE of the question prompts below for your posting. Be certain to address all parts of the prompt in your response.

We state that sustainability is the environmental objective. Construct an argument to support this statement. Are the ideas of sustainability and building a sustainable economy different in developing, poor countries than in countries that are affluent and have a high standard of living? How are they different, and why?

The concept of environmental unity is an important one today. Consider some major development being planned for your region/hometown/campus and a series of negative and/or positive consequences resulting from it. Outline how the principle of environmental unity could help in determining the project’s potential environmental impact.

Defend or criticize the notion that increase in human population is the environmental problem, and sustainability is the solution. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Do you think the precautionary principle should be applied to controlling the growth of the human population? How might it be applied?

A town is located in the foothills of a mountain range. The rock types in the city limits and just beyond are basalt, shale, and limestone. As the town grows and expands, what advice would you give planners as to potential geologic problems related to each of these rock types to be aware of as new buildings and roads are sited? What additional geologic information would be necessary?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. ENS Calculate Equivalent Resistance for Circuit of Resistors in Series Physics Ques


Study Guide:

Unit 1: Electricity

Distinguish between electrical potential energy, electric potential, and potential difference. Solve problems involving electrical energy and potential difference.

Relate capacitance to the storage of electrical potential energy in the form of separated charges.

Calculate the capacitance of various devices.

Calculate the energy stored in a capacitor.

Describe the basic properties of electric current, and solve problems relating to current, charge, and time.

Calculate resistance, current, and potential difference by using the definition of resistance.

Distinguish between ohmic and non-ohmic materials, and learn what factors affect resistance.

Calculate electric power and the cost of running electrical appliances.

Interpret and construct circuit diagrams. Identify circuits as open or closed.

Deduce the potential difference across the circuit load, given the potential difference across the battery’s terminals.

Calculate the equivalent resistance for a circuit of resistors in series, and find the current in and potential difference across each resistor in the circuit.

Calculate the equivalent resistance for a circuit of resistors in parallel, and find the current in and potential difference across each resistor in the circuit.

Calculate the equivalent resistance for a complex circuit involving both series and parallel portions.

Unit 2: Magnetism

For given situations, predict whether magnets will repel or attract each other.

Describe the magnetic field around a permanent magnet.

Describe the magnetic field produced by current in a straight conductor and in a solenoid.

Use the right-hand rule to determine the direction of the magnetic field in a current-carrying wire.

Given the force on a charge in a magnetic field, determine the strength of the magnetic field.

Use the right-hand rule to find the direction of the force on a charge moving through a magnetic field.

Determine the magnitude and direction of the force on a wire carrying current in a magnetic field.

Unit 3: Electromagnetic induction

Recognize that relative motion between a conductor and a the magnetic field induces an emf in the conductor.

Explain, how changing magnetic flux produce an induced emf?

Describe how the change in the number of magnetic field lines through a circuit loop affects the magnitude and direction of the induced electric current.

Apply Lenz’s law and Faraday’s law of induction to solve problems involving induced emf and current.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 220 GCU W1 W2 W3 Man vs Nature and Human Population and Toxins Worksheet


I’m liking for someone to help we three short assignment. Everything is at the bottom of the attachment. if you interested on assign me these assignments. Please let me know ASAP I Tip well !

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. MCB 2340C Rasmussen College Module 6 Microbiology Genetic information Question


I’m working on a microbiology question and need support to help me study.

Module 06 Content

    • Module 06 Content
      This assignment contains one short essay question. You should use the knowledge gained in the readings and other assignments in this module. This is a thought questions meant to help you process information that you have been exposed to in this module and if applicable, in previous modules. You are encouraged to use outside sources, but you must use citations to show where you obtained the information. This is an untimed assignment. You only havThis assignment contains one short essay question. You should use the knowledge gained in the readings and other assignments in this module. This is a thought questions meant to help you process information that you have been exposed to in this module and if applicable, in previous modules. You are encouraged to use outside sources, but you must use citations to show where you obtained the information. This is an untimed assignment. You only have one opportunity to complete this assignment.
      Reading one of the following articles before starting this quiz can help you with your answer.
      Will Nanotechnology Bring New Hope for Gene Delivery? Wong, Joanna KL; Mohseni, Rashin; Amir Ali Hamidieh; MacLaren, Robert E; Nagy, Habib; et al. Trends in Biotechnology; Oxford Vol. 35, Iss. 5, (May 1, 2017): 434-451. DOI:10.1016/j.tibtech.2016.12.009
      Application of nanotechnology in plant growth and crop protection: A review. Molecules, 24(14), 2558. Shang, Y., Hasan, M. K., Ahammed, G. J., Li, M., Yin, H., & Zhou, J. (2019).
      Note: By starting this exam you agree to abide by the Academic Misconduct Policy set forth in the course syllabus. You acknowledge that your failure to do so could result in being expelled from the course.
      Question 115 Points
      Genetic information has become part of our culture and it is difficult to tell the difference between unmodified and genetically modified food sources such as plant and animals. After reading this module’s material regarding vectors in biotechnology, consider the potential for nanotechnology and scientific advancement.Research nanotechnology and its potential use in biotechnology. In one or two paragraphs, explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology in health care, agriculture, or industry and discuss whether you would or would not support further research.
    • Will Nanotechnology Bring New Hope for Gene Delivery? Wong, Joanna KL; Mohseni, Rashin; Amir Ali Hamidieh; MacLaren, Robert E; Nagy, Habib; et al. Trends in Biotechnology; Oxford Vol. 35, Iss. 5, (May 1, 2017): 434-451. DOI:10.1016/j.tibtech.2016.12.009
    • Application of nanotechnology in plant growth and crop protection: A review. Molecules, 24(14), 2558. Shang, Y., Hasan, M. K., Ahammed, G. J., Li, M., Yin, H., & Zhou, J. (2019).

Top of Form

This assignment contains one short essay question. You should use the knowledge gained in the readings and other assignments in this module. This is a thought questions meant to help you process information that you have been exposed to in this module and if applicable, in previous modules. You are encouraged to use outside sources, but you must use citations to show where you obtained the information. This is an untimed assignment. You only havThis assignment contains one short essay question. You should use the knowledge gained in the readings and other assignments in this module. This is a thought questions meant to help you process information that you have been exposed to in this module and if applicable, in previous modules. You are encouraged to use outside sources, but you must use citations to show where you obtained the information. This is an untimed assignment. You only have one opportunity to complete this assignment.

Question 1

15 Points

Genetic information has become part of our culture and it is difficult to tell the difference between unmodified and genetically modified food sources such as plant and animals. After reading this module’s material regarding vectors in biotechnology, consider the potential for nanotechnology and scientific advancement.Research nanotechnology and its potential use in biotechnology. In one or two paragraphs, explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology in health care, agriculture, or industry and discuss whether you would or would not support further research.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Mechanics (Spanish)


I need the solution for this problem as soon as possible but it has to be well-explained. You can show your answer made it by hand.

Una partícula de masa m1 y energía T1i choca elásticamente con otra de masa , en reposo. Si m2 sale despedida formando un ángulo theta2 con la dirección inicial de m1 , hallar la energía suministrada a m1. Demuestre que T2f es máxima en un choque frontal y que, en este caso, la energía perdida por la partícula incidente es

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Colorado State University Global Climate Change Precipitation Parameter Lab Report


Weather and Climate

Part 1: Collecting Local Weather Data

For the first part of this week’s lab, you will need to collect at least five consecutive days’ worth of local weather data. Using measurements from your homemade weather instruments, complete the table below. For those instruments you did not build, use data from a weather website such as or Collect your data once each day, keeping as close to the same time of day as possible. For sky conditions, note the approximate percent of the sky that is overcast, and identify the cloud types present if you can. Here is a simple web guide to cloud identification.

(Links to an external site.)

Weather Station Data

Date and Time

High Temp. (ºF)

Wind Speed (mi/h)

Wind Direction

Air Pressure (height of water column, in cm)

Precip. (inches)

Sky Conditions








Weather Station Data

In a couple of well-crafted paragraphs, reflect on your results. What happened over the course of the week? What is the general story of the recent weather where you live? What patterns do you see in your data? For instance, one means of forecasting stormy weather is through monitoring changes in barometric pressure. What do you wonder about?

Part 2: Local Impacts of Global Climate Change

Imagine collecting more weather data—indeed, imagine gathering weather data for 2,190 times as long as you did. At that point, you would have 30 years’ worth of weather measurements, and only then could a picture of your local climate emerge. Climate is defined as the weather conditions for a particular region, averaged over 30 years. To detect change in climate due to global warming, then, much more than 30 years’ worth of weather data are necessary. Let’s consider the past 60 years where you live. For this analysis, go to this web page:

(Links to an external site.)

, click on the Time Series tab, and follow the steps below. (Note: In case of a government shutdown or other event that makes this site unavailable, contact your instructor for data sets.)

  1. Let’s begin by comparing one month’s high temperatures over 60 years. From the drop-down menus, choose Maximum Temperature for Parameter. Leave the Time Scale as 1- month. Choose a month you would like to compare—as long as you keep the month specification the same, which month you select does not matter. For Start Year, select 1958. End Year should be 2018. Select your State and County from the drop-down menus. Click on the rectangle labeled “Plot”. A graph of the high temperature values for each year should appear. Take a screen shot of the graph to include with you report. (If you are not certain how to do this, check out this helpful resource
  2. (Links to an external site.)
  3. .) What trend do you notice in the overall trajectory of the graph, as you go from left to right? Is it going up, going down, or staying relatively level?
  4. Next, compare the same month’s low temperatures over the same time range. Leave all of your selections the same, except change Parameter to Minimum Temperature. What does the plot reveal this time? Are low temperatures for your chosen month generally rising, falling, or staying the same in your county? Again, be sure to take a screen shot of the graph.
  5. Finally, compare precipitation for the same month over the past 60 years. Leave all other selections the same except change Parameter to Precipitation. What does the plot show? Is precipitation rising where you live, dropping, or staying approximately the same? Be sure to take a screen shot of the graph for your report.

Part Three: Global Climate Change

Finally, view the animation at

(Links to an external site.)
. (Note: In case of a government shut down or other event that makes this site unavailable, contact your instructor for data sets.) Assess the differences from 1884 to 2011. What particular regions of the Earth have changed the most over that time, and how have they changed? Why might those regions be particularly sensitive to climate change? (This question may require some research in the text or using a credible online resource.)


Science Homework Help