Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Arizona State University Spanish Mexican Painter Frida Kahlo Research


I’m studying for my Spanish class and need an explanation.

Research the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.

You have probably seen her face before (her self portraits are very popular) but you might not know anything about her life and the extension of her work, so this is an opportunity to learn more about this iconic figure.

Your written research about her should be 1 page, double-spaced and include photos of her artwork.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. USH Discussion Sobre Que Historia Habita en Un Chien Andalou


Foro: ¿Qué historia habita en Un chien andalou (1929)?

¿Qué historia habita en Un chien andalou (1929)?

En este foro conversaremos sobre nuestras apreciaciones del filme Un chien andalou o Un perro andaluz, de los artistas españoles Luis Buñuel y Salvador Dalí. Se trata de un filme nada sencillo, incluso polémico, que se ha convertido en una obra de referencia clásica en la cinematografía universal. ¿Por qué razón? Es un desafío a todo orden lógico y una exaltación al movimiento surrealista que se fundamentaba en dejar fluir el inconsciente y el mundo de los sueños.

Guía Mira el filme cortesía de la Filmoteca Española (Links to an external site.) y lee el artículo: “Un perro andaluz”, la lucidez de lo irracional en una hermosa pesadilla (Links to an external site.)

  • Haz una primera intervención de un mínimo de 50 palabras en la que compartas tu valoración del filme y respondas a la siguiente pregunta: ¿Qué historia crees que habita en Un chien andalou?
  • Luego, debes reaccionar a los comentarios de dos compañeros con una contribución significativa. Evita comentario superficiales como “Me gusta lo que piensas” o un simple y escueto “Estoy de acuerdo”. El objetivo es conversar.




  • Comentario inicial de acuerdo a las guías (5 puntos)
  • Primera reacción de acuerdo a las guías (5 puntos)
  • Segunda reacción de acuerdo a las guías (5 puntos)


Filmoteca Espanola





Hola Mary espero te encuentres bien tu y tu familia, hacia monton de tiempo de no entrar por aqui contigo, necesito este trabajo es corto, y necesito dos replies todos hablaremos del mismo tema,, asi q haz tus respuestas conforme al tema. muchas gracias

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Identifying Gender of Nouns Question


I’m working on a Spanish exercise and need support.

Write a summary on “Nouns and Articles” (Links to an external site.)in your own words, in English. (5 points) First initial post Wednesday 18th at 7:00 am.

You must mention the following information:

  • How to identify gender of nouns that refer to people and have identical masculine and feminine forms.
  • Feminine / masculine endings
  • How to turn a singular noun into a plural noun, including those ending in letter “z”, and what happen to accent marks on the last syllable.
  • Definite and indefinite articles.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Grossmont College Fushaa Language Ideology Discussion


  1. According to Walters (2018) “[L]anguage – and more particularly the fuṣḥaa – became iconized as symbolizing Arabness and Arab nationalism. At the same time… given its symbolic links to a glorious past, to the religion of the majority of Arabs, and, more practically, its function as the written variety and the very medium in which the published theorizing was taking place, the fuṣḥaa was the logical choice for such a task.” (p. 485)

In 250-300 words, explain why you agree or disagree with this statement? How is this view of language reflected (or not) in the Arab world? Provide specific examples from the readings and class discussions to make your argument.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. German questions


I’m working on a foreign languages question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1.Aufgabe: Übungsgrammatik 11: Wo steht was? Wörter im Satz Read through the green pages of the worksheet. Based on the worksheet, write out in English the main word order rules for:

1. Sentences
2. W-questions
3. Yes/No questions
4. Imperative
5. Time and Place

Include a sentence (in German) to illustrate each rule you write. It’s fine to vary the sample sentences in the Übungsgrammatik for this.

Aufgabe: Übungsgrammatik 12: Wo steht was? Wörter im Satz 2. As with the previous worksheet, read through the green pages of “Wo steht was? Wörter im Satz 2”. Based on the worksheet, write out in English the main word order rules for:

1. Modal verbs
2. Separable prefix verbs
3. sein + Adjective
4. Verb + Verb
5. Noun-Verb combinations
6. Present perfect

Include a sentence (in German) to illustrate each rule you write. It’s fine to vary the sample sentences in the Übungsgrammatik for this.

3.Complete Übungen 1-5. Pay attention to which words are capitalized in the sentences. They belong at the beginning of the sentence, particularly if they would not normally be capitalized, e.g. “Wir” in 2.1 and “Jetzt” in 2.2.

4.Read through the grammar (“Folge 1: Grammatik und Aufgaben”), also available as the fifth link on the Jojo Folge 1 web page. Then complete Aufgabe 1a by writing 5 sentences. Use only the sentence elements provided (Jojo, gewesen, noch, wann, wer, etc.) Remember the word order rules!

5.Read through the Manuskript zu Folge 2. Write out (or cut and paste) all the sentences you see that are in the present perfect. Highlight or underline the present perfect forms in your sentences and put the infinitive of the verb in parentheses after the sentence. Here is an example:

Schon nach ein paar Minuten in Deutschland hat Jojo ihren Pass und ihr Geld verloren. (verlieren)

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. UNCG Massacre of Santa María de Iquique Essay


Write a short summary with the essential information about the event you investigated *include one image

– Your summary should include at the end your own reflection on the situation of the workers and peasants at the beginning of the 20th century. 1 double-spaced page.

Foreign Languages Homework Help