experienced nothing but success in the theme park business. Its first
park, Disneyland, opened in Anaheim, California, in 1955. Its theme
song, “It’s a Small World After All,” promoted “an idealized vision of
America spiced with reassuring glimpses of exotic cultures all
calculated to promote heartwarming feelings about living together as one
happy family. There were dark tunnels and bumpy rides to scare the
children a little but none of the terrors of the real world.
The Disney characters that everyone knew from the cartoons
and comic books were on hand to shepherd the guests and to direct them
to the Mickey Mouse watches and Little Mermaid records. The Anaheim park
was an instant success. In the 1970s, the triumph was repeated in
Florida, and in 1983, Disney proved the Japanese also have an affinity
for Mickey Mouse with the successful opening of Tokyo Disneyland. Having
wooed the Japanese, Disney executives in 1986 turned their attention to
France and, more specifically, to Paris, the self-proclaimed capital of
European high culture and style. “Why did they pick France?” many
When word first got out that Disney wanted to build another
international theme park, officials from more than 200 locations all
over the world descended on Disney with pleas and cash inducements to
work the Disney magic in their hometowns. But Paris was chosen because
of demographics and subsidies. About 17 million Europeans live less than
a two-hour drive from Paris. Another 310 million can fly there in the
same time or less. Also, the French government was so eager to attract
Disney that it offered the company more than $1 billion in various
incentives, all in the expectation that the project would create 30,000
French jobs.
From the beginning, cultural gaffes by Disney set the tone for the
project. By late 1986, Disney was deep in negotiations with the French
government. To the exasperation of the Disney team, headed by Joe
Shapiro, the talks were taking far longer than expected. Jean-Rene
Bernard, the chief French negotiator, said he was astonished when Mr.
Shapiro, his patience depleted, ran to the door of the room and, in a
very un-Gallic gesture, began kicking it repeatedly, shouting, “Get me
something to break!” There was also snipping from Parisian intellectuals
who attacked the transplantation of Disney’s dream world as an assault
on French culture; “a cultural Chernobyl,” one prominent intellectual
called it.
The minister of culture announced he would boycott the opening,
proclaiming it to be an unwelcome symbol of American clichés and a
consumer society. Unperturbed, Disney pushed ahead with the planned
summer 1992 opening of the $5 billion park. Shortly after
Euro-Disneyland opened, French farmers drove their tractors to the
entrance and blocked it. This globally televised act of protest was
aimed not at Disney but at the US government, which had been demanding
that French agricultural subsidies be cut. Still, it focused world
attention upon the loveless marriage of Disney and Paris.
Then there were the operational errors. Disney’s policy of serving no
alcohol in the park, since reversed caused astonishment in a country
where a glass of wine for lunch is a given. Disney thought that Monday
would be a light day for visitors and Friday a heavy one and allocated
staff accordingly, but the reality was the reverse. Another unpleasant
surprise was the hotel breakfast debacle. “We were told that Europeans
‘don’t take breakfast,’ so we downsized the restaurants,” recalled one
Disney executive. “And guess what? Everybody showed up for breakfast. We
were trying to serve 2,500 breakfasts in a 350-seat restaurant at some
of the hotels. The lines were horrendous. Moreover, they didn’t want the
typical French breakfast of croissants and coffee, which was our
assumption. They wanted bacon and eggs.” Lunch turned out to be another
proble7m. “Everybody wanted lunch at 12:30. The crowds were huge. Our
smiling cast members had to calm down surly patrons and engage in some
ior modification’ to teach them that they could eat lunch at 11:00 AM or 2:00 PM.”
1. Assess THREE (3) difficulties in improving productivity in the Disney
Company. Support your answer with relevant facts from the case. 25
2. Recommend THREE (3) approaches for Disney Company in
improving its productivity. Support your answer with relevant
examples.(25 marks)