Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. University of London Walmart Integrative Lease Obligations Discussion


M4A1: Walmart Integrative Case 7.1 (Chapter 7 p.485)

Grading and Mark Allocation:
This assignment is graded out of 100% and specific point allocation for each part of the assignment is shown in brackets ([ ]) at the end of each question. For the calculation based questions all the steps need to be shown clearly.
1. Effectively capitalize the operating lease obligations. You must first choose and justify an interest rate. Assume that all cash flows occur at the end of each year and assume 10 periods for the ‘Thereafter’ period. You will need to indicate the Present value factor and the present value for each of the period(s) examined. One suggestion for the interest rate would be to divide the interest expense for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2016, by the average of the January 31, 2016, and January 31, 2015, interest-bearing debt. [Total 50 points: 40 points for capitalization and 10 points for justification of interest rates].
2. Re-compute the long-term debt to long-term capital ratio using your capitalized operating leases. [30 points: 10 points for calculation of long-term debt to long-term capital without the capitalized operating lease and 20 points for calculation of long-term debt to long-term capital with the capitalized operating lease]
3. Based on your results in (B) discuss what insights you have obtained regarding the financial position and risk of Walmart [20 points]

***The portion below came from my book. It states to go on Walmart website to get the info. I don’t see the actual article in my book***
It is common practice for retail outlets to lease their store locations and distribution centers. Walmart is no exception. Note 11 to Walmart’s consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2016 (found online at the text website or available for download in the investor relations section of Walmart’s website), provides information on future operating lease commitments.
REQUIRED a. Effectively capitalize the operating lease obligations. You must first choose and justify an interest rate. Assume that all cash flows occur at the end of each year.
b. Recompute the long-term debt to long-term capital ratio (see Chapter 5) using your capi-talized operating leases. Comment on the results
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Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. University of London Corporate Culture of Walt Disney Company Case Study


1200 words APA.

links to the sources use this: ID; y9guo and password; 99gbgRUCeu4f. These ae the sources to be used

one attachment is an example of mind map you will draw then explain (question 2)

the second attachment has instructions of three questions, 400 words each.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. SEU The Available Job Conditions and Unemployment Rate Discussion


I’m working on a macro economics discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Explain with relevant data sources from .

If a decrease in the unemployment rate isn’t necessarily a sign of an improving.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. San Jose State University Circular Flow Model Responses


Please read The Below First

I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Heroetc.

Someone that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.

Someone who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.

I have word documents attached with the instructions.

Then let me know. 

Thank you.

Subjects are:


This is the book that is used:

Macroeconomics Brief Edition


McConnell, C. R., Brue, S. L., & Flynn, S. M. (2012). Macroeconomics: Brief edition (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Your answers will be original?

The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?

Please answer:

1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.

2. Your answers will be all original?

3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?

Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. FIN 500 SEU Effect of Varying Financial Sources on Funds Total Cost Discussion


I’m working on a finance discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Can the firm affect its overall cost of funds, either favorably or unfavorably, by varying the mixture of financing sources used?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 201 Decrease in Unemployment Rate & Improving Economy Discussion


I’m working on a macro economics discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Explain with relevant data sources from the attached file and

If a decrease in the unemployment rate isn’t necessarily a sign of an improving.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. FIN 645 Portfolio




The final project for this course is the creation of a portfolio. You are to solve all problems using the Excel spreadsheet. You will select two stocks, two bonds, an equity index (S & P 500, Russell 1000, Wilshire 5000, etc.) and a risk-free asset (Treasury bill, note, or bond) of your choice. The securities should be those of well known companies with investment grade bonds and high-quality, blue chip stocks. As you know, the risk-free asset is a Treasury security. The quality of the companies would make it easier for you to find the financial data/information. You will solve all the problems outlined in the Main Elements section using an Excel spreadsheet

Prompt will not copy/paste properly. Please refer to the attached Prompt.docx

Main Elements

Create a portfolio for two stocks, two bonds, an equity index (S & P 500, Russell 1000, Wilshire 5000, etc.) and a risk-free asset (Treasury bill, note, or bond) of your choice. Complete the following sections in the portfolio:

10 Main Elements; some with supporting written components


Find Attached


Rubric. Please Review.

4 Excel Workbooks. Useful templates. You won’t need all of them, but quite a few will be of use.


Excel Workbook. Please complete all work in Microsoft Excel; Preferably all in one Workbook with several Sheets.

Word document for supporting written components [requirements in bold]

In 7 days please provide (Word .docx)

Or as soon as you have it done.

Please choose securities from the US Market. [NASDQ, S&P500, US Bond, ect]


  • Stocks
    • .
    • .
  • Bonds
    • .
    • .
  • Index Company
    • .
  • Risk Free Asset
    • .
    • .

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Diablo Valley College Graphing Perfect Competition Table Analysis


Quantity TC ATC AVC MC TR AR MR Profit/unit Total profit

0 10

1 15

2 18

3 20

4 21

5 23

6 26

7 30

8 35

9 41

10 48

11 56

-1- plot the ATC, AVC and AFC curves on graph paper. You should spread the information for the costs, which you will have plotted on the vertical axis, such that it will fill the whole page. This should be a large graph because you will be adding the different prices to plot the individual demand curve. (Make 3 copies to add the information for different prices, below.)

-2- to that graph add the demand at price $5 (it will be a horizontal line since this is pure competition)

-3- shade the area of economic profit

– 4- on a separate graph of the cost curves – use the second copy of the cost information- add a demand curve at a price of $4

-5 – shade the area of loss or profit

-6- If you were to close down at price $4, shade the area of the loss

– 7 – on copy 3 of the graph curves, plot the demand curve at price $2.60 – now you see why the graph needs to be very accurate and as large as possible on your graph page

-8- shade the area of loss at price $2.60.

– 9 – if you were to close down at price $2.60 shade the loss area?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University Saudi Arabia Vision Essay


The Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 stated SMEs (Small-Medium Size Enterprises) struggles to access adequate funding from the financial institutions. Offer two recommendations specific to how this struggle should be effectively addressed and be in alignment with Saudi Vision 2030.These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

—–This week’s Discussion Question asks you to discuss the important questions financial managers should ask:

  • What level of assets are needed to operate?
  • How to finance those assets or raise capital? (The firm can use equity or debt financing or combination of both.)

Select a publicly traded company (make sure your selected company is different from your classmates’) based in the KSA and look (in terms of percentage) at how it finances its operations using equity or debt financing.

You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post’s answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

There is also a Live Session this week.

Finance Principles for this module

  • Principle 3: Risk Requires a Reward—We don’t take additional risk unless we are compensated with additional return.
  • Principle 5: Conflicts of Interest Cause Agency Problems—Conflicts of interest between owners and managers can create challenges for optimal efficiency and value creation in organizations.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify business and financial risk and their measurement.
  2. Discuss the relationship between operating, financial, and combined leverage.
  3. Recognize the concept of an optimal capital structure.
  4. Calculate break-even points.
  5. Use the basic tools of capital structure management.



Chapter 12 in Foundations of Finance – Determining the Financing Mix

Hamrouni, A., Boussaada, R., & Toumi, N. B. (2019). Corporate social responsibility disclosure and debt financing. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 20(4), 394-415.

Li, Z., Li, Q., & Zeng, Y. (2020). Contraction flexibility, operating leverage, and financial leverage. Journal of Management Science and Engineering.


Chapter 12 PowerPoint slides انقر لعرض المزيد من الخيارات SEU_FIN500_PPT_Mod07_Ch12.pptx – التنسيقات البديلة in Foundations of Finance – Determining the Financing Mix

Yan, C., & Huang, K. X. D. (2020). Financial cycle and business cycle: An empirical analysis based on the data from the U.S. Economic Modelling.

Economics Homework Help