Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Miami Dade College Nursing and the Aging Family Discussion Board


Question 1: Week 7 Discussion Question: Chapter 29, Mental Health Disorders

  • Hypochondriasis can be a problem for older adults. What situations contribute to hypochondriasis and what interventions can nurses provide that will address this problem in older adults?

Please use your textbook as, at least, one reference:

  • Eliopoulos, Charlotte; Gerontological Nursing (9th Ed. 2018). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • American psychological Association (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (6th Edition). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

Question 2: Week 7 Discussion Question: Chapter 29, Mental Health Disorders

  • Many older adults are prescribed psychotropic medications. What are the side effects of these medications and how do they impact the normal aging older adult?

Please use your textbook as, at least, one reference:

  • Eliopoulos, Charlotte; Gerontological Nursing (9th Ed. 2018). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • American psychological Association (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (6th Edition). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NURS 498L West Coast Skill Development as a Registered Nurse Student Discussion


I need help writing this prompt. I would like to do mine based on a registered nurse student and how I would like to improve my critical thinking and also confidence. Critical thinking is very important in nursing and having the confidence will help me prove myself to the preceptor and also myself. Any questions, please ask me. I will also submit a example of another students. Thank you

Prompt: Using the pre-assessments as your guide, think about your level of  professional confidence and competence with nursing skills and  knowledge. Where are the gaps? What experiences, situations, and  relationships do you believe are important to support you as you move  into professional practice?

  • Categorize your thoughts into either professional skills or professional knowledge.
  • Draft one goal to meet each of your professional development needs.
  • Develop a plan for goal achievement. How will you achieve your  professional development goals? With whom do you need to meet? What  resources do you need?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Rasmussen University Minnesota Campus Statistics in Healthcare Discussion


I’m studying for my Nursing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Discuss why it is important for a person working in health care to understand statistical concepts. Provide an example of how statistical data is used in your organization or specialty area today and what you are expected to do with this information as a practitioner.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. American Sentinel University Aurora Nursing Developing a Change Project


DDeveloping a Change Project – Part II

Develop six SMART goals an effective leader would need to successfully complete a change project.

Reading and Resources

SMART Goals Resource

Read Chapter 16 In Marquis, B.L. & Huston, C.J. (2021). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Hamilton, D Kirk, FAIA, FACHA; Orr, Robin Diane, MPH; Raboin, W Ellen, MBA, MSOD. HERD. Organizational Transformation: A Model for Joint Optimization of Culture Change and Evidence-Based Design: Health Environments Research & Design Journal; London Vol. 1, Iss. 3, (Spring 2008): 40-60.eveloping a Change Project – Part II

Choose One:



  • 1 to 3-page paper. Include title and reference pages.

Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Utica College Nursing Workflow Management Discussion


I don’t understand this Nursing question and need help to study.

Throughout my career as a nurse, I can honestly say that not many of my managers have stepped up and jumped “into the trenches” to help with workflow. However, one time I do remember one of my managers taking a computer and helping with passing medications and charting vital signs. This made me have a greater respect for her as a manager as I saw her for the first time as one of us and not just a manager behind a desk.

Reflecting on a time when I was given the role of relief charge, when I was also fairly new to nursing made me feel somewhat insecure. My first thought was “oh my goodness, I hope nothing goes wrong today”. However, the first day went by and everything worked out fine and after several months of doing the job it was easier and easier. The lack of experience at the time made me feel insecure, however as time went on and I gained more experience on the job I felt more secure in my role and was able to overcome different challenges that came my way.

Leadership is a gift; however, I don’t agree that you either have it or you don’t. I feel that some people are better leaders than others, I do feel that it can be a behavior that is learned or formed over time. In nursing, nurses become leaders without realizing sometimes through experience. When new nurses start, they often look to the more experienced nurses for help and guidance. Preceptors are considered a leadership role and can help shape and form new nurses on the unit. While I agree that some people are innate leaders, leadership training should always be implemented in areas of different competencies. While some are good with people they may not be as good or up to date on rules, laws, and governance and these are skills that can be taught (Sonnino, 2016, p. 22). A simple internet search provided multiple courses one can take to develop leadership skills and this nurse thinks that should be part of the process of becoming a leader and should also have continuing education to stay up to date as well along with proven experience in a leadership role.


Sonnino, R. (2016). Health care leadership development and training: Progress and pitfalls. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 8, 19-29.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. FSSC HCAHPS Scores in Naples Community Hospital & Physicians Regional Paper


Go to the following web site: HHS Hospital Compare website:… (Links to an external site.) 

Find data for three (3) area hospitals (Naples Community Hospital, Physicians Regional, and Health Park) .  You will then compare this data to national and Florida data through the Hospital Compare site.  You will need to explore this site to locate the comparison tables.  You will need to click through several screens to get the required data.  Select either the Survey of Patient’s Experiences OR the Timely and Effective Care tab to prepare your paper.  Your paper will focus on only the information within ONE TAB (Patient Care Experiences OR Timely & Effective Care).

  1. Your paper will address the following information:

The purposes of the data collection by the U.S. government.  Include information on the impact these scores have on hospital operations, finances, quality, safety.

Select one specific question (HCAHPS) or care issue from the collated results.  Discuss results for your institution for the selected criteria from the nursing unit level perspective compared to the two (2) other local hospitals and state and national data. Include the data you found for this one question. Do not use all the hospitals in ONE system(i.e. You would not use Lee Memorial, Cape Coral Hospital, and Gulf Coast Hospital because they are all part of Lee Health). Did you identify a gap in practice that needs improvement and could improve the score?

Develop a concrete plan using SMART Goals (Links to an external site.) to improve the score you selected for change. This section should be the focus of your paper. You must use the information (Plan-Do-Study-Act) obtained in the IHI modules to develop your plan.

The specific steps in the plan you develop must include:

The proposed interventions and timeline for implementation of the interventions

How you will measure the effectiveness or success of your plan (metric)

Timeframe for measurement of results, be specific. Must be related to the metrics you would use to measure success of your plan

a brief description of any tools or projects to be used in the proposed plan and implementation

How you will “promote” the plan to your manager and co-workers to gain support for the project

Your paper should reflect your synthesis of the literature you find with appropriate references to support your plan.  This will involve investigating patient hospital experience literature and process improvement content and methods.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. MN 581 PGU Pediatric Disorders of Eye Ears and Oral Cavity Discussion


I’m working on a nursing question and need guidance to help me learn.

Pediatric Disorders of Eye, Ears, and Oral Cavity

Share experiences that you have encountered so far in your pediatric clinical rotation, specifically with children suffering from eye, ear, or mouth illnesses or conditions. 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. MN 580 PGU Infant Growth and Development Milestones DIscussion


This unit’s discussion will address the growth and development of the child from the neonate to the young adult. Emphasis will be placed on communication with the child and family in respect to age and developmental considerations. This will build a solid knowledge base for the provider when caring for the child.

Please choose a topic to discuss and, in return, you will reply to your classmates on the other topics in order to promote a robust discussion.

Please complete each initial post in APA format following the Discussion Board grading rubric to include, but not limited to the following:

Select one of the age groups below. Apply a principle of human growth and development, identify a developmental milestone related to that age, and then discuss at least two developmental concerns or red flags from your chosen age group.

  • Newborn birth to one month old
  • Infant one month to one year old
  • Toddler one year to three years old
  • Early Childhood three to five years old
  • Middle Childhood (also known as “school aged”) five to twelve years old
  • Adolescent twelve to eighteen years old
  • Young Adult eighteen to twenty one years old

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HS 415 Purdue Global University Environmental Health Issues DIscussion


I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me learn.

Topic: Environmental Health Issues

Environmental laws, regulations, policies and programs are designed to protect the public from environmental hazards that negatively impact human health. After reviewing the instructions for the Unit 8 Assignment, choose an environmental health issue that is occurring in your community that you plan to address in your advocacy newsletter.

After choosing an issue, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the issue and why is it a problem? Provide statistics, research by local governmental and/or non-governmental agencies, information from news outlets, etc. to illustrate the problem.
  2. What actions, if any, is the community taking to address this issue? Are there laws, regulations, policies or programs that might be helpful in developing solutions?

Health Medical Homework Help