Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Acuta Polytechnic Institute Control Convulsion Disorder Symptoms Study Questions


Article: Quetiapine versus Haloperidol in Controlling Conversion Disorder Symptoms; a Randomized Clinical Trial (Article is provided)

Questions to answer

1. What is the purpose of the study?

2. Name the study design and analytic methods.

3. List the study variables:

4. How was this sample size determined?

5. What were the inclusion/exclusion criteria? Specifically, discuss age, gender, race, specific diagnostic criteria and socioeconomic status of the participants in this trial:

6. Did the sample size [change/stay the same/disappear]? What was the final sample size?

7. How do the people who dropped out (if any) compare on measure of severity of the disorder? How did the people who dropped out compare on side effects?

8. How much more effective is this drug than older, better-known drugs?

9. What was the clinical measure used for the outcome?

10. Was the clinical outcome that was measured relevant to clients?

11. How long has this drug been on the market?

12. What is the data on the development of side effects; how long do they take to develop?

13. What is the data on side effects that might be expected to diminish over time?

14. Were measurements stopped prior to the point at which serious side effects develop?

15. Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the research. This is your opinion as to the efficacy, safety & utility of this pharmaceutical agent for the intended population.


Ghanbarizadeh, S. R., Dinpanah, H., Ghasemi, R., Salahshour, Y., Sardashti, S., Kamali, M., & Khatibi, S. R. (2018). Quetiapine versus haloperidol in controlling conversion disorder symptoms; a randomized clinical trial. Emergency, 6(1), e47.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Miami Dade College Patient Genetic and Genomics Interview and Education Project


Please see attached the instructions. You only have to do Part 1. I attached part 2 as a guide so you know what the whole project is about. Please choose a case that has sufficient information available so I can develop part 2 after. I am saying this because I paid for this project and they chose “Dai case” which did not have sufficient information. Please don’t do that one. Let me know if you have any questions. You can let me know before hand which case you will be doing that would be great.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. WU Healthcare Facilities Impacts to Community Health System Presentation


Assignment: Healthcare Options-How Does Your Community Measure Up?

What types of acute and long-term healthcare services are available in your community? Are there gaps in the types of care services available to community residents? What impact do different healthcare services have on the health of individuals and the community as a whole?

Access to a variety of healthcare options is important to the health of a community. Communities that provide a variety of healthcare services are better equipped to meet the health needs of its population. In some communities, the need for some types of services may be a greater because of the characteristics of the population. For example, more long-term care services are needed in communities with a large senior population. In Week 4, you will explore access to health services in more depth.

For this Assignment, you will examine the different types of acute and long-term healthcare services in your community, identifying any gaps in services. You will also explain how these services (or lack thereof) might impact the health of people who live in your community. You will create a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation to present your findings.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Learning Resources related to the acute healthcare facilities and services presented this week (Week 2) and the long-term healthcare facilities and services that will be presented next week (Week 3).
  • Identify the healthcare (both acute and long-term) facilities and services in your community.
  • Gather specific information about the different healthcare options that you selected, such as services, coverage, and accessibility
  • Review U.S. News & World Report’s. “2018–Healthiest Communities Rankings,” located in the Learning Resources.

The Assignment

Imagine that you are a member of a community health advocacy group whose mission is to advocate for access to comprehensive, quality healthcare in the community. You have been asked by the group to prepare a presentation for the city council that will describe the community’s current healthcare facilities and services, any gaps in services, and the impact the services or lack of services have on the community.

The presentation should be 6 to 8 slides, not including the title and the reference slides. To complete the presentation, each PowerPoint (PPT) slide (except the title, objectives, and references slides) should contain talking points in the “Speaker Notes” section of the PPT that act as a narration script for the slides. The talking points should be written as if they were going to be read word for word during the presentation while displaying the slides. You should also include information about your community’s health rankings using the U.S. News & World Report’s “2018 Healthiest Communities Rankings” interactive website.

It is not necessary to provide a recorded audio narration as part of the Assignment.

Tutorials on how to create a PowerPoint presentation and add to the “Speaker Notes” section can be found in the Walden Writing Center and in the Learning Resources.

  • Title slide
    • Title of the presentation, your name, and the date.
  • Presentation objectives: (1 slide)
    • Include 2 – 3 SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely).
  • Part 1: Acute Care Facilities (2 – 3 slides)
    • Provide acute care options-traditional and alternative-in your community. Categorize the care options instead of naming specific facilities or services. For example, most communities have multiple PCPs. Don’t list each provider. Instead, for example, state that there are five PCPs, two hospitals, three urgent care clinics, etc.
    • Provide specific, useful information about each type of facility or service, including what they offer, coverage options, and accessibility.
    • Explain the importance of acute care facilities and services on individual and community health. Address both acute and chronic health conditions and provide examples.
    • Provide talking points in the “Speaker Notes” section of the PowerPoint.
    • Cite and reference content in the slides and in the “Speaker Notes” section.
  • Part 2: Long-Term Facilities (2 – 3 slides)
    • Provide the long-term care options in your community. Similar to the way you presented acute care options, categorize the care options instead of naming specific facilities or services.
    • Provide specific, useful information about each facility or service, including what they offer, coverage options, and accessibility.
    • Explain the importance of long-term care facilities and services on individual and community health. Address both acute and chronic health conditions and provide examples.
    • Provide talking points in the “Speaker Notes” section of the PowerPoint.
    • Cite and reference content in the slides and in the “Speaker Notes” section.
  • Part 3: Gaps in Healthcare Services and Recommendations (1 – 2 slides)
    • Describe any gaps in healthcare services in your community and then explain the impact those gaps may have on individual and community health. NOTE: If you cannot identify any gaps in your community, you still need to suggest specific healthcare services that would be beneficial to your community (see next bullet).
    • Suggest specific services that you think would help fill the gaps.
    • Include your community’s health rankings from the U.S. News & World Report’s “2018 Healthiest Communities Rankings” interactive website.
    • Provide talking points in the “Speaker Notes” section of the PowerPoint.
  • Part 4: References
    • Support your content with the Learning Resources and at least one outside scholarly source.
    • If you use images from the Internet, you must cite and reference those as well.
    • All in-text citations and references must follow APA style guidelines.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. GCU Translational Research to Create Health Care Policy Discussion


*** Make a comment***

To create health care policy at the county, state, and federal level, there needs to be evidence that a change is needed. Using translational research, evidence can be garnered to show a pathway to change for better population health. A ten-year evidenced base study looked for ways to translate research into practice in suicide prevention. One of the research-based interventions found was the means for restriction to help prevent suicide (Brodsky et al., 2018).

The Wisconsin House Bill 193 to create grants to prevent suicide by firearm is a policy that is before the Wisconsin Legislature. The bill requires the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to award grants to organizations for training staff at firearm retailers or firearm range to recognize a person who may be considering suicide. The bill was introduced in March and is currently pending in the house rules committee. Firearm retailers are an important group of community members to understand the signs of suicide (Walton & Stuber, 2019). They can offer conversations about firearm laws and safety issues to their customers, and if trained on knowing the signs and symptoms of suicide, it could be the means for restriction as a method to prevent suicide. This intervention could be the last defense against someone taking their lives.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HCR 210 Rio Salado College Health Care Inequality & System Questions


I’m working on a population health writing question and need guidance to help me study.


1  of 1

Case Scenario 1: 

In 2012, Dan was a 52-year-old handyman who worked odd jobs and did not carry insurance. He earned more than 150% of the poverty level so didn’t qualify for public health coverage, yet he could not afford to pay the high medical premiums insurance companies charged people with pre-existing conditions. One day, Dan fell from a ladder while working on a project. He did not seek medical attention despite severe back pain because he could not afford to pay medical bills. After that accident, he experienced chronic shooting pain down his leg. He did not take medication for the pain because he could not afford the doctor’s visit or the cost of the prescription. Because of the pain, Dan was frequently unable to work and struggled to pay his rent and buy food.

Question 1: How does Scenario 1 exemplify the health impact of health-care inequality faced by the poor and uninsured, as described in the assigned reading?

Case Scenario 2:

In 2013, Maria was a 46-year-old Latina who worked three part-time jobs to make ends meet. Because she worked part-time, Maria did not receive insurance coverage through her employer. Because she earned over 150% of the poverty level, she did not receive public health coverage. That year, she developed a sore on her finger that began oozing pus. She tried soaking it at home, but it did not improve. Maria continued to work all of her jobs until one day coworkers noticed her to be pale, confused, and short of breath. They called 9-1-1, and Maria was taken by ambulance to the local emergency room. She was diagnosed with septic shock caused by gangrene resulting from previously undiagnosed diabetes. She required amputation of her finger and a lengthy stay in the intensive care unit. 

Question 2: Analyze the direct costs of the uninsured to the health-care system and government likely to arise in Scenario 2.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HCR 210 Rio Salado College Patient Information Handling Case Questions


I’m working on a population health writing question and need guidance to help me study.


1  of 1

Scenario 1: 

George has gonorrhea. He does not want his wife to find out and asks the physician not to let his wife know. His wife uses the same physician as her primary care provider. 

Question 1: Does the physician have an obligation to disclose the fact that the wife may have gonorrhea, maybe her husband does, and notify her that she should be tested? Why or why not?

Scenario 2: 

George has gonorrhea. He does not want his wife to find out, but he wants to protect her from the disease. He asks their family doctor to test his wife without her knowledge. When the wife comes in for her annual Pap smear, the physician tests her for gonorrhea, saying, “I just want to run another test on you to rule out a possibility.” He finds that she has been infected and treats her without telling her the diagnosis. He merely tells her, “I want you to take these antibiotics as a precaution.” 

Question 2: Did the wife have a right to know about her diagnosis in this case? Why or why not?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HCS 325 UoP Wk 3 Administrative Processes and Health Care Management Discussion


Discussion Topic

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. 

Due Thursday 

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

What planning and organizing functions are needed to be a successful manager in health care? Are you confident of your abilities in this area? Why? 

Assignment Content

Imagine you are being vetted for a managerial position at a local health care facility. As part of the process, they have provided prompts for which you must write a response.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word APA formatted paper describing the process for tracking outcomes and improving quality and safety. Include the following in your paper:

Impact of external and internal standards (Chapter 5: pages 102-107)

Role of continuous improvement in quality and safety (Chapter 7: pages 138-143; QI Tools: pages 153-157)

Plan for employee development in quality and safety (Chapter 7: pages 147-156)

Role of technology in quality and safety (Chapter 7: pages 144-146)

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. University of Guam Improving Health Care Delivery Powerpoint


Signature Assignment: Improving Health Care Delivery


Among various stakeholders, the registered nurse is an advocate for patients, their health and the care delivered to them. There is a need to evaluate the health status of vulnerable populations, to assess nursing’s role in health initiatives, and to find ways that we can help improve health. This presentation enables students to assess the role of organized efforts to influence health care delivery, and the contributions of medical technology, research findings, and societal values on our evolving health care delivery system.

This presentation will examine the role of the nurse as a health professional and leader.

  • Choose a high-risk risk population
  • Address a health care need for this population
  • What resources are provided for this population?
  • What are the economic priorities, challenges, and issues for this population?
  • What are the major ethical, societal, professional, and legal system-level issues confronting providers, insurers, public policymakers, and organizations regarding the care for this population
  • How could nursing intervene or advocate to improve the health care delivery for this population

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Family Nurse Practitioner Resume and Cover Letter


Exercise Content

  1.                   A resume is a personal document whose purpose is to promote one in a positive manner. 
  2. This resume will be a current true representation of you as a professional Nurse practitioner. 
  3. You can focus it as if you were applying for your current position
  4. Each section in the resume should have a heading. 
  5. Design should be uniform throughout the document and power words should be included. 
  6. All sections must be flawless for spelling, punctuation, grammar, truth, etc. 
  7. This resume should be accompanying by a cover letter. 
  8. Please upload your resume and cover letter as one attachment.The resume should be written as if I were to apply for a position as family nurse practitioner as well as the cover letter .

Health Medical Homework Help