Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. GCU Understanding HIT Environment Worksheet





This worksheet will be used to recommend strategies for adopting a new HIT governance plan to support the development and management of population health management initiatives for Paducah Health Medical System (PHMS) as the organization transitions to a value-based model. The worksheet includes the following components:


  • assess the goals and priorities for population health management for PHMS
  • assess end-user needs for redeveloping the current HIT system to one that supports the value-based model
  • forecast potential changes in needs and future developments for HIT
  • recommend strategies to guide existing and future HIT systems’ projects


This worksheet will form part of the HIT strategy for PHMS that you will create in the assessment.


Goals and Priorities of Population Health Management



1. Describe how HIT systems improve care. As PHMS transitions toward a value-based model through its affiliation with Lourdes Hospital, how will the new HIT system support improved care coordination between teams and across departments?




2. Identify the role of HIT in quality improvement. How will the new HIT system facilitate enhanced development of continuous quality improvement programs?




3. Evaluate HIT systems and patient engagement. How will the new HIT system support each of the following outcomes?:


  1. increased patient use of technology and patient access to data
  2. improved care continuity through electronic communication with providers
  3. coordinated patient-centered care across the organization




4. Discuss implementing mobile technology. How will the new HIT system be able to support monitoring of the significant chronic disease conditions present in rural Paducah County? What challenges and opportunities will exist for implementing mobile technology to monitor and address these disease conditions?




5. Consider patient registries and predictive modeling. How will the new HIT system adapt current hospital-based patient registries to a population-wide approach? What features must be built into a new system to support risk stratification and predictive modeling of risks?





End-User Considerations (Clinical/Workforce Needs)



6. Identify end-user changes. Given that the current HIT system may be different than the one used at Lourdes Hospital, what challenges faced by end-users will need to be identified and addressed to facilitate cross-departmental coordination of care?




7. Evaluate entering patient information. With the current HIT system, many clinicians are expressing frustrations that the time it takes to enter patient-specific information has negatively impacted workflow and productivity.


  1. What features and/or upgrades in the HIT system should be considered to mitigate these problems for end-users?
  2. How can HIT support improved documentation strategies to facilitate the transition to a value-based model?




8. Analyze interoperability and coordinated care. To better coordinate patient-centered care across departments, what improvements could be made to the current HIT system to facilitate information exchange among clinical departments (nurses, pharmacists, etc.)?




9. Assess accessing patient data at point of care. What types of HIT improvements can be implemented to improve access to patient data at the point of care?






End-User Considerations (Patient Needs)



10. Discuss increasing patient outreach. How will the new HIT system be able to support increased patient outreach for chronic care needs?




11. Evaluate streamlining patient data. What end-user interface changes will need to be implemented to support patient autonomy, and make patient-centric data more easily understood and accessible to the individual patient?




12. Discuss how HIT encourages preventative care. How will the new HIT system be used to support educating and influencing patients to seek preventative care and regular checkups?





Forecasting Change



13. Determining future training needs. How will future HIT training needs be addressed as clinicians become new members of the active medical staff and new staff are hired?




14. Discuss HIT and a value-based model. As PHMS transitions to a value-based model, what features will HIT systems need to support the financial management of the payment structure?




15. Assess innovations and integrations. As innovative changes to HIT products and technology emerge, how will these be integrated into the PHMS system without disrupting population health management?




16. Analyze HIT and future costs. How will the new HIT system achieve population health strategies without potentially increasing future costs? How will the new system support improved quality and efficiency of care delivery over time?



Recommended Strategies for Existing and Future HIT



17. Outline strategies for the current HIT system. Based on your analysis, describe the key recommended strategies for resolving issues in the current HIT system at PHMS.




18. Identify strategies for goals with population health. What are your recommended strategies for ensuring that vendors provide the HIT products and technology aligned with defined goals and population health strategies?




19. Evaluate the implementation of the new HIT system. What are your recommended strategies for implementing a new HIT system?


  • What are your strategies for facilitating organization-wide training in the new system?
  • How will this new HIT system be introduced to patients?




Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Howard University New and Dangerous Medical Condition Questions


I’m working on a nursing report and need support to help me learn.

  • Topic: Falls, cognition, Depression, and Dementia
  • Define
  • Provide background on the topic as it relates to the older adult or its applicability to the older adult.
  • What is the role of the APRN as it relates to the topic?
  • How will you make changes to your practice with regards to the topic?
  • What assessment tool if any is appropriate to assess the topic/condition?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Miami Dade College Daycare Emergency Questions


  • Click here to review the video:
  • Describe the potential short- and long-term impact on the children, their parents, and the community at large related to this situation.
  • Identify the members and roles of the emergency management team and organizations (public and private) that should be activated in Sentinel City®.
  • Reflect on the various social media and news report responses from the community.
  • Present an analysis of the risks and benefits of using social media.
  • Create two communication messages for social media:
    • Create one communication message using social media for the community at large.
    • Create a second communication message using social media directed to the parents of the children at the daycare center.
  • Discuss what should be addressed during the recovery phase for the children, parents, the community at large, and emergency responders.
  • Critical Thinking Questions:
    • Consider the strategies and infer professional team that is utilized to develop emergency preparedness and response plans.
    • What are the risks and benefits of the quick public responses that will be shared on social media?
    • What specific prevention efforts can be done to prevent a similar situation in the future?
    • What specific things should be addressed during the recovery phase for both the parents and children?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Central Virginia Community College Emergency Medical Services Essay


A historic EMS document was written in 1966, and in 1995, another historic document provided an agenda for future EMS development. Much of what was developed from both of these documents set the stage for the future of emergency medical services (EMS) as it is today. In 1966, the report listed below set the stage for EMS to begin to develop systems in every state. National Research Council. (1966). Accidental death and disability: The neglected disease of modern society. Retrieved from In 1995, the EMS Agenda for the Future proposed 14 attributes of EMS to consider for the next 30 years. You can view this document by clicking the link below. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (1995). EMS agenda for the future. Retrieved from Using these reports as a template, conduct research of modern-day EMS journals or reports, and develop an explanation for what you think will be the key areas facing EMS in the next 20 years. Your report should include a minimum of seven attributes (from the original 14) to consider. Within your homework assignment, please make sure you address the history of prehospital emergency medical care and what you believe the future of EMS will look like in another 10 to 20 years. Your homework assignment should be at least two pages (500 words). Include at least three academically credible sources

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Broward College Health Plan for Obese Populations Paper


In a 4-page paper, select a specific population and develop a specific health plan to include strategies to promote health and lifelong learning for all age groups within that specific population.

Use the 7th ed APA-the Professional format & headings are required. All levels may be needed. Cover and reference pages are not included as part of the four pages. No abstract required.

Includes a minimum of one reference from an English titled, peer-reviewed nursing journal (less than 5 years old) and one from the course textbook. (Textbook required below)

Title: Community and Public Health Nursing

Author(s): Rector, C. (2019).

Publisher, Edition: Edition: 9th ed.

ISBN: 13: 978-1-4963-7625-1

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. GTC MIPS Merit Based Incentive System Essay


Health care quality and health care policy are deeply intertwined. Not all health care providers agree on the reach and control of government entities when it comes to health care delivery and evaluation of quality.

Place yourself in the role of a medical practice administrator. You must take a position for or against participating in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).

  • Audience: Physicians within your practice
  • Briefly summarize the MIPS.
  • In a minimum of 250 words, provide your rationale for participating or not participating in MIPS.
  • In a separate paragraph, explain why your practice should align clinical practice standards to quality standards set forth by governing entities like CMS. If you chose not to participate in MIPS, explain why it is still important to align with these standards. Your explanation should include more depth beyond “because our patients deserve quality care.”
  • Optional: you may include details of MIPS quality measures to illustrate your persuasive argument.

Health Medical Homework Help