Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. MCCRSCC Mitra Clip Delivery System Analysis


Medical Device: Mitra-Clip

  • Description: The MitraClip Delivery System is indicated for the percutaneous reduction of significant symptomatic mitral regurgitation (MR ? 3+) due to primary abnormality of the mitral apparatus [degenerative MR] in patients who have been determined to be at prohibitive risk for mitral valve surgery by a heart team, which includes a cardiac surgeon experienced in mitral valve surgery and a cardiologist experienced in mitral valve disease, and in whom existing co-morbidities would not preclude the expected benefit from reduction of the mitral regurgitation.


  • Cobalt chromium construction
  • Polyester cover designed to promote tissue growth  

Evaluate the materials of the device you were assigned and complete a Risk-Benefit evaluation.  To perform a risk/hazard assessment the following information should be collected for all materials used in the device:

  • Correct chemical identity including molecular formula, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry number, common synonyms, trade names, and a structural diagram. Gosselin et al. (1984) and Ash and Ash (1994, 1995) are excellent sources of information on existing commercial products, their components, and uses.
  • Chemical composition (if a mixture) and major impurities.
  • Production and use information.
  • Chemical and physical properties (physical state, vapor pressure, pH, solubility, chemical reactivity, etc.
  • Any structurally related chemical substances that are already on the market or in production.
  • Known or presumed biological properties.

Your Risk Benefit Evaluation Paper must include the following four (4) sections:

  • Description Overview – describe and explain the modification you made to the device. Include details of
    • material used in the modification,
    • composition of the material(s), and
    • what is known about the material(s).
  • Explain the benefits of the modification 
  • Explain the risks related to the modification
  • Provide additional factors – Depending on the device and the modification these might include:
    • Risk Mitigation
    • Substantial Equivalence Analysis
    • Uncertainty
    • Post market Data
    • Benefit for the Patient
    • Benefit for the Healthcare Provider or Caregiver
    • Characterization of the disease/condition

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. GCU Data Collection Theories and Healthcare Services Discussion



  1. Examine the primary      considerations of how health informatics data is collected, stored, and      retrieved to facilitate the meaningful use of health information by      various stakeholders.
  2. Identify the cycle of      collecting meaningful data.
  3. Describe how to analyze data in      order to evaluate and implement additions to an EHR.
  4. Discuss the evolving role of      big data and data analytics in health care settings.


  • Read “Data Governance, Data Literacy and the Management of Data Quality,” by Koltay, from International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (2016).
  • Read “HIM Coming of Age Through Information Governance and Data Governance,” by Andrews, from Journal of AHIMA (2018).
  • Read Chapter 23 in Health Informatics: An Interprofessional Approach.
  • Read “Rules for Handling and Maintaining Metadata in the EHR,” from Journal of AHIMA (2013). 


Discussion 1

Discuss various occasions in which predictive analytics are helpful and important in the health care setting. How does this impact the health informatics?

Discussion 2

Very large amounts of data are collected and stored within health care settings every day.  Additionally, multiple stakeholders need to use some of this data for a variety of purposes. Discuss the primary challenges of storing, retrieving, and using all this data in a meaningful way. What role does the informatics profession play in managing this data and in assisting others in accessing, interpreting it, and utilizing it for a variety of purposes?



Data Collection Plan

Currently, the hospital in which you work has implemented a new clinical practice that will reduce the amount of radiation to a child’s brain. The child enters the emergency room with a head injury and a Glasgow Coma Score of 14 or more, and the child is not vomiting. It has been asked that the physician not order a CT scan. To ensure that all physicians are in compliance with the practice, a report will need to be generated for the chief marketing officers at each facility. To generate the report, you are asked to create a data collection plan. Include the following criteria into your plan:

  1. Consider health informatics      regulations and standards regarding the collection of personal data.      Identify what data elements would be needed to pull the report from the      electronic health record.
  2. Discuss theories that could be      utilized when collecting data.
  3. Discuss the essential questions      that you would ask in order to ensure that you are collecting the correct      data. (Do they want the report to be on ongoing? Do they want just a      single report?)
  4. Explain how the data collected      will improve or influence the situation.
  5. Discuss how to protect the      patient’s identity when doing reporting.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Houston Community College Nursing Empathy and Self Awareness Resume


Articles, Podcast, and Videos

Reminder:   To access the LinkedIn Learning Modules:

                 All UTA students have free access to the LinkedIn Learning Modules when signing up with your student email ending in Go to (Links to an external site.)  and enter your student HCC email to access all LLMs’.


Watch the brief video on identifying beliefs, incorporating self-awareness, and employing empathy by clicking on the link below.    After reviewing the video, think about how you are going to create presence. 

LinkedIn Learning Module:  Identify beliefs to enhance self-awareness (Links to an external site.)

The use of empathy and self-awareness. Empathy is defined as an emotional component of feeling what the other person is feeling.  In other words, it’s putting yourself in the shoes of another.  The term is now most often used to refer to the ability to imagine yourself in the situation of another and experiencing the emotions, ideas, or opinions of that person.  How do you make others feel?  The focus of this module is about creating presence.  How does someone see you?  Also, how do you make them feel? 

Video: Empathy:  It Starts with You

  1. Use the video to create a resume objective or a summary of qualifications that describe your interests, intentions. Your resume should convey your vision and goal for graduation and beyond. (Word Document). 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Rasmussen College Social Work Child Abuse Paper


In a minimum of two-pages (not counting the title page and reference page) address the following:

  • Summarize the history of the social problem?
  • Discuss the effects or consequences of the social problem (negative and positive)?
  • Identify what individuals, groups, organizations, social institutions are involved? What values, beliefs, norms, and issues by whom are involved?
  • List what sociological assumption(s) fit this problem? What social factors (causes) are involved by level? (Who says so? research done?) What sociological perspectives are involved?
  • Incorporate two (2) credible resources describing the history and evolution of the chosen social problem. 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Ethical Decision


Assignment Type:

Essay (any type)




3 pages / 825 words (Double spacing)

Education Level:



English (US)

Your Deadline:

Assignment Topic:

Ethical Nursing




4 sources required

Citation Style:

APA 7th editionPurpose and Overview

The purpose of this assignment is for students to apply ethical analysis strategies to a patient safety problem.


Choose one of these three chapters in the textbook as the topic for your paper.

Chapter 14: Medical Errors: An Ongoing Threat to Quality Health Care

Chapter 16: Whistle-Blowing in Nursing

Chapter 17: Impaired Nursing Practice: Is Progress Being Made?

Write a 500- to 1100-word scholarly paper (2 to 4 pages, not including the title and reference pages) that contains the following:

Introduction. Include a description of the problem and how it affects patient safety.

Literature Review. Use a NJ State Library search interface such as OVID, Proquest, or EBSCOhost to identify at least two recent studies about this problem.

IMPORTANT(The Barcode number to use a NJ State Library search interface is 23009000775492)

Ethical Concerns. Describe at least two provisions from the ANA code of ethics that should be taken into consideration when addressing this problem.

Discussion. Discuss how nurses can apply these provisions when addressing the problem.

Conclusion. Develop a one-paragraph conclusion and recommendation for practice based on your findings.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HRP 310 Norfolk State University Current Trends in Health Care Delivery Paper


Current Trends in Health Care Delivery, HRP 310-90

Individual Assignment 3 (30 Points)

Module 4


  • Review and study Chapters 11 – 12 in the textbook (Shi & Singh, 2019).
  • Review and study the PowerPoints posted in Blackboard, Materials and Resources.
  • Use critical thinking skills and metacognition to:
    • Describe the different vulnerable and underserved populations and their health needs and summarize the major challenges they face.
    • Explain the framework used to study vulnerable populations, see Figure 11.1 in the textbook.
    • Cost, access, and quality are three major cornerstones of health care delivery. Define the three different costs of healthcare.
  • Create a thesis statement relevant to current trends in healthcare delivery. Write a 2-3-page paper in APA (2020) format, include a cover page, a reference page, three peer-reviewed references to support your rationale, and use the textbook. The paper should follow the SESC format of state, explain, support, and conclude, see the Sample Paper posted in this course.
  • Review the Rubric to maximize points.
  • book…

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Cardinal Stritch University Population Data Survey


Orlando, Florida


Paragraph style description of the place, which may include bulleted lists. The description should summarize the census data, not just list numbers in sentences. The description can refer to a table, located at the end of the report.

Table 1: Name (if used, on a new page)


Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Florida National University Health Services Administration Questions


Question 1 

  • Anxiety Disorders include 
  • Panic Disorder 
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 
  • Anxiety Disorders and phobias 
  • All of the above 
  • Question 2 
  • Approximately 1 million American adults, or about 0.1 percent of the population age 20 and younger in a given year, have schizophrenia 
  • True 
  • False 
  • Question 3 
  • Autism affects an estimated 1 to 2 per 1,000 people. Is about four times more common in boys than girls 
  • True 
  • False 
  • Question 4 
  • Fill in the blank: In reference to the supply of physicians, the number of physicians in the United States has increased rapidly in the last four decades, with an estimated _________active nonfederal physicians 
  • 945,684 
  • 845,000  
  • 845,684 
  • 855,684 
  • Question 5 
  • Long-term care is defined as health, mental health, residential or social support provided to a person with functional disabilities on an informal or formal basis over an extended period of time with the goal of maximizing the person’s independence. 
  • True 
  • False                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Question 12
  • Men with depression are less likely to suffer from depression than women, 3 to 4 million men in the United States are affected by the illness.
  • True 
  • False   
  • Question 13
  • One of the greatest challenges of long-term care is that there is no single organized formal delivery system. 
  • True
  • False  
  • Question 14
    Private health insurance is generally more restrictive in coverage of mental illness than in cover-age for somatic illness
  • Question 15
    The main types of eating disorders
    anorexia nervosa
    bulimia nervosa
    binge- eating disorder
    A and B only
    All of the above             
  • Question 16
    Which of the following is/are examples of long-term care? 
  • A young man with schizophrenia lives in sheltered housing, with financial assistance provided through a public housing voucher program and medication or counseling assistance available from an on-site staff when needed. 
  • A child with cerebral palsy attends a special needs classroom in a public school, with therapy available on-site, and her parents care for her when she is at home. 
  • An 85-year-old recovering from a broken hip receives meals on wheels during the week and relies on her daughter for meals over the weekend. 
  • An elderly couple, one of whom is blind from advanced glaucoma and one of whom is crippled with severe arthritis, uses a money-management service from a local community agency to pay their bills since neither can write a check.
  • All of the above
  • Question 17
    Women with depression experience depression about twice as often as men
  • Question 18
  • Ambulatory care services form the network for the distribution of what has become the core of health care services in the United States
  • True 
  • False          
  • Question 19
    0.54 Points
    Among the many complexes and long-standing issues facing the nation’s health care system are the uninsured and underinsured populations.
  • Question 20 
  • Ethical Issues in Organization of Services, Which of the following is/are True? 
  • The principal ethical imperative in the organization of health services is that services be organized and distributed in accordance with health needs and the ability to bene?t.
  • The development of various forms of managed care—health maintenance organizations, prepaid group practices, preferred provider organizations, and independent practice associations—raise an- other set of ethical questions.
  • The ethical issues in managed care are illustrated most sharply by the question of who decides what is medically necessary: the physician or others, the disease management program, the insurer, the employer, or the state legislature
  • A and B only 
  • A, B and C                              
  • Question 21
  • Health administration has ethical consequences that may be overlooked because they appear ethically neutral: organization, staf?ng, budgeting, supervision, consultation, procurement, logistics, records and reporting, coordination, and evaluation.
  • True
  • False      
  • Question 22
    In reference to Ethical Issues in Assuring Quality of Care: If a public health ethic requires fair and equitable distribution of medical care, then it is essential that waste and inef?ciency be eliminated. Spending scarce resources on useless medical acts is a violation of a public health ethic
  • Question 23
  • In reference to Ethical Issues in Economic Support, Which of the following is/are true? 
  • Nowhere is the public health ethical perspective clearer than on issues of economic support. 
  • It is imperative that everyone in the population has equitable access to health care services with dignity, so as not to discourage necessary utilization; in most cases, this means universal health insurance coverage
  • . From a public health perspective, ?nancial barriers to essential health care are inappropriate.
  • Economic disparity in society is a public health ethical issue related to justice. From a public health point of view, the economic resources to support health services should be fair and equitable
  • All of the above
  • Question 24
  • In reference to the future of the Pharmaceutical Industry, which of the following is/are True?
  • The pharmaceutical industry, which also encompasses biotechnology and medical device companies, faces numerous challenges for the future. 
  • Many pharmaceutical products face complex pricing issues that will fundamentally affect the pro?tability of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
  • The United States, Western Europe, select Asian nations (an expanding membership group), and other countries that conduct most of the research that produces new drugs invest in these efforts with the expectation of being paid back through product sales, and pro?ts.
  • The issue of advertising, marketing, and distribution expense is another area subject to public debate. For many drugs, about one-third of revenue is spent on advertising and promotion 
  • All of the above                  
  • Question 25
    Management involves planning, administration, regulation, and legislation
  • Question 26
    OVERARCHING PUBLIC HEALTH PRINCIPLES, which of the following assumptions is/are TRUE?  
  • Provision of care on the basis of health need, without regard to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or ability to pay
    Equity in distribution of resources, giving due regard to vulnerable groups in the population (ethnic minorities, migrants, children, pregnant women, the poor, the handicapped, and others)
    Respect for human rights—including autonomy, privacy, liberty, health, and well-being—keeping in mind social justice considerations
    A and C Only
    All of the above       
  • Question 27
  • The continued evolution of health insurance plans and the development of new forms of managed care have largely been evolutionary rather than revolutionary processes.
  • True 
  • False            
  • Question 28
    Which of the following diseases challenge United States?  
  • Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. 
  • Most types of cancers, certain infectious diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, and in?uenza, accidents, injuries and violence, mental illness, and emerging diseases 
  • The threats accruing from potential terrorist’s actions, new forms of virulent disease or the outbreak of previously dormant diseases, and even potential unknown and undetermined threats lurk in the future. 
  • Recent epidemics and threats including SARS, avian bird ?u, hemorrhagic fevers, and a host of endemic infectious diseases 
  • All of the above 

Health Medical Homework Help