Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. PHY 241A Newtons Second and Third Law of Motion Exercises


(Chapter 4) PROBLEMS & EXERCISES section: #1, 3, 7, 9, 15, 19, 23, 25.YouTube lecture on Chapter 4:

(Chapter 5) PROBLEMS & EXERCISES section: #1, 9, 11. YouTube lecture link for Chapter 5: YouTube lecture link for Chapter 5:

Page 256 (Chapter 6) PROBLEMS & EXERCISES section: #1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 23, 33(a), 39 (a). YouTube lecture link for Chapter 6:

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Grossmont College Determination of Absolute Errors and Volumes Lab Report



Read all of Exp 2 in the lab manual.

Watch the video on propagation of error. Pay special attention to

  • What is absolute error?
    • What are the two ways it can be determined?
      • Of the two ways, which way is better?
  • What is relative error?
    • How is it calculated?
  • How is absolute error calculated when
    • Values that have error are added or subtracted?
    • Values that have error are multiplied or divided?

Video (9:28)

PowerPoint used in video (Links to an external site.)

  • Complete a prelab for this experiment in your lab notebook
    • Header of Lab, including your name, experiment number, experiment title, and the date of starting the experiment
    • Objective(s) for all parts of the experiment (written in complete sentences and not copied from the lab manual)
    • Procedure (at least a reference to the lab manual)
    • Safety – Standard lab safety procedures should be applied. There are no specific safety hazards.
    • Waste – water can be poured down the drain
    • Data tables written on a separate page (in case you need to turn in the prelab).
    • Answer the questions below
      1. The volume of a rock is measured by water displacement. Images of the results are shown below.
        • What is the absolute error in each volume measurement of the water (before and after adding the rock)?
        • What is the absolute error in the volume measurement of the rock
        • Display shows pictures
      2. What is the equation for calculating the volume of a cylinder?
      3. When a cylinder is placed on an analytical balance, the display looks like the image below. What is the absolute error for the mass?
        • Display shows 92.803 g
      4. The same cylinder’s base has a diameter of 2.65 cm and a length of 15.20 cm. What is the absolute error for the volume of the cylinder?
  • Read the lab notes in the next section
  • Review the Assignment page for this lab, especially the grading Rubric

  • For the photos I will attach them

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Rasmussen College Peripheral Vascular System Assessment Report


Part 1

You will perform a history of a peripheral vascular problem that your instructor has provided you or one that you have experienced and perform a peripheral vascular assessment. You will document your subjective and objective findings, identify actual or potential risks.

part 2

you completed your full head-to-toe assessment skills demonstration last week and now will document your results. Continue to document only the objective findings for this section without bias or explanation. Remember if you can’t feel something then it is “nonpalpable,” if you can’t hear something just state they were not heard such as no bowel sounds heard (unless you listened for the full five minutes which we wouldn’t want to do for our purposes – then you could document absent bowel sounds). Be descriptive if necessary but at the same time be brief.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. GC Weights & Volumes of Random Glass Beads Lab 3 Experiment Presentation


Prelab Instructions 

Read all of experiment 3 EditEditEditEditEdit downloadin the lab manual, however, the procedure will be modified so you may wish to look at the procedure on Canvas. You will be be completing a modified version of this experiment using a virtual simulation (Links to an external site.)

As outlined in Lab: Notebook  and the PowerPoint (Links to an external site.), write a prelab for this week’s experiment. I suggest that you take the time to write out the procedures from the website and the data table for this experiment prior to starting the experiment. Writing out the procedures and data tables helps you to be more organized during the experiment.  If you don’t write the procedure beforehand, you will need to keep a running log while you are performing the experiment.  See the links on the Notebook for examples of a running log.

While you are completing the lab, you will need to know how many digits to record for each instrument that you use.  Remember, that for analog instruments, you record all the digits that you are certain of, plus one “doubtful digit.”  Watch the review video below for a refresher.  Note that for digital instruments, you record all the digits on the digital display.  The digital instrument estimates the last digit for you.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Auburn University Montgomery Saving the Trees Question


I’m working on a Biology question and need guidance to help me study.

Please consider the following in light of the knowledge that you have gained about plants and their importance to ecosystems and how you would respond.  

The government paid the owner of Pacific Lumber some $500 million so that 3,500 acres of redwood trees along the coast of the Pacific Northwest would be preserved.  Activists thought the deal was unfair-they wanted 60,000 acres preserved.  Any less and there would not be enough habitat to keep the marbeled murrlets, an endangered seabird, from sinking into oblivion. Besides, it would take hundreds of years for the trees to regrow to their original size.

Activists feel betrayed by their own representatives in the government.  After all, the owner of Pacific Lumber is a big contributor to the reelection campaigns of elected officials who approved the deal.  Under the circumstances, what would you do to save the trees if anything.  Explain your position, using a scientific context as to whether or not you would get involved.  Some activists climbed the trees and refused to come down even while the trees were being cut.   

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Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Coronavirus SARS CoV2 and Amoeba Proteus Question


Lecture Written Project Guidelines (due Monday, July 26, 2020 at 11:59pm, submitted though

Canvas as a pdf, doc, or docx file only)

Each student will write their own paper, discussing two different microorganisms of choice. Please

picture two that are interesting to you, but you do not know much about. Please make this a

meaningful project. Later this term, you will write a report on bacterium in the “Unknown Exercise”.

For this exercise, pick any interesting TWO microorganisms that are NOT bacteria. Be sure to

have the following sections in your paper, divided according to organism (please keep their parts of

this project separate). Papers should be typed/word-processed in 12-point font and double-spaced.

Total points for Lecture Written Project: 25 points

Cover page: (1 point) On this page, only include the following: name of organism, publication date,

your name, semester, and lab time.

(11 points per organism) Field as many of the following questions as you can find, and of course

add anything else that you find interesting about your microorganisms:

1. What kind of microorganism did you choose (fungus, virus, protozoa, et cetera)?

2. Who (scientist/medical doctor) first discovered and studied them?

3. How did you come to choose your microorganisms?

4. Are your microorganisms medically relevant? Are they normal flora (microorganisms that live in

us or on us all of the time, preventing colonization by potential pathogens by competing for

attachment sites or for essential nutrients)? Can they cause human, animal, or plant infectious

disease? Be sure to describe the disease.

5. If your microorganisms are not medically relevant, are they in industry? The environment? Where

are they found naturally, and how might they be used in industry?

6. Be sure to include at least one light micrograph or electron micrograph of each.

References: (2 points) List alphabetically all references used for the writing of your report. Cite at

least 2 reputable sources for each microorganism. is not an acceptable choice of



For a journal article: Authors last name, first name. (Date) Title of Article. Journal Name.


1. Ezzell, Carol. (1992) Same disease different transmission. Science News. 141:396.

For part of a book: Authors last name, first name. (Date) Title of chapter or section. In: Editors

Initials. Last Name, ed. Name of book. City, Publisher: Pages.

2. Bartlett, James T. (1983) The pseudomembranous enterocolitides. In: M.H. Sleisengher and J.S.

Fordtran, eds. Gastrointestinal disease. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders: 1168-1184.

For a website: Authors last name, first name. Name of Article. Web address.

3. Disney, Walter. Why Donald Duck doesn’t wear pants.

Bio15: General Microbiology

Examples of Fungi (or any other that interests you):

Saccaromyces cerevisiae Candida albicans

Cryptococcus neoformans Stachybotrys chartarum

Aspergillus flavus Penicillium chrysogenum

Examples of Viruses (or any other that interests you):

Human Papilloma Virus Rabies Virus

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Mumps Virus

Coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) Varicella-Zoster Virus

Examples of Protozoa (or any other that interests you):

Plasmodium falciparum Enterobius histolytica

Toxoplasma gondii Euglena gracilis

Balantidium coli Amoeba proteus

Examples of Protozoa (or any other that interests you):

Ascaris lumbricoides Fasciola hepatica

Clonorchis sinensis Taenia solium

Necator americanus Enterobius vermicularis

Please Note:

There is no page number goal to this project, but please aim for at least a full page for the

essay (not counting the cover page), 12-point font and double-spaced. Additionally, spelling,

grammar, capitalization, et cetera will factor into the points earned for this project, so pleqse

do your best.


Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. MHE599 TUI Emergency and Disaster Management and Logistics Presentation



Submit your final PowerPoint presentation

Before submitting your PPT, review the checklist on the Home page and the assignment expectations below. If all conditions are met, submit your final PowerPoint presentation.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. MHE 599 TUI Emergency and Disaster Management and Logistics Case 4 Paper


Case Assignment

  1. Before submitting your final paper, check it over for spelling, punctuation, clarity, breadth, depth, and consistency (APA). Use the checklist from the home page and resources found in the Background information section.
  2. Try reading your paper out loud, or have someone read your paper while you listen. Reading out loud by yourself or another can reveal errors that you would otherwise miss. Remember that this is your FINAL submission. This project will serve to define your professional talents.
  3. Finally, submit the paper. 

Assignment Expectations

Assignments should be about 15 pages double-spaced, not counting the cover or Reference page(s). Adhere to the following format: a) Cover page, b) Header, c) Body, d) Citations, e) Reference section. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. MHE 599 Trident University International Emergency and Disaster Management and Logistics Essay



Case Assignment

Submit your complete draft.

  • If parts are missing, indicate that in your submission.
  • Highlight areas that you will be changing in your final assignment.
  • Your draft will be reviewed for:
    • Quality of content.
    • Focus.
    • Development.
    • Organization.
    • Adherence to a chosen format (e.g., APA).
    • Grammar and punctuation.

Assignment Expectations

Assignments should be about 15 pages double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page(s). Adhere to the following format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body, (d) Citations, (e) Reference section. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module.

  • Relevance—All content is connected to the question.
  • Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
  • Depth of discussion—Present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues.
  • Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.
  • Evidence—Points are well-supported with facts, statistics, and references.
  • Logic—Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
  • Clarity—Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
  • Objectivity—Avoids use of first person and subjective bias.
  • References—Sources are listed at the end of the paper (APA style preferred).

This will be assessed as well:Your ability to support your position and statements with the use of graphs, diagrams, tables, and numbers, and to draw conclusions using quantitative data.

Science Homework Help