Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 116 Harper College Population Ecology Lab Report


Download the guided lab worksheet that is attached in blue here. It is posted as a word document and as a pdf–choose which format is easiest for you. As you read through the directions, you will be directed to answer questions within the lab. Your answers can be typed and saved directly onto the word document or pdf. Answer ALL questions.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. GCCCD Blood Pressure Blood Vessels Blood Viscosity & Coronary Rhythm Essay


Blood Pressure Lab Write-up: Produce a lab report for the body position activity of the Blood Pressure lab. Your report should be in nonnumeric, paragraph form. The data you need for the report is found in an Excel file posted on Canvas. The data includes subjects reported sex and age (decade, not specific year) as well as collected heart rates and data for sitting (resting) and recumbent blood pressure.

1. Write an Introduction Section (3 or 4 paragraphs). A brief overview of blood pressure should be included in this section. Don’t forget to include a citation when you provide information which is not common knowledge. For example, your text (Silverthorn, 2019), lab manual (Caldwell, Didomenico, Shearer, & Botten, 2019), or another reasonable source. Make sure to include brief explanations of the physiology underlying the measurement of blood pressure and how to interpret the blood pressure reading. State the hypotheses or predictions.

2. Methods. Write 2-3 paragraphs which give an overview of how you did your experiment. Cite our lab manual (Caldwell, Didomenico, Shearer, & Botten, 2019), and then concisely summarize how the data was collected. Write a paragraph describing your test subjects. How are they similar and how are they different?Write 1-2 paragraphs which gives a general overview of how you used the methods and baseline data to study the effects of changes in body position on blood pressure and heart rate. What is the independent variable of this experiment? The dependent variable? How are you analyzing the data (mean, standard deviation, confidence interval).

3. Results. Include at least one graph and a summary table or graph. You may need more than one. Any table or graph should have a descriptive title. Make sure you submit a summary table, not a restatement of raw data. I smile when I see calculated measures of central tendency (mean and median) and some measure of spread. Excel can do most of those calculations for you. Your graph should show class averages of the blood pressure component in your hypothesis for each body position. You should include a short narrative highlighting your data in this section.

4. Summary (4-5 paragraphs) Explain your data by using information you introduced in your introduction. Make sure to demonstrate you understand the underlying physiology explaining why blood pressure changes in response to changes in body position. Refer to your table and graph and point out any important data. If your results did not match your expected results, write a paragraph suggesting one reason your results might have been different from the expected results.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Success of Vaccination Activities in the Coronavirus Pandemic Essay


Paper 2: A Science Issue in a Social Context

In this 3 to 5 page paper the student will select a CURRENT science topic that is controversial or “in question” by a segment of society. The student will research the topic and write the paper as an advocate for science. The paper should explain why the this topic is controversial in the first place and supply enough background on how the issue has changed or evolved over time. It is important to focus on why the topic is controversial in the first place.

Some suggested topics for this paper include but are not limited to: genetically modified food, vaccinations, climate change, animal testing, creation of novel viruses, cloning extinct species, stem cell research, creationism, animal testing,etc. If the student chooses another topic (which is fine) please check with the instructor through email for approval.

Paper Details: Total Length 3 to 5 pages, minimum of 3 citations, 12 point font, double spaced

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. MA 278 RC Human Anatomy & Physiology Chronic Pain Treatment & Opioid Essay



The treatment of chronic pain conditions, especially muscle pain within the medical field, presents multiple problems and complications. Studies have placed the prevalence of chronic pain in the United States from 30-33% of the population. Currently, a common medical practice is the prescription of opioid analgesics (painkillers) such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, and codeine to provide pain relief. However, the abuse and addiction to opioid prescriptions has been on the rise.

Conduct some research on the pros and cons of using opioid medications to treat chronic pain. As of early 2018, 23 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation to legalize medicinal marijuana as a treatment therapy for various issues, including chronic pain conditions. Research the pros and cons of medicinal marijuana to treat chronic pain.

From your research, what do you perceive to be the better option in treating chronic pain — prescription opioid medications or medicinal marijuana? Make sure you elaborate on your reasoning with your research, opinion(s) and any other comments you have on this topic. Provide appropriate citations for your resources.


The American Academy of Pain Medicine. (2018). AAPM Facts and Figures on Pain. Retrieved from

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. LAMC Alcohols and Phenols Lab Report


Experiment #5: Alcohols, Phenols Physical and chemical properties of alcohols, phenols and thiols will be observed. Alcohols can generally be
distinguished from phenols. Primary and secondary alcohols can be distinguished from tertiary alcohols.
Solubility will be the physical property observed. Complex formation with a metal ion and oxidation will be the
chemical properties observed.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Biochemistry Purification of Albumin From a Serum Sample Question


the assignment brief are the photos attached I have the full method I used that I’ll send over after and also I have the image for the results page of this lab report, I’ll send over anything else needed to complete the assignment

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. University of Edinburgh Science in Media Influence Discussion


Can the portrayal of science in media influence how certain research
and technology is viewed, and accepted, by the general public (e.g., cloning)?
Do you think the portrayal of scientists in the various forms of media influences how society views people in this profession? Why, or why not?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Grossmont College Determination of Absolute Errors and Volumes Lab Report



Read all of Exp 2 in the lab manual.

Watch the video on propagation of error. Pay special attention to

  • What is absolute error?
    • What are the two ways it can be determined?
      • Of the two ways, which way is better?
  • What is relative error?
    • How is it calculated?
  • How is absolute error calculated when
    • Values that have error are added or subtracted?
    • Values that have error are multiplied or divided?

Video (9:28)

PowerPoint used in video (Links to an external site.)

  • Complete a prelab for this experiment in your lab notebook
    • Header of Lab, including your name, experiment number, experiment title, and the date of starting the experiment
    • Objective(s) for all parts of the experiment (written in complete sentences and not copied from the lab manual)
    • Procedure (at least a reference to the lab manual)
    • Safety – Standard lab safety procedures should be applied. There are no specific safety hazards.
    • Waste – water can be poured down the drain
    • Data tables written on a separate page (in case you need to turn in the prelab).
    • Answer the questions below
      1. The volume of a rock is measured by water displacement. Images of the results are shown below.
        • What is the absolute error in each volume measurement of the water (before and after adding the rock)?
        • What is the absolute error in the volume measurement of the rock
        • Display shows pictures
      2. What is the equation for calculating the volume of a cylinder?
      3. When a cylinder is placed on an analytical balance, the display looks like the image below. What is the absolute error for the mass?
        • Display shows 92.803 g
      4. The same cylinder’s base has a diameter of 2.65 cm and a length of 15.20 cm. What is the absolute error for the volume of the cylinder?
  • Read the lab notes in the next section
  • Review the Assignment page for this lab, especially the grading Rubric

  • For the photos I will attach them

Science Homework Help