Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. CUNY York College Preguntas Sobre la Democracia y Libertad


I need help with a Spanish question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Para cada uno de los cuatro clips escriba 2 ideas o hechos que muestra cada uno y escribe una breve reacción (dos o tres línes sobre qué te llamó la atención o tu opinión sobre el clip).

4. Patria y Libertad: los jóveness con camisas blancas son un grupo de extrema derecha (ver información aquí: . Trabajadores: **WATCH 12 minutes, until min 47:00.

5. Ofensiva del transporte contra el gobierno: **WATCH 3 minutes, until min 54:00.

6. Fin de las huelgas. 29 de junio, anticipo del golpe de estado (Coup d’ etat). Muerte de camarógrafo: **WATCH 3 minutes, until the end.

7. Golpe de Estado, 11 de septiembre: **WATCH until the end.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. American Public University System Learning the Language and Culture of Spain Essay


  • Describe your preferences when it comes to Spanish-speaking culture
  • Describe plans for continuing learning the Spanish language. 

Discussion Description:

This week you are going  to:

1. Describe what fascinates you about Spanish culture: food, music, festivities, traditions, language, literature, film, etc…Provide specific examples and visuals. Please use one of the presentation tools we have used during our course, such as Smore,  adobe spark, or other.

2. Describe your next steps for learning Spanish language and culture

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. American Public University System Spanish Questions


Answer each questions with at least five complete sentences in Spanish.

¿Qué haces todos los días?

¿Qué hiciste la semana pasada?

¿Qué hacías de niño/a?

¿Qué estás haciendo ahora mismo?

¿Qué has hecho recientemente?

¿Qué harás en cinco años?

¿Si pudieras cambiar algo qué cambiarías sobre el uso de tecnología?

¿Qué recomiendas que haga una persona para tener una vida sana?

¿Qué sugieres que haga una persona para planear unas vacaciones a un país hispano hablante?

¿Qué le aconsejas que haga una persona para aprender un idioma como español y su cultura en ocho semanas?

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. TCC ASL Investigation Discovery & Through Deaf Eyes Film Questions


Watch: You will watch the film “Through Deaf Eyes” Afterwards, you will type a reflection based on several of the topics covered in this movie.

 your responses to the following reflection questions:

  1. What did you think of the film?
  2. What stood out for you?
  3. What did you learn about Deaf culture, community, and history?
  4. Did the film reinforce something you already knew about the Deaf community? Explain.
  5. Describe something of your experience that the film reflects.
  6. Describe anything in the film that you feel might have been left unsaid.
  7. What does the “quiz” given at the beginning of the movie reflect? What does it imply?
  8. Do these questions represent common perceptions of the Deaf? Explain.
  9. Does the film demystify issues related to deafness? Explain.
  10. What impact did the film make on your understanding of deafness and the Deaf community?


Do: Pick one of the questions below and answer an approximately 200 words (or about one page) essay if giving a thoughtful reflective answer. Be sure to use and cite outside resources to help you with your answers using MLA or APA style format.

  1. What would you see as the pros and cons of “mainstreaming,” that is, including your child in regular “hearing” classrooms? This seems to be the predominant current approach to educating deaf children. Do you agree with it or disagree, and why? What do you think a Deaf child’s experience is like in that situation?
  2. Cochlear implants are devices that create a kind of hearing based on electrical signals. Still, these implants do not recreate normal human hearing. In the Deaf Community, Cochlear Implants have been controversial because if being Deaf is a view, not a disability, it doesn’t need fixing. What, in your opinion, are the strengths and weaknesses of that argument?
  3. If a culturally Deaf person had the chance to regain full hearing, what do you suppose their decision would be and why? How do culturally Deaf people view music and signing songs? Is their view/appreciation/value of music the same as it is for hearing people?

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. W4 Exploring German Musicians and Bands Discussion


Write a Disscussion post German musicians and bands from the past to today. Listen to a variety of them and tell us which songs you liked, which you did not, and why. Finally, do your own exploring of German music online. If there is a German song or musician that you discover and really like, share it with our class. Include full references with Author, Title, Date, and Links to the songs, German/English lyrics, and more. Point out to us German language in at least one of the songs. Tell us what you like or find interesting, and why. 250 words

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. El Programa Nacional De Notificacion De Errores De Medicacion Ensayo


I’m working on a spanish writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Luego de entrar al enlace, conteste lo siguiente:
¿Cuál es el nombre de la organización y cuál es su propósito?
¿Qué recursos provee a la comunidad para evitar los errores en medicamentos?
Indique qué errores se observan en la administración de medicamentos por nebulización.

Indique las recomendaciones para evitar estos errores.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. QU Simple Spanish Questions to Answers in Spanish According to Fashion


1.¿A qué hora te despiertas de lunes a viernes? ¿y los sábados y domingos?

2.¿En qué ocaciones te pones ropa elegante?

3.¿Con quién hablaste anoche?

4.¿A qué hora te dormiste anoche?

5.¿Adónde fuiste de vacaciones el verano pasado?

6.¿En qué clase tuviste un examen la semana pasada?

7.¿Qué pides en tu restaurante favorito?

8.¿Quién te comprende?

9.¿Cuáles son los quehaceres que tenías que hacer cuando eras niño/a?

10.¿Quién cortó el césped en tu casa el verano pasado?

11.¿Cuándo fue la última vez que lavaste tu ropa?

12.¿Cuál era tu juego o juguete favorito de niño/a?

13.¿Cómo celebraste tu último cumpleaños?

14.¿Dónde conociste a tu mejor amigo/a?

15.Cuando fuiste a una fiesta recientemente, ¿qué comiste?

16.¿Quién fue tu profesor/a favorito/a de niño/a? ¿Cómo era?

17.¿Qué cosas haces dentro y fuera de la casa?

18.¿Qué te gusta comer?

19.¿Cuál es tu postre favorito?

20. ¿Cómo celebras tu cumpleaños?Please answer short questions .

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. ESL Coastline Community College Rogerian Argument Field Test Questions


Share your Rogerian Argument field test. Proceed in this order:

1. First, what was the occasion of the disagreement (context, background)?

2. Second, describe how you employed these four steps of Rogerian argument with your “adversary” (I prefer the term “partner”). Again, here are the steps you must follow during your conversation with the person:

a. Summarize the grievance between you and your partner.

b. State your partner’s position. Make sure he or she agrees that you’ve stated correctly his/her position.

c. Grant the validity of his or her position. [This is the crucial element of the dialogue, as it builds goodwill and a bridge toward resolution. Be sure to state clearly and in detail how much you respect and empathize with your partner’s position.]

d. Show how his or her position will be improved if he or she also accepts your position.

3. Finally, how did your partner in the discussion respond? Was the grievance resolved, stayed same, escalated?

For full points, follow the directions above and write clear, grammatically correct sentences, and then reply meaningfully to at least two classmates and/or Prof. Davis.

Remember, you are to engage someone in real life in Rogerian Dialogue this week, and this forum is where you share those results.

Throughout the work week, please review my feedback on your classmates’ discussion posts and on your own. These writing exercises are public because you can learn much from observing others’ writing techniques and revisions. Thank you!

Learning outcomes: Demonstrate ability to apply critical thinking and analysis. Use effective communication and interpersonal skills.

Foreign Languages Homework Help