History homework help

 You will write an 10-12 pageresearch essay worth 300 points.The essay must be double-spaced, written in 12-point Calibri, Garamond, or Times New Roman font, with margins set at one inch.  The essay must be written in your best prose. It must be well-organized and grammatically correct.
You must support your points with specific references and direct quotations. You are required to directly quote and analyze at least one primary source document and at least five scholarly secondary sources (see “Project Planning: Annotated Bibliography” below). However, long block quotes should be used sparingly and only if absolutely necessary. Try to integrate your quotes and references into the logical and rhetorical flow of your essay. The purpose of this paper is to research and explore the life of a notable individual, organization, or movement of your choosing that is associated with the Christian tradition. The figure/movement may come from any time period of Christian history. Your paper should research, discover, and discuss the figure/movement’s historical context, origins/foundations, developments, ideologies, practices/rituals, influence on society, and significance to the Christian tradition. Overall, you will be graded on clear organization (60 pts); clear and persuasive thesis argument throughout (60 pts); supporting points with specific references (120 pts); and, spelling, syntax, and grammar (60 pts).
Make sure proper sources are used: below is access to the Fsu libraries database ..other databases can be used but this is my university.