Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University The Family Office Loan for Investment Discussion


Need help with my Finance question – I’m studying for my class.


Discussion 2: (3 points) (Hello, I would like you to discuss the topic I listed above and answer the questions asked)

The CEO of “The Family Office” is talking about the role of wealth management in risk planning; he first distinguished between speculation and investing and briefly explained that our investment strategies must be written in order to follow a certain plan to accomplish the goal of our investments. But the CEO mentioned that he would not recommend for investors to borrow funds from banks and use them in investing. He called this “The biggest mistake.”

  • As an investor, do you agree with the CEO? Why?
  • Suppose you are interested in a high rate of returns, but you know with high returns, there are high risks. So, what will be your investment strategy? How can you minimize your ris

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. 30 Question Macro Economic Assignemnt


Some are multiple-choice and others require being solved and worked through. Will list the topics that are covered at the bottom of this description. Can only send one question at a time. Can not go back to a question either. Once it is complete it’s gone. There is no time limit. You are able to stop at one question and come back at a later time which I will have to do. If you don’t feel confident in doing these Pearson my lab econ questions to a 100% certainty, please don’t bid on the question because I will give a bad review.

Outline 1 (Chapter 5: The Wealth of Nations – Defining and Measuring Macroeconomic Aggregates)

  • Macroeconomic Questions
  • National Income Accounts: Production = Expenditure = Income
    • Production
    • Expenditure
    • Income
    • Circular Flows
    • National Income Accounts: Production
    • National Income Accounts: Expenditure
    • National Income Accounting: Income
  • What isn’t measured by GDP?
    • Physical capital depreciation
    • Home production
    • The Underground Economy
    • Negative Externalities
    • Gross domestic product versus Gross national product
    • The increase in income inequality
    • Leisure
    • Does GDP buy happiness?
  • Real versus Nominal
    • The GDP Deflator
    • The Consumer Price Index
    • Inflation
    • Adjusting Nominal Variables

Outline 2 (Chapter 6: Aggregate Incomes)

  • Inequality around the world
  • Productivity and the aggregate production function
    • Productivity differences
    • The aggregate production function
    • Labor
    • Physical Capital and Land
    • Technology
    • Representing the Aggregate Production Function
  • The role and determinants of technology
    • Technology
    • Dimensions of Technology
    • Entrepreneurship

Outline 3 (Chapter 9: Employment and Unemployment)

  • Measuring employment and unemployment
  • Equilibrium in the labor market
    • The demand for labor
    • Shifts in the labor demand curve
    • The supply of labor
    • Shifts in the labor supply curve
    • Equilibrium in a competitive labor market
  • Why is there unemployment?
    • Voluntary unemployment
    • Job search and frictional unemployment
  • Wage rigidity and structural unemployment
    • Minimum wage laws
    • Labor unions and collective bargaining
    • Efficiency wages
    • Downward wage rigidity
  • Cyclical unemployment and the natural rate of unemployment

Outline 4 (Chapter 11: The Monetary System)

  • Money
    • The functions of money
    • Types of money
    • The money supply
  • Money, prices and GDP
    • Nominal GDP, real GDP and inflation
    • The quantity theory of money
  • Inflation
    • What causes inflation?
    • The consequences of inflation
    • The social costs of inflation
    • The social benefits of inflation
  • The Federal Reserve
    • The Central Bank and the objectives of monetary policy
    • What does the central bank do?
  • Bank reserves and the plumbing of the monetary system
    • Bank reserves and liquidity
    • The demand side of the federal funds market
    • The supply side of the federal funds market and equilibrium in the Federal funds market
    • The Fed’s influences on the money supply and the inflation rate
    • The relationship between the federal funds rate and the long-term real interest rate

Outline 5 (Chapter 12: Short-Run Fluctuations)

  • Economic fluctuations and business cycle
  • Macroeconomic Equilibrium and Economic Fluctuations
    • Labor Demand and Fluctuations
    • Sources of Fluctuations
      • Technology shocks: Explanation from real business cycle theory
      • Sentiments and multipliers: Explanation from John Maynard Keynes
      • Monetary and Financial Factors: Explanation from Milton Friedman
    • Multipliers and Economic Fluctuations
    • Equilibrium in the medium run: Partial recovery and Full recovery
  • Modeling Expansions

Outline 6 (Chapter 13: Countercyclical Macroeconomic Policy)

  • The role of countercyclical policies in economic fluctuations
  • Countercyclical monetary policy
    • Controlling the federal funds rate
    • Other tools of the Fed
    • Expectations, Inflation and Monetary Policy
    • Contractionary monetary policy: control of inflation
    • Zero lower bound
    • Policy Trade-offs
  • Countercyclical Fiscal Policy
    • Fiscal policy over the business cycle: Automatic and Discretionary components
    • Analysis of Expenditure based fiscal policy
    • Analysis of taxation based fiscal policy
    • Fiscal policies that directly target the labor market

Policy waste and policy lags

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Finance Question


Level of difficulty won’t be hard.

I need an response asap

this will cover below

1) investment criteria(NPV, IRR, Payback Period, Capital budgeting rule)

2) Making Capital investment Decision(CCA, ETC)

3) Project analysis(Project, Sensitivity, Scenario)

4) Cost of Capital (Cost of equity, preferred shares and debt, WACC)

5) Capital Structure(Leverage, optimal Capital structure, financial distress)

6) Dividends and Distributions(relevant, irrelevant)

7) International Finance(Cross rate, Foreign exchange markets, cross-rate arbitrage, purchasing power parity, interest rate parity, covered interest arbitrage)

8) Enterprise risk management(Forward, option, futures, swaps)

9) Options(option valuation, other option uses)

multiple choice and a long answer question will be there

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Bethesda University of California Googles Monopoly and Internet Freedom Caselet


Caselet Write-Up Guidelines

The case-study approach has long been used in business schools as a way of improving business managers’ thinking and understanding. The caselets that we will discuss are chosen to highlight examples of microeconomics in action. The articles represent microeconomic concepts as seen in the business world and are taken directly from the business and popular press.

The written caselet should be no more than a maximum of 2-pages.

  • Assume I read the article and am familiar with the situation. The caselet writeup is not a time to summarize the article. Assume the audience has read a brief on the situation and is familiar.
  • Bring in and apply class tools – examples could include supply & demand curve shifts, elasticity, market structures, etc. – also try to bring in your unique perspectives and experiences.
  • Clearly define the following three items:

1) Problem or situation identification

a. What do you see as the key problem or situation?


  1. Bring in as many tools from the class as are relevant to assessing the situation.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to use these tools in the right way and correct context.
  3. Use information and data from the article to support your analysis.

3)Conclusion or recommended Action plan

a. Using your analysis, what is your conclusion or recommendation?

i. Here, you could (but do not have to) brainstorm potential courses of action management could take

ii. Bring in your perspectives and experiences to the extent practical

Please don’t hesitate to start working on this.

Please note: Your grade on the caselets will reflect your application of economic analysis as it relates to corporate strategy. A wonderfully intelligent commentary that uses no class tools will not earn a high score. Caselet write-ups are your opportunity to demonstrate the ability to bring in class concepts in the right ways at the right times, and turn your understanding of those concepts into useful action in a real-life situation. Please find attached the class tools and articles to complete the case study and choose only one(1) article.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. MAF 101 Deakin University Fundamentals of Finance MAF101 Discussion


Question 1 (This question has four parts (a), (b), (c) and (d))

In March 2021, ASX-listed company Computershare Ltd (CPU) raised $835M through a renounceable rights issue.

(a) Is this an example of a primary or secondary market transaction? Justify your classification.

(b) Was this transaction carried out in the money or capital market? Justify your classification by explaining what distinguishes these two markets.

(c) Was Computershare undertaking direct or indirect financing? Justify your answer.

(d) Explain whether Computershare is a surplus or deficit unit in this instance.

(2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 marks)

Question 2 (This question has three parts (a), (b) and (c))

  • Given the below quotes for the Japanese Yen and the Malaysian Ringgit, calculate the MYR/JPY cross rate.
  • JJ Fashion Wholesalers Ltd, an Indian clothing manufacturer, has a contract to purchase cotton from an Australian supplier to the value of AUD $700,000. How much will this order cost in Indian rupees (INR) if the bank has quoted JJ Fashion an AUD/INR exchange rate of 54.07 – 54.98?
  • Would JJ Fashion Wholesalers Ltd prefer the AUD/INR exchange rate to be higher or lower? Why?

USD/JPY 110.38

USD/MYR 0.43.

(3 + 3 + 2 = 8 marks)

Question 3 (This question has four parts (a), (b), (c) and (d))

The following table shows the possible states of the milk market for the coming year, and the returns Dairy Farmers Ltd and Magic Milkshakes Ltd expect under the different milk price scenarios.

Milk Market


Dairy Farmers Ltd Return

Magic Milkshakes Ltd Return

High Milk Prices




Average Milk Prices




Low Milk Prices




  • Calculate the expected return of Dairy Farmers Ltd, Magic Milkshakes Ltd and a portfolio with 60% of funds invested in Dairy Farmers Ltd and 40% invested in Magic Milkshakes Ltd.

(b) Calculate the risk of both the individual company expected returns, and the risk of the portfolio mentioned in (a). The correlation between the returns of the two companies is -0.2.

(c) Interpret your calculations in (a) and (b) regarding the expectations for the portfolio, assuming a normal distribution.

(d) Is the investor better off investing in the portfolio, or should he/she pick just one? Justify your recommendation.

(4 + 7 + 3 + 2 = 16 marks)

Question 4 (This question has four parts (a), (b), (c) and (d))

  • You have decided to start saving for an extended overseas trip in five years’ time. If you put $800 per month into a savings account at ANZ earning 2.5% p.a. compounding monthly at the beginning of each month, how much will you have after five years?
  • How much interest will you have earned over the period?
  • What is the effective annual interest rate you will have earnt on your savings?
  • You realise you should check out the interest rates on offer at some other banks to see if you can get a better deal. You are disappointed to discover that they all have the same headline rate of 2.5%. However, the NAB rate is compounding daily, while the CBA rate is compounding semi-annually. Of the three savings accounts on offer, which should you choose and why?

(4 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10 marks)

Question 5 (This question has two parts (a) and (b))

(a)GrowthSec Ltd has raised $10M in debt funding by issuing 100 5 year bonds with a face value of $100,000 each. The bonds pay semi-annual coupons at 6% p.a. If the yield to maturity is 7% p.a., what will be the price of each bond?

  • If after one year the bond is trading at a premium, what must have happened to market interest rates? Why has this impacted the bond price?

(5 + 3 = 8 marks)

Question 6 (This question has three parts (a), (b) and (c))

  • Your client, Jane Hislop, has an investment portfolio which is 30% invested in Fund 1 and 70% invested in Fund 2. Calculate the beta of her portfolio if:
    • The standard deviation of Fund 1 is 8%, the standard deviation of Fund 2 is 16% and the standard deviation of the market is 10%.
    • The correlation between Fund 1 and the market is 0.9 and the correlation between Fund 2 and the market is 0.7.
  • Explain to Jane how risky her individual fund investments are, and the risk of her portfolio relative to the market.
  • Relative to return of the market, what return can she expect from her individual funds, and from her overall portfolio?

(4 + 3 + 3 = 10 marks)

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. University of Phoenix Accounting Methods for Public Sector Entities Discussion


Imagine you are a financial specialist in a state or local government criminal justice agency. Your agency director has received an audit report discrepancy that identified the agency was using a mixture of cash basis and accrual accounting methods. Your director wants to implement only one method and has asked you to develop a recommendation.Write a 525- to 700-word recommendation in which you:Summarize each accounting method, including advantages and disadvantages of each method.Identify which accounting method you recommend the agency should implement—cash-basis, accrual, or modified accrual—and a detailed explanation of why you selected that method.Explain how your chosen accounting method aligns with fiscal management strategies.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. UMASS Westland Milk Products Discussion


Founded in 1937, Westland Milk Products in New Zealand is a leading independent co-operative dairy company, owned by over 425 farmer shareholders that supply milk for processing. In the video we watched, it was evident that Westland had started as a small independent dairy farm and has grown into a significant competitor within that industry. Most significantly, Westland has expanded their product offerings from simple dairy products to include nutritional supplements made from dairy processing.

Discuss the sources of comparative advantage that would have led to the original success of the Westland Milk Products company. How did sources of comparative change over time and how did that likely influence the plans for Westland’s production? Can you relate this to any other industries in China in a similar way?

A Land Apart – Westland Milk Products (14:37)

This video highlights Westland’s Dairy unique ability to both capitalize upon sources of comparative advantage and to create shifts in comparative advantage.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Rasmussen College Consequences of Overlooking Capital Financial Case Study


The democratization of information and technology coupled with the integration of international financial markets have enhanced the vigor of attaining organizational growth. Regulatory standards are also stiffer. The margin for error in such an environment is undoubtedly lower, and organizations must apply diligence to every aspect of their business. This is especially true as it pertains to financial analysis.

Consider the scenario below, then follow the instructions underneath it to complete the assignment.

Capital Financial

Capital Financial is a privately held lender that specializes in business loans. They have enjoyed great success historically. However, they have been on an incredible run recently as they have had twenty-four consecutive months without a missed payment for their entire book of business. Their loans are generally between $25,000 and $100,000. Considering their recent success and their desire to go public, the CFO has decided to seek clients with bigger business needs. This strategy can yield greater rewards, but it is accompanied by greater risk. The CFO got her wish and landed YGC Inc. as a client, a publicly traded store that needed $1,000,000 in capital to open a new location. The Capital Financial analysts were impressed with the firm’s level of profitability. Their impressive financial performance correlated with a stock price on the incline. Capital Financial issued favorable credit terms to YGC Inc. for $1,000,000 which is ten times the amount they normally issue loans for.

A secondary audit by Capital Financial has revealed that the initial analysis did not sufficiently analyze all of YGC’s financial statements. While YGC is extremely profitable, they are also highly leveraged. The CFO was furious when he learned of this.

For this case study, you will create a business report addressing the requisite considerations. Your report will be viewed by senior management and should address the following points:

  1. Explain why loaning to a profitable, yet highly leveraged firm like YGC can be a risk for Capital Financial. Identify the type of risk.
  2. How can the risk be mitigated at this point? Describe the steps Capital Financial can take at this point to reduce their risk exposure.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Rasmussen College Organization Financial Statement Analysis



An organization cannot effectively design or implement strategic initiatives without an excellent understanding of its financial health. This understanding can only be determined by properly analyzing financial statements. In this assignment, you will evaluate the financial health of three organizations by examining the organizations’ financial statements which document their assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, and expenses.

A company’s financial performance is broken down into four main performance categories: profitability, liquidity, asset utilization, and debt/leverage. The most effective way to analyze financial statements and measure performance in these critical areas is to compute and interpret financial ratios.


You are a senior financial analyst for Capital Financial, a fictitious investment firm based in Dallas, TX. Capital Financial would like to allocate at least $500,000 of their capital to purchase shares in a firm in the software section within the technology sector. As the analyst, you must make an informed recommendation to the senior leadership team in a report that addresses the following:

  1. Identify three similarly sized firms (small to mid-cap) in the software section of the technology sector.
  2. For each of the three firms, calculate three ratios from each of the four performance categories (12 ratios for each company) and incorporate them into the body of your report.
  3. Select the ratio from each performance category that you feel is essential to use when comparing the firms. Use the ratio selected from each category to create a bar chart that illustrates the firms’ performance relative to one another.
  4. Explain why the ratios you selected are the best for determining the strength of the three firms.
  5. Use your ratio computations to describe each firm’s level of strength in each performance category.
  6. Provide a final recommendation indicating which of the three firms Capital Financial should purchase shares in.

Economics Homework Help