Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 141 Grossmont College Human Physiology Questionnaire


I need support with this Biology question so I can learn better.

Adrenergic Receptors/Beta Blockers

  • Just answer each question
  • Be concise & thorough. 3 pages maximum
  • Really try to understand what’s going on
  • Use your own words to explain that you understand, define terms as necessary

Please, follow the instructions below as presented

. Instructions for this Assignment:

  • Your answers must be TYPED – not hand written. Edit your paper – it should not have misspellings. It should make grammatical sense.
  • Answer the questions asked in the space below each question – this is NOT an essay or term paper. The space available is not fixed, adjust as necessary.
  • The final product should not be more than 3 pages. 3 pages MAX.. This should require you to be succinct in your answers.
  • Do NOT copy selections from texts, sites, et al. Use your own words and show me you know what you are talking about. If you use clinical terms that you do not know – define them. Plagiarism will be noticed and result in a zero on this assignment. There is software to check exactly this.
  • Aside from Question #2 – where a well-organized table can suffice – Do NOT just provide lists. While a simple list can prove helpful they rarely provide explanations & descriptions
  • These are real world drug & issues that you may likely have to deal with in your career and/or home life – treat them as such. Show some effort to truly understand and explain what’s going on with drugs such as this.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. LA Valley College What Can We Do to Slow or Stop Global Warming Discussion


Please review chapter 20 in your book.

Then, participate in this group discussion (for credit).

The topic is — What can we do to slow or stop global warming?

This is NOT specifically discussed in your book. But you’ve no doubt learned things in other classes, and from the news media. Plus you can use the internet to look up ideas. I recommend <>, and <>. But there are many other sources of information — but watch out for bullshit sources, because there are lots of those, too!

Choose ONE of the three topics below, and post your ideas. Please don’t just give a laundry list. Explain your one idea in depth. Give sources (a page in your book, or an outside source).

    • What can you and your family do to slow or stop global warming? Are there any side benefits to your proposed solutions? (Example: If we walk or ride our bikes more, and drive less, we’ll emit less CO2, and be healthier!)
    • What can we do as a Nation, to slow or stop global warming? Are there any side benefits to your proposed solutions? (Example: If we use less oil, our foreign policy would be more rational, and we could stop kissing up to oil dictators.)
    • You’ve seen many proposed solutions — in this class discussion, in your textbook, and on the internet and news media. What proposed solutions do you think won’t work, or would be too expensive to be practical?
    • Please don’t re-post what someone else has already mentioned!

Everybody MUST participate! Please leave a well-thought-out comment. (More than one is OK!)

And please reply to someone else’s comment — your reply can be positive or negative, but please keep it polite and respectful! It’s perfectly OK to reply to a reply, or post replies to several different comments.

Please make this a real class discussion! Listen to (read) what your classmates have to say!

You may also “like” comments.

If you follow directions, you will get 10 points on this homework. If you try to do just the bare minimum, and don’t give it much thought or effort, you might get only 6 or 7 points. If you excel, and create many excellent posts / replies, then you might get an extra credit point!

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. American Pacific College Los Angeles Electric Currents & Resistance Questions


I have PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS II class. 4/28 (11:20 am – 1:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time) I will have a practice exam. I need that you will able at this time. The topics that the practice exam covers are Capacitance, Dielectrics,
Electric Energy Storage; Electric
and Resistance; DC Circuits.

The example of the assignment

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. University of Tennessee The Science of Muscle Growth Essay


The Science of Muscle Growth. How does muscle grow?
Format your paper like this:
1. The Physiology Of Muscle Growth
2. Mechanisms That Make Muscles Grow
3. Mechanisms That Make Muscles Grow

4. why Muscles Need Rest To Grow

5. Why Rapid Muscle Growth Is Unlikely

6. Conclusion

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. CCC Ripples of The Electron Transport & Mitochondrial Myopathies Analysis


I’m trying to learn for my Chemistry class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

After Greg LeMond won his first Tour de France, he was shot in the back during a hunting trip. This accident seemed to trigger a downfall of his health, even though he went on to win two more Tour de France races, due to a ripple in the electron transport chain and mitochondria. Explain this concept of the electron transport ripple and whether or not the gun shot led to LeMond’s ultimate diagnosis of “Mitochondrial Myopathy.”

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Middle Tennessee State University Surface Air Temperature in the Arctic Questions


I’m working on a geology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please make sure to find the answers from Chapter 6 and 7, I attached the two chapters below, thanksv

1- (5) How much warmer was the planet 65 million years ago?

2- (10) What caused the temperature to change?

3- (5) How much warmer was the surface air temperature in the Arctic that it was in the 1981-2010 period?

4- (10) What are the two methods used for determining ocean temperature changes? Explain how they show temperature changes.

5- (15) Describe the three hypotheses for cooling during the past 50 million years.

6- (10) How do we know about sea level, temperatures, and climate or the past?

7- (10) What are the limiting CO2 contents for glaciation on Greenland and Antarctica?

8- (40) Explain delta O18 and how it reveals past ice and ocean temperatures.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Middle Tennessee State University Surface Air Temperature in the Arctic Questions


I’m working on a geology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please make sure to find the answers from Chapter 6 and 7, I attached the two chapters below, thanksv

1- (5) How much warmer was the planet 65 million years ago?

2- (10) What caused the temperature to change?

3- (5) How much warmer was the surface air temperature in the Arctic that it was in the 1981-2010 period?

4- (10) What are the two methods used for determining ocean temperature changes? Explain how they show temperature changes.

5- (15) Describe the three hypotheses for cooling during the past 50 million years.

6- (10) How do we know about sea level, temperatures, and climate or the past?

7- (10) What are the limiting CO2 contents for glaciation on Greenland and Antarctica?

8- (40) Explain delta O18 and how it reveals past ice and ocean temperatures.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Hinds Community College Scientific Method Paper


Bio 1111 Principles of Bio Lab Report

Below are two examples of how scientists use the Scientific Method to conduct research.

Read & Complete the following report form by answering the questions in Part A & B.

Part A. “The Strange Case of BeriBeri”

In 1887 a strange nerve disease attacked the people in the Dutch East Indies. The disease was beriberi. Symptoms of the disease included weakness and loss of appetite, victims often died of heart failure. Scientists thought the disease might be caused by bacteria. They injected chickens with bacteria from the blood of patients with beriberi. The injected chickens became sick. However, so did a group of chickens that were not injected with bacteria.

One of the scientists, Dr. Eijkman, noticed something. Before the experiment, all the chickens had eaten whole-grain rice, but during the experiment, the chickens were fed polished rice. Dr. Eijkman researched this interesting case. He found that polished rice lacked thiamine, a vitamin necessary for good health.

Answer the questions and follow instructions below to submit form for Part A.

  1. State the Problem.
  2. What was the hypothesis? Include any background information that related to the formation of this hypothesis.
  3. How was the hypothesis tested? Include any methods or materials that the scientist used in the experiment.
  4. Should the hypothesis be supported or rejected based on the experiment? Include the results of the experiment and any discussion you feel that is relevant to support or deny the hypothesis.
  5. Conclusion: What should be the new hypothesis?

Part B: “How Penicillin Was Discovered”

In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming was studying Staphylococcus bacteria growing in culture dishes. He noticed that a mold called Penicillium was also growing in some of the dishes. A clear area existed around the mold because all the bacteria that had grown in this area had died. In the culture dishes without the mold, no clear areas were present.

Fleming hypothesized that the mold must be producing a chemical that killed the bacteria. He decided to isolate this substance and test it to see if it would kill bacteria. Fleming transferred the mold to a nutrient broth solution. This solution contained all the materials the mold needed to grow. After the mold grew, he removed it from the nutrient broth. Fleming then added the nutrient broth in which the mold had grown to a culture of bacteria. He observed that the bacteria died.

Answer the questions and follow instructions below to submit form for Part B.

  1. Identify the problem.
  2. What was Fleming’s hypothesis? Include any background information that related to the formation of this hypothesis.
  3. How was the hypothesis tested? Include any methods or materials that the scientist used in the experiment.
  4. Should the hypothesis be supported or rejected based on the experiment? Include the results of the experiment and any discussion you feel that is relevant to support or deny the hypothesis.
  5. Conclusion: What should be the new hypothesis? (This experiment leads to the development of what major medical advancement?)

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. DU Article Discussion


1. Utilize the vast journal database in our campus library ( (Links to an external site.)).

2. Your assignment will be to:

             a. Identify the article using APA format.

             b. Create a summary of the research (problem/occurrence, hypothesis, methodology, 


            c. Identify how the article will relate to your proposed senior research topic.

Research Tip: Download .PDF copies of your articles and highlight and create notes pertinent to your research paper. This method will save time for your semester project and final senior research paper.


Science Homework Help