Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Economics of Environment : July 31 at 11:30 AM -2:30 PM(PDT Time zone)


This is Economics of Environment class

❗ ❗ Date: July 31 at 11:30 AM -2:30 PM(PDT Time zone)

Please check your time to match this date & time, make sure you can do it.

There are some Lectures, because Studypool has limit files posted, so I will send to you the rest of them (including reviews and sample questions, and readings)

Also, I will update the coming new materials of the class to help you review.

Please, review all of them very very carefully. Also, the readings will be test, please make sure review the readings, it will reuqire to make answer based on these readings.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. California State University Northridge Real Estate Economics Questions & Answers


page 1 of 4

1. (2) Define Real Estate Economics:

2. (2) All economic systems are concerned with how to use scarce resources to ____________,_______________, and ____________ ____________ ___________ _____________.

3. (5) Name and briefly describe the five principles of capitalism, and give an example in a real estate context.






4. (2) What is inflation? Define and give an example in a real estate context.

5. (7) Assume we are studying the circular flow of the economy as it applies to Ford

Motors. Further assume that there has been a serious decline in car sales and

economic forecasts predict a deepening recession. In response to these circumstances

Ford cuts back 25% on vehicle production and eliminates all overtime for workers at

at its factories. Describe how this will effect the following: ( Increase or decrease

and why.)

1. Orders for material resources such as steel, glass, tires:

2. Laborer’s earnings:

3. Sales at neighborhood stores:

4. New orders from car dealerships:

5. The housing market:

House sales will_____________ Prices will ____________.

Apartment rents will ___________ Vacancies will_____________ and

Repairs to apartments will be _______________. Why?

6. (2) What is “opportunity cost” and give a real estate example to illustrate your


7. (2) What is “monopolistic competition” and give a real estate example to illustrate

your answer?

8. (2) What is an “economic forecast” and name one?

9. (1) What is an economic “trend”? Describe with a real estate example.

10.(1) What does median price mean in a real estate context?

11.(2) What is the GDP and its component parts?

12. (1) What is M2?

13. (8) The Federal Reserve controls the U.S. __________ policy and what is this policy?

Who is chairman of the Federal Reserve Board?

How many Board members are there?

How long are their terms? Why?

How many Reserve Bank Districts are there? What District are we in?

What is the discount rate?

What is the prime rate?

What is the federal funds rate?

14. (1) Price points move along which curve (supply or demand)?

15. (2) What is Equilibrium? Discuss using a real estate example

16. (3) What is a recession and discuss how it might effect real estate markets. Provide

an example to illustrate your answer.

17. (7) If the Fed wishes to stimulate economic activity to fight a recession what

actions might it take and why? Please demonstrate an understanding of the

money supply, bank reserves, open-market operations, and the discount rate in your


Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. GCC Unemployment Rates and Inflation Worksheet


  1. You hear on the news that the CPI went from 300 to 310, in one year what is the rate of inflation? Is this a high or low annual inflation rate? Please show your work

2. What would you tell a friend who reports the following

2010 2020

Nominal pay. $20/hour $25/hour

CPI 100 200

3. If you find data for a country as follows, what is the official unemployment rate? How does this compare with the current US unemployment rate? Please show your calculation.

Institutionalized population 2,000,000; Homemakers 20,000,000 Actively seeking a job 6,000,000; Working part time 20,000,000; Working full time 34,000,000; Students 3,000,000; Retired 2,000,000

4. A commentator on TV says that the official unemployment rate doesn’t fully measure all those who are unemployed? Is she correct? Why?

5. If a country has an unemployment rate of 4% and inflation at 8%, how is that country doing? Why?

6. Describe a time in US history when cyclical unemployment was very low. Estimate how high or low it was, explaining your estimate.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 3351 University of Texas Pan American The Future of Work Discussion


This is a macroeconomics Paper assignment. requires information from the “The Economist”

Attached is the instructions; please read throghly if you have any questions please ask.


ONCE you find your choice of articles you must tell me and answer these questions on (04/26/2021)

1. What is the title of the special report you have chosen? What is the date of publication?

2. Read the first article in the report. Summarize in a paragraph of 5 lines what the report will be discussing as outlined in the first article.

3. Why did you choose this report? Which chapter(s) of our book does this report relate to?

4. How many articles are in the report you chose? Will you make sure you print out all the articles in the report as soon as you can and read them as soon as possible?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. San Diego State University Market Structures and Managerial Decisions Paper



1)Competition: Pure, Monopolistic, Monopoly

You are the manager of GetMoney Inc and you produce cardboard boxes. Suppose that you hired a consultant for your company to estimate the demandfor your cardboard boxes. Your consultant determines that you are operating your business in a monopolistically competitive environment. You collect data on the price and quantity of boxes sold and send it to your consultant, who then estimates the inverse demand equation as P= 7–(1.5)*Q. Please also assume that you have a fixed cost of $1and that the variable cost as estimated by your consultant is V(Q) = 3Q + (0.5)??2.

a)What is the quantity that maximizes profitsbased upon the above information? What are the corresponding maximum profitsthat you can earn?(Please use graphs to support your answer.)

b)Considering your answer to part a, would you conclude that the profits that you earned were made over the short-run or long-run? What happens in the long-run to your profits in this type of market structure?(Please use graphs to support your answer).

c)Considering your answer to part b, what would you expect to happen to your profits if you operated your business in a monopoly? Why or why not?

2) Productionprocessesand cost theoryYou are an efficiency expert hired by a manufacturing firm that uses K and L as inputs. The firm produces and sells a given output. If w = $5, r = $11, MPL= 40, and MPK= 60.2

a.Please indicate whether your firm is employing the optimal mix of labor and capital.(Please use graphs to support your answer.)

b.Considering your answer in part a, if you concluded that your firm is not using the optimal mix of labor and capital, what must your firm do in order to employ the proper mix of labor and capital? (Please use graphs to support your answer.)

II. Essays

3) Production theory and cost processesFor this question, please find an article from a mainstream news source pertaining to the same firm you selected for your term project that discusses economies of scale and scopein the market forthe product.Please also discuss whether you think that the graphs and noted shocks are consistent with the zoom lecture on this topic. (please use graphs to support your answer).

4) Oligopoly and Game theory, pricing topicsORcompetition: Pure, Monopolistic, MonopolyFor this question, please consider the following four market structures that we covered in the zoom lectures: Pure competition, Monopolistic competition, monopoly, and oligopoly. Please select one product market that the firm you selected for your term project operates in. Of the above four market structures, which one does your firm operate within regardingits operation in this market? (Please find an article from a mainstream news source that support your answer)

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. EXON 488 UIU Discussion Question Responses


For this discussion I am going to use an example about how some states created a legal framework for flexible wages and flexible working times. This is a great example of anti-globalization policies. This affects our trade all around the world because with flexible working times it will cause less production time. As well as flexible wages that are going to be convenient for the employees and not so much the company they are working for. 

Overall, I believe that anti-globalization policies are made to help people and not help the economy. It is meant to stay in reason with the economy, but more to benefit the people. All the examples I had read were really written with a benefit towards society. 


Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Antiglobalization. Encyclopædia Britannica.


I didn’t know what anti-globalization was until now. There are so many different aspects of the economy that I have learned I do not know anything about. This is very interesting. Anti-globalization is, of course, dealing with politics and their beliefs opposed to the emergence of a one world market in which is dominated by multinational companies. 

An example from an article, “Globalization Example” by Madhuri Thakur, has an example of economic globalization. KPMG is a multi-international company that has their headquarters based in Switzerland but has satellite offices worldwide. What I really like about this example is that KPMG outsources jobs to people that live in struggling countries which creates new jobs that them and at the same time, it is saving the business money. So, a shirt sold in the U.S. more and likely made using Chinese cotton by employees in a factory in Thailand, then has to be shipped after being made on a French freighter ran by a Spanish crew. To me this does makes sense and benefits everyone involved, especially since more than one country is benefiting from this globalization. There’s a big misunderstanding with what is perceived of the trade agreements. The countries do not do a good job of explaining the direct and indirect effects from globalization. Globalization debates are tinged with nationalism, self-interest, lack of education around economic and economic understanding. Which all leads to the public’s misguided policies. Also causes negative bias in the discussion that could enable more enlightened policies. 


Globalization Example | Top 7 Real Life Example Of Globalization. (2019, June 8). EDUCBA.

?Exploring the anti-globalization bias and the public policy it creates. (n.d.). World Economic Forum.


Anti-globalization policies are meant to benefit domestic workers and companies. These policies in theory, should help maintain higher wages for the workers and keep control of the country’s economy in the hands of the local government. A common theme of those opposed to globalization is that only the rich benefit from this trade. There may in fact be some truth to this, as domestic workers in industries like manufacturing and agriculture are typically the most affected by lower wages and pricing in foreign economies. Whether anti-globalization will help or hurt local economies may be up to interpretation. Certain industries will certainly benefit, while others will be hurt. 

An example I think works well here is Brexit. This of course was a decision voted on by Britain’s to leave the European Union. Many felt the EU had not done what it was originally set out to do. Unemployment and living conditions were not up to the standards many felt they should be. Whether this will benefit Britain or not, time will tell. Another example could be the tariffs President Trump placed on imported steel and aluminum. The idea here was to reduce our dependence on foreign steel and aluminum and to boost the domestic metal industries. The results can be mixed however. Yes, domestic companies producing steel and aluminum saw increased profits but this also created a rise in the price of products requiring those materials. 

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. East Tennessee State University Economics Comparative Advantage Questions


1) the following statement true or false?

The Principle of Comparative Advantage is based on the concept of Opportunity Cost.

2) Is the following statement true or false?

A market equilibrium is not characterized by excess demand or excess supply.

3) Question. Betty can make either “120 bottles of wine and 0 boxes of chocolates” or “0 bottles of wine and 960 boxes of chocolates” or a combination of wine and chocolates. For parts (a) through (c) of this question assume that Betty’s Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) reflects the property of constant opportunity costs.

a. [5 points] Draw Betty’s PPF.

b. [5 points] Find Betty’s opportunity cost of a bottle of wine in terms of box(es) of chocolates. 

c. [10 points] Suppose Betty takes a course called WINE 103. After the semester is over she realizes that she can now make either “288 bottles of wine and 0 boxes of chocolates” or “O bottles of wine and 960 boxes of chocolates” or a combination of wine and chocolates. Find Betty’s new opportunity cost of a box of chocolate in terms of bottle(s) of wine.

Economics Homework Help