Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Pitt Community College Transition Warning Writing Question



Transitions are a great way to incorporate learning and guidance techniques during the necessary time children spend the day moving from one activity or location to another. For young children, these transitions can be extremely challenging and cause behavior problems to occur. This is just one important reason that teachers and caregivers need to plan for these transitions to help children eventually develop their own natural transitions as their interests and curiosity direct.


For this assignment you will need to select one of the following age groups:

  • Toddlers: 24 months – 35 months (2 years)
  • Three-year-olds: 36 months – 47 months (3 years)
  • Four-year-olds: 48 months – 59 months (4 years)

Considering your selected age group, outline at least 10 different activities/songs/games you could use with children during transitions that might occur throughout the day.

For each of your transition activities, you need to title your activity and provide a brief description of the activity. Be sure to provide detailed information about each transition, including where you are transitioning to and from, what resources you will use, if any, how you will use them, and what you might say/do. You may use a number/bullet style when completing this assignment rather than a traditional paper format.


Refer to the example below for how to format your assignment using Microsoft Word, as well as content expectations:


1. Color cards –

Following a large group activity on the carpet, I will use color cards that I have made out of construction paper and popsicle sticks to have children line up for lunch. When I am finished reading my story, I will hold up each color saying its name, “red,” and have anyone wearing the color red line up to wash their hands. I will continue with each color until every child has lined up to wash hands for lunch.

Note: In these three short sentences, I have been able to explain when I will use this transition, how I will use this transition, what resources I will use, and where we are transitioning to. These do not need to be lengthy descriptions of the activity, but they do need to define the activity with detail clearly.

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Florida International University Failure Is Not an Option Article Summary


I’m trying to learn for my Writing class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

First, briefly summarize the main points of the text. Use what you learned about summary to help you. For example, don’t forget to include the title of the article and the author’s name right away. Also, focus on explaining (in about 2-3 sentences) the main argument of the text. In this part of your response, you should also identify the specific audience and purpose of the text. Second , you should analyze some rhetorical choices by the author, speculate on why the author made some of those choices and discuss whether those choices were effective for the specific audience and purpose of the text.

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. CC How to Reduce the Proportion of People Who Had Alcohol Disorder in Past Year PPT


Step 1.Like our first discussion, return to Healthy People 2030 (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)and find an area of interest. https://health.gov/healthypeople

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 10-31-32 Healthy People 2030 health gov-1.png

Step 2. Click on “Browse Objectives by Topic” and choose an area of interest. ( I chose, in Populations, Children) You can use ANY of the segments (Health Conditions/Behaviors/Populations/Systems and Settings/Social Determinants)

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 10-34-41 Browse Objectives - Healthy People 2030 health gov.png

Step 3.Then scroll in you area to further refine the AREA AND GOAL. (I chose Child and Adolescent Development) See how many areas there are to choose from!? You have many choices in all categories so have fun and find something you are passionate about! YOU DO NOT NEED TO PICK CHILDREN!! YOU CAN PICK FROM ANY AREA.

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 10-37-58 Children - Healthy People 2030 health gov.png

Step 4. Then I chose my goal in the children section, EMC 01 Improve the proportion of parents who use positive communication with their child.

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 10-41-51 Child and Adolescent Development - Healthy People 2030 health gov.png



FOR THE ASSIGNMENT you need to create 4 powerpoint slides:

1. A title slide with your name and topic.


3. A slide with a background of Why is this important to health? You may need to look that up! for example, if your area was smoking you might look up “smoking and cancer” to get more data. You must have one fact why this is an important goal. How does it impact people? Why did you pick it?

For mine, I googled, “early communication and health” and found resources on why learning to communicate in childhood helps later health. If you pick, say STDs, you may google “rate of STDs” to show us how prevalent it is. If you pick mental health, you could site suicide rates or discuss how much mental health costs our economy. The choices are endless, just show us two examples of how YOUR CHOSEN problem impacts our health and society.

4. Reference slide

In summary and hints: Create 4 powerpoint slides using my exact titles then fill in with your topic information.

*1 Title (5pts) (Make you own-do not use mine!!)

*2 Healthy People Objective. You MUST have the number of your objective and the number written out. Mine is (Populations,>Children>EMC 01) so I put that in and then wrote it out. (10 pts) I need this to look up your work.

*3. Background of you problem/goal. Have TWO reasons why the objective is important to health and you picked it .(5)You MUST have at least one reference here of how your problem relates to health with facts!(3) At the end, list the goal from the HP page.(2) (10 pts total)

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Transmission and Treatment Pathogen Analysis Report


Pathogen Analysis Report

No Plagiarism


As a professional, you will likely spend a lot of time interacting with patients. It is vital that you are able to inspire confidence in your patients and promote a clean and safe environment. Healthcare professionals are in high demand and this labor outlook expects to continue. The understanding of microbial organisms, their origins and their impact to the health of an individual as well as the greater community is imperative in health care to not only treat but also proactively prevent the spread of disease.

Assignment Instructions

Identify a pathogen to describe how a typical case would present, as well as how it spreads, and the possible treatment options, by addressing the following requirements. Your final report must describe and address characteristics of the pathogen (i.e. infectious agent), methods for controlling and treating the pathogen, and the overall impact that the disease has on human health.

Section 1 – Typical Case

  • Research the characteristics of a typical case associated with the pathogen you have chosen to analyze.
  • Describe the chief complaints from the individual experiencing the disease, including signature signs and any other important findings.
  • Describe the typical progression of the disease.Section 2 – Pathogen (i.e. the infectious agent)
  • Research the characteristics of the pathogen.
  • Identify and describe the classification of the pathogen (i.e. bacteria, virus, fungi, etc.).
  • Indicate any specific identifying characteristics, such as morphology, metabolism andany specific requirements for growth.Section 3 – Epidemiology
  • Research how the disease is transmitted.
  • Describe how individuals typically acquire the infection.
  • Identify and explain any specific disease vectors and/or reservoirs.
  • Research and report the disease prevalence in recent years.
  • Describe any populations (geographic, cultural, socioeconomic, etc.) that might be at ahigher risk of infection.
  • Investigate any recent outbreaks and describe them in detail.Section 4 – Prophylaxis/Treatment
  • Research any approaches that are used in the diagnosis, control and treatment of this disease.
  • Describe the typical methods that are used to combat this disease.
  • Explain the typical outcomes expected from treatment and indicate whether thedisease can be cured.

Assignment Requirements

  • Word Count: 1000–1,500 words
  • APA formatting
  • Citation requirements: 5 scholarly sources (excluding textbook)
  • Plagiarism submission
  • Describes and addresses characteristics of the pathogen (i.e. infectious agent), methods forcontrolling and treating the pathogen, and the overall impact that the disease has on humanhealth.
  • Includes specific headings for each section of the paper

additional information:

Pathogen Analysis (Sections 1 and 2 only)

– Describes and addresses characteristics of the pathogen (i.e. infectious agent), methods for controlling and treating the pathogen, and the overall impact that the disease has on human health.
– Describes the characteristics of a typical case
– Includes the chief complaint, signature signs and any other important findings
– Explains the classification of the pathogen (i.e. bacteria, virus, fungi, etc.) and specific identifying characteristics

Transmission and Treatment (Sections 3 and 4 only)

– Describes how the disease is transmitted, including the suspected source and portal of entry
– Identifies any specific vectors and/or reservoirs
– Explains whether certain populations or geographical areas are at a higher risk of infection
– Describes any recent outbreaks
– Describes how the disease is diagnosed, controlled and treated
– Describes typical treatment outcomes

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. CC Mental Health Amongst the Adolescents Presentation


Step 1.Like our first discussion, return to Healthy People 2030 (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)and find an area of interest. https://health.gov/healthypeople

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 10-31-32 Healthy People 2030 health gov-1.png

Step 2. Click on “Browse Objectives by Topic” and choose an area of interest. ( I chose, in Populations, Children) You can use ANY of the segments (Health Conditions/Behaviors/Populations/Systems and Settings/Social Determinants)

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 10-34-41 Browse Objectives - Healthy People 2030 health gov.png

Step 3.Then scroll in you area to further refine the AREA AND GOAL. (I chose Child and Adolescent Development) See how many areas there are to choose from!? You have many choices in all categories so have fun and find something you are passionate about! YOU DO NOT NEED TO PICK CHILDREN!! YOU CAN PICK FROM ANY AREA.

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 10-37-58 Children - Healthy People 2030 health gov.png

Step 4. Then I chose my goal in the children section, EMC 01 Improve the proportion of parents who use positive communication with their child.

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 10-41-51 Child and Adolescent Development - Healthy People 2030 health gov.png



FOR THE ASSIGNMENT you need to create 4 powerpoint slides:

1. A title slide with your name and topic.


3. A slide with a background of Why is this important to health? You may need to look that up! for example, if your area was smoking you might look up “smoking and cancer” to get more data. You must have one fact why this is an important goal. How does it impact people? Why did you pick it?

For mine, I googled, “early communication and health” and found resources on why learning to communicate in childhood helps later health. If you pick, say STDs, you may google “rate of STDs” to show us how prevalent it is. If you pick mental health, you could site suicide rates or discuss how much mental health costs our economy. The choices are endless, just show us two examples of how YOUR CHOSEN problem impacts our health and society.

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Speech 2 Outline in APA format with in-text and verbal citations


I have the essay and the powerpoint already done, I just need them to be edited, written in APA format and add the verbal and in-text citations.

These are some sample that were given to us.



This is the sample powerpoint


. Remember that verbal and in-text citations are needed for the outline and PowerPoint,

PowerPoint: Please edit your PowerPoint slides to reduce the text on the slides and make your PowerPoint more visually appealing. Remember your PowerPoint should be visually appealing, the document should look polished and professional.

APA Format: Remember that you need to submit your outline and PowerPoint in APA format. Remember to include verbal and in-text citations for your outline and PowerPoint. Please remember: Every sentence that is not your idea should include a citation. The first time you cite a source please use the verbal citation in your outline (this becomes an oral citation when you deliver your speech.

Verbal Citations: Outline and PowerPoint: The first time a source is used.

Why you need verbal citations tell the audience:

1. How current the information is?

2. Where the information can be found

3. Why a source of information is credible?

4. What information was provided by the source?

Sample verbal Citation:

In the communication textbook, Understanding Human Communication written by Adler, Rodman and DuPré (2017) culture is described as a set of customs, beliefs and traditions shared by a group of people.

In-text Citations: After using the verbal citation for each source.

1. Use the in-text citation.

2. Smith (2016) or (Smith, 2016) for every idea that comes from that source.

References: Please cite your references in APA format. Remember that links to websites are not references.

Sample Reference

Adler, R. B., Rodman, G. R., & Du Pré, A. (2016). Understanding human communication (Vol. 13). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Communication 110


I need a controversial speech presentation and the topic is “Are Covid 19 vaccines safe?” And my side in the presentation will be that all the vaccines are safe. All the requirements and the instructions are in the attached file. Also, in the file there is a phrase outline for the presentation I need it to be filled in please. I need the presentation within a week but the phrase outline I need it to be filled in within 2 hours please.

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Journal Reflection


Journal Reflection on progress

Please reflect on your dissertation progress . Progress update submitted with an overview of current status of the dissertation. Information clearly presented about what portions of the dissertation are completed and plans for next steps in the process are discussed.

Write 500 – 750 words in APA 7 format.

Currently I am working on Chapter 1 and 3 dissertation. My Topic is “Impact of Globalization of Information Technology”.

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. LAVC English 101 Thesis Statement Outline MLA Practice Document



Students will:

  • Practice writing a single thesis sentence, using three subtopics
  • Set up an outline for a possible essay
  • Use MLA formatting

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Just write a practice thesis statement for one of the topics. You do not need to write a draft for a short story. ONLY a thesis statement and outline.

Here are the topics for you to choose from. Choose one:

  • Divorce
  • Stepparents
  • Minimum wags
  • Volunteering
  • Speed dating

PLEASE FOLLOW THIS EXAMPLE! Include the three subtopics in with your thesis sentence:

Example: There are many reasons that divorce can be stressful to
families: financial, emotional, and sometimes even physical attributes.

Body 1 – financial

Body 2 – emotional

Body 3 – physical

conclusion – restate the introduction and thesis.

Writing Homework Help