Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Ashford University Comprehensive Diversity Plan Paper


Develop a comprehensive Diversity Plan based on your completed Needs Assessment. Include measurable goals and objectives, and an Action Plan that includes implementation, training, and evaluation. Proper APA style is required. Minimum length: 8-10 pages with at least 3 references in addition to your texts.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Florida National University Effective Speech Questions


I’m trying to study for my Communications course and I need some help to understand this question.

Please see the video below. As you watch the video, please pay attention to how the speaker, Brene Brown, supports her messages with facts while still connecting and captivating her audience. What did you think of her speech? What did you think of the chapter reading?

What are the best or most effective speeches that you have heard or seen? How did these speakers support their ideas?

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Columbia Southern University Absenteeism At Work Discussion


I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.

Some of the challenges that managers deal with include employee turnover and employee absenteeism. Explain a situation that you have been in regarding turnover or absenteeism. How did you handle that situation? What might you have done differently?

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Royal Bank of Canada Analytical Review


The report is to help RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) make changes and attract more HENRYs customers. Here are three alternatives. You need to give a detailed description for each alternative, and then write Pros and Cons for the following 3 alternatives (FOLLOW the sample’s format I gave you, you can find the alternative part on the sample, same requirements different company):

1. Trading fees using banking direct invest: As for using RBC direct investing, customers who use their trading platform will have to pay 9.99 per trade. Whereas other platforms have a fix amount per trade like 0.005 per share or 0.01

2. Digital marketing strategy: RBC should improve Brand Identity and Customer Loyalty. Firstly, RBC should improve international exposure by making some videos and marketing campaigns based on the current social trends. Secondly, RBC can have 5-6 language choices on the website. For example, the percentage of Asians(not only Chinese, RBC has already offered Simplified Chinese) is gradually increasing in a big immigrant country like Canada, and some of them are investment immigrants. Maybe these people still willing to communicating with language. So, if RBC’s website has multiple languages to choose, this part of people will be attracted.

3. Life, Car and Home Insurance Bundle: RBC can develop Life, Car and Home Insurance Bundle for HENRYs, and gives HENRYs 15%-20% of insurance fee to invest products whether with stocks, mutual funds, gic, anything HENRYs prefer.

and some resources for 2 digital marketing you may need: 1.On TD Wealth Management Website, there is a selection not only on simplify chinese but also traditional chinese.I n order to attract more HENRYS i think RBC should consider some HENRYS who are new immigrants who get used to speak native language would find it attractable if the website contain their home language.


3. According to RBC Wealth Management website… for high net worth customers, there is a large amount of those segments in China and HK China.As far as our group subtype is chosen, there is a 12.5% of physician population grown in canada might also have a huge potential around the world include china.I think as Immigrant country, RBC should attract HENRYS With different Language background as compared to TD. 

and this 3 alternative is targeted on HENRYs( high earners, not rich yet)… 

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Consulting Firms Research Paper


I need support with this Business question so I can learn better.

Do a research, and analyze how much time does each phase need? ( references needed)

no word limit count, just brief explanation about the estimated time is fine

Recommendation:Being affected by a life-threatening accident to either your life, car, or home can become very expensive, and it can drain the money easily if it is not protected. By having insurance planned out, it will help protect one’s wealth without having to worry about paying for the accident with their own money, therefore, understanding that paying a premium for an insurance is still an excellent way to safeguard one’s wealth. However, there are many insurance companies that offer protection for their premium rate, but we would recommend another way that RBC can provide with the premium, as well as investing some of the premium into stocks, mutual funds, or GIC. Our recommendation consists of offering an investment plan with the purchase of the insurance bundle, and (15-20%) of the premium going towards an investment. By investing early, the goal of this investment is to help our customers build their wealth by receiving dividends from their investments after 20-40 years.

Implementation Plan for recommendation _

Phase 1: find some consulting firms to compare the product and service they provide as well as the price if possible.

  • Internal training as consulting firms offers such as, Unlock customer value through data driven insights. Shift up to 40% of transactions to self service. Scale vision by combining intelligent technologies and insurance talent with next-generation skills. Improve decision making by using the right resource at the right time. (

cost: consulting fees reference, they are basically charged by project based.…

Timetable: as the insurance company, how long it is gonna take for issuing a new insurance. how many departments would be involved,

Phase 2: Look for some partnership for our bundles insurance, whether it is a luxury store gift card, pc optimum points; premium membership of entertainment such as netflix, spotify podcast, amazon prime etc.

Phase 3: By hiring senior actuaries to calculate the premium for insurance bundles, we can calculate the amount of premium to charge based on statistical percentage of accidents it might happen for each insurance, as well as a lower premium when taking the three insurance into the same bundle while still being competitive with other competitors. Moreover, by calculating the amount of new customers that can be generated, RBC will offer a % of their premium to go to their investment account with the purchase of these insurance bundles. With the offer of car and home insurance from RBC to new customers at a 15% discount, when adding life insurance to the offer, instead of giving the customers a % discount, offering them a chance to be able to invest the % to grow their investment account can help them build their wealth in the long term through passive income/ dividends over the years.

Phase 4: in order to achieve this new approach new packages are proposed:

(issuing new insurance process)

  1. Creating an Insurable Object

  2. Creating an Insurance Application

  3. Creating an Insurance Contract

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Liberty University Unethical Behavior in a Company Discussion


In this discussion, you need to review the potential for unethical behavior at any point in the management of logistics. Here is a step by step approach that you may use to structure your main contribution:

– Consider an unethical operations/logistics event in your own business experience or one that you have researched. Describe in detail how the unethical behavior was carried out. Provide the reader with a clear perspective of the business context and culture.

– Consider the motivations for the unethical behavior. Who gains and who loses in the unethical transaction? What rights are violated?

– What were the personal and business consequences of the unethical behavior

– Research the scriptures (a minimum of 2 direct biblical quotations) and develop a Christian understanding of God’s perspective on this unethical behavior.

– In what ways should a Christian leader behave either as a party to the unethical behavior or as the aggrieved party?

Review your main contribution and ensure that you have fully linked your expounded scriptures to the problem of unethical behavior. The emphasis should be on the integration of a Christian leadership witness in relation to unethical behavior

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Life Insurance Research Questions


I’m studying for my Business class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Answer the questions:…

1. How many HENRYs( High earners, not rich yet)  in the world and in Canada?

2. How many people in Canada would like to buy life insurance? 

3. If an Insurance Company want to offer a new product, how many department will be needed? Like marketing department or product research department.

Business Finance Homework Help