Nursing homework help

Personality Impact Assignment Instructions

  • Complete steps A-F below.
  • Submit the document using the SafeAssign link in Blackboard.
  • Use APA formatting. Reminders: Write in 3rd Include the websites from where the information is retrieved.
  • Include a minimum of 10 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources, the course textbook, and the Bible.

Complete A-E:

  1. A. Using your Internet Service Provider, go to the following website: and complete the 72 question Jung Typology Test.
  2. Click on “Score it” and retrieve your four letter type.
  3. Next, go to and investigate the various buttons for descriptions of your Type and data on relationships, careers, and so forth. (buttons 4-8).
  4. Pointing to the 4th button, the following description appear => Information About Personality Types.
  5. Once there, click on The Four Preferences, Keirsey’s Temperaments, and the Sixteen Personality Types to locate the description of your type. Hint: You will also need to review the other 15 types in order to contribute to the analysis and discussion of your team members’ types.

Complete F.

  1. Submit a 10-12 page paper, excluding title page, abstract, and references.


  • Introduction
  • Describe how Scripture address personality differences. How do individual personality differences impact behavior? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having different personalities on a team/in a workplace? How are communication, performance management and team processes impacted? Include rationale, supported by scripture, for the creation of differing personality types.


  • Synthesize the results of the Jung Typology Test. Address the effectiveness in a healthcare organization based on your personality type.


  • Conclusion