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Business Finance Homework Help. HRDV 5700 University of Maryland University College Career Management Discussions


Discussion 1

What is your understanding of the term ‘career’?  What is the incentive for an organization to help its employees manage their careers?  How can the organization stand to gain from this venture?  Are there any risks?

List 3-5 ways that an organization can offer employees their career path. Provide an example to illustrate and support your answer.

Discussion 2

Describe the stages of adult development. It is reported that some people experience a crisis during their early or middle 40s:  Do you think the concept of a midlife crisis exists?  What factors are responsible for a midlife crisis? Does everybody experience a midlife crisis? Why or why not? Relate your answer to the adult development model you outlined in the response; provide an example to illustrate and support your answer.

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Mahidol Bridges and Barriers to Faculty Vitality The Grossmont College Discussion


he  organization is Grossmont college you can find the vision and mission  on the website. i choose it because its good education institution and  has it diversity of students.

Part I Introduction – Describe the Organization of Interest

  • Identify an organization that will be the focus for the application of the course contents.
  • Establish contact with a person in a managerial position who is willing to be  interviewed for the purpose of this project. The name of the manager and that of the organization will not be disclosed to anyone,  including course instructor or classmates, except the interviewing student. Agree on the best platform for conducting the interviews (e.g.,  in-person, phone, Skype).
  • Describe the background of the organization, including its mission, vision, and values, leadership,  history, size, structure, products, services, market position, customer profile, and reputation.
  • Explain the reason for selecting this organization.

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Mahidol System Architecture Design Implementation & Support Of IT Project Discussion


Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

System architecture is the descriptive representation of the system’s component functions and the communication flows between those components.

My definition immediately raises some important questions.

  • What are “components”?
  • Which functions are relevant?
  • What is a communication flow?
  • Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help. Mahidol University wk 3 Sexual Harassment at the Workplace Discussion


    Tough Conversations

    Due Week 3 and worth 150 points

    Imagine you are the HR manager at a company. A female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a hostile work environment by repeatedly asking her out on dates even after she said “no”. What would you do? (If you haven’t been exposed to having these types of conversations speak to your manager or someone who is familiar in addressing tough conversations.)

    Write a plan for how you would approach your conversation with each employee, including the most essential topics to cover. As you write your plan, think about what your goals are for this situation, and how each conversation will help you achieve those goals.

    Write a five to seven (5-7) paragraph paper in which you:

    • Write a plan for the conversation you would have with the employee, based on the concepts found in your textbook. What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?
    • Write a plan for the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in your textbook. What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?
    • Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
      • This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
      • Include at least 1 reference to support your paper.

    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Create a plan for approaching tough conversations with employees, including a rationale for the most essential topics to cover.

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help. AU Organizational Development Discussion


    Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, carefully read and review all of Chapters 1 and 2 in the course textbook. To successfully fulfill the requirements of the discussion, you will need to understand concepts, relationships, processes, and terminologies linked to organizational development and organizational change.

    Clearly, organizational development (OD) has changed over the past 80 years. Take this time to describe the origination of OD and the purpose of its creation. Explain how OD has changed and the reasons for the change. Provide an analysis of OD values and ethics, and their importance to OD credibility.

    To recap:

    • Describe the origination of OD and the purpose of its creation.
    • Explain how OD has changed during the past 80 years and the reasons for the change.
    • Analyze OD values and ethics, and their importance to OD credibility.

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help. ACT 506 CSU Global Week 1 Advanced Accounting II Discussion


    I’m studying for my Accounting class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

    One company may acquire another company for a number of different reasons. When the acquisition is made, it often has a significant impact on the financial statements of the acquiring company.

    Find a publicly-listed company of personal interest to you that has acquired another company or made an equity investment in another company within the last three years. Locate a copy of the corresponding annual report on Form 10K containing information about this acquisition. Attach a copy of the annual report on Form 10K to your posting. A PDF file or a Word document file containing the Annual Report on Form 10K are both acceptable to attach as part of your initial response.

    Note: Annual reports on Form 10K are available on the investor relations section of your chosen company’s website; they are also available on the SEC website at (Links to an external site.) .

    Start your initial response posting with a heading in bold type: Apple Acquisition of LinkedIn. (Just an example. This acquisition did not really happen.)

    Include the questions in bold before your answers. Supplement your answers by copying and pasting contents from the respective annual report on Form 10K. Note: Simply including copied information from the annual report on Form 10K is not an adequate response to the question.

    Provide at least one reason that your chosen company acquired the other company. How did this acquisition benefit your chosen company, strategically?

    What was the terms of the deal, or the consideration given, by your company to acquire the other company?

    How was the acquisition funded by your chosen company?

    What type of acquisition discussed in this module describes the merger or the acquisition accounting which your chosen company performed on its books? Why would this type of merger or acquisition accounting be appropriate given the consideration given in the merger?

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help. SMC MOD 10 Organizational Structure and Achievement of Corporate Discussion


    I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


    Module 10 (Org Structure & Change)- 3 Points, Post One Key Learning Point & Why it Resonates/Meaningful to you

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help. The University of Texas Pan American Probability Robs Market Case Study


    Rob’s Market (RM) is a regional food store chain in the southwest United States. David White, Director of Business Intelligence for RM, would like to initiate a study of the purchase behavior of customers who use the RM loyalty card (a card that customers scan at checkout to qualify for discounted prices). The use of the loyalty card allows RM to capture what is known as “point-of-sale” data, that is, a list of products purchased by customers as they check out of the market. David feels that better understanding of which products tend to be purchased together could lead to insights for better pricing and display strategies as well as a better understanding of sales and the potential impact of different levels of coupon discounts. This type of analysis is known as market basket analysis, as it is a study of what different customers have in their shopping baskets as they check out of the store.

    As a prototype study, David wants to investigate customer buying behavior with regard to bread, jelly, and peanut butter. RM’s Information Technology (IT) group, at David’s request, has provided a data set of purchases by 1000 customers over a one-week period. The data set is in the file MarketBasket, and it contains the following variables for each customer:

    • Bread—wheat, white, or none
    • Jelly—grape, strawberry, or none
    • Peanut butter—creamy, natural, or none

    The variables appear in the above order from left to right in the data set, where each row is a customer. For example, the first record of the data set is




    which means that customer 1 purchased white bread, grape jelly, and no peanut butter. The second record is




    which means that customer 2 purchased white bread, strawberry jelly, and no peanut butter. The sixth record in the data set is




    which means that the sixth customer did not purchase bread, jelly, or peanut butter.

    Other records are interpreted in a similar fashion.

    David would like you to do an initial study of the data to get a better understanding of RM customer behavior with regard to these three products.

    Managerial Report

    Prepare a report that gives insight into the purchase behavior of customers who use the RM loyalty card. At a minimum your report should include estimates of the following (10 points/question):

    1. The probability that a random customer does not purchase any of the three products (bread, jelly, or peanut butter).
    2. The probability that a random customer purchases white bread.
    3. The probability that a random customer purchases wheat bread.
    4. The probability that a random customer purchases grape jelly given that he or she purchases white bread.
    5. The probability that a random customer purchases strawberry jelly given that he or she purchases white bread.
    6. The probability that a random customer purchases creamy peanut butter given that he or she purchases white bread.
    7. The probability that a random customer purchases natural peanut butter given that he or she purchases white bread.
    8. The probability that a random customer purchases creamy peanut butter given that he or she purchases wheat bread.
    9. The probability that a random customer purchases natural peanut butter given that he or she purchases wheat bread.
    10. The probability that a random customer purchases white bread, grape jelly, and creamy peanut butter.

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Business Finance Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Elite Burger Risk Management Case Study Review


    Read the case scenario (Elite Burger: New Product Launch)

    After reviewing the case scenario, make a post to address the following:

    • What are three other risks that the project manager should identify and plan for? You can draw on the course material, your experience, and research to answer this question.
    • Describe some mitigation techniques that the project manager could use to alleviate those risks. You can draw on the course material, your experience, and research to answer this question.

    Elite Burger: New Product Launch Case Scenario

    David Smith, a project manager at Elite Burger, was called into an executive meeting on short notice. During the meeting, the executive team discussed the increased demand for vegetarian and vegan products in the industry. So, they decided that a new burger called the “Veggie Time Burger” will be launched in six months. They want the burger to stand out from the other similar products by using fresh local ingredients and toppings. Since David has successfully launched other products in the past, he has been tasked with being the project manager for this new project.

    After the meeting with executives, David scheduled a meeting with his team to discuss the project. Based on the executive team’s directions, they decided to experiment with ingredients such as black beans, chickpeas, quinoa, wild rice, and so on for creating the new burger. They also discussed introducing some unusual and more “exotic” toppings such as guacamole and sun-dried tomatoes. Apart from discussing the project requirements, the team also expressed some concerns, such as the fact that upper management has a history of significantly revising the scope at various points throughout the project.

    Unfortunately, the meeting had to be cut short and David tasked his team with identifying additional risks that should be considered and accounted for.

    Business Finance Homework Help