Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 345 University of British Columbia Macro Economics Question & Excel Worksheet


Hello I want this assignment done. This problem set has 4 questions.

The first 2 questions require you to do it in excel. the last 2 need to be done on word.

Please use economic terminology wherever needed.

i need quality work and i am looking forward for a high standard of work.

I have attached the files. The first file is the questions file. and the 2nd two files are excel files which you will need for Q1 AND Q2

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. WVU Amazon Corporation in China Discussion


Over the trade fight between the United States and China during the Trump administration, the COVID-19 pandemic, Xi Jinping’s pro-domestic policies, and recent China’s real estate giant, Evergrande’s default crisis, it appears that business environment around China has been rapidly changing. To understand political debate on China and trade more in details at the firm level, please study how American firms penetrate or fail to penetrate to China.

Please pick an American multinational corporation (e.g., Amazon, Apple, Boeing, Google, and Nike) and study its operation in China. Just briefly summarize anything you find: (1) some financial information (e.g., market share in China; sales growth in China; and exports/imports to/from China) and (2) some interesting stories related to its market access to China (e.g., Chinese government restrictions; competition with Chinese firms; outsourcing to Chinese firms). There are many interesting stories. For example, how Alibaba kicked Amazon out in Chinese e-commerce market, and how Google left China in 2010 due to government censorship. Some American firms (e.g., Apple and Nike) are using many Chinese workers in their production processes.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Havard School of Medicine Entrepreneurs Are Usually Risk Takes Discusssion


I need support with this Economics question so I can learn better.

1. Entrepreneurs are usually risk takers. They identify a problem and try to solve it. Briefly discuss the 4 character traits you feel are important for a person to be entrepreneur. 

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. SEU SMEs and The Financial Institutions Discussion & Responses


The Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 stated SMEs (Small-Medium Size Enterprises) struggles to access adequate funding from the financial institutions. Offer two recommendations specific to how this struggle should be effectively addressed and be in alignment with Saudi Vision 2030.

The First:

Overhauling Specialized SME’S Credit Institutions

Several Saudi Arabian institutions have been modified to make bank lending to SMEs and retail consumers easier. “The government and its specialized credit institutions (SCIs), such as the Real Estate Development Fund (REDF), the Saudi Industrial Development Fund (SIDF), and the Agricultural Development Fund, have historically accelerated economic development in the kingdom”. These would provide financing for the kingdom’s cement factories and petrochemicals sector, as well as housing and agricultural stipends. Commercial banks would concentrate their funding on complex projects, eschewing individual and SME loans.

“With three significant outcomes, these SCIs filled the gap. First, they solidified the government’s central role in key economic sectors; second, and more concerning, they maintained banking industry exclusion from these sectors by removing any incentive for legal advancement; and third, because SCI terms were more magnanimous than bank terms, there was little demand for banks to enter these sectors”. As a result, the government pushed private actors out as both investors and lenders, impeding the development of a flexible and transparent financial environment.

“The economic reform of Vision 2030 is centered on promoting economic development away from oil, in part through encouraging a more active SME sector and small-scale business”. This is where most of the Vision’s anticipated economic and job growth will occur, but it’s also where banks will confront the biggest fundamental challenges. With barely one in every 20 SMEs using commercial banks, there is still a lot of work to do.

“In 2019, the SIDF issued 77 percent of loans to SMEs through banks, despite the fact that the total amount of these loans was only one-eighth of the funds approved by the SIDF that year World Bank, 2021)”. To encourage bank investment in critical areas, the SIDF should develop “specific financing packages as incentive solutions for private sector SME’s [emphasis added].” NCB, Saudi Arabia’s largest creditor to the SME sector, was one of the major benefactors, stating that supporting this sector was a “strategic priority” for the bank. It’s reasonable to expect that this will remain the case following the merger with Samba to become SNB (ABUNAYYA, 2021).

Collaborating with the government to improve private sector financial support

Businesses who have taken advantage of Saudi Arabia’s welcoming business climate have been able to get back on track as Vision 2030 guides the private sector through the Covid-19 rehabilitation projects. Similarly, SMEs have benefited from the opportunity provided by the kingdom’s reform initiative. “The Red Sea Project and the hypermodern metropolis NEOM, two of the most eye-catching mega-projects under the Vision 2030 umbrella, are expected to cost tens or hundreds of billions of dollars”. No Saudi bank had the balance sheets or knowledge to make these initiatives a reality when “Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman” (MBS) came to power, but “Saudi National Bank (SNB)” is now one of the world’s top 150 banks, thanks to the merger of NCB and Samba.


The second

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are non-dependent firms with less number of employees than the required figure. SMEs are widely acknowledged in developing and developed economies to play a significant role in economic growth through the utilization of resources, creating job opportunities. In Saudi Arabia, 98% of the companies in the private sector are Small-Medium Size Enterprises which contribute around 19% of GDP to the economy and 46% among nations worldwide. While the industry still lags, it is expected to play a vital role in diversifying the economy from oil and contributing to industries’ growth, hence increasing job opportunities for the growing population in Saudi Arabia.

Small-Medium Size Enterprises’ major challenge, especially business start-ups, is gaining access to adequate funding from financial institutions. Most entrepreneurs complain about the numerous hardships they must go through before securing loans from banks and other financial institutions. Saudi Arabia is still structured to support large corporations, which is a significant disadvantage to Small-Medium Size Enterprises since they do not benefit from economies of scale. Recent research showed the crucial reasons for not accessing finance by SMEs are inadequate lending standards (Osama & Osama, 2019), insufficient guarantees, and incapability to prepare credit files.

The following recommendations address how the Saudi Arabia government can go about the financial struggles of Small-Medium Size Enterprises. The funding of Small-Medium Size firms needs an encouraging policy with a unified definition (Osama & Osama, 2019). The favorable policy should specify a particular percentage of funds to fund them, creating a legislative and legal basis. It should also initiate a particular mechanism for the development of the firms. Secondly, considering the establishment of financial institutions which are specialized in the funding of Small-Medium Size Enterprises. The firms’ financing should be conforming to time and sector with the probability of setting up the financial institutions of crafts and trades or the financial institution of medium and small industries. Suppose Saudi Arabia is to achieve its ambition of Vision 2030. In that case, it must increase the effort in supporting SMEs in easing access to financing and developing an environment of innovation among the youths.


Osama.E., & Osama.M. (2019). Obstacles and Problems Facing the Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises in KSA: Journal of Finance and Accounting 7(5): 168-183 DOI:10.11648/j.jfa.20190705.16

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Chicago State University Option B Purchasing Decision Essay



pick one question option A or option B 

Option A: Describe an economic outcome that puzzled you before you took this course, but that makes sense to you now in light of what you have learned. Show how the model of supply and demand captures the phenomenon, being careful to use the language of economics correctly. If you select this option, you may choose to write about either an example of how markets work or an example of what happens when outside forces intervene in market outcomes. 

Option B: Carefully using the terminology of the supply and demand model, describe a recent purchasing decision you have made. Include references to the factors that can shift demand. Show that you can clearly distinguish between a change in demand and a change in quantity demanded. If you select this option, you may choose to write about something you purchased or something you considered buying but decided against it.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. WVU Benefits and Disadvantages of Outsourcing for Workers Question


Questions #2 or #3 (Choose one – length approximately 3-4 pages double spaced)

  • (Q2) Discuss both the benefits and disadvantages of outsourcing for workers, consumers, and corporations. Consider both US and Indian perspectives.
  • (Q3) Explain the “world is flat” argument (Friedman) and “the world is spiky” argument (Florida)? Which one do you believe better explains the impact of globalization and technology on inequality and opportunities for workers? Why?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Please help with journal entry


For the final project, you will be assuming the role of a manager in program planning, design, and evaluation. For this journal assignment, assess the role of the manager in program planning, design, and evaluation. What role does the manager play in each stage of program development, and how are they involved in justification of resource allocation?

For additional details, please refer to the Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Econ A2 solve


Assignments will vary across CRNs, so make sure you do the assignment associated with your CRN.
• Any matched results will be considered cheating, so it results into ZERO grade.
• Show all works for calculation, final result will not be accepted without showing how you reach to it.
• The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
• Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
• Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
• Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
• Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
• All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
• Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Financial Economics Homework 4


Consider the tick-by-tick trade data of Starbucks stock from December 20 to December 31, 2014. The data are in the le taq-t-sbuxdec2031-2014.txt.

(a). Use the data within the normal trading hours only, i.e. from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Eastern time, to construct a series of intraday 5-minute log returns. If there is
no trading within a 5-minute interval, assume that the log return is zero. If there are multiple trades in a 5-minute interval, use the last trade to obtain the price

for that interval. Plot the log return series.
(b). Are there any serial correlations in the intra-day 5-minute log return series? Use Q(10) to perform the test.
(c). Use 5-minute intraday log returns to compute the realized volatility for each of the trading days.
(d). Use 1-minute intraday log returns to compute the realized volatility for each of the trading days.

3. Again, consider the tick-by-tick trade data of Starbucks from December 20 to December 31, 2014.

(a). Construct the series of the number of trades within a 5-minute interval. Use data in the normal trading hours only.
(b). Compute the ACF of the constructed time series, say from lag 1 to lag 310. Is there any evidence of a diurnal pattern? [No formal is needed. Simply comment on the ACF plot.]

Economics Homework Help