Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. CUNY Hostos Community College Interview of an Older Adult Report


1.  Identify an individual over the age of 65 who is willing to be interviewed for this assignment.  This person can be a patient, relative or friend.  Because the information that you are seeking can be reflective, thoughtful and possibly intimate, discuss this assignment with the individual carefully to determine that the individual is willing to engage in the interview. Expect the interview to last one hour. 

2.  Qualitative information:  Provide a thoughtful and thorough written description of the interviewee.  Use language which is rich in description as an introduction to the interviewee.  Feel free to include interviewee’s thoughts an opinions. 

3.  Quantitative information:  (DO NOT USE THE PATIENT’S NAME, ADDRESS, ZIPCODE, DATE OF BIRTH, PHONE NUMBER, SSN OR ANY IDENTYFING INFORMATION.  Interviews that are submitted with any of this information will be returned to the student unread and ungraded.  There will be no opportunity to resubmit the paper in this instance. 

           a.  age in years

           b. gender

           c.  race/ethnicity

           d.  occupational history

           e.  position in family of origin

           f.  educational background

           g. marital or partner history

           h. religious beliefs

           i.  cultural influences

           j. living arrangements

           k.  transportation

           l. abilities and support systems

4.  POSSIBLE Interview Topics: (You may decide to ask more questions, ask these questions in a different manner or delete questions that are not pertinent to the conversation).

           a.  Tell me about your childhood, growing up years, family and what school was like for you

           b.  Tell me about your life right now:  what is going well for you, not so well

           c.  Talk about the experience of aging.  What is it like?  How do you feel?  Has it changed the way

                you live or work?  What advice would you give anyone about aging?

           d.  Does religion or spirituality play a role in your life?  Has it always?  Have your views on

                  religion/spirituality changed over the years?  If so, how?

                        d.  Do you have any health issues?

                       1)  if yes, what do you know/understand about the issues?  How do they affect your

                            daily living

           e.  Talk about your experience with the health care system.  What do you like about your

                experiences with health care?  What could the health care system do to better meet your

                needs?  What would you say to a physician about the best way to take care of you?  A nurse?                  A hospital administrator?  Anyone else?

5.  Reflection questions:

           a.  What did you learn from the interview about aging adults that was new and/or surprised


           b.  What did you learn that will be helpful to you in your own experience of aging?

           c.  What did you learn from the interview about aging adults that will be helpful to you in your

                  practice?  How might the information you used inform the development of nursing

                  interventions when interacting with older patients?

            d.  If given the opportunity to repeat this interview experience, would you do anything

                  differently?  If so, why, and what would you do?

           e.  include any additional reflections about this interview, your thoughts about aging or anything

                else that informed/informs your thinking about older adults.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. CUNY Lehman College Nursing Age Related Mobility Problems Paper


                                                Individual Assignment Option 2 – Mobility

Write a short paper describing the normal age-related changes that produce challenges in maintaining physical activity. Discuss specific physical activities that can enhance health in this population. Compare the benefit of these activities on health and address possible challenges for individuals with impaired mobility.

Identify contributing factors in development of musculoskeletal disorders and nursing interventions for osteoarthritis, fractures, gout, or podiatric problems. Devise nursing interventions and outcome measures for commonly associated problems.

Search the Internet for devices that may be used by older adults to maintain independence.

Visit the Web sites and and compare the resources available with a “general web search” and those cited by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Describe the strengths and limitations of each site.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. PHI 3633 St Thomas University Wk 5 Vital Organs & Unconscious State Discussion


  1. Name some very important organs that are not vital organs.
  2. List the functional description of all the normal vital organs, including today’s exceptions.
  3. Is it possible to live without a vital organ? Why? Example?
  4. Distinction between assisting or substituting vital organs. Bioethical analysis.
  5. Do the following practices assist or substitute the vital organ? Why?
    • Dialysis
    • Respirator
    • Ventilator
    • Tracheotomy
    • CPR
  6. Read and summarize ERD PART FIVE Introduction: (Introduction
    Christ’s redemption and saving grace embrace the whole person, especially in his or her
    illness, suffering, and death. The Catholic health care ministry faces the reality of death with
    the confidence of faith. In the face of death—for many, a time when hope seems lost—the
    Church witnesses to her belief that God has created each person for eternal life. Above all, as a witness to its faith, a Catholic health care institution will be a community
    of respect, love, and support to patients or residents and their families as they face the reality
    of death. What is hardest to face is the process of dying itself, especially the dependency, the
    helplessness, and the pain that so often accompany terminal illness. One of the primary
    purposes of medicine in caring for the dying is the relief of pain and the suffering caused by it.
    Effective management of pain in all its forms is critical in the appropriate care of the dying.
    The truth that life is a precious gift from God has profound implications for the question
    of stewardship over human life. We are not the owners of our lives and, hence, do not have
    absolute power over life. We have a duty to preserve our life and to use it for the glory of
    God, but the duty to preserve life is not absolute, for we may reject life-prolonging procedures
    that are insufficiently beneficial or excessively burdensome. Suicide and euthanasia are never
    morally acceptable options.
    The task of medicine is to care even when it cannot cure. Physicians and their patients
    must evaluate the use of the technology at their disposal. Reflection on the innate dignity of
    human life in all its dimensions and on the purpose of medical care is indispensable for
    formulating a true moral judgment about the use of technology to maintain life. The use of
    life-sustaining technology is judged in light of the Christian meaning of life, suffering, and
    death. In this way two extremes are avoided: on the one hand, an insistence on useless or
    burdensome technology even when a patient may legitimately wish to forgo it and, on the
    other hand, the withdrawal of technology with the intention of causing death. The Church’s teaching authority has addressed the moral issues concerning medically
    assisted nutrition and hydration. We are guided on this issue by Catholic teaching against
    euthanasia, which is “an action or an omission which of itself or by intention causes death, in
    order that all suffering may in this way be eliminated.” While medically assisted nutrition
    and hydration are not morally obligatory in certain cases, these forms of basic care should in
    principle be provided to all patients who need them, including patients diagnosed as being in a
    “persistent vegetative state” (PVS), because even the most severely debilitated and helpless
    patient retains the full dignity of a human person and must receive ordinary and proportionate
  7. Unconscious state: Definition.
  8. Clinical definitions of different states of unconsciousness: Compare and contrast
  9. Benefit vs Burden: bioethical analysis

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. CUNY Hostos Community College Nursing Gerontology Specialty Paper


Individual Assignment Option 1 – Gerontology Specialty

In the past few decades, the specialty of gerontological nursing has experienced profound growth. Along with the growth of the specialty, there has been a heightened awareness of the complexity of gerontological nursing, utilizing the nursing metaparadigm shown below. Investigate your own personal philosophy of older adult nursing, explore the following concepts:

Reference: Metaparadigm in Nursing. (2012). Nursing theories: Theoretical models and frameworks of nursing. Retrieved October 8, 2012 from

Complete a timeline of significant strides taken in gerontological nursing.

Identify key points/achievements in our history.

Project the future gerontological nursing, including new opportunities for our profession.

Review your course text related to “challenges for the future.” Search online professional sites (Example: Coalition of Geriatric Nursing Organizations (CGNO) to find information addressing challenges and new roles faced by the nursing profession related to care needs of the older adult. Provide the Internet sites you utilized to gain information and respond to the following questions:

1.Have we already begun to address the needs and challenges? If so, what are some of the proposed solutions?

2.What other solutions do you propose?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. University of California Social Structures Promoting Poor Health Essay


Wow! What a time to be taking this class!! A global pandemic and a race crisis that some deem a public health issue.

What do you think?

“Long overdue”: Lawmakers declare racism a public health emergency
Black and Brown Americans are susceptible to higher rates of infant mortality, heart disease and even an advanced aging process…and now Covid 19.

Read in The Guardian: (Links to an external site.)

Should we view social structures that promote poor health as a public health issues?ie does race or socioeconomic status in itself impact health? (2 pts)

Give an example of a health outcome that occurs more in minority populations and support your answer.(3pts)

Reference (3pts)

Clarity and analysis (2pts)

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Rasmussen College Post Action Report and Ethics in Triangle Report


Purpose of Assignment:

Nurses encounter ethical issues in every day nursing practice and must be able to apply ethical considerations to scenarios and your ethics.

Course Competency:
  • Critique ethical issues in current nursing practice.

You are the nurse manager of a small, four-bed emergency department. Your department received seven patients involved in a mass casualty shooting at a local grocery store two days ago. A brief overview of each client is provided below.

Brief Client Overviews
  1. Pregnant female: 32-years-old, 36 weeks gestation. Presentation to the ED: alert and oriented x 3, respiratory rate at 25 breaths/minute, radial pulses palpable, complaining of abdominal pain after being trampled during the event. Triaged as green. The course of treatment in the ED: Extensive resources (human and non-human) were used to assess the fetus. Both the patient and fetus survived and were discharged 24 hours later.
  2. Caucasian female: 45-year-old suspected shooter. Presentation to the ED: gunshot wound to the right chest, unconscious, shallow breathing at eight breaths/minute, thready radial pulse. Triaged as red. The course of treatment in the ED: Patient was aggressively treated, but an argument ensued between staff members upon discovering that she was the suspected perpetrator. No further care was provided to this patient once the other patients arrived. She did not survive.
  3. Caucasian female: 52-years-old, HIV positive. Presentation to the ED: gunshot wound to the right leg, confused, respirations shallow at 40 breaths/minute, no palpable radial pulse. Triaged as red. The course of treatment in the ED: Aggressive treatment of the individual, including first access to the OR. She is stable and recovering in the ICU. Upon realization that this patient was HIV positive, there is much anxiety amongst the ED staff related to potential exposure with the substantial blood loss the patient experienced.
  4. African American male: 45-year-old Iraqi war veteran, history of PTSD, allegedly shot the perpetrator. Presentation to the ED: No visible physical injuries, hyperventilating at 45 breaths/minute, light-headed, palpable pulse. Triaged as green. The course of treatment in the ED: Patient was observed by ED nursing staff for several hours and released to police for questioning regarding the event.
  5. Hispanic male child: 6 years-old. Presentation to the ED: gunshot wound to the abdomen, unconscious, no spontaneous respirations, radial pulse not palpable. Triaged as red. The course of treatment in the ED: Extensive treatment was provided, including bag-mask ventilation, intubation, wound care, cardiac monitoring, and blood transfusions. The patient did not survive.
  6. Hispanic female: 29-years-old, mother to the six-year-old patient. Presentation to the ED: open fracture to the left leg, hysterically screaming for her child, climbing out of gurney, palpable radial pulse, respirations at 40 breaths per minute. Triaged as yellow. The course of treatment in the ED: Wound care and stabilization of fractured leg after administration of a sedative. She was the second patient to the OR. The client was kept separated from her child during the incident and not informed of his death until the following day. She is stable and recovering on the medical/surgical unit.
  7. Migrant Spanish-speaking male: age unknown, appears to be in his 50s. Presentation to the ED: lethargic, unable to communicate verbally due to the language barrier, was pointing to and holding his head, laceration noted to the forehead, respirations at 30 breaths/minutes, palpable radial pulse. He was triaged as green. The course of treatment in the ED: wound care to the laceration and monitored by nursing staff for several hours, at which time he suddenly became unresponsive. A CT scan revealed a subdural hematoma, and he is in a vegetative state. No attempts were made to find a Spanish-speaking individual to assist in assessing the confusion or pain when he was still conscious.

The Chief Nursing Administrator of your facility has requested a post-action report focusing on the triaging and outcomes of these seven patients. The post-action report should include:

  1. An evaluation of the triaging of each patient
  2. Was the triaging appropriate or not, and what was the associated rationale? Use evidence/resources to support your assessment.
  3. Was there evidence that personal beliefs, values, and ethics affected the health care providers’ approach to triaging the patients?
  4. An explanation of the treatment of each patient, and a judgment of whether or not the treatment was futile.
  5. The outcome of each patient.
  6. How can the outcome be associated with the triage category, the provider’s ethics, and subsequent treatment provided?
  7. Any corrective actions that will occur as a result of the event.
  8. Include ethical considerations in your corrective actions.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. UOA Personal Change Process & the Stress Management Process Discussion


Often, when reading and learning about the process of growth and change, these processes can appear to be smooth, staged, and charted-like movements. However — in reality — change can be more of a “start-stop-opps!-wait!-okay–here we go again-going forward!” kind of process!

Something often neglected in the teaching about change and learning processes are that both change and learning are actually quite messy and even uncomfortable processes! Often a plan for change needs to be re-worked or revised. People learn and grow as they change — and as a result — new information needs to be added or old information needs to be revised. Sometimes the pace of change may need to be amended. A person may need to slow down, take a breath and revise their change process. Alternately, because of new insights or confidence, a person may want to and to speed up their plan. Sometimes, a person may even realize they have missed a step and they need to work on some small points of change before they can move into the next step. As I said — it’s often messy 🙂 Oh, and did I mention? Change takes work, patience, and perseverance — stick-to-it! Care for yourself and celebrate your process — even the smallest parts.

Remember your first journal entry? It was your “Initial Reflection.” Take a minute to dig that out of your files and read over them. Now, after you finish reading it, take a minute or so and think about just how much you have learned this semester. You have read, talked about, written about, made observations about yourself and others – all with the underlying goal of learning more about stress and ways to address stress. Wow! I mean it, think for a minute just how much you have accomplished!

For this first part of your last journal entry, I’d like to review your previous PSMJ journals (PSMJ Initial Reflection, PSMJ 1, 2, and 3) and write about what you have learned about the process of change. You’ve read a lot about ways to change your reactions to stress and ways to alter health patterns to cope with stress healthfully. Plus you created a plan to address one of your stressors and you put that plan into action for one week.

Remember, this can be done in paper format, Q & A (remember it needs to be more than 5 sentence answers for credit) or video (remember to follow the regulations set in the Discussion Board Protocol): After looking back at all your journals, answer the following questions regarding your PSMJ journals.

  1. How is all this stress management really going for you?
  2. What was your biggest “a-ha” moment? What insights have you gained?
  3. How do you plan to use these insights to grow or modify your personal change process? Give a specific example or two.
  4. What is the most significant thing you have learned about the personal change process?
  5. If a friend or family member wanted to embark on a personal change process, what knowledge could you pass on to them to support their efforts?

For this second part of your last journal entry, I’d like to follow the list below and reflect on what you have learned and how you have grown your self-awareness. One purpose of this assignment is for you to develop a clearer understanding of just how much you have learned – and, give yourself some well-deserved pats on the back for your work! Another purpose is for you to consider where you want to take your learning from here. Learning does not end with a class or a degree – The world is a great big place and there is always more to know/learn/explore!

  1. What do you now know about stress in yourself that you learned during this class?
  2. What do you now know about stress in your community that you learned during this class?
  3. Describe if you handle stress differently based on what you’ve learned in this class. How?
  4. Revisit your biggest questions and/or concerns about stress in yourself and in your community. Were any of these questions answered or concerns addressed?
  5. What have you learned that has lead to a change in the way you handle stress and why?
  6. Did you gain any new awareness of or are using any new resources as a result of this course?
  7. Did you learn what you wanted to from this course? Why or why not?
  8. What is the one thing you would change about this course that you believe would make it better?
  9. What was the most helpful top 3 chapters of the textbook you felt really gave you insight?
  10. What is did you learn during this course that you think you will keep using over and over?


Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HCR 210 Rio Salado College Patient Information Handling Case Questions


I’m working on a population health writing question and need guidance to help me study.


1  of 1

Scenario 1: 

George has gonorrhea. He does not want his wife to find out and asks the physician not to let his wife know. His wife uses the same physician as her primary care provider. 

Question 1: Does the physician have an obligation to disclose the fact that the wife may have gonorrhea, maybe her husband does, and notify her that she should be tested? Why or why not?

Scenario 2: 

George has gonorrhea. He does not want his wife to find out, but he wants to protect her from the disease. He asks their family doctor to test his wife without her knowledge. When the wife comes in for her annual Pap smear, the physician tests her for gonorrhea, saying, “I just want to run another test on you to rule out a possibility.” He finds that she has been infected and treats her without telling her the diagnosis. He merely tells her, “I want you to take these antibiotics as a precaution.” 

Question 2: Did the wife have a right to know about her diagnosis in this case? Why or why not?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HCS 325 UoP Wk 3 Administrative Processes and Health Care Management Discussion


Discussion Topic

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. 

Due Thursday 

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

What planning and organizing functions are needed to be a successful manager in health care? Are you confident of your abilities in this area? Why? 

Assignment Content

Imagine you are being vetted for a managerial position at a local health care facility. As part of the process, they have provided prompts for which you must write a response.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word APA formatted paper describing the process for tracking outcomes and improving quality and safety. Include the following in your paper:

Impact of external and internal standards (Chapter 5: pages 102-107)

Role of continuous improvement in quality and safety (Chapter 7: pages 138-143; QI Tools: pages 153-157)

Plan for employee development in quality and safety (Chapter 7: pages 147-156)

Role of technology in quality and safety (Chapter 7: pages 144-146)

Health Medical Homework Help