Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. FIN 672 UArizona Global Financial Instruments and Derivatives Discussion Questions


1. Suppose that oil is currently trading at $38 a barrel. Assume that the interest rate is 3% for all maturities and that oil has a convenience yield of c. If there are no other carry costs, for what values of c can the oil market be in backwardation?

2. A firm is given the following information on forward prices (gold and silver prices are per oz, copper prices are per lb):

Commodity: Spot / One-month / Two-month / Three-month / Six-month

Gold: 436.4 / 437.3 / 438.8 / 440.0 / 444.5

Silver: 7.096 / 7.125 / 7.077 / 7.160 / 7.220

Copper: 1.610 / 1.600 / 1.587 / 1.565 / 1.492

(a) Which of these markets are normal? inverted? neit

(b) Which are in backwardation? in contango?

(c) Which market appears prima facie to have the greatest convenience yield?

3. A firm is planning to enter into a long forward hedge to offset a short forward position. If the firm chooses a futures contract over a forward contract, do they want the correlation of the spot to futures to be higher or lower than that of the spot to forwards?

4. A firm enters into a long eurodollar futures contract at a price of 94.59 and exit the contract a week later at a price of 94.23. What is the firm’s dollar gain or loss on this position?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. University of Rochester Binomial Option Pricing Worksheet


I’m working on a finance question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Binomial Option Pricing using Excel

Overview of the Assignment:

Learn how the Excel spread sheets for put options work, then create a similar spread sheet for the pricing of European call options.

Detailed Steps:

1)Download the Excel file: Binomial.xlsx containing the binomial model from MyCourses.

2)Make sure the default settings are: S=60, K=65, sigma = 20%, r = 2%, T = 2, and number of periods = 8.

3)Fill in cells in the spread sheet “European_Call” to find the call option premium.

4)Double check you answer using the put-call parity.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Role of US Government in the Economy Questions


Economics studies how society allocates its scarce productive resources (land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial talent). Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 2 in the course text, especially examining Sections 2.2 through 2.4, and respond to the following components:

Briefly describe the types of economic systems. What is the United States’ economic system and what are the characteristics of this economy?

What economic role or functions does the U.S. government conduct regularly?

Why is the U.S. government’s economic role important or unimportant for the U.S. economy? Discuss whether you favor a larger or smaller government role in the economy.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. LSC Unethical and Ethical Business Experience Report


I’m working on a Macro Economics exercise and need support.

  1. Write a description of a situation where you (or a friend or family member) received excellent customer service. Give examples of why the experience was positive. Explain why you (or they) continue to do business with this company or organization.
  2. Write a description of a situation in which you (or a friend or family member) received poor customer service. Give at least three suggestions for ways the situation could have been handled better.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Stratford University Capital Expenditure Decisions Discussion


Discussion Board – Capital Expenditure Decisions

Mergers and acquisitions are capital budgeting techniques. This  technique is a managerial expansion decision to increase assets drawing a  cash benefit. Research a most recent merger or acquisition and discuss  the firm (merger – stable firm / acquisition – purchasing firm) expected  cash benefit. Pretend you are the owner; would you make the same  decision? Why or Why Not?

Reply 1

There is a very competitive and dynamic corporate environment in which companies work at present. To keep going to be effective and successful, companies must broaden their activities, markets and utilize different methods for their growth (Jallow et al., 2017). However, for firms to develop and operate throughout the globe, they need to examine their alternatives and pick tactics to reach those aims. Undermining the objective of this organization might lead to a growth failure if the correct method is not selected.

Kraft Heinz is a US food corporation that combines power goods from Heinz, Pittsburgh, and Chicago, Illinois. Business Kraft Heinz has its headquarters in Illinois. It is North America’s third-biggest food beverages corporation and the 5th biggest globally, with a yearly 2019 turnover of $25.0 billion (Lawrie, 2019). In 2015, the firm’s boards, investors, and governing bodies decided to merge the two companies. Kraft Heinz recorded a profit of $11.0 billion now for 2017, with a yearly turnover of $26.2 billion.

If I were the owner, I would have done the same thing. It was a wise choice to combine with Kraft food since Heinz faced deficits, and both contributed to the business’s market growth. In the last quarter of 2015, Heinz reported net losses of $164 million. At the same time a year earlier, it contrasts to a net profit of $127. In addition to an escalation of marketing costs in North America, the corporation stated that the exchange conversion values influenced its earnings in all sectors. But on the other side, Kraft recorded a second-quarter net revenue of $551 million, compared to the previous 2014 revenue of $482 million (Trefis Team, 2015). The quarter’s revenues fell marginally from 4.7 billion dollars the last year, at 4.5 billion dollars.


I have been following AMD for almost a year now. Moreover, one of the most interesting news that came in late October of 2020 was that AMD was announcing the acquisition of Xilinx in a $35 billion all-stock deal (Carey, 2020). Before I go on details about how that could be beneficial for both companies,

Advanced Micro Device, Inc., better known as AMD, is an American company that has made a name for itself for delivering good value for the money in the CPU and GPU market for different equipment like computers, servers, and gaming consoles, or even automobiles. Xilinx is also an American technology company, and they are primarily a supplier of programmable logic devices. They are the field-programmable gate array (AMD to acquire Xilinx, creating the industry’s high performance computing leader, 2020).

Even though the terms mergers and acquisitions (M & A) are used interchangeably, they differ in meaning, wherein acquisition is when a company purchases another outright. A merger is a combination of two firms, forming a new legal entity under one corporate name. This is a good decision for AMD, which would help expand AMD’s rapidly growing data center business. With Xilinx being the number one provider of adaptive computing solutions, it would increase AMD’s Total Addressable Market (TAM) to $110 billion (AMD to acquire Xilinx, creating the industry’s high performance computing leader, 2020). The acquisition is adding significant value to the company as well as to the shareholders.

For Xilinx, it seems like a good deal as well since the valuation of the company has been done fairly. However, AMD does not intend to interfere with the operations other than just corporate restructure and giving Xilinx access to their resources (Harroch et al., 2018). Xilinx CEO Victor Peng will be the president and be responsible for the Xilinx business and strategic growth initiatives when the companies are combined in 2021 (Carey, 2020).

If I were the owner or the CEO of the company, I would also have been excited by the acquisition, given that all the promises by AMD were kept. Not only would I still be the president of the Xilinx business and be responsible for any strategic growth, but it would also give the people working for Xilinx an opportunity to tap into the massive international resources of AMD.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Indiana Wesleyan University Walmart Company Report


Select a large public corporation as the subject of your research.

  1. Conduct research on the company’s financial strengths, weaknesses, and risks. 
    1. Sources of research information might consist of (but are not limited to) annual financial reports published by the company, news articles and analyst opinions, interviews with management, and reputable internet sources that provide comparable industry financial information.
    2. Recommended financial news and data sites include Yahoo Finance, Reuters, Morningstar, and MSN Money. Extensive data and analysis is also available through OCLS. 
      1. For instance, detailed company profiles can be found for most large companies in the Business Source Complete database. 
      2. From the library homepage (OCLS), under “Article Databases,” select the word “Business.” On the next page, select “Business Source Complete.” You may be asked to login at this point, and you should then be in the Business Source Complete database. 
      3. At the top-center of the screen, find the word “MORE.” Hover over the word, and you will get a drop-down menu where you can choose Company Profiles. Select and you will be taken to a screen where you can search for a company.
    3. A minimum of 12 unique research sources from reputable scholarly, news, or industry sources are required. The sources should represent an appropriately well-balanced variety of perspectives.
  2. Construct a financial analysis case study of the company. The paper should be well-organized into logical sections, covering a spectrum of topics to support the final recommendation. These topics should include:
    1. Brief overview of the company, its management, its history, and its product lines.
    2. A brief discussion of any relevant domestic or international environmental factors, including political, economic, social, environment, or technological factors that are significantly impacting financial results of your chosen company.
    3. Evaluation of the company’s financial strengths and weaknesses, based on a ratio analysis of at least the last three years’ financial statements. 
      1. Consider key financial ratios for the company you have selected. Include a small table in your paper listing at least 10 key financial ratios for the company.
      2. These ratios are readily available from internet sources for all large public corporations. Refer to Chapter 3 of your textbook as necessary to refresh your memory on financial ratios.
      3. Compare and contrast the key ratios you selected to at least two of the company’s main competitors. Show the ratios of these competitors side-by-side to the company you are researching in the table of ratios you have created. 
      4. Identify areas of financial strength and weakness based on your analysis.
    4. Evaluation of the company’s capital structure and financial risk.
      1. Compare the company’s capital structure (use of debt and equity) relative to its main competitors. Discuss any advantages or disadvantages such a structure might afford the company.
      2. Discuss the characteristics of the company’s common stock, as well as any preferred stock or bonds. These characteristics could include the recent market performance of these financial instruments, differing classes of stock or special bond features, along with any public information about dividend history or policy.
      3. Locate the company’s beta from a reputable financial news source, such as Yahoo Finance or Morningstar. Discuss the implications for the company of this beta and evaluate it relative to the larger industry or the company’s main competitor.
      4. Locate or calculate the company’s weighted average cost of capital based on the information you have uncovered. A good source for this information is ValuePro. Discuss how this weighted average cost of capital would serve as a competitive advantage or disadvantage for the company.
      5. Identify areas of financial risk facing the company based on your analysis.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. University Of California Santa Barbara Security Market Line Case Study Questions


In this assignment, you are to estimate a security market line. You have current information about beta and expected annual return on 5 assets, as given in the following table:


Expected return











(Note that expected return is a decimal, so the first asset has an expected return of 2.8%.)

Answer the following in 500 words or less. The main text must be typed into GauchoSpace. You can also provide up to a total of 2 attached graphs, tables, and figures. If you provide more than 2 in total, only the first 2 will be looked at.

1. Run a regression line to determine the slope and y-intercept of the security market line. If you need help figuring out the regression line to run, you can refer to Chapter 11 and find the graph that shows this. You can use any computer program you want to run your regression.

2. Explain how to interpret your regression, including what the slope and y-intercept mean in terms we have used in this class. Calculate 95% confidence intervals for the slope and y-intercept.

3. Look up the current return on one-year Treasury bills/notes as your risk-free rate. Two good sources are and In your report, please state your the website, source and the date cited.

4. Given the current risk-free rate, does the regression estimate of your risk-free rate match the actual current risk-free rate? Use confidence intervals to help answer this question.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. BIBF Capital Expenditure Decision Questions


The questions in this assignment require some quantitative work and interpretation. You should attempt to
integrate theoretical propositions and concepts into your answer. You may limit the maximum number of words
to 4000 (+/- 10%).

This coursework is designed to check the student’s progress, and to reinforce the concepts covered.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 205 KPU Demand Function when Economy Adjusts to Long Run Equilibrium Ques


Question 1 [8 marks]

Assume that the long-run aggregate supply curve is vertical at Y = 3,000 while the short-run aggregate supply curve is horizontal at P = 1.0. The aggregate demand curve is Y = 2 × M / P, and M = 1,500. a.

If the economy is initially in long-run equilibrium, what are the values of P and Y?


What is the velocity of money in this case?


Suppose because banks start paying interest on chequing accounts, the aggregate demand function shifts to Y= 1.5 × M / P. What are the short-run values of P and Y?


What is the velocity of money in this case?


With the new aggregate demand function, once the economy adjusts to long-run equilibrium, what are P and Y?


What is the velocity now?

Economics Homework Help