Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. FNU Provide Reflected Care in The Nursing Profession Essay


Preparing Your Reflection

The BSN Essentials (AACN, 2008) outline a number of healthcare policy and advocacy competencies for the BSN-prepared nurse. Reflect on the course readings, discussion threads, and applications you have completed across this course and write a reflective essay regarding the extent to which you feel you are now prepared to (choose 4):

1.“Demonstrate the professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct.

  • Assume accountability for personal and professional behaviors.
  • Promote the image of nursing by modeling the values and articulating the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the nursing profession.
  • Demonstrate professionalism, including attention to appearance, demeanor, respect for self and others, and attention to professional boundaries with patients and families as well as among caregivers.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the history of and contemporary issues in nursing and their impact on current nursing practice.
  • Reflect on one’s own beliefs and values as they relate to professional practice.
  • Identify personal, professional, and environmental risks that impact personal and professional choices, and behaviors.
  • Communicate to the healthcare team one’s personal bias on difficult healthcare decisions that impact one’s ability to provide care.
  • Recognize the impact of attitudes, values, and expectations on the care of the very young, frail older adults, and other vulnerable populations.
  • Protect patient privacy and confidentiality of patient records and other privileged communications.
  • Access interprofessional and intra-professional resources to resolve ethical and other practice dilemmas.
  • Act to prevent unsafe, illegal, or unethical care practices.
  • Articulate the value of pursuing practice excellence, lifelong learning, and professional engagement to foster professional growth and development.
  • Recognize the relationship between personal health, self-renewal, and the ability to deliver sustained quality care.” (p. 28).


American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN]. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Norfolk State University Health Services Management Internship Discussion


Meeting the Mission Statement

The purpose of this assignment is to assess the Mission Statements of two different facilities. The two facilities are:

Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, VA

Bon Secours Southside Medical Center in Petersburg, VA

Discuss the following:

  • Describe the population, within the area of the state, that is served by each facility to include the SES, ethnic and racial percentages, the any other demographics that describe the population. You can find this information a various state and federal websites.

Contrast and Compare the Mission Statements of each facility (NOTE: contrast is how the  two sites  are different and compare is how they are alike!)

  • Review the website and discuss at least two examples of information on that website that reflects the Mission Statement.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Purdue Global University A Pregnant Patient with Asthma Discussion


Diagnose the patient based on the above findings and provide your rationale for how you arrived at the diagnosis.

Develop a treatment plan specifically for this patient, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic.

Describe community resources (using your own community) currently available in your state/city to support this patient.

Provide a communication plan that you will use to ensure the patient is an active participant in the treatment plan. Refer to therapeutic communication concepts.

  1. Utilize national standards, your pharm and/or patho book, and medical or advanced practice professional sources. Do not use patient-facing sources or general nursing texts.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. FNU Nursing Association Membership Is Very Helpful Discussion


I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Case Study, Chapter 25, Professional Nursing Associations

We are fortunate as professional Registered Nurses to have a vast array of choices to us. With that being stated we also have a professional duty to be active members of our professional associations to further evolve our careers on that of our profession.

Please answer the following:

  1. Explain how professional associations enhance the nursing profession.
  2. What professional associations do you know the most about and describe.
  3. What professional organization do you plan in participating in and why?

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Rasmussen College Orlando The Dynamic Process of Clinical Judgement Paper



  1. Evaluate factors integral to clinical       reasoning.
  2. Explain the impact of relational       inquiry when recognizing and analyzing cues to action in the process of       clinical reasoning.
  3. Integrate modes of inquiry to generate       and evaluate hypotheses in the context of clinical reasoning.
  4. Determine appropriate responses when       integrating situated cognition into clinical reasoning.
  5. Modify clinical judgement within an       iterative, outcome-based cycle of clinical reasoning and client needs.


You are a student in the last term of a BSN Program. You are preparing for an end of term exam. To help you prepare, your instructor developed three real world clinical scenarios to provide opportunities for you to apply clinical reasoning and clinical judgement. The instructor stated, “You received reports on these clients. Decide which one you need to see first and then make appropriate nursing decisions based on relevant information to promote positive client outcomes.”

The three scenarios include:

Patient One:

JR is a 55- year-old male admitted 8 hours prior for 24-hour hold to evaluate for possible myocardial infarction. Serial Troponins within normal range and 12 lead ECG indicated evidence of prior right anterior wall myocardial damage. 

Patient Two:

EH is a 40-year-old female admitted within the past hour with acute onset severe right upper quadrant pain and vomiting for the past 36 hours. Waiting on labs, ECG monitoring showing occasional premature ventricular contracts (PVCs).

Patient Three:

BW is a 21-year-old male athlete admitted yesterday with fever of 103 and diagnosis of influenza. He rested well overnight. Morning chest x-ray revealed mild infiltrates in left lower lobe. 


Record your answers to these statements.

  • Rank the three scenarios provided in       order of priority related to which client you will assess first, second       and third.
  • Defend your selection for the three       ranked scenarios.
  • Review the data below for the priority       client to determine what to assess first.
  • Chest X-ray no abnormalities noted
  • Abdominal X-ray :diffuse gas throughout       the small intestine
  • Hyperactive bowel sounds in all 4       quadrants and abdomen painful to touch
  • Pain level 10/10Sodium (Na+) 147 mmol/L
  • Potassium (K+) 2.9 mmol/L
  • Chloride (Cl-) 100 mmol/L
  • Magnesium (Mg2+) 1.4 mg/dL
  • Calcium (Ca2+) 9.2 mg/dL
  • Phosphorus (P+) 2.3 mg/dL
  • Glucose 188 mg/dL
  • Serum albumin 3.0 g/dL
  • Amylase 185 unit/L
  • Serum Creatinine 0.5 mg/dL
  • BUN 15 mg/dL
  • Alkaline Phos. 155 unit/L • Protein 8.6       g/dL Bilirubin 3.5 mg/dL
  • Formulate three hypotheses based on       cues provided
  • Select the priority hypothesis
  • Defend your selection
  • Describe an evaluation plan for the       priority hypothesis based on expected client outcomes
  • Describe the next steps in the clinical       judgement model including:
  • Actions if satisfied with client       outcomes
  • Actions if not satisfied with client       outcomes

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. West Coast University Career Services Journal Entry Discussion


After reviewing Career Services PowerPoint, submit a one- paragraph journal entry reflecting on what you learned and how you can partner with Career Services to obtain full-time employment.

RUBRIC: Content: Student discusses one benefit for each of the 8 reasons mentioned in the PowerPoint to partner with Career Services.

Health Medical Homework Help