Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Grossmont Cuyamaca College Orangutans and Siamangs Observations Lab Report


Use the zoo live cams to conduct your observations. Each of these cameras may show two different species. In the Ape Cam, you can observe orangutans and siamangs, in the Baboon Cam, you can observe Hamadryas baboons and Gelada monkeys. (Links to an external site.)

We are doing exercise two this week.


Use the APE CAM (Orangutans and Siamangs) for the Qualitative observation. In the enclosure, there are three siamangs (a family group with a male, female, and a female juvenile), and there are 4 orangutans, one adult male, two adult females, and a juvenile. When recording the primates, please be sure to only record the ones you actually observe during the 20 minutes. Not all individuals may be in the exhibit at the same time. Use 5 minute intervals, rather than two minutes as it says in the instructions. Be as descriptive as possible, if you need more space, you may type, or attach another sheet. Do a focused observation.


Use the Baboon Cam (Hamadryas Baboons and Geladas) for the Quantitative observation. These cameras show either Hamadryas baboons (a troop of at least 20 individuals) or gelada monkeys (6 males). Be specific in describing the primates you actually observe on the footage.Use 5 minute intervals. You need to observe the whole group for this one, but be aware that the camera angles may change, and it is possible (likely!) that you will not be able to follow the same individuals throughout the entire 20 minutes. Please take note of the individual(s) that you are observing on each section. For each column, take note of the NUMBER OF ANIMALS doing each activity during the 5 minute interval.


Write up a summary of how your observations went (not a summary of your observations, but an analysis of them). Things to think about in your writing: What type of locomotion did you observe? Do any specific behaviors stand out to you? How would some of the behaviors differ if you were observing animals in the wild, versus in captivity? Did anything affect your observations for better or worse? (for example, weather, feeding times, any individuals interacting with humans at the zoo, camera angles, etc). What did you learn about in class that helped you with your observations? Did you come away with any questions about what you observed? This should be approximately 3-5 well developed paragraphs.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 103 Santa Barbara City College Cloning of Greenglo Funkadelicus Lab Report


I am attaching my writing question and want u to read the directions and the paper and the comments at the end and edit and revise the entire paper. stay on track. the only actual writing I need added is the abstract part. an abstract is a overall paragraph summing up the entire thing. I attached directions and a sample aim (it doesnt have to actually be as long)

these changes need to be a lot but at the same time not drastic or too much ( do not do anything to figures) focus the most on the abstract and background and significance then the other sections after wards

I want u to highlight the changes u make and make comments if u have questions , if u have to use google docs for that , thats fine I dont want direct changes the only direct thing I want is the entire abstract

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. CC Identifying Unknown B Pre Experiment Question


You will receive an email with two unknown organisms (Unknown A and Unknown B), along with the Results Table. You must download the files to go through the experiments. You need to download both the presentation and the Results Table PDF. You will go through the PowerPoint in presentation mode and write the results down by hand. Once you have identified your unknown bacteria you will fill out the Results Table and submit that here for your grade. If you did not receive an email, or have any questions, please contact me ASAP! There is a powerpoint to reference however I will submit that file once the tutor is chosen.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. HUN 2000 Rasmussen College Module 6 The Value of Food Labels Questions


  1. Reading and understanding food labels can often feel like having to understand an entirely new language. However, it is important that consumers are able to read and interpret the nutrient content in the foods they consume.For this assignment, you will need to compare the nutrition labels (provided) for two types of crackers, and then answer a series of questions. Use the Food Label Worksheet below.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 1001 Walden University Genetically Modified Organisms Discussion Paper



1. What are the primary classes of mutations and how do they occur? Here are some good sources for this question.

2. Are mutations always deleterious?Give an example of a mutation that has either no ill effect or perhaps a useful one.

3. What are transposons? How might they be related to mutation?

4. What are telomeres? How are they thought to be related to aging?

5. What is “junk” or non-coding DNA?  About how much of the human genome does it comprise? What importance may it have?

6. What are “Genetically modified organisms”? Describe some details about one or more GMO animal or plant.

7. What are Homeobox genes (i.e. “HOX” or “PAX”)? How do mutations in homeobox genes manifest? Some good references for this subject are:

Part Two: Due Thursday by 6pm

a recommendation (at least two paragraphs long) for a promising treatment of the genetic disease you selected. The recommendation should include:

  • A brief description of the genetic disease and how it occurs
  • An explanation of the treatment you selected
  • Reasons why this treatment is particularly promising
  • References to at least two sources outside of the Required Resources
  • All references cited in APA format

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 6 “Cancer” in the course text and consider the following:
    • What a mutation is
    • The causes and effects of particular mutations
  • Review Chapter 9, “Genetically Modified Organisms,” focusing on how genetic mutations occur and ways genetic modification is being considered in the treatment of genetic disorders.
  • Conduct research to learn more about human genetic diseases. Identify one that particularly interests you. Learn more about the disease and how it is being treated, as well as treatments under development. Compare and contrast the treatments you read about to identify one that you find particularly promising.
    • Explore the Internet, especially websites that contain news and articles about genetic diseases and their treatment. This week’s Optional Resources suggest websites where you could start your search.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Concorde Career College Important Chemical Process in the Human Life Questions


I’m working on a anatomy writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Chemistry is important as its own subject and also as part of the study of anatomy and physiology. To truly understand anatomy and physiology, including the processes that take place in the human body, you also need some knowledge of chemistry and chemical processes.

  • Describe two of the chemicals and chemical processes that are most important to human life.
  • Describe a chemical process you have seen in action. When and where did it happen? What took place when you observed this process?
  • How does that process relate to one or more of the chemical processes that happen in the human body?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Major Antibiotics Discussion


I’m working on a microbiology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Conduct additional research and explain where cases of XDR-TB are most prevalent today and the potential risks for the global spread of this disease.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Multistate Meningitis Outbreak Linked to Steroid Injections Discussion


I’m working on a microbiology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Conduct research and summarize the causative agent and mode of transmission behind the multistate meningitis outbreak linked to steroid injections that occurred in 2012. How did improper physical and chemical control methods play a major role in this outbreak? Did the portal of entry play any role?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Urinary Tract Infections Nosocomial Infections Discussion


I’m working on a microbiology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Why are urinary tract infections such common healthcare-associated infections? Conduct additional research and provide an update on the significance of VRE, CRE, and E. coli ST131 infections today

Science Homework Help