Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Rasmussen University Financial Management Scenarios Discussions


I’m working on a accounting report and need a sample draft to help me study.


  • Evaluate the different types of business entities.
  • Evaluate the necessary elements of a bona fide contract.
  • Interpret relevant portions of the Uniform Commercial Code.
  • Outline the key aspects of real, personal, and intellectual property from a financial manager’s perspective.
  • Describe the estate system, and explain how it is relevant to determining ownership of real property.
  • Identify appropriate management practices that enable an enterprise to demonstrate its superior commitment to exceptional standards.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are an employee of T&G consulting, with extensive experience in financial management and familiarity with the hospitality industry. A group of four investors has approached your firm with tentative plans to construct three hotels on the Gulf coast of Florida, and the matter has been referred to you. While the group intends to engage legal counsel, they are interested in your keen insight and business acumen before proceeding further.

The hotels will be built one at a time, and it is expected that the entire project will take 6-8 years to complete. The group of investors/developers consists of two men and a woman, all in their 40s, and the woman’s father who is in his mid-70s.


  1. During your first meeting with the group, you learn that the woman has much more management experience than the men. In fact, she has indicated a desire to manage the development group that the four will be forming. In that capacity, she would be actively involved in day-to-day operations, while the three men function primarily as sources of capital. You are asked by the group for your recommendation as to what type of business entity they should create. What would you suggest, and why? State the advantages and disadvantages. Please fully explain your answer.
  2. Also during this initial meeting, you notice that the man in his 70s does not seem particularly sharp. In fact, he appears to be confusing the planned hotel construction with a strip mall that he helped develop twenty years earlier. He is sometimes non-responsive when you ask a question, and some of his responses do not at all relate to the questions that are posed. You know that, regardless of the type of business entity that is formed, contracts will be involved, and the elderly man will be expected to be a party to at least one. Is his mental decline a concern with respect to contracts that he may be asked to sign and, if so, why? What would you recommend to the clients? Please fully explain your answer.
  3. Assume the group, in whole or in part, is able to proceed with the hotel development project, and a possible site has been identified for the first hotel. You set up a conference call with the group, and they have a series of questions about how they will acquire the land (the “real property”), what they can expect to occur from the time an agreement is reached until closing, and how ownership might be structured if more than one member of the group becomes an owner of the land. Create a memo that you would send to the group after the call. What information would you provide to the group in response to their questions? Please fully explain your answer. Here is a library resource for help writing a professional memo.
  4. After the closing on the land for the first hotel, the client informs you that they have arranged for the purchase of a relatively small office trailer, on wheels, that will be delivered to the site by the seller. The purchase price is $4,000. However, nothing related to this transaction has been reduced to writing. Your client wants to know if the mobile office trailer is personal or real property, whether a valid contract for the sale of goods has been formed, and what specific provision of the Uniform Commercial Code would be applicable to the issue of whether or not this agreement must be in writing to be enforceable. What would you tell the client? Please fully explain your answer.
  5. A written contract related to the purchase of the office trailer is subsequently signed, and the terms of the contract reflect that the trailer will be equipped with an HVAC system. Â The contract also contains language that the terms set forth in the agreement are the complete and exclusive terms of the agreement. Â Later, when the trailer is delivered to the construction site, your client discovers that it is lacking an HVAC system. When the client calls the seller to object, the seller advises the client that the client’s administrative assistant advised, in an earlier telephone call, that HVAC would not be necessary since the people who will be using the trailer are “hardy” and “don’t need heat or air conditioning.” What provision of the Uniform Commercial Code relates to situations such as this, where a party tries to introduce extrinsic evidence (i.e. evidence that is outside the written contract) in connection with the sale of goods, and what impact would that UCC provision have on the outcome of this dispute? Please fully explain your answer.
  6. At long last, construction of the first hotel begins. A large team of workers has been assembled, and a female steel worker is part of the group. During her first week on the job, she begins to hear sexually suggestive remarks that are clearly directed at her. The situation escalates over the next several days, with some of the men directly confronting her and asking why she’s doing “men’s work” instead of staying home or working in an office. She becomes troubled by this behavior and approaches her foreman, who tells her to “lighten up” and not take things so seriously. However, the comments continue. Moreover, her foreman repeatedly denies her overtime opportunities that are extended to the male workers, stating that she “needs to be home for her husband.” While your client does not directly employ these workers, the client has heard about these incidents and is concerned. Your client asks what issues might be involved here, and if you know of any law that might be applicable. What would you tell the client? Prepare a report outlining the issues involved, fully explaining your answer.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. SDSU Create a Tax Memo Report


Learning Goal: I’m working on a accounting report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

You are tasked to research a tax issue(s)/problem(s) and then draft a tax memo in the required format.


I blind mark the tax memo so please
only include your RED ID for the author of the memo. If you really want
to use a name then please use “Jane Smith” irrespective of whether you
are male or female. Please ensure you use the tax reasearch database,
CCH AnswerConnect to help you research the issue(s) to be addressed in
the tax memo. Please look at the examples for the correct format for a
tax memo.

I will upload the overview and what how it will be
graded. Please ensure you have looked at the rubric to ensure you
understand how the tax memo will be evaluated.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Rasmussen College Career Development and Growth Within Organizations Discussion


Individuals want to work for organizations that will invest in their development and growth. For this reason, people typically seek jobs with organizations where they think they have an opportunity to learn, train, and advance.

Initial Post: Discuss a time when you worked for an organization that invested in you or didn’t invest in you (if you have never had a job, discuss how you think you would feel or react) and offered or didn’t offer development and training opportunities and a clear path for advancement. In one to two paragraphs, answer the following questions:

  1. How did that make you feel?
  2. Did you stay with the organization long?
  3. Are you still with them?
  4. If you left, why?

Reply Posts: Choose one of the following for your reply to a classmate.

  • Respond to a classmate that had a similar experience with you and explain how you perceived the situation.
  • Respond to a classmate that had an opposite experience from you and provide recommendations for how they could have proceeded differently.

I am currently working for a very well-known company, and have been for almost 1 year. This company has been in business since 1889. They are an almost 100 million dollar corporation. When I got the job I was excited and happy to be working for such an amazing company however, once I have worked there and seen many things nothing seems amazing about this company compared to others I have worked at. On my first day, I had 3 hours of training videos. There was no interaction with the training videos to test my skills or if I was learning anything from the training. Hands-on training consists of putting me with another employee (six feet apart and learning my tasks). looking at invoices and item descriptions 6 feet apart is not that easy. I “shadowed” the other employee for about 45 min. then put in my own station. I didn’t know if I was messing up or even doing it right because there was nobody close by I had to hope and pray everything was correct in the order, pack It, and ship it. There is no communication with the manager in my department. He also has a very low sense of humor. If you have to miss work he avoids talking to you for a few days after you return. There are no training videos to touch up on training throughout the year. There is no interaction from human resources and if it is it is through e/mail and it takes up to a week to respond and they are in the next building. They have made it well known that advancement or career growth is next to impossible for employees.

I am looking for another job at this present time, which is a bummer because I have an excellent job history and almost all my jobs are long-term with 5 years or more with each. I would think with this company being as well off as they are they would have better training, wages, and interaction with their employees who make their net worth possible every year. If I do find another position I would hope for it to be in my career field that I am going to school for which is human resource.

Interaction and recognition is a huge thing to have in an organization and a little bit goes a long way, only if organizations would give it. 

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. American Military University Definition of Failure and Disengagement Plan Paper


 Planning Ahead

Complete a definition of failure and disengagement plan for your venture. Include Beneficiary Experience and Deliverables tables to evaluate and determine the warning signals of both negative and positive second-order effects. Determine if you have market-scaler venture. If not, which enterprise lower down on the aspirations cascade might be yours, and at what point might you migrate there? What are your scale-up challenges (refer to Table 14.1)? Include your table. What is the most appropriate growth strategy for your social enterprise, namely a cookie-cutter strategy or an expansion from the core (or a combination of the two)? Explain.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Arizona State University Amazon’s TWOS Analysis Report


For this part of your organizational assessment you are asked to:

  • Complete a TOWS analysis for your organization. You may use the worksheet provided or write in outline form. (1 page)
  • Extend your TOWS analysis by adding identifying at least three aspirations and results that come out of the internal cells (S-O, S-T, W-O and W-T) of your TOWS analysis. (1 page)
  • Based on the work on Organizational Entrepreneurism, Innovation and Strategy that we have explored in this class respond briefly to the following three questions as applied to your organization (from Moonshots: Achieving Breakthrough Innovation in Established Organizations) (2 pages):
  1. How are the limits to value creation in your business model anchored in ideas from the past?
  2. What new ideas-enabled by current technology and the aspirations of the next generation of leaders in your organization- have the potential to shape breakthrough value? Is this a “shaping” opportunity?
  3. What are the implications of your organization’s mission, values and purpose in light of these new ideas? If your organization were unconstrained by the past, what would be the best way to fulfill its mission over the next five to ten years?

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. STR 581 University of Phoenix UPS Business Plan Assessment Presentation


Create a 5- to 7- slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with speaker notes and visuals on each slide, that will sell your identified improvements to the strategic plan, based on your Wk 4 analysis.

Include the following:

  • Summarize the threats and challenges you have identified within the current strategic plan.
  • Determine how to execute the strategic initiatives in order to address the threats and challenges.
  • Explain proposed process improvements.
  • Assess whether additional resources are needed.
  • Describe how resources should be used in the application of the strategic plan.
  • Utilize KPIs to justify the financial investment and to measure the success of the proposed improvements to the strategic plan.
  • Justify your recommendations based on anticipated Return on Investment (ROI).

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. CU Performance Management and the Employee Experience Presentation


Prepare a 10-12 slide presentation to persuade the company’s owner of the many positive changes that support the employee experience and the value of performance management. Each slide should include speaker notes that flesh out the information listed on the slide.

The employee’s life and performance in the workplace are viewed through a very different lens than they once were—and the “once were” was not very long ago. New employees are coming to organizations with a higher set of expectations across a myriad of different person-to-organization touchpoints. From the pre-joining brand attraction phase to onboarding and required early career training, a smooth, professional, and engaging process is expected. For this assessment, you will be creating a presentation that is intended to convince your company’s owner—you work in a founder-based organization—-that a modern employee experience is of value. Key areas such as employee engagement, communication, and performance evaluation should all be aligned. Employees should be encouraged through robust learning programs linked to both pay and awards of individual and team recognition rich with meaning and symbols. Lastly, employees should receive meaningful performance feedback that focuses on their successes as well as challenges. Feedback should be presented in a way that encourages the employee and reduces the traditional stress associated with the performance appraisal process. 

The HR concept of the employee experience comes from the field of marketing and seeks to provide HR professionals and their clients a very different perspective of work and the workplace. This means many different things to different people. It may mean well-conceived and executed onboarding processes, access to good cuisine, an accommodating place to work, opportunities for advancement, work rotations, or personal growth. The challenge is to create the best possible experience for the employees in the organization, which will attract employees with high potential to make valuable contributions. Determining what makes work a positive experience by a significant majority is similar to benefits programs but from the view of demographic influences, and there will be generational differences and lifestyle-oriented preferences.

Assessment Introduction


This assessment examines how to assess the effectiveness of a performance management process and how to design and manage the employee experience (organization perspective) in a legacy architectural engineering company.

You ?work in a founder-based organization. The company designs large bridges for locations all over the world. It is located in a small town and is the largest employer in the area. The company has a great technical reputation in the business, but they have not had a human resources professional working in the organization until you arrived. The company has a tough, somewhat dated, approach to many things.

There is no on-boarding process; employees are expected to start work day one of their employment. 

There are no performance appraisals at the end of the year, and employees who have performance problems are separated and never get a chance to grow and reach their full potential. 

There are no recognition programs and employees seem confused about how to move up in the organization.

  • There are promotions, but there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason as to how people are selected for advancement. 
  • While design and engineering work is detailed and complicated, no employees have an office. Cubicles are very small and very close to each other. 
  • Current employees complain they have nowhere nearby to eat.
  • For this assessment, you will be creating a persuasive presentation that is intended to convince your company’s owner that a modern employee experience is of value. Key areas such as employee engagement, communication, and performance evaluation should all be aligned. Employees should be encouraged through robust learning programs linked to both pay and awards of individual and team recognition rich with meaning and symbols. Lastly, employees should receive meaningful performance feedback that focuses on their successes as well as challenges. Feedback should be presented in a way that encourages the employee and reduces the traditional stress associated with the performance appraisal process.  
  • Your Challenge
  • Prepare a PowerPoint presentation, including speaker notes for each slide, to persuade the company’s owner of the many positive changes that support the employee experience and the value of performance management. In the process, consider the organizational challenges you will face. Also, discuss the potential negative impact associated with change. How can you make employees feel valued, ensure they have opportunities for future growth with the organization, and encourage them to commit to a long-term professional relationship? What can be done to provide employees valuable performance feedback in a professional and effective manner that is both fair and objective??

Assessment Instructions

Prepare a 10–12 slide presentation that states your recommended course of action. Each slide should include speaker notes that flesh out the information listed on the slide. ?Along with your recommendation, include the following:

Present an analysis of the organization’s dated approach to performance feedback and propose alternatives.

Provide a description of the current state.

What are the issues, and what impact are they having?

Describe approaches to resolve the issue of the company not having any employee rewards and recognition programs.

  • Determine what courses of action should be used.

Explain what recommendation you would make to respond to the absence of an onboarding program, its implications, and how to mitigate issues.

  • Explain why you selected the course of action.
  • Describe how you would provide consulting services to organizational leaders to recognize the value of employee engagement.
  • Explain the benefits.

Identify the risks of low employee engagement.

  • Define a plan to implement and support employee engagement.
  • What are the purpose and intent?

What steps would you take?

  • How will you ensure success?
  • Review the HR Challenge: Performance Management and the Employee Experience (Organizational Perspective) Scoring Guide to see the criteria by which your assessment will be evaluated. Before submitting your assessment for evaluation, review your draft in SafeAssign to check your use of source material.

Submission Requirements

  • The deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in Human Resources Management (HRM) to workplace situations which you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, we focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace. Your assessment should meet the following additional requirements:
  • Length: Your plan should include 10–12 presentation slides, not including the cover slide, title slide, and resources slide.
  • The cover slide should include your name, the course number, assessment title, and date. No other information is required on this slide.

The title slide should include the title of the presentation, and a subtitle, if needed.

  • Each content slide should include speaker notes expanding on the slide’s content,
  • The resource slide (reference list) should be the last slide.
  • Organization: Make sure that your assessment writing is well-organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.

Font and font size: Arial or Verdana.

Keep font size at 24 point or above for slide titles.

Keep font size at 18 or above for headings and explanatory text.

Resources: Use at least six scholarly or academic sources.

Evidence: Support your assertions with data and in-text citations.

  • APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA Style and Format guidelines. 

Written communication:

  • Support main points and recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.
  • Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.
  • Use spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.
  • ePortfolio
  • You should consider adding this assessment to your personal ePortfolio. This assessment demonstrates your ability to examine sourcing and managing talent and its impact on performance management. This skill is necessary in a professional setting when you are trying to make strategic recommendations. You will want to organize your assessments to easily support future reflection and completion of your HRM capstone project as well as for showcasing your knowledge with employers after graduation. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the Campus ePortfolio page.

Competencies Measured

  • By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
  • Competency 1: Develop strategic recruiting approaches and selection methods to support an organization’s talent goals.
  • Describe approaches to resolve the issue of the company not having any employee rewards and recognition programs.
  • Competency 2: Apply talent mobility practices for an organization.
  • Explain what recommendation you would make to respond to the absence of an onboarding program, its implications, and how to mitigate issues.

Competency 3: Examine approaches to workforce planning to determine present and future talent needs.

  • Describe how you would provide consulting services to organizational leaders to recognize the value of employee engagement.

Define a plan to implement and support employee engagement.?

  • Competency 4: Evaluate performance management systems to align with organizational needs.
  • Present an analysis of the organization’s dated approach to performance feedback and propose alternatives.
  • Competency 5: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally for the HR field.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Northcentral University Cryptocurrency Evolution & US Impact Literature Review


1. Information does not seem to be very well organized, specifically:

   a. No section Subheadings 

   b. I seems to be jumping around from crypto is a Derivative to crypto is a Currency to crypto is a Technology back to crypto is

      a Derivative.  

   c. I need to do the work of making all of those sections fit in the right groups and subheadings and sub-subheadings. So       

      having a section about Cryptocurrency As a Currency, which we saw in El Salvador using it as it as official currency. 

   d. I need them group together and stop the jumping back and forth.

Business Finance Homework Help