Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. BUSA 5200 CSU Confidence Interval for Proportions Worksheet


The project is to answer the questions at the end of the case study. Each question should be answered separately in an Excel sheet all to be in a single Excel file. If you click on the project submission link, you will find the project description and its accompanying Excel file.

This project is due in accordance with the course syllabus, via D2L Assignments. Late submissions will not be accepted (refer to the syllabus for policy). You should submit:

  • A single Excel file that contains multiple sheets each corresponding to a project question.
  • Name your file in the following manner: Last name First initial_Project
    For example, John Smith should submit the project submission files as: SmithJ_Project.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Jack Welch Vitality Curve as A CEO of A Large Corporation Discussion


I’m working on a management writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Jack Welch at
General Electric instituted the Vitality Curve. Describe the Vitality curve
and its pros and cons. Who were the proponents of the Vitality Curve? Do you
believe that it is good for and institution? Why or why not? What
would it do for employee morale? Would you use the Vitality Curve as a CEO of a
large corporation?

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. NYITMC Followership a Deliberate Practice by Subordinates Discussion


I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me study.

Chapter 7. Followership.

1. One organizational observer suggested that bosses who won’t give negative feedback to followers who need it cause even more damage in the long run than those who fly off the handle when a follower makes a mistake. Do you agree? Discuss.
2. The chapter describes five ways in which followers need to use courage. Which do you feel is most important? Least important? How might a follower derive the courage to behave in new ways to be more effective? Discuss.


Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Fashion Institute of Merchandising Demand Forecasting and Planning Discussion



Complete the required reading and answer the following questions (25 points).

  • Explain the importance demand forecasting and planning? Discuss 2 variables that must be considered when creating a forecast.
  • Explain the bullwhip effect, its causes and how companies can reduce it. Give an example of a company who has successfully or unsuccessfully managed the bullwhip effect.
  • When does localization make sense for optimizing product mix and sales? Give an example of a specific business or product where that would work.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. New York Institute of Technology Manhattan Campus De Le Vega Questions


I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me understand better.

CEO Tony Bussard apparently wanted to relinquish none of the power when he agreed with board members of Alvon Biometrics to maintain control over the financial and administrative side of the company while naming a COO to oversee day-to-day operations. Juan Carlos De la Vega was hired as COO for the company. De la Vega came to Alvon from a smaller rival company and was initially excited about his new position and the future of Alvon. But De la Vega’s exciting new position came with its own set of frustrations as he tried to plunge into the rapidly changing technology while simultaneously fitting into the organization and tip-toeing around Tony Bussard’s ego. One year into the job, De la Vega was still wondering what  was expected of him. De la Vega’s earnest efforts to get guidance about his responsibilities seemed to be brushed aside by the CEO.

The confusion about De la Vega’s role also filtered down the ranks. Employees, expecting initiative from De la Vega, remained uncertain about his range of responsibilities. Even one year later, employees were reluctant to take a chance on angering Bussard by shifting their attention and allegiance to De la Vega. De la Vega knew it was time for clarity.

1. If you were De la Vega, what would you do at this point? Do you think De la Vega has waited too long to make a substantial change in his relationship with Bussard? Why?
2. How would you characterize De la Vega’s style as a follower? What tactics might help improve his relationship with Bussard? Explain.
3. If you were in De la Vega’s position, what would you have done from the beginning? Be specific about your actions and timing.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. NEC JP Morgan Chase & Co Company Products Service & Competitors Presentation


Below is the outline for information to be included in the course project and presentation:

1. Overview of the company you have selected.

2. Products and services

3. Competitors and the competitive position of your company

4. Recent financial performance

5. Ratio analysis; profitability, liquidity, leverage

6. Performance of the common stock in the market and prospects for the future.

7. Conclusion. Do you recommend purchasing the company’s common stock?

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. FIN 640 Park University Investment Requirements in Mutual Funds Discussion


I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Write about a topic or current event that applies to the content in the current unit/module(Mutual Funds: Advantages and Disadvantages). This may be a current event that exemplifies or applies to the chapter concept(s), or a narrative written piece that relates to the unit concepts. You must have at least one reputable outside source for your written piece (in addition to the textbook). Examples of acceptable sources are Barrons, The Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger, Investopedia,, The source should be current (from the last six months). The article/source is the catalyst for your critical written piece. This is not an assignment where you simply report on an article or current event. You should engage in critical thinking, as the article/source is used to substantiate your point(s).

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. University of California Prevailing Market Interest Rates Discussion



  • In your own words describe (1) what a bond is (2) what a bond premium and a bond discount are and (3) how bond premiums and discounts affect interest expense.
  • Discuss anything that you found particularly interesting, or particularly difficult to understand. This is important as this will help me to help you.
  • After you have replied, please respond to at least two of your classmates postings and further discuss this week’s discussion topic with each other.
  • Make sure your responses are meaningful and discuss what your classmates have shared and your thoughts on it. Avoid posting short responses like “I agree”.
  • If there is anything that your classmates are having trouble understanding and you can help, please do!

Business Finance Homework Help