Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. SNHU Software System Development Discussion


Throughout this course, you have learned about user-centered systems design and evaluation. Specifically, you have learned how to employ user-centered methodologies in the design of information technology applications and systems, to analyze user problems to inform user-centered design solutions, and to evaluate the design and development of a user-centered system. As user-centered design solutions are implemented, it is critical to consider the ethical impact. Although IT professionals design solutions that focus on user requirements and user needs, a system could have an unethical component that creates long-term problems for users, organizations, and society.

For this week’s discussion:

  • Review the three ethical scenarios.
  • Select one scenario.
  • Answer the questions to reflect on how you would handle the situation.

In your initial post, be sure to communicate to your peers which scenario you selected.

Scenario One: Imagine you are leading user testing for a software system development team of a large organization. Before beginning the user testing, you have users sign a nondisclosure agreement (NDA). At some point in the system development, you discover that one of the users violated the NDA and disclosed information to potential users of the system. You became aware of this after user testing was completed. If you select this scenario, reflect on the following:

  • How would you respond, and what would you do?
  • How would your decision and actions impact others?
  • What have you learned in this course to help you address an ethical dilemma like this?

Scenario Two: Imagine you are a developer for a small start-up, and your project team recently collected user data from surveys. This user data contains first- and last-name information, phone numbers, and geographical information, as well as data on personal preferences and on user behaviors with an interface. A few weeks before your project team launches the system, you receive an email from a colleague you admire. This colleague works for a company you have been thinking about working for. The company is also a competitor of your current company because they share a similar user base. In the email, your colleague asks you to forward the data you gathered. By forwarding the data, you can save your colleague’s company time, money, and resources. If you select this scenario, reflect on the following:

  • How would you respond, and what would you do?
  • Who is responsible for the data and protecting its privacy?
  • What impact would you have on your current organization and on the surveyed users if you decide to share that information?

Scenario Three: Imagine you are a UX designer for a new augmented reality (AR) medical system. You love the innovative design that the interface offers to users, but there is a problem with its accessibility. Doctors, nurses, other medical staff, and patients need to use the system. Currently, the AR that you and your team developed is not usable by those who have vision or hearing disabilities. Another developer on your project team claims that the system is ready to be released on the market and sold to hospitals. If you select this scenario, reflect on the following:

  • How would you respond, and what would you do?
  • Is the technology ready to be released on the market?
  • How much consideration should you and your company give to the AR user experience for those users who may have a disability?

In your responses to your peers, explain why you agree or disagree with their responses and support your position using ethical principles.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Industry Certifications Discussion


In this discussion, you will reflect on your course experience and think about industry certifications and what they can do for you. In your initial post, make sure that you address at least one reflection question, as well as the certification question.

Course Reflection Questions:

  • What is your the biggest course takeaway?
  • What do you feel was the most important aspect of the course?
  • Is this course what you anticipated or what you thought it would be? Are assumptions you had about the industry or the work different now?

Certification Question:

  • Now that you have thought about your career aspirations in Module One and learned about certifications here in Module Eight, what certifications are targeted toward your desired job role?

Ryan Taylor posted Oct 18, 2021 7:21 AM



My biggest course takeaway was learning about the CIA Triad and the fundamental security design principles. These two concepts are the cornerstones of cybersecurity. We focused a lot of time on learning these and going over different scenarios that we will see in our future of cybersecurity. These principles and concepts are powerful mental tools for approaching security that never go out of date.

I’m already working in my field of study at Los Alamos National Laboratory but wanted to further my education in the field as technology is always changing, oh yeah and a raise in pay, ha. Some of the certifications that I would like to obtain would be Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Authorization Professional (CAP), Certified Cyber Forensics (CCFP), Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), and an ISSEP. I have been really looking into working with the NSA for a long time now, have even had the opportunity to work with them at the lab on a couple of things. I find I have been leaning towards forensics and National security accepts of my career and want to get more involved in those.

It has been great learning with all of you this term and looking forward to next term! Good luck with your future endeavors!!



Works Cited

Kim and Solomon. (2016, October). Fundamentals of Information System Security, 3Rd Edition.

Mason Voorhees posted Oct 18, 2021 10:02 AM


Hey Class,

When taking this course my biggest take away was understanding threat actors, I think it is very important to know about each type of threat so when I am working, I can keep this in mind, My work uses key cards and other security methods but I never new about a tailgator which is someone who does not have access gains access by someone holding the door open for them. I do this all the time which freaked me out ot know this was a real issue.
I feel this whole course is so important. At work I needed to take cybersecurity trainign which was alot like this course. The main difference between the course at work and this class was the amount of depth. I think my work did a great job on training me though because I leard about many types of attacks like phishing, defense in depth, principles like principle of least privilage. All of this course was very infomative and needed.
This class was not what I thought it was, I thought it was going to invovle programming or creating a security system. After taking the course Im very happy that it was the way it was, it taught me so much about cybersecurity.
For certifications, for my career I dont think I require any of these certifactions needed to become a full stack developer. But a certificaton that strikes my interest has to be a CISM certification. This stands for Certified Information Security Manager. I would want this certification because of how desireable it is by employers and also because it shows how devoted I am to making sure I know the most about security. This would mean I have the mind set of someone who wants to keep there data secure.
Cybersecurity is a topic that needs to be taught to anyone in the techinical field because of how serious attack can get. I recently had a phishing attack on my companies emails which was a pretty serious attack to obtain passwords and usernames of employees. 

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Researchers Rights Under the Law Discussion


“The U.S. Congress passed a law setting up a National Do Not Call Registry. By law, salespeople may not call numbers listed on this registry, but charities and researchers can still call these numbers. However, a recent Internet survey showed that less than 25% of respondents knew that researchers “are allowed to call,” and over half (63%) weren’t sure about researchers’ rights under the law”.

Use your recent knowledge from Chapter 9 and provide the answer to the followings:

  • Was an online survey the best medium for a poll on this subject?
  • How might the results have differed if this poll had been conducted by telephone?
  • As a researcher, how would you address people’s doubts about whether pollsters may contact households listed on the Do Not Call Registry?
  • What were some pros and cons of conducting this poll online?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Engineering Problem Definition Process Question


Use the problem-definition process outlined in Chapter 6 of the Zikmund textbook, then respond to the following question:

  • Describe the steps involved in the problem-definition process.
  • Evaluate the following statement of business research problems. For each, provide a decision statement and corresponding research purpose:
  • An employees’ credit union: Our problem is to determine the reasons why employees join the credit union, determine members’ awareness of credit union services, and measure attitudes and beliefs about how effectively the credit union is operated.
  • The producer of a television show: We have a marketing problem. The program’s ratings are low. We need to learn how we can improve our ratings.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Fourth Amendment of the Constitution Discussion


  1. Question I – The appellate court decides that the trial court committed reversible error by including evidence found by law enforcement. Law enforcement discovered this evidence when committing a Fourth Amendment violation, which should have been excluded at trial. This inadmissible evidence was the lynchpin of the prosecutor’s case, which resulted in a conviction. Where does the case go from here? Is the Defendant free to go? Does it go back to the trial court? Does it go all the way up to the Supreme Court?
    Question II – Lonnie dies while working on a barge. Lonnie’s widow sues the barge company in state court. The Parties agree on the facts and cause of Lonnie’s death; however, they do not agree whether the Longshoreman Act should apply to this case. Lonnie’s widow has already received a remedy in a separate administrative action as part of a workers’ compensation claim. The Longshoreman Act would allow the decedent’s family to pursue an action in court, even if the family has agreed to a settlement as part of the worker’s compensation action. If the Longshoreman Act does not apply, then the decedent’s family will have no remedy in court. Prior to trial, what motion should the barge company’s attorney make? What must this attorney prove in order for her motion to be successful?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University The Court Trials Discussion Questions


  1. Question I – The appellate court decides that the trial court committed reversible error by including evidence found by law enforcement. Law enforcement discovered this evidence when committing a Fourth Amendment violation, which should have been excluded at trial. This inadmissible evidence was the lynchpin of the prosecutor’s case, which resulted in a conviction. Where does the case go from here? Is the Defendant free to go? Does it go back to the trial court? Does it go all the way up to the Supreme Court?
    Question II – Lonnie dies while working on a barge. Lonnie’s widow sues the barge company in state court. The Parties agree on the facts and cause of Lonnie’s death; however, they do not agree whether the Longshoreman Act should apply to this case. Lonnie’s widow has already received a remedy in a separate administrative action as part of a workers’ compensation claim. The Longshoreman Act would allow the decedent’s family to pursue an action in court, even if the family has agreed to a settlement as part of the worker’s compensation action. If the Longshoreman Act does not apply, then the decedent’s family will have no remedy in court. Prior to trial, what motion should the barge company’s attorney make? What must this attorney prove in order for her motion to be successful?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ITS 833 Campbellsville University Information Governance and Challenges Paper


Your final project paper is broken down into 3 parts, worth a total of 600 points towards your final grade. This milestone is worth 100 points.

For this piece of that assignment, you will write the introduction to your final portfolio project (2-3 pages), comprehensively describing the industry you are choosing to use in the paper and preliminary challenges with information governance that you have identified. Be sure to utilize 3-5 sources from the UC Library.

Review the instructions in the Portfolio Project document first (attached here). Each milestone is a separate writing assignment, leading up to the final submission in week 7.

Expectations are that it will be a scholarly work, using largely peer-reviewed resources, formatted to APA 7 style. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are significantly weighted. Any instance of plagiarism will result in a 0 on the activity (first offense) or failing the course (2nd offense).

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Manufacturing Techniques of Soda Cans Presentation


Hi this assignment is for the Engineering material class,  for this assignment I want you to create a Powerpoint about the manufacturing techniques of soda cans. Including how soda cans manufactured with details of each step, and I want you to identify what is happened during each step with the use of the appropriate manufacturing techniques. Note Example for Manufacturing techniques ( casting, injection molding, extrusion, pressing,rolling, float method) etc. So please do it professionally as a mechanical engineer. 

Engineering Homework Help