Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. MKG 530 CTI Week 1 Marketing Strategy of the Denim Dressmaker Shop Discussion


Marketing a Product

PRODUCT: Denim dressmaker shop

Write a 3-5 page paper where you create an original product. Describe your product and explain its use and purpose. Be sure to thoroughly explain your assessment of the market and how you plan to develop a successful marketing strategy for your product. Note: You will continue working with this product throughout the course so give it some thought and come up with something that will impact a large market share!

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.

Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

*References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

Book Marketing Management, 5th Edition

Dawn Iacobucci
ISBN-10: 1337271128
ISBN-13: 9781337271127

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. ISYS 565 City College of San Francisco Instant Messaging IT Project Lab


Hi, I will attach instructions, our proposal aka topic, and a sample project. Please follow the directions clearly and use the topic I chose Instant Messaging (FaceBook Messenger). This is for an Information Systems class. Also send over a powerpoint with completed project.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. COMM 176 Southwestern College Thailand Explorers Club Report



The ability to communicate and interact with different cultures is extremely important in this day and age due to the internet, the cultural make-up of America, and our close proximity to another country. This assignment asks you to explore a country and culture that you are interested in and that is different and unique from your own. You will need to brainstorm, conduct research, organize a journal of your excursions, and then present your project in front of your classmates.

This is a fun assignment that will let you pair your understanding of Intercultural Communication & Tourism with your creativity to present a unique journal/portfolio of your expedition in a new country.

I recommend being judicious with your time. You will have several weeks to prepare for this project so make sure you are proactive and delegate time wisely. Below you will find the requirements for this project.


The following are requirements for the written report component of this assignment

1. After reading Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication in Tourism Contexts, pick a country you are interested in visiting. This cannot be a country you have previously visited. In addition, we are not picking Mexico and Canada to visit. For this reason, you may want to consider 2-3 countries, in case your first option is already chosen by a classmate.

2. Book your travel to this country.

A. Select the time of year you will travel to this location (month & year)

B. Pick at least 3 cities to explore in the country

C. Select at least 3 cultural activities to participate in these cities. (ex: museums, landmarks, festivals, shows, historical sites, etc.)

D. Select at least 3 souvenirs you may purchase.

3. Explain why you chose this country, these cities, and these cultural activities.

A. What are at least 3 important events in the history of this region/country from the past 50 years?

B. What are at least 3 individuals of importance from this region/country from the past 50 years?

C. How is your trip socially responsible tourism (Chapter 10)? Be specific and imaginative.

4. Keep a tally/accounting of all your expenses including, but not limited to, lodgings, food, transportations, excursions, activities, etc. Your budget for this project must not exceed $3,500.

5. What communication challenges did you experience in your host country during your travels? How did you approach/handle these challenges?

6. Finally, explain how your travel constitutes Socially Responsible Tourism?

Your report may take many forms. Make sure the formatting is consistent throughout, you use a clearly legible font (Times New Roman, Arial, etc.), and it is saved as a MS Word document or PDF file. You may want to use the Report Template to organize your thoughts and ideas. You may also turn in this template as your report, if you like. Be sure to write in full and complete sentences.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Strayer University Cook Farm Supply Company Worksheet


Cook Farm Supply Company manufactures and sells a pesticide called Snare. The following data are available for preparing budgets for Snare for the first 2 quarters of 2020.

1. Sales: quarter 1, 29,200 bags; quarter 2, 42,200 bags. Selling price is $63 per bag.
2. Direct materials: each bag of Snare requires 5 pounds of Gumm at a cost of $3.80 per pound and 6 pounds of Tarr at $1.50 per pound.
3. Desired inventory levels:
Type of Inventory

January 1

April 1

July 1

Snare (bags) 8,200 12,200 18,400
Gumm (pounds) 9,300 10,300 13,200
Tarr (pounds) 14,500 20,300 25,300
4. Direct labor: direct labor time is 15 minutes per bag at an hourly rate of $16 per hour.
5. Selling and administrative expenses are expected to be 15% of sales plus $179,000 per quarter.
6. Interest expense is $100,000.
7. Income taxes are expected to be 30% of income before income taxes.

Your assistant has prepared two budgets: (1) the manufacturing overhead budget shows expected costs to be 125% of direct labor cost, and (2) the direct materials budget for Tarr shows the cost of Tarr purchases to be $303,000 in quarter 1 and $426,500 in quarter 2.

(Note: Do not prepare the manufacturing overhead budget or the direct materials budget for Tarr.)

Prepare the sales budget.

Sales Budget
choose the accounting period





Expected unit sales

enter a number of units

enter a number of units

enter a number of units

Unit selling price

$enter a dollar amount

$enter a dollar amount

$enter a dollar amount

Total sales

$enter a total dollar amount

$enter a total dollar amount

$enter a total dollar amount

Prepare the production budget.

Production Budget
choose the accounting period





select an opening production budget item

enter a number of units

enter a number of units

select between addition and deduction: select a production budget item enter a number of units enter a number of units
select a summarizing line for the first part

enter a total number of units for the first part

enter a total number of units for the first part

select between addition and deduction: select a production budget item enter a number of units enter a number of units
select a closing production budget item enter a total number of units enter a total number of units enter a total number of units

eTextbook and Media

Prepare the direct materials budget. (Round Cost per pound answers to 2 decimal places, e.g. 52.70.)

Direct Materials Budget—Gumm
choose the accounting period





select an opening direct materials budget item

enter a number of units

enter a number of units

select an item enter the amount of pounds enter the amount of pounds
select a summarizing line for the first part enter a total amount of pounds for the first part enter a total amount of pounds for the first part

select between addition and deduction: select an item

enter the amount of pounds enter the amount of pounds
select a summarizing line for the second part enter a total amount of pounds for the second part enter a total amount of pounds for the second part

select between addition and deduction: select an item

enter the amount of pounds enter the amount of pounds
select a summarizing line for the third part enter a total amount of pounds for the third part enter a total amount of pounds for the third part
select an item $enter a dollar amount $enter a dollar amount
select a closing direct materials budget item $enter a total dollar amount $enter a total dollar amount $enter a total dollar amount

Prepare the direct labor budget. (Enter Direct labor time per unit in proportion to hours, e.g. for 45 minutes the proportion will be 0.75.)

Direct Labor Budget
choose the accounting period





select an opening labor budget item

enter a number of units

enter a number of units

select a labor budget item enter a number of hours enter a number of hours
select a summarizing line for the first part

enter a total number of hours for the first part

enter a total number of hours for the first part

select a labor budget item $enter a dollar amount $enter a dollar amount
select a closing labor budget item $enter a total dollar amount $enter a total dollar amount $enter a total dollar amount

Prepare the selling and administrative expense budget.

Selling and Administrative Expense Budget
choose the accounting period





select an item enter a total number of units enter a total number of units enter a total number of units
select an item

$enter a dollar amount

$enter a dollar amount

$enter a dollar amount

select an item enter a dollar amount enter a dollar amount enter a dollar amount
select a closing budget item $enter a total dollar amount $enter a total dollar amount $enter a total dollar amount

eTextbook and Media

Prepare the budgeted multiple-step income statement for the first 6 months. (Round intermediate calculations to 2 decimal places and final answer to 0 decimal places, e.g. 1,255.)

Budgeted Income Statement
choose the accounting period
select an income statement item

$enter a dollar amount

select an income statement item enter a dollar amount
select a summarizing line for the first part

enter a total amount for the first part

select an income statement item enter a dollar amount
select a summarizing line for the second part

enter a total amount for the second part

select an income statement item enter a dollar amount
select a summarizing line for the third part

enter a total amount for the third part

select an income statement item enter a dollar amount
select a closing name for the budgeted income statement $enter a total net income or loss amount

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Strategic Management Paper the Southwest Airlines Research Paper


Research Paper
The final paper should be written in essay form and not bullet points, where (APA) headings are acceptable. The paper should not contain more than one block quote and not over two quotes per page. Students should paraphrase as much as possible. Students should use at least 5 peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years. Please do not use blogs, Wikipedia, ghostwriters, or past assignments. However, other business sources can be used, but not limited to for example, (Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, Black Enterprise, Bloomberg Business Week).

Each of the below components is required to be included in the final paper. However, it is encouraged for students to expand on these topics using learning and terminology from the strategic management discipline. The topic areas include:

Mission Statement
Description of the Organization (Location, target market, product or service)
Innovation (Artificial Intelligence)
Strategic Leadership (Transformational, Transactional, Emotional Intelligence)
Corporate Culture (Humanistic, Empathetic, Paternalistic, Materialistic, etc.)
Competitive Environment


The Strategic Management paper has 7 main sections, which must be covered. APA format (Links to an external site.) is required. 2500 words/10 pages APA double spaced

Company Mission Statement

The company’s mission statement explains what your business is trying to achieve. For internal decision-making, the mission statement guides employees to make the right decisions, which should be in sync with helping the company achieve its mission. For external parties, such as partners, investors, and customers, your mission can motivate them to take the actions you want.

Description of the Organization

Here are some guiding questions, but you are not limited to just these questions. Where do we compete? Where does the organization operate? What type of organization is it?(Service, E-Commerce, Manufacturing, Marketing, Software, etc.) What is the goal of the company?


Innovation is a key part of the firms’ efforts to achieve success with their strategies, which means that information and technologies play vital roles. Good strategy almost always involves an innovative mindset within the organization. Many firms have taken on the motto of innovate or die. In this paper, explain how innovation fits into the corporate structure of your organization. Provide unique details of how innovation would be a tool to develop the company and sustain its value. It is your company, so synthesize your learning with your corporate structure and how you see the organization maintaining sustainability.

Strategic Leadership

Strategic Leadership is based on power and influence. How leaders motivate followers is an important aspect in the organization’s success. Leadership over people is exercised when people with motives and determination come together for a common purpose, using available resources to arouse, engage, and satisfy the needs of followers. How does leadership impact your organization?

Corporate Culture

Culture has traditionally been defined as the way we do things around here. It involves people and the unique quality of the organization. A successful organization is defined by the strength of the organization. In this paper, describe the corporate culture. How does the culture impact the organization to help with gaining a competitive advantage?


It is often challenging to discuss strategic management without a discussion on globalization. Globalization involves the connectivity of people, goods, services, intelligence, marketing, and technologies around the globe. It is the unique access to doing business anywhere in the world. Discuss how globalization fits into the corporate structure of your organization. Demonstrate how it impacts the organization.

Competitive Environment

At the core of strategic management is competition. Strategic management rests on gaining a competitive advantage over other organizations that occupy the company’s market space. In your paper discuss the competitive environment. How do you see changes within the industry that will impact your organization’s ability to continue to compete and gain market share?

Assignment Instructions

  1. Use the organization that you designed in week one of the course to write your
    Strategic Management Research Paper.
  2. You should include all the components of the paper listed in the assignment
    description including (Mission Statement, Description of the Organization,
    Strategic Leadership, Corporate Culture, Globalization, Competitive
  3. This paper must be 2500 words not including the title page or references in
    APA format


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1. Identify and Explain the company’s mission or vision statement.

threshold: 10.65 pts

14.3 ptsThe company’s “mission or vision statement” is clearly identified and thoroughly explained using appropriate vocabulary.

12.08 ptsThe company’s “mission or vision statement” is clearly identified and explained, but some gaps exist; vocabulary is appropriate.

10.65 ptsThe company’s “mission or vision statement” is identified and explained, but some gaps exist; vocabulary is appropriate.

9.22 ptsThe company’s “mission or vision statement” is somewhat identified, but explanation is vague or inconsistent with missing or inappropriate vocabulary.

0 ptsThe company’s “mission or vision statement” is not identified. The writer was unable to offer any explanation.

14.3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2. Description of the Company and type of strategic leadership

threshold: 10.65 pts

14.29 ptsDescription of the company and type of strategic leadership used is clearly identified and thoroughly explained using appropriate vocabulary

12.08 ptsDescription of the company and type of strategic leadership used is clearly identified and explained, but some gaps exist; vocabulary is appropriate.

10.65 ptsPartial description of the company and strategic leadership used is identified and explained, but some gaps exist; vocabulary is appropriate.

9.22 ptsDescription of the company or type of strategic leadership used is missing components. Explanation is vague or inconsistent.

0 ptsDescription of the company and type of strategic leadership used is not identified.

14.29 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3. Innovation as a tool to develop the company and sustain its value

threshold: 10.65 pts

14.29 ptsProvided unique details of how innovation would be a tool to develop the company and sustain its value. Synthesized learning with corporate structure and how the company maintained sustainability.

12.08 ptsProvided details of how innovation would be a tool to develop the company and sustain its value. Synthesized learning with corporate structure and how the company maintained sustainability.

10.65 ptsProvided brief details of how innovation would be a tool to develop the company and sustain its value.

9.22 ptsNot many ideas relating to how innovation would be a tool to develop the company and sustain its value.

0 ptsMissing Innovation from the paper

14.29 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4. Identify and Explain the company’s corporate culture

threshold: 10.65 pts

14.29 ptsAll components of the company’s corporate culture is clearly identified and thoroughly explained using appropriate vocabulary

12.08 ptsAll components of the company’s corporate culture is clearly identified and explained, but some gaps exist; vocabulary is appropriate.

10.65 ptsMost components of the company’s corporate culture is identified and explained, but some gaps exist; vocabulary is appropriate.

9.22 ptsThe company’s corporate culture is somewhat identified but missing components. Explanation is vague or inconsistent with missing or inappropriate vocabulary.

0 ptsThe company’s corporate culture is not identified. The writer was unable to offer any explanation

14.29 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome5. Discussion on how globalization fits into the corporate structure of the company.

threshold: 10.65 pts

14.29 ptsConsistently perceives and identifies global issues or concerns. Explains several perspectives on how globalization fits into the corporate structure of the company.

12.08 ptsExplains some perpectives on how globalization fits into the corporate structure of the company.

10.65 ptsResponse identifies and describes impact of issues and concerns from a single perpective only.

9.22 ptsResponse does not identify or describe how globalization fits into the corporate structure of the company.

0 ptsMissing globalization section from paper.

14.29 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome6. Discussion of the company’s competitive market

threshold: 10.65 pts

14.29 ptsAll components of the company’s competitive market is clearly identified and thoroughly explained using appropriate vocabulary

12.08 ptsAll components of the company’s competitive market is clearly identified and explained, but some gaps exist; vocabulary is appropriate.

10.65 ptsMost components of the company’s competitive marketis identified and explained, but some gaps exist; vocabulary is appropriate.

9.22 ptsThe company’s competitive market is somewhat identified but missing components. Explanation is vague or inconsistent with missing or inappropriate vocabulary.

0 ptsThe company’s competitive market is not identified. The writer was unable to offer any explanation.

14.29 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome7. Proper organization, professional writing, and logical flow of analysis. APA formatting

threshold: 10.62 pts

14.26 ptsWorks cited is formatted in the correct APA style with all current references; mostly peer-reviewed articles. Excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax

12.05 ptsWorks cited is formatted in the correct APA style with mostly current references. Adequate grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax

10.62 ptsWorks cited is formatted in the correct APA style with some current references. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax needs improvement.

9.2 ptsWorks cited is not formatted in the correct APA style and/or all references are outdated. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax needs significant improvement.

0 ptsNo references or citations in paper or final reference page. Key points were not identified. Third person was not used or other forms of APA style formatting.

14.26 pts

Total Points: 100.01

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. WC Mc Donalds Limited Menu & Response Discussion


Read OM in the News:McDonald’s Improves Operations with a Smaller Menu from Jay, Barry & Chuck’s OM Blog – A Blog for Operations Management Educators.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the more limited menus currently seen at McDonald’s? If you were a McDonald’s executive, would you stick with the current menu after the COVID-19 pandemic ends, or would you recommend changes? Support your position.

After posting your inital response to the questions, respond to at least two others’ posts in the discussion. before participating in discussions so you know the criteria I’m looking for when you post look at the attachement.

Please after you write the discussion post I want you to reply on two of my peer’s posts:

Mackenzie 1-

There are many advanatges of McDonald’s limiting their menu during the pandemic. Drive-thru times are being reported as shorter which I feel is huge for a fast food restaurant as I know I personally like when the line at a drive-thru goes quick. Another advantage is that people are saying the food tastes better and that there are less errors in fulfilling their orders. This makes sense as there are not as many food options anymore so there is not as much to work with or opportunity to mess up. Some disadvantages n my opinion are that some of the nicer and unexpected food options are the ones that were taken away. Salads, bagels, and yogurt parfaits are not typical items you would think about McDonald’s serving, so if someone saw them on the menu they may be more tempted to try it. Another disadvantage is that these are some of the healthier options. I think if I were a McDonald’s executive, I would stick with the current menu after the COVID-19 pandemic ends. I say this because what they are doing now seems to be working just fine, and people are happy. I think if someone wanted specifically a bagel or salad, McDonald’s would not be their first choice of place to eat anyway, so I feel as though McDonald’s should keep doing what they are doing.

Megan 2-

Something I’ve personally found as a huge disadvantage of the change in McDonald’s menu is no longer serving all day breakfast. I’m not a huge morning person, so I really liked it when McDonald’s added all day breakfast. By changing to a limited menu, McDonald’s might push away previous customers by taking off some of their favorite menu items. However, by reducing menu items to those that are most popular, customers can get through the drive through faster and have also reported that their orders have been more accurate. If I was a McDonald’s executive, I would stick to a limited menu like the current one, even if it does not have all day breakfast, due to the increased customer satisfaction in regards to wait times and food quality. I think that by limiting their menu items and reducing operations, it helps McDonald’s to focus more on customer satisfaction with food quality and customer service, something that McDonald’s has been known to lack. I think another food chain that portrays a good example of this is Raising Canes. Raising Canes has limited menu items resulting in high order accuracy and low wait times for their customers. I think it is necessary for McDonald’s to keep the limited menu in order to simplify operations and improve areas that they are not as strong in.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Colorado Technical University How my Thinking and Learning has Evolved Discussion


I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

How Your Thinking and Learning Has Evolved

You have now conducted a simulation of strategic planning. In the real world, you would normally engage professional peers and superiors as well as decision-making bodies, investigate other organizations, and evaluate past performances as part of the process. While you may have been able to undertake some of these activities, you have probably also had to invent possible realities to simulate the process.

Reflect on your experience discussing your initial preparedness to undertake the simulation. How have you evolved in your thinking, learning, and acting, after completing the strategic plan?

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Strayer University Sparkle Car Wash Discussion


he concept behind the triple bottom line is that companies are responsible to all their stakeholders. This includes everyone involved with the company, whether directly or indirectly. It also includes the planet on which we all live. This approach views shareholders as very important stakeholders. This approach also recognizes the need for companies to consider other important stakeholders in the company, including employees, customers, vendors, and the larger community.

Before writing this week’s discussion posting, review this MindTools article, The Triple Bottom Line: Measuring Your Organization’s Wider Impact, for more details on the triple bottom line.How would you implement the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) concept at your chosen company, whether you are using the snack food company scenario or the company of your choice?

Keep the following format in mind as you complete this week’s discussion:

Profit: When looking at profit from this theory’s perspective, the idea is that profits will help empower and sustain the community as a whole. Profits are more than just a benefit for shareholders. Briefly explain your approach.

People: Describe your approach to caring about suppliers, customers, employees, and the community. For example, one way to care about employees is to provide a good working environment, training and development opportunities, and health care.

Planet: Explain your approach to minimizing your company’s impact on the environment. For example, your company might develop a process to minimize waste or reduce energy usage, such as using recycled materials in its production process.


Sparkle care wash is located at 1070 Congdon Ave, Stroudsburg, PA, 18360. For more than three decades, the company has been operated by Kevin Detrick and his mother as partners. They are committed to continuing to provide better car wash services and covet customer experience. It started its operation in 1981, and it has grown to meet customers’ desires and increase satisfaction.

It is located in a large state with more than 168,000 individuals, where they can manage to wash over 190,000 cars (Pröllochs & Feuerriegel, 2020).

Most of the Sparkle customers are men and women aged 30-45 years and have an average income earns of $ 250 and $1500 per year. And most of the approximately 34% have undergraduate degrees. Although its original location provided car wash service for more than two decades, Detrick and his team extended the car wash service to Benny, Pennsylvania, behind a well-established and known c-store chain just off Route 248. This new car wash assisted in reducing traffic in the local mall, which served as a destination location for the community (Zyndorf, 2021).

Most Sparkle car wash customers shop in Stroud mall. It is a shopping mall that is found in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Its location is near The Poconos region, near the New Jersey border adjacent to Pennsylvania Route 611. Most Sparkle car wash customers drive Volvo, Jd power car, Ford, ted, and Mazda car type. Many people in Stroudsburg love sports adventure, which they do most of their leisure time (Zyndorf, 2021).

Sparkle car wash use equipment of high technology to provide quality and consistent car wash for each customer. This will enable them to minimize any chances of damage. Our price charges a very friendly and affordable to our customers. This has enabled us to maintain many customers over the years (Aleksandrovic, 2021).


Aleksandrovic, M. A. (2021). Neural network approaches companies’ marketing strategy problems identifying based on analysis of users discussions in social networks.

Pröllochs, N., & Feuerriegel, S. (2020). Business analytics for strategic management: Identifying and assessing corporate challenges via topic modeling. Information & Management, 57(1), 103070.

Zyndorf, B. (2021). The federally sponsored housing market crash: race, finance, and heartbreak in the Pocono Mountains (Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-Graduate School-Newark)

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. ENT 436 Grand Canyon University Human Centered Design Responses


Question # 1: Discuss how human-centered design assists with the development of your business model.

Clint said: Well, I had to first learn what human-centered design was and is all about, in order to relate it to my business model. In a nutshell human-centered design is humans asking other humans what is the problem in your corner of the area and what do we or can we do to solve the problem and help find a solution (IDEO, 2015). Another aspect of this approach is in the seven different mindsets that are used as tools to solve these problems; Empathy, Optimism, Iteration, Creative Confidence, Making, Embracing Ambiguity, and Learning from Failure (IDEO, 2015). This particular frame of reference is different from any other system because you are not looking at the business from a financial point of view. However, as you progress and relate all of this material you are normally using the same tools but in a different context.

I think for my business model this will help shed some reality and approach problems or sides of the business I have not used my left side of my brian to tackle. Along with other simple measures I could incorporate to again help and possibly get behind a few other causes I support that could run in parallel with my business model. Nonetheless, I think I could connect with other like minded business leaders to have the conversations and learn from others, which is free business advice.

How can I respond to Clint? 

Deanne said: Human-centered design places the customer at the center of the product as well as the business model. One goal of human-center design is to develop, gain and maintain deep empathy with your customers so their needs are fully met. There are three phases of human-centered design these are: Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation phase. In the inspiration phase the designer engages with the customer to better learn who they are and what their specific needs are. In the ideation phase the designer develops several models that may meet the needs to the customer. These models are shared with the customer and the designer obtains feedback to see which model best meets the needs of the customer. Lastly, in the implementation phase the best model is put into production and distributed (IDEO, n.d.). Human-centered design greatly assists the development of the business model because a key aspect of any business is to establish a deep relationship with your customer(s). When the needs of the customer are placed at the center of the business model the customer will likely be loyal to the business. They will be more inclined to become a returning customer and may also refer others to the business.

How can I respond to Deanne? 

Brian said: Human-centered design assists in the development of my business model in several ways. First, it is based on the desire to solve a problem with specifically tailored solutions in order to fulfill a quantifiable need from the perspective of the consumer (Design Kit, n.d.). Second, it follows the tenants of inspiration, ideation, and implementation in the following ways (Design Kit, n.d.):

  1. Inspiration has created a grounded approach to the need and produced ideas in line with the desires of the consumer.
  2. Ideation created a proof-of-concept model capable of producing desired end results and solutions that can be further refined into a more robust and capable product.
  3. Implementation has developed partner relationships that allow for the development and creation of the finalized product for the consumer.

Finally, it cannot be understated that empathy for the consumer must be at the forefront of every decision and design iteration as it is with my business model (Design Kit, n.d.). This is the essence of human-centered design.

How can I respond to Brian? 

Question #2 Describe the key items management will likely seek answers for in your specific model. Why would management need to focus on those elements?

Deanne said: The key items management will more likely seek answers to is those that tie to your business model and that creates value for your customer. Does the Business Model require drastic revisions or changes? One important element management will want to seek answers to is the cost structure. Such as, will we be earning revenues before we are incurring costs. Are we better than our competitors? Your customers and key stakeholders. Such as who are the people outside of your organization you interact with. Scalability is also another important key factor. How easily can you expand without facing barriers (e.g., infrastructure, hiring)? Additionally, Management will want to know if the business model requires drastic revisions or changes and the risks (Osterwalder et al., 2014).

In business management will want to focus on a few key elements. Management will want to know about costs because it affects revenues and about their customer’s needs. If your business incurs more costs than revenues, your business will sink. A business model will need to be ?nancially sound. If your model is not very pro?table, management can decide if changes to the business model need to be made. (Osterwalder et al., 2014). Customer segmentation is also part of your business model and will help management with finding out who to segment, who are the target customers that need our service or product. Management must understand their customer’s needs, since satisfied customers will be more prone to becoming a regular customer. Likewise, customers can also tell others about their experience.

How can I respond to Deanne? 

Katelynn said: One key item management will likely focus on in my business model is cost and profit. Due to the item of business being AI it can be an extreme up front cost. Particularly in the fashion industry AI could cover robotic arms, trend forecasting, replacing manual labor, and more. Another item they might focus on is how the model will expect to receive profit. Will they only receive profit from initial installation? Will they make profit off of updating the AI software? etc. Another item management might focus on is the likelihood of companies switching or partnering with AI. 

Management would focus on these elements because there are always fundamental challenges that confront entrepreneurs. “That can include money shortage, talent, intellectual property, distribution, and more” (Collis, 2016).That is why it is important for management to focus on these elements so that a strategy can be put in place that answers these questions in case something goes wrong and at the very leas the company will know what to and what not to do. 

How can I respond to Katelynn? 

William said: If I approached a new up and coming idea in a managerial position, my primary focuses would be how much is the production going to cost the company, the primary market to be targetted (to ensure strategies are also financially accounted for), and to know what kind of returns or profits this new idea is going to bring. Considering the overall purpose of the business model is to ensure a profit is received (Kopp. 2020), costs of production would certainly be on the top of my list.
Focus on the cost of development will define the price per unit, the sales cost, and the break even (BE) point to ensure profit is made from the product. Being that profit is the only way a business will stay afloat, concerns of the initial prices going in to the product should be considered first. Who the targetted consumer will be will define how the product is marketed and what kind of “persona” should be given when advertising. The bottom line to the business model are the returns the organization will be concerned with as well. If the BE point won’t occur within an allotted amount of time, it may not be cost effective at the time the product is presented to develope it at that time. Production could be slower than demand thus consumer interest could be lost. This is when time and finances have to be presented as a manager or someone in a key leadership/decision roles have to consider the amount of time a product is produced, the time it takes to produce it and market it, and the price that is sales for. What does it cost, who’s buying it, and what will the company make?

How can I respond to William? 

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