Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. University of Southern California Internal and External Environmental Factors Paper


This week, you will research and describe the internal and external factors currently affecting a healthcare organization of your choice.

  • Select a healthcare organization that you are familiar with (for-profit or not-for-profit hospital, a health system, a clinic, etc.).
    • Provide the name of the organization, the URL of its website, and a short introduction of the selected organization.
  • Explain what three (3) internal and three (3) external factors are affecting the organization.
  • Explain whether the impacts are positive or negative, and why they are positive or negative.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. University of Phoenix Importance of Vaccination for Children Responses


Post #1

Healthy People 2020 is an organization that aims to improve the health of all Americans. They provide awareness of health related issues and how to prevent them nationwide. Hence the name, leaders of Healthy People make goals for the public’s health in the next ten years and explain in detail how they plan to achieve the important and life sustaining health goals. According to Healthy People, the way health indicators are selected is by examining the major health determinants (Healthy People, 2020). The leaders of Healthy People establish health goals based on those and organize ways they can help American’s achieve those. The Leading Health Indicator topic that most applies to my job as a pediatric psychiatric nurse is the topic of mental health. According to the Healthy People Mental Health page, the leading health indictors include looking at suicide rates and how often Major Depressive Disorder happens in children and adolescents (Healthy People, 2020). This government organization is trying to reduce the incidents of Major Depressive Disorder in the people under the age of eighteen and working to reduce suicide rates everywhere. I believe this organization is doing powerful work and look forward to seeing what happens in the future.

.Post #2

Healthy people 2020 is know for setting 10 year goals in order to improve the health of Americans. A major focus is preventative health services and/or education. The leading health indicators are selected by determining high priority health issues and actions that can be taken to prevent them. These health goals must be measurable.In my community vaccine hesitancy is top priority which is under the umbrella of clinical preventative services. Vaccine-hesitant individuals tend to cluster geographically (Vasudevan, L., et al 2021). There are many families in the district that are either not vaccinated, or under-vaccinated. When they get to the school system they are required to have these required vaccinations unless they have an exemption. It can be frightful for a child to all of a sudden receive several vaccines at once, and have to go back every few months for boosters. This fear can last throughout a lifetime. These vaccines should have been given a long time ago when they were babies. Unfortunately they have to play “catch up” in kindergarten when vaccines are the scariest. I feel if parents were educated on the importance of vaccines, and keeping up with them then they would make better choices for their children. Many parents are also unaware that they are able to refuse vaccines when their children are too young for school, but once they enter a school building those vaccines are required.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HSA 421 RC Advanced Healthcare Law & Ethics Healthcare Intake Packet Presentation


Assignment Content

  • Evaluate public health policies and practices as they relate to legal and ethical implications for individuals and populations.
  • Analyze health needs, disparities, and healthcare delivery systems within the context of cultural, social, legal, political, and economic forces.
  • Examine the structure of the U.S. legal system and government as it relates to ethics, law, and core principles of public health.
  • Assess current legal and ethical principles and the application of such principles in healthcare practice.
  • Analyze ethical and legal dilemmas that healthcare workers may encounter in the medical field.
  • Examine legal requirements for managing patient information, health information documentation, the release of information, and electronic health records


You have recently been promoted to Health Services Manager at Three Mountains Regional Hospital, a small hospital located in a mid-size city in the Midwest. Three Mountains is a general medical and surgical facility with 400 beds. Last year there were approximately 62,000 emergency visits and 15,000 admissions. More than 6,000 outpatient and 10,000 inpatient surgeries were performed.

You have been asked by the CEO to create an intake packet for new patients that will help establish patient trust. Once you’ve created this packet, the CEO wants you to send an email to all hospital employees letting them know about the intake packet. You will also create a PowerPoint reviewing intake packet details for the hospital to post on its website to inform patients.


This is a great opportunity to tie everything together that you have learned! Let’s break this up into 3 parts. Deep breath – it’s easier than it seems!

Part 1: Intake Packet

  • Create a New Patient Letter in a business letter format.
  • In the letter:
  • Explain the importance of ethics
  • Explain why each part of the packet is included and how the packet is to be used
  • Include a HIPAA/Confidentiality statement and a Privacy Pledge
  • Add a line at the bottom of the form for the patient to sign acknowledging receipt
  • On a separate page, include your reference list in APA format.

Part 2: PowerPoint

Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that explains the various elements of the new patient intake packet. (Create a PowerPoint presentation.) Make sure to use the notes section below each slide to expand on the key points.

Part 3: Email

  • Write an email in a Word document that will be sent out to all hospital employees making them aware of the intake packet. (Make sure your email uses proper email formatting

Requirement/grading rubric

1. In-depth letter that fully addresses the importance of ethics, why each part of the packet is included, how the packet is to be used, a HIPAA confidentiality statement, and a patient signature line. Provides proper formatting and supporting details throughout.

2. Email contains proper email formatting (including subject line description) and contains language appropriate to the receiver. The message is in-depth and conveys the purpose of the packet.

3.Formal style is reflected in the majority of the presentation. All elements of the intake packet are included. Slides and notes section touch on key points but do not elaborate fully.

4. Reference list set up exhibits excellent attention to formatting with fonts, margins, spacing, and alphabetical entry correctly applied per APA formatting standards.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. PU Geriatric Health History & Client Information Research Paper


please see attachments of sample assignment and please the use the geriatric history form for assignment.

Tips for the Health History

  • Find a geriatric (≥65) volunteer to be a “patient”. See the sample history in the student resources module.
  • Use the correct form based on your patient’s age. They are slightly different. The forms Word documents located in the dropbox. Type directly in to the form.
  • Use concise, but complete sentences in ALL areas.
  • Address ALL items. State what the “patient reports…”, what the “patient denies…”, or what the patient is “unable to recall” or is “unknown”.
  • Explore anything the patient reports as appropriate. In other words, provide details about anything abnormal or unusual.
  • Document only SUBJECTIVE information…what the patient tells you.

Identifying and General Information

  • This is straightforward information.
  • State who is giving the information. In most cases, it is the patient and he/she would be considered reliable unless there are deficits/limitations noted. For example; if you choose a geriatric patient with early dementia, you may get some of the information from a family member who is also present.
  • You have 2 options here depending on what your patient tells you
    • The patient does NOT have a chief concern – In this case, make a statement about why the patient is here, a statement about his/her general health, and leave OLDCARTS items blank. For example; The client is here for an annual exam and reports excellent health.
    • The patient HAS a chief concern – In this case, state the concern and explore the details using OLDCARTS as appropriate. If any OLDCART item is not applicable, then state that.
      • Chief concern – document in the “patient’s” own words using quotations. For examples, “My throat hurts” or “I’ve been so depressed lately”.
      • Onset = state when the problem started
      • Location = state location of the problem if applicable. For example, for a sore throat, the location would be throat. But for depression, location would be inapplicable.
      • Duration = document frequency and how long it lasts; constant or intermittent?
      • Character/quality = state descriptors
      • Aggravating/associated factors = state what makes the problem worse and any other associated symptoms (e.g., loss of appetite, nausea, etc.)
      • Relieving factors = state what was tried to bring relief and effectiveness
      • Temporal factors = change over time. For example; has it gotten better, worse, or unchanged since onset?
      • Severity = Problems like pain, can be rated on a numeric scale. Other problems are measured based on limitations the problem has causes (e.g., cannot walk far without getting SOB, cannot drive, had to call in sick for the past week from work, etc.).
  • Address all items – Patient reports…??? or Patient denies…??? and state what is unknown…???
  • Provide details for any items the patient reports (e.g. year, treatment, complications, etc.)
  • Address all items – Patient reports…??? or Patient denies…??? and state what is unknown…???
  • Provide details for any items the patient reports (e.g. year, treatment, complications, etc.)
  • Address all items – Patient reports…??? or Patient denies…??? and state what is unknown…???
  • Provide details for any items the patient reports (e.g. year, treatment, complications, etc.)
  • Document only SUBJECTIVE information…what the patient tells you – this is a history. Do NOT document your observations – this is not a physical exam.

Chief Concern and History of Present Illness

Past Medical History

Personal and Social History

Review of Systems

Priority Systems

  • Based on the patient information, identify at least 2 systems you would pay special attention to if you were to do a physical exam.
  • For example, if the patient reported any cardiac problems, then examining the cardiac system would be a priority. If the patient has a family history of diabetes, then the endocrine system would be a priority. If the patient wears glasses and has not had an eye exam in decades, then the eyes would be a priority.
  • Give an explanation of your choice based on the information in the history. For example: The cardiac system would be a priority based on the family history of cardiovascular illnesses and the patient’s personal history of diabetes, complaints of occasional palpitations, high fat diet, and high job stress.
  • You do NOT need to cite/reference professional sources. This is not a paper.

Health Promotion Recommendations and/or Referrals

  • Based on the patient information, identify at least 2 recommendations/referrals. These may or may not be based on the priority systems.
  • For example, the diabetic patient may need diet education and followup. Any patient who reports a poor diet or has personal/family history of cardiac problems may need diet and physical activity education or visit a cardiac specialist. A patient with oral pain and lesions may need encouraged to visit a dentist
  • Give an explanation of your choice based on the information in the history. For example: Diet and physical activity education and follow-up is recommended based on the family history of cardiovascular illnesses and the patient’s personal history complaints of occasional palpitations, high fat diet, and high job stress.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Stratford University Patient Centered Care QSEN Journal


I’m supposed to write a Journal/ QSEN about the clinical i went to on Saturday. First day of this class clinical, i worked with a Tech. what you should know that is that He did really do much to help me learn. He wasn’t explaining things so well. He did not count the patients respirations but was coming up with his own number to document in the system. he was not following the two patient identifiers before providing care however he greeted every patient and seemed to be talking well with them and the patients liked him. he was also doing every thing they wanted so he was caring.

if that can help to fix in while writing. the hospital is INOVA LOUDOUN.

I have attached the instructions.

we are doing the first one PATIENT CENTERED CARE. choose one topic under it

please look at the document attached for guidance.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NURS 5024 Texas Womens University Applying the Steps of the Process for EBP Paper


PICOT QUESTION: In patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers, does treatment with adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy compared to standard wound care alone improve the rate of wound healing and/or decrease the risk of amputation?

Step 1: Formulate the Burning Clinical PICOT Question (5 points)  This means develop an intro/background on why this is an important question and then state your question.

  • Include the PICOT question that was developed by your group in Week 3.
  • Step 2: Search for the Best Evidence      (10 points)

Use each of the keywords from       the PICOT question to perform a systematic search (this skill was learned       in Week 4). Discuss how you performed your search, including search terms       and process.

Step 3: Critical Appraisal of      Evidence (Initial Thoughts) (25 points)

Create an annotated       bibliography on one qualitative and one quantitative studies that       resulted from this search. Include the following for each article:

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. MN 580 PGU Phenylketonuria Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this Nursing question and need guidance.


Topic: Pain Management, Palliative Care, Metabolic, Endocrine, Genetic, and Chronic Conditions Management PlansThis week, we will be discussing pain management, palliative care, metabolic, endocrine, genetic, and management plans with a focus on pharmacological treatment.

  1. Discussion on how recommended pharmacotherapy improves pediatric health outcomes in primary care.You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following item:
  2. Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications, follow-up plans, and referrals if needed.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Lake Sumter State College Major and Trace Minerals Nutrition Discussion


Topic: Minerals

To prepare the answers for this discussion, read chapter 7 in the textbook. You may also find and read scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals on the LSSC’s Library home page at homepage. (Links to an external site.) Select databases to find journals. You can also try Google Scholar at

As you read, ask yourself this question.

Which nutrition deficiencies tell us about our need for an adequate supply of minerals?

Minerals are used in varying amounts in the body with the major minerals having intake requirements greater than the trace minerals. Today’s popular literature is replete with information about minerals, and include the use and functions of minerals in the body.

Review the concepts pertinent to minerals both in major and trace forms:

  • Major Minerals on pages 95-107
  • Trace Minerals on pages 107-118 paying attention to iron, iodine, fluoride, zinc, chromium, and manganese

What is the application to you, your community, and globally.

After reading chapter 7 answer the questions below in the discussion forum and submit for grading. Do not submit an attachment.

  1. Define minerals
  2. List the 7 major minerals.
  3. Summarize the difference between major and trace minerals
  4. List benefits of calcium and Iron in maintaining health
  5. Comment on our pattern of dietary intake of sodium and potassium in relation to heart health

For item “5” you should validate your response by writing a clear thesis sentence and supporting it with one reference written in APA format. The reference should match question 5. Bold or underline the thesis sentence so it is easy to find.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Lake Sumter State College Informatics and Technology in Nursing Discussion


I need help with a Nursing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Think of an area of nursing practice that interests you or that you’d like to know more about. Find a current (within the last five years) quantitative and qualitative research article that addresses your area of interest. How did you decide which one was quantitative and which was qualitative? In what philosophical tradition is the quantitative article (logical empiricism, historicism, or post-modernism)?  In what philosophical tradition is the qualitative article (logical empiricism, historicism, or post-modernism)? Explain your answers. In what way did each type of research add to your knowledge about the subject? 

N-Z:  Chapter 14 addresses several issues in informatics and technology that will continue to impact the delivery of health care services in general, and nursing services specifically. Which of the technologies discussed do you think has the greatest potential for harm to patients? Explain your answer. What do you think can be done to increase patient safety regarding that technology? 

Health Medical Homework Help