Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Hodges University Convulsiones en Los Menores De 18 Años Ensayo

Trabajo de investigación:

*Causas de las convulsiones en los menores de 18 años y su impacto en su desempeño escolar.

5 paginas excluyendo la portada y las referencias.

APA formato, 5 referencias de no mas de 5 de años de antiguedad.

Times New Romans 12 y 2.0 de interlineado.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. University of West Alabama Bolivia Paraguay and Evo Morales Essay


1. What is the origin/meaning of the name Bolivia? (*Hint – it is named after a person)

2. Capital of Bolivia. (*They have 2)

3. Bolivia’s motto.

4. Bolivia’s monetary unit/ currency.

5. Countries that border Bolivia.

6. Language(s) spoken in Bolivia.

7. Who is Evo Morales?


8. What is the origin/meaning of the name Paraguay?

9. Capital of Paraguay.

10. Paraguay’s motto.

11. Paraguay”s monetary unit.

12. Countries that border Paraguay.

13. Language(s) spoken in Paraguay.

14. Name of the explorer who founded the city of Asunción

15. What is Teteré?

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. NUC University Preguntas Sobre la Importancia de la Comunicación

I’m working on a spanish question and need guidance to help me learn.

  1. Utiliza como base los recursos requeridos y opcionales del módulo. Además, puedes realizar una investigación en la Biblioteca Virtual o en fuentes de información confiables de la internet sobre la importancia de la comunicación. Luego, redacta un párrafo de por lo menos 5 oraciones para cada una de las siguientes premisas:
    • Presenta una definición de tu autoría sobre el concepto comunicación y su importancia.
    • Luego, busca en el Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española la definición del concepto comunicación y contrástala con la que escribiste.
    • ¿Cómo ha evolucionado la comunicación escrita, verbal, no verbal hasta nuestros tiempos? Menciona por lo menos dos (2) ejemplos.
    • Menciona y explica brevemente cuáles son los elementos de la comunicación.
  2. Reacciona a un compañero e indica con una contribución reflexiva, crítica y fundamentada en un (1) párrafo sobre su aportación al tema.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. GERMAN 101 American Military University Week 6

I’m working on a Foreign Languages exercise and need support.

Write a dialogue in German that takes place at a restaurant. Then, read two of your peers’ dialogues and ask them questions in German and/or give them specific feedback to revise their writing. Read the articles and watch the videos in this week’s lesson before you write your first post. Your dialogue must begin with an explanation in English of why your characters are using the Sie- or du-form in your dialogue.

The dialogue must be 20 lines long in German and include the following:

1. A greeting from each character in German.

2. Your dialogue must include three questions. Remember to start each question with a question word such as wie (how), was (what), warum (why), wie viel (how much), wo (where, as in a location), wohin (where to, as in, to where are you going) and woher (where from, as in, from where are you coming). Just as in English, the question words are always immediately followed by a verb, so be sure to use the correct word order.

3. Your dialogue must also include a waiter (der Kellner) or a waitress (die Kellnerin). Der Kellner oder die Kellnerin must ask you what you would like to order. Remember that the waiter or waitress is at work and does not consider you or your dining partner to be a close friend, so be sure to use the Sie-form when speaking to the waiter/waitress or being addressed by the waiter/waitress.

4. At the end of your meal, one of your characters must ask for the check. Remember that in Germany, the wait staff will not bring the check to your table until you ask for it. One character in your dialogue must ask for the check by saying: „Die Rechnung, bitte“.

5. At the end of your dialogue, remember to have the characters say goodbye to each other.

Foreign Languages Homework Help