Writing Homework Help. Brand Image of Trayvon Bromell Discussion
After completing the reading and watching the video, think of an athlete who has build a ‘unique’ brand image that separates them from other athletes in their sport. The athlete can not have more than 500,000 followers on Instagram.
Create a 200+ word post describing the athlete’s brand image and the “unique” aspects that separate the athlete. Tie the description back to the “Athlete Brand Model”.
Read other posts; Provide 100+ word replies to at least 2 other class members.
To earn full credit, the original post and responses need to be thoughtful and well written.
Enjoy learning about athletes of different sports and with varying brand images.
Writing Homework Help. Florida Virtual School Electronic Devices Used in Ad & Logos Worksheet
Analyze the effectiveness of advertisements based on the techniques used.
Complete the chart below by conducting an Internet search to locate advertisements. Use complete sentences for each of your responses.
The advertisements you choose may be written as documents, websites, video ads or audio/radio ads. Be sure to provide an Internet link to each of the advertisements you find.
Advertisement Chart How does the ad use logos?How does the ad use pathos?How does the ad use ethos?Does the ad seem effective to you? Explain your reasoning. Your favorite
electronic device Internet link to the advertisement A vehicle you would
like to own someday Internet link to the advertisement A food or beverage
that seems healthy Internet link to the advertisement An amusement park or vacation destination you would like to visit Internet link to the advertisement
When you read advertisements, you are exposed to persuasive writing. In this lesson, you will learn about strategies in advertising involving the use of pathos, logos, and ethos. Then you will analyze the effectiveness of advertisements based on the techniques used.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to consider the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition, including how well the author makes points clear, convincing, and engaging.
You have probably realized at some point in your life that people spend much of their time engaged in arguments of some kind. Whether arguing with parents and siblings or engaging in an academic debate in class, arguing is likely to be a regular part of your everyday lifestyle. Rather than resorting to screaming or shouting, you are more likely to get positive results from your arguments if you intentionally use rhetoric to your advantage. To do this, be sure to use the devices of pathos, ethos, and logos as you communicate with others.
Emotional appeal; typically positive
“These shoes will make your feet happier!”
“Look how thrilling it would be to drive THIS car!”
“Eating our burgers will make you happy.”
“Think of how safe you will feel buying insurance from us!”
Writing Homework Help. Grossmont College Forces in 2 Dimensions & Engineering Mechanics Discussion
For this project, you will write a 4-12 page paper covering the concepts and topics of the course! and I will provide the book when I accept it. due on the 29.
Each topic DOES NOT need its’ own section. For example, it may be easiest to talk about forces in 2D and 3D in one section, or you may find it easier to separate the sections. Do what works best for you!
The paper should be single spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman. You do not need to have a specific format for your reference section (if you use one), but you should include one if you are using outside references besides the class book.
Additionally, 1 example problem from the topics above should be included in the paper and explained in detail, That is 1 example problem in total!
Make sure to review the rubric before starting this assignment!
The rubric refers to mastery, general knowledge, poor knowledge, or no knowledge. For reference, below is an example of these levels of knowledge/details related to the definition of the moment of a force.
and I will provide the rubric with the topics and here is the topics
Writing Homework Help. National University Spiritual Disciplines Reflection
Chapters 10 to 13
this is the instructionsIntroductions:o Common elements in writing a reflective introduction should include:? identify the focus of your reflection? identify theories or course material that will help you to explore your experience more deeply share the main lessons you learned from your experience? introduce the main theme(s) that you will address in the body of the paper Body o The body of your reflective paper should relate the body to the point(s) and theme(s) you identified in your introduction.o Each theme may account for one or more paragraphs in your body. For each theme, you should:o identify the themeo answer the following questions: ? What did I learn?? What will I do in my future activities like education, practice, or job in light of the new leaning provided by the analyzed subject/event?? Did the spiritual disciple(s) you studies impact your formation? Why or why not?o You can share a personal experience (or several) that support the theme(s) Conclusiono As you conclude your reflection:? review the importance of your experiences within the context of learning? restate how you will move forward from this specific experience? suggest additional opportunities for future personal growth in the spiritual disciplines
Writing Homework Help. NURS 320B Southwest Minnesota State University Role of Family Caregivers Questions
1)Explore the advantages, disadvantages, and costs of family caregiving on the caregiver, on the family member who requires care, and our health care systems. Explore what individual nurses can do to promote improved quality of life for both the family member needing care and the family caregiver?
2) Discuss the ethical principles of autonomy and beneficence as they might arise in a long-term care setting. How does autonomy and beneficence fit with quality of life? How might adhering to both principles at the same time create a dilemma? How might adhering to regulatory requirements in the LTC environment make adhering to both autonomy and beneficence a challenge? How might you approach the challenge?
3) multiple challenges impact long-term care at this time. Explore at least three challenges. Your exploration of each must include (at a minimum) factors that contribute to the challenge and ways that individual nurses can address the challenge. Note: although it is very important that nurses are active politically, you will not earn credit for answers such as ‘secure more funding’; ‘increase the number of providers’; ‘get new management’; ‘pay staff more’; etc. for this discussion. I am looking for things that nurses can do without lots of extra funding.
Writing Homework Help. The Trials of Arabella Literature Book or Movie Discussion
Write two essays for two pages for each one without any outside reference; use your own critical thinking. 12- point font, MLA style, doubled space.
choose from the following essay prompts
In what ways are the protagonists in the movie portrayed differently than they are in the book? Please support your answer with your critical thinking.
Which ending is more satisfying — that of the book or the movie? Please support your answer.
Does Briony in the movie or the novel achieve atonement? Why or why not?
If you were writing a critical review of the “Atonement,” what specifics would you focus on, and why? Now do the same for the movie version.
Using the elements of fiction or drama or poetry or nonfiction, analyze one of the works we read this year.
Writing Homework Help. CMPE 195B SJSU Cardiologist Level Arrhythmia Detection With Convolutional Neural Networks Case Study
CMPE 195B Case Study
Assume your project has become very successful in the U.S. Describe how your product will put pressure on a culture outside the U.S. (You have to choose a specific country). Use the social and cultural processes introduced in ENGR195A&B to guide your answer. (min 500 words)