Law homework help

Law homework help. P.S instruction is given below too, after my code.Codes that I completed are given belowdef findNextOpr(txt): if len(txt) 0:  if txt[x:x+1] in operators:   return len(txt[0:x])  if x == len(txt) – 1:   return -1  x += 1def isNumber(txt):                      if not isinstance(txt, str):  return “type error: isNumber” if len(txt)==0:  return False if len(txt) > 0:  try:   float(txt)   return True  except:   ValueError   return Falsedef getNextNumber(expr, pos):     ”’if len(expr)==0 or not isinstance(expr, str) or pos=len(expr) or not isinstance(pos, int): return None, None, “type error: getNextNumber””’ operators = “+-*/” num = “0123456789” space = ” ” ans1 = “” x = 0 y = 0 txt = expr[pos:len(expr)] i = pos while i >> findNextOpr(‘  3*   4 – 5’)3>>> findNextOpr(‘8   4 – 5′)6>>> findNextOpr(’89 4 5’)-  1″””if len(txt)>> isNumber(‘1   2 3’)False>>> isNumber(‘-  156.3’)False>>> isNumber(‘29.99999999’)True>>> isNumber(‘    5.9999 ‘)True”””if not isinstance(txt, str):return “type error: isNumber”if len(txt)==0:return False# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HEREdef getNextNumber(expr, pos):”””expr is a given arithmetic formula of type stringpos is the start position in expr1st returned value = the next number (None if N/A)2nd returned value = the next operator (None if N/A)3rd retruned value = the next operator position (None if N/A)>>> getNextNumber(‘8  +    5    -2’,0)(8.0, ‘+’, 3)>>> getNextNumber(‘8  +    5    -2’,4)(5.0, ‘-‘, 13)>>> getNextNumber(‘4.5 + 3.15         /   5’,0)(4.5, ‘+’, 4)>>> getNextNumber(‘4.5 + 3.15         /   5’,10)(None, ‘/’, 19)”””if len(expr)==0 or not isinstance(expr, str) or pos=len(expr) or not isinstance(pos, int):return None, None, “type error: getNextNumber”# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HEREdef exeOpr(num1, opr, num2):#This function is just an utility function for calculator(expr). It is skipping type checkif opr==”+”:return num1+num2elif opr==”-“:return num1-num2elif opr==”*”:return num1*num2elif opr==”/”:return num1/num2else:return “error in exeOpr”def calculator(expr):”””Takes a string and returns the calculated result if the arithmethic expression is value,and error message otherwise>>> calculator(”   -4 +3 -2″)-  3.0>>> calculator(“-4 +3 -2 / 2”)-  2.0>>> calculator(“-4 +3   – 8 / 2″)-  5.0>>> calculator(”   -4 +    3   – 8 / 2″)-  5.0>>> calculator(“23 / 12 – 223 + 5.25 * 4 * 3423”)71661.91666666667>>> calculator(“2 – 3*4”)-  10.0>>> calculator(“4++ 3 +2”)’error message’>>> calculator(“4 3 +2”)’input error line B: calculator'”””if len(expr)<=0 or not isinstance(expr,str): #Line Areturn "input error line A: calculator"# Concatenate '0' at he beginning of the expression if it starts with a negative number to get '-' when calling getNextNumber# "-2.0 + 3 * 4.0 â becomes "0-2.0 + 3 * 4.0 â.expr=expr.strip()if expr[0]=="-":expr = "0 " + exprnewNumber, newOpr, oprPos = getNextNumber(expr, 0)# Initialization. Holding two modes for operator precedence: "addition" and "multiplication"if newNumber is None: #Line Breturn "input error line B: calculator"elif newOpr is None:return newNumberelif newOpr=="+" or newOpr=="-":mode="add"addResult=newNumber     #value so far in the addition modeelif newOpr=="*" or newOpr=="/":mode="mul"addResult=0mulResult=newNumber     #value so far in the mulplication modeaddLastOpr = "+"pos=oprPos+1                #the new current positionopr=newOpr                  #the new current operator#Calculation starts here, get next number-operator and perform case analysis. Conpute values using exeOprwhile True:# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HERE

Law homework help

Law homework help

Law homework help. P.S instruction is given below too, after my code.Codes that I completed are given belowdef findNextOpr(txt): if len(txt) 0:  if txt[x:x+1] in operators:   return len(txt[0:x])  if x == len(txt) – 1:   return -1  x += 1def isNumber(txt):                      if not isinstance(txt, str):  return “type error: isNumber” if len(txt)==0:  return False if len(txt) > 0:  try:   float(txt)   return True  except:   ValueError   return Falsedef getNextNumber(expr, pos):     ”’if len(expr)==0 or not isinstance(expr, str) or pos=len(expr) or not isinstance(pos, int): return None, None, “type error: getNextNumber””’ operators = “+-*/” num = “0123456789” space = ” ” ans1 = “” x = 0 y = 0 txt = expr[pos:len(expr)] i = pos while i >> findNextOpr(‘  3*   4 – 5’)3>>> findNextOpr(‘8   4 – 5′)6>>> findNextOpr(’89 4 5’)-  1″””if len(txt)>> isNumber(‘1   2 3’)False>>> isNumber(‘-  156.3’)False>>> isNumber(‘29.99999999’)True>>> isNumber(‘    5.9999 ‘)True”””if not isinstance(txt, str):return “type error: isNumber”if len(txt)==0:return False# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HEREdef getNextNumber(expr, pos):”””expr is a given arithmetic formula of type stringpos is the start position in expr1st returned value = the next number (None if N/A)2nd returned value = the next operator (None if N/A)3rd retruned value = the next operator position (None if N/A)>>> getNextNumber(‘8  +    5    -2’,0)(8.0, ‘+’, 3)>>> getNextNumber(‘8  +    5    -2’,4)(5.0, ‘-‘, 13)>>> getNextNumber(‘4.5 + 3.15         /   5’,0)(4.5, ‘+’, 4)>>> getNextNumber(‘4.5 + 3.15         /   5’,10)(None, ‘/’, 19)”””if len(expr)==0 or not isinstance(expr, str) or pos=len(expr) or not isinstance(pos, int):return None, None, “type error: getNextNumber”# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HEREdef exeOpr(num1, opr, num2):#This function is just an utility function for calculator(expr). It is skipping type checkif opr==”+”:return num1+num2elif opr==”-“:return num1-num2elif opr==”*”:return num1*num2elif opr==”/”:return num1/num2else:return “error in exeOpr”def calculator(expr):”””Takes a string and returns the calculated result if the arithmethic expression is value,and error message otherwise>>> calculator(”   -4 +3 -2″)-  3.0>>> calculator(“-4 +3 -2 / 2”)-  2.0>>> calculator(“-4 +3   – 8 / 2″)-  5.0>>> calculator(”   -4 +    3   – 8 / 2″)-  5.0>>> calculator(“23 / 12 – 223 + 5.25 * 4 * 3423”)71661.91666666667>>> calculator(“2 – 3*4”)-  10.0>>> calculator(“4++ 3 +2”)’error message’>>> calculator(“4 3 +2”)’input error line B: calculator'”””if len(expr)<=0 or not isinstance(expr,str): #Line Areturn "input error line A: calculator"# Concatenate '0' at he beginning of the expression if it starts with a negative number to get '-' when calling getNextNumber# "-2.0 + 3 * 4.0 â becomes "0-2.0 + 3 * 4.0 â.expr=expr.strip()if expr[0]=="-":expr = "0 " + exprnewNumber, newOpr, oprPos = getNextNumber(expr, 0)# Initialization. Holding two modes for operator precedence: "addition" and "multiplication"if newNumber is None: #Line Breturn "input error line B: calculator"elif newOpr is None:return newNumberelif newOpr=="+" or newOpr=="-":mode="add"addResult=newNumber     #value so far in the addition modeelif newOpr=="*" or newOpr=="/":mode="mul"addResult=0mulResult=newNumber     #value so far in the mulplication modeaddLastOpr = "+"pos=oprPos+1                #the new current positionopr=newOpr                  #the new current operator#Calculation starts here, get next number-operator and perform case analysis. Conpute values using exeOprwhile True:# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HERE

Law homework help