InaraLtd.isconsideringupgradingitscomputerhardwareandsoftware.Thecostof this upgrade will be…

InaraLtd.isconsideringupgradingitscomputerhardwareandsoftware.Thecostof this upgrade will be $625,000, and the upgrade will qualify for the 30% CCA rate. The equipment qualifies for the Accelerated Investment Incentive with 1.5 times CCA allowed in the year of acquisition. With this upgrade, the company expects to realize before-tax savings in personnel and other costs as follows: Year 1 — $180,000; Year 2 — $235,000; Year 3 — $250,000; Year 4 — $150,000. There is no salvage value for this investment. The company’s income tax rate is 26% and its cost of capital is 12%. What is the payback period for this investment proposal? a) 1.5 years b) 2.0 years c) 2.4years d) 3.1 years