Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Westcliff University Digital Transformation for Businesses PPT


Need help with my Information Technology question – I’m studying for my class.

Digital Transformation For Business


Data Warehouse

BYOD,BYOA,ERP system, Introduction , advantages ,conclusion and references please.

Please provide ppt and a document with ppt content please. 

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Methods of Prototyping Discussion


Prototyping is an essential part of the iterative design process. The purpose of prototyping is to allow users and various stakeholders to interact with the product being developed and test usability. Most importantly, prototyping allows designers and developers to make essential design decisions throughout the iterative process. Depending on the product being designed, your prototype selection may vary.

Choose a category of software from the following list:

  • New website
  • Revision of a website
  • New smartphone app
  • Update of an accounting software system

Now you are planning to develop or modify your chosen category. What type of prototype do you use? Address the following as you justify your choice:

  • What is it you want to learn from prototyping?
  • What does your chosen prototype offer that other methods do not?
  • What steps would you have to take to create your prototype?

In your responses to your peers, provide constructive feedback on their prototyping choices. Possible suggestions include:

  • Describing additional steps that may be needed
  • Explaining why an alternate prototyping method might work as well
  • initial a couple of paragraphs. responses a paragraph each

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. PHY 122 Kwantlen Polytechnic University Mechanical Waves & Light Questions


8pm: Part C (5 questions – 24 marks): Mechanical Waves and Light (Units 8 – 10), Do both, choose 2 out 3, choose 1 of 2
1 h and 15 mins to write and submit (can’t be started early)

  1. Problem with standing waves (Unit 8)
  2. Problem with sound (Unit 8)
  3. Problem with light at interfaces (Unit 9)
  4. Problem with double slit (Unit 10)
  5. Problem with two-source sound interference (Unit 8/10)
  6. Problem with lens (Unit 9) – expect a ray diagram
  7. Problem with mirror (Unit 9) – expect a ray diagram

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Why Be Ethical Rather Than Compliant Discussion


4-1 Discussion: Why Be Ethical Rather Than Compliant?

Why should we be ethical? This question asks what reasons can be given to justify being ethical, not just what causes or provides incentive for being ethical. Moral philosophers have debated this question for centuries. Plato’s answer was simply that morality “pays” for the individual. Others have said that being ethical is just the right thing to do.

In your initial post , address the following topics:

  • You are an IT leader who has been asked, “Why should our company be ethical, rather than just compliant?” What reasons would you give?

In your responses to your peers’ discussion posts:

  • Discuss whether you agree or disagree with your peers’ ideas on ethics and compliance.
  • initial post a couple of paragraphs an response posts a paragraph each

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CMIT 421 University of Maryland Global Campus Linux Server Scan Report


Review Report of Linux Server (OLD) and answer the following questions in your response:

1. For this Linux system, what do you recommend fixing right away? Are there dangers if the vulnerabilities and associated threats are not fixed?
2. How do you fix the problem(s) identified? Can you defer mitigation for another time? How can the problem(s) be fixed if the system cannot be taken offline?

Judy is considering asking the pen tester to rescan the company systems using the commercial tool, Nessus. The organization has an evaluation version that can be used for 30 days. After that, the company will need to purchase the tool. The cost is significant.

3. Since some machines were already scanned with OpenVAS, should you also consider scanning the same systems with Nessus? Why or why not?
4. Conduct open source research using the internet. Roughly, what is the cost to license Nessus for one year?

Engineering Homework Help